Eastern Expansion
Page 10
Her thick red curls bounced off her shoulders and jaw as she went straight to the same speed Blue had been moving at.
“Good work, Green, you were listening better than I thought.”
Smiling around him, Green made a humming noise of agreement. The vibration of her lips made Vince quiver in her grasp.
Then she pushed down hard, wedging his girth in her throat and began to gently swallow.
Her wide green eyes in that tiny petite face made him look huge between those full little lips.
Blue spared him not at all either, and sent far more of her traveling licks towards his taint. Only to pause and quite literally pull one of his nuts into her mouth completely.
Vince bucked at the attention, his hips tightening up.
“Goodness. You girls sure do learn fast. That or he really did need something out of the ordinary. Calm down, Darling. You don’t want to deprive Green of her learning experience, do you? If you get too close, I’ll have to take over. They’re not allowed to have your seed yet. It’d be unfair to the other Dryads who haven’t been picked yet.”
Green eased him out of her throat and began to diligently work him back and forth, staring him down as she smiled around him. Her lips pulled tight and her cheeks flexed as she sucked hard on him.
Vince chuckled without a care for Karya’s words and reached out, grabbing Green’s head with both hands.
He wanted to finish. Being overstimulated, his body demanded it.
Green whimpered happily and relaxed herself in his hands. Vince began to force her up and down faster and faster, the Dryad taking the abuse eagerly and doing her best to suck and lick him to death.
“Oh, Darling. Stop it.” Karya laughed and moved around to the front, releasing him.
With the gentlest of pushes, Karya eased Green out of Vince’s grasp and then pushed her down with Blue. “Get under there and help her out. I’ll finish him.”
Karya dropped down between the other two Dryads, and caught his tip with her full lips. She gave him a slow wink and rolled her tongue around the head. The tip of her tongue rubbing and flicking all over it.
Then she began moving back and forth slowly. Her lips pressing firmly to him as she gave him the perfect amount of suction.
Moaning around him, her eyes partially closed, gazing up at him from lidded eyes.
As if she knew he couldn’t handle much more, she suddenly began ramming him down her throat. No sooner had he filled her throat, than she slid him back out to the tip.
Her hands came up and began to knead and squeeze the base of his shaft as she repeatedly deep throated him.
Urging him. Demanding him to finish.
Blue and Green’s tongues slid up and down his balls, sucking on them and pulling with small nibbles of their teeth. Their tongues entwining here and there as they fought over his jewels.
Shuddering, Vince climaxed into his Dryad’s mouth.
Easing herself halfway down his shaft, she sucked roughly on him. Pulling at him even as her fingers milked him. Traveling back and forth along his length.
Groaning he leaned his head back, Blue and Green unceasing as Karya played catcher.
As his orgasm died away, Karya reached down and squeezed his balls, milking him in earnest as if she wanted to wring every drop from him.
Taking her time, she stroked away at him as she sucked and licked.
Eventually she pulled back, releasing him from her mouth.
Using the tip of her index finger, she guided what remnants of his seed could be seen on him into her mouth.
She gave him a smile and patted Blue and Green on the back.
Both of her grove wives sat up.
“Grove husband, our mistress requires you to cut your palm,” said Blue.
“Then you must also be prepared to spit, Grove husband,” said Green.
“What?” he asked, his voice sounding groggy even to his own ears.
“Please cut your palm and bleed into the Cursed One’s mouth,” Blue clarified.
“Then please spit into her mouth after that,” Green added.
“You must do this to bind her to yourself,” Blue said.
“Providing she agrees,” explained Green.
Karya had already moved over to the Cursed One. She’d gotten down on her knees beside her and eased her head back, pulling on her jaw to open her mouth.
Vince watched curiously, unsure of what was going on.
Karya looked up, and saw him watching. She gave him a sultry smile and languidly leaned down. She opened her mouth an inch above the stalker’s, making eye contact with Vince the entire time, and let his thick seed dribble out slowly between her lips.
And into the open mouth of the semi-conscious red eyed stalker. The same one he’d told Karya to bind to him in a contract.
Chapter 10
“Orcs. Orc territory,” hissed Red, slinking up to Vince’s side.
Looking over at the Cursed One, Vince still felt odd about her and what had happened between them.
After being fed his seed, blood, and spit, she’d perked right up. Almost in an unbelievable fashion. Up and about within an hour of the deed being done
Karya confirmed that Red, a nickname she’d given her personally, had accepted the contract and would follow his instructions.
That had been several days ago, and as far as he could tell, she hadn’t eaten anyone. Or anything.
“Good work, Red,” Vince said. Reaching out he smoothed her hair back and gave the base of her ears a scritch and a scratch.
Red purred and slammed into his side, pushing her head into his hand.
They’d found out early on that her strength and agility were incredible. She also had senses that made Vince’s look paltry.
If a Ranger had to have a pet, a Cursed One apparently was the way to go.
“Yes. Scratch, scratch. Scratch tail?” Red pushed her hips into his crotch, her tail lifting up.
He’d managed to talk her into wearing clothes that weren’t destroyed, but only after he’d cut a hole for her tail to go through.
