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Desire for Dinner (A Carnal Cuisine Short)

Page 3

by Falls, K. C.

  It would have been a lot different if she was familiar to me. The fact that it’s the first time for us makes it maddening not to be able to get the visual impact of her naked body.

  He lay beneath her keenly concentrating on how her breasts felt against his stomach. They looked so perfect under that trashy (but undoubtedly expensive) corset and he wondered if perhaps they were store-bought. If they were, it was a fine job. They felt warm and soft against him.

  He felt her slide her hips down the length of his body. He guessed that she had risen to her knees when he felt the weight of her lifting from him. The smooth, cool leather of the sides of her shoes brushed his sides. His mind’s eye fought to summon up the image of her naked back over him and those sexy heels pointed at him.

  There wasn’t a lot of time for the big head to ponder her footwear, however, as she quickly brought his attention back to the far more insistent little head. Her hand was wrapped around him and he didn’t need his eyes to tell him that she was swirling his cockhead at the entrance to her vagina. His aching dick was leaking as she pulled the tender head of it along her wet opening, once, twice and then she engulfed him in her warmth.

  Oh blessed penetration at last! He let out a sigh of satisfaction and felt her settle in to a deep, but gentle rhythm as she fucked him. Her hand was busy with his balls, all but sucked into his body with the tautness of desire. She bounced on him softly and her firm thighs caressed his hips in a luscious embrace.

  Carson thrust back against her with as much movement as was his to make. The position of their bodies made certain that Kelly was still very much in control. She rode him languidly and each time his pubic bone met her mons, she gave a little moan of appreciation. Carson heard heat in every sound she made.

  In spite of her slow pace, he felt there wasn’t much time left. The build-up, the teasing, the blindfold, her coming on his face all conspired to turn him on so much that his control was very much in question. He matched deep breaths with her tantalizing movements in a tantric attempt to slow his response.

  As if in answer to his urgency, she slipped him from her and he felt her position herself facing him. She lowered herself onto his erection and drew her knees forward at his side.

  “You’ve been an excellent sport, Carson.” She reached down and gently pulled the sleep mask from his face. “I think it’s time for you to see me now. In fact, it’s time for me to see your eyes as you come into me.”

  He gratefully covered her body with his eyes. She sat atop him with his cock inside her and he devoured her ample breasts, her fine waist, her curvy little belly and her strong hips with his eyes. She hadn’t released his hands. He could look but couldn’t touch.

  She rode him with abandon. He was mesmerized by the sight of her supple curves and the tight, warm embrace of her pussy. She slid up and down his rigid erection and ground her clit against his pubic bone. Her hands found their way to his pecs and she tightened and loosened her grasp of his muscles with each stroke, like a kitten kneading. He could feel her scarlet nails indenting his flesh and the short, sharp pressure drove him wild.

  “Let go now”, she purred. “Come with me.”

  Carson didn’t need to be told twice. She quickened her pace and he thrust up into her as powerfully as his position under her would allow. She leaned her body closer to his and he felt her orgasm begin to crash over him in hot waves. He let himself finally release crying out with primal urgency to the moonlit night.


  Kelly was spent. She gently unknotted the silk cords that bound Carson to the bedposts and snuggled into his side. Her hand crept across his chest where she absently wove her fingers through the hair there.

  Arm around her, he teased at her breast with small gentle strokes. “That was like nothing I’ve ever experienced.”

  “Did you enjoy it?” She looked up at his face and found the answer there in his salacious grin.

  “I think it’s fair to say that you did me in. My hands are itching to touch every inch of you because I couldn’t before.” He propped himself up on his side and let his fingertips glide from her forehead to her thigh and back again. He cupped each breast in turn with his hand and traced the pink circle of each one with the tip of his finger. She felt her nipples stir to attention. He lightly pinched one and twisted it ever so softly. “Your breasts are perfect. I tried to imagine exactly what they looked like when I couldn’t see them. But they’re so much better than I imagined.”

  He leaned over her chest to mouth the erect buds of her breasts and murmured in appreciation. “