Reaching into that hole, he began to gently scratch and rub at the base of her tail.
It was a consistent request of hers as a reward for things she did.
Now she hunted constantly for things so she could be rewarded.
Red purred deeply, pushing her bottom into his hand, when he started to pull back.
“No stop. Scratch, scratch. Scratch Red. Red scout. Found Orcs. Many, many Orcs. Orcs as many as Elves. Scratch?”
Vince blinked. It wasn’t good news, but the fact that she’d found it was incredibly good news.
Digging his nails into the base of her tail he scratched at it. Reaching over with his other hand, he started to rub and finger her ears as well.
“Very good job, Red. Very, very good job,” Vince said. Positive reinforcement was a big, big deal to her.
“Red good. Red need to feed. Today, tomorrow.”
Nodding his head, he put it on his to do list.
Find some prey. Bring it down alive, feed her the heart, eat the meat.
“I’ll feed you, yes. Go, make sure they don’t sneak up on us. You’re allowed to kill and eat anything that gets too close,” Vince said, giving her a light shove.
Red was more solid than she looked, and his push did nothing but move her an inch.
Nodding her head, Red gave him a feral grin, long canines sliding free of her lips. Her red reflective eyes flashed at him before she darted off.
“She’s like an animal, Lord,” Thera said, moving in close to his side.
“Master, is she truly safe?” Eva asked from his left.
“As safe as we can make her. Alright, tell everyone back there to slow down. We’ll need to figure this out before we move through the area. After this is a straight shot north to home.”
Thera nodded her head once. “I’m glad for that, Lord. I envy your time with Eva, but I’d prefer my first to be at home, rath
er than out here.”
For a split second, Vince wasn’t sure how to reply.
Then he realized what he wanted to say was what he needed to say.
“Agreed. It wouldn’t be fair to you when Eva had a chance to enjoy herself the first time. You might need to wait depending on how Fes, Petra, and Meliae are when we get home though,” Vince said, giving her a straight answer.
“I… yes, Lord. I will wait.” She turned her head to the side, but Vince would have had to have been deaf to not hear the smile in her words.
“Good. Now, how do we want to handle the Orcs? Red didn’t specify how large the territory is. Maybe if we knew their number that’d give us an idea. She said as many as the Elves but… I honestly can’t believe she can count. Sorry,” Vince said with a shrug. He didn’t want to sound rude, but it just didn’t seem likely to him.
Karya laughed softly, stretching her arms above her head.
He couldn’t help it when his eyes were instantly attracted to her impressive chest as she thrust it forward at him.
“I love it when you look at me,” Karya said, dropping her arms back down.
Vince somehow managed to strip his eyes from her and looked to Thera instead, giving her a frown and shake of his head.
Thera stared back at him, and then smiled at him. She deliberately lifted her arms above her head invitingly. As if she’d grown more confident from his earlier statement.
Playing along for a moment, Vince stared at the Dark Elf’s chest. Right up until she clearly got embarrassed and turned away, looking off into the distance.
“As to their numbers. She’s right. Something around six hundred heartbeats. It’s a very large Orc group. As to their territory, it’d take us a few days to skirt it. We don’t really have the resources for that.”
“Great,” Vince muttered. “Options?”
“Go through the mountains,” Eva offered.
“Across the territory at night?” Thera asked.
“Challenge for the right to cross. No Orc could stand up to you,” Karya supplied.
Vince stroked his fingers along his jaw and chin.
It wasn’t a bad idea actually. He could easily challenge them for the right to cross unhindered. He might even be able to challenge them for some food and water as well.
“Claim you have a Fes, name her per custom, and state that you’re challenging for the right to cross,” Karya said, urging him onward.
He’d challenged Orc leaders before, and they’d always respected a win.
Sighing, Eva shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Frustration and annoyance were clear in her body posture. “Master, I don’t like it but… it’s probably the best answer. I can’t imagine someone beating you in single combat. Ever.”
Thera let out a slow groan, her hands flexing. “I dislike this, Lord.”
“Yeah. I don’t much care for it either. I’ve never challenged for a group this large. But… it’s the quickest, shortest, and most likely to succeed. If we tried to go through or around, we could end up being forced to do the same thing anyways.” Vince shook his head. “No, Karya is right. Easier to challenge their leader, or leaders, and win. Move on, move through. If they try to renege, you two lovely Elves turn them to ash. I imagine the daily power refills have put you on another level?”
Both Elves nodded, staring out at the desolate landscape ahead of them.
Sighing, Vince looked to Karya. “You, Blue, and Green stay here and keep an eye out. Get everyone hunkered down. We’ll head over to the Orc camp in the morning. I’ll send Red over when we’re done.”
Looking back to the stretch of Waste in front of them, he shook his head.
“And speaking of Red. She said I need to feed her, so I’ll need to take an hour and go on the hunt for her.”
Karya coughed delicately. “Uhm, darling? You know I love you, right?”
Slowly, Vince turned his eyes on Karya, feeling an unknown anger already.
“I do know it. And I love you, too. But I think I’m going to be angry. I’m going to be angry, aren’t I?”
“Well, you see. Your contract with Red is that you have to feed her.”
“Yes, I’m aware.”
“You have to feed her your blood, or your seed.”
Vince blinked twice, his breath catching in his chest.
“I’d say the best bet is to have me, Blue, or Green fetch it out of you and feed her. Or you could let Red do it but I’m not sure she wouldn’t bite. Uhm, or just… pleasure yourself into her mouth?”
Karya looked suddenly unsure of herself at his lack of a reply.
Letting out a slow breath, Vince turned his head back to the Orc territory in front of them. “I’m going to punish you somehow for this. I don’t know how yet, but I’m going to. Maybe use Blue and Green in front of you on your next turn when we’re home. Where you can only watch without touching or participating.”
“Darling… don’t be unreasonable,” Karya whined, pouting prettily.
Red stalked along behind him, shadowing him.
She was as perky and energetic as could be after her meal.
He’d taken a few minutes to “feed her” since he promised he would.
In the end he’d settled for having her kneel and then taking care of himself into her mouth.
The unfortunate part was it appealed to the dark twisted dominating part of his mind that told him to break his Dryads in half.
He enjoyed feeding Red.
Thera and Eva of course flanked him as they marched inexorably towards the Orc encampment.
They could actually see the ramshackle “village” in the distance. To Vince it looked more like a number of shanty towns he’d seen on the fringes of human society.
There really are no differences, are there. We’re all the same, just separated by our skin.
A loud barking challenge cut through his thoughts.
Several Orcs charged at him from a position they’d been using to watch from.
As they closed in on him, Vince held up a hand above his head.
“I challenge your leader to combat!” Vince shouted, unsheathing his saber and holding it out in front of himself. Thinking rapidly, he recalled the word for challenge from his language lessons with Fes. Barking the single word at the Orcs he waited, his saber still held sideways in front of himself.
The trio of green-skins slowed at that, but didn’t stop. They had their weapons at the ready, eyes moving between Vince and his companions.
Shouting the same word again, Vince pumped his arm holding his saber, drawing their attention to it.
Finally, as if they hadn’t quite believed they’d heard the word the first time, they stopped and looked at one another.
Letting out an annoyed grunt, Vince kept walking. He wasn’t going to let them slow him down. He wanted to be quit of the wastes and back home.
He showed them contempt and disdain in equal measure, Vince walked right up to them and then passed by them without a care.
Vince had to shove one backwards with his left hand when it stepped in close as he went by; otherwise he ignored them.
One of the green-skins took off running in the direction Vince was heading. The other two moved further away but kept pace with him on his march.
“Truly subtle, Lord,” Thera drawled.
“Polite behavior at its finest, Master,” Eva concurred.
“Ignore weak prey. No life force. Bad meal. Good Bringer,” Red said defiantly.
“Bringer?” Vince asked, looking back at the strange creature.
“Food bringer. You bring. Red feed,” Red said, nodding her head heavily.
“Oooookay then. At least one of you approves.” Vince shook his head, looking forward.
“Red not hungry. Red would eat if rewarded though,” said the Cursed One.
“Sure. I’ll feed you again tonight. You just keep giving me those positive thoughts and support.”
Let’s train her
early and hard then. Lots of positive reinforcement.
Red slammed her hip into his side, sending him stumbling for a step.
“Scritch scratch tail,” she demanded.
As they got ever closer to their goal, it began to resemble a boiling anthill more than anything else. Orcs of every shape and size rushing about.
It almost looked as if they were in a state of panic.
“Something isn’t quite right, Lord.”
“No, no it isn’t, Thera,” Vince agreed.
“They’re not unified, Master. They’re fragmented,” Eva said after a pause.
Ah. She’s right.
In looking at it with that in mind, he clearly saw it was a bunch of smaller groups. Clans and families that were separate.
Must be a recent gathering. They’re not used to living with one another yet.
Orcs began to make way before them, forming a channel that Vince had to guess was invariably leading him to the leader of this large group.
Or leaders maybe?
That could be the problem.
Red ranged out in front of him, glaring at everyone and anything. Her clawed fingers flexed menacingly as her red eyes swept back and forth.
Thera and Eva were on high alert as well, their weapons drawn and ready.
Several Orcs stood at the end of the press of bodies. Two looked to be in their prime while the third was significantly older. His hair was black with streaks of grey in it. His face had the wrinkles gained from a life spent hard.
Walking straight to the three of them, Vince held his sword up above his head.
“By my right, and the honor I hold with my Fes, I challenge you for the right for my party to pass unrestricted through your lands, as well as for food and water.”
The old Orc’s brooding face soured and his brows came down over his lumpy face in consternation. “You have a Fes?”
“My Fes is named Berenga. She is currently pregnant with our first and could not come on my hunting trip. I and my people are returning to her now, and must cross your lands.”
“Pregnant?” The old Orc paused, then shook his head once. Eyeing Vince again he seemed to consider the situation. His eyes flicked to Red, Thera, and finally Eva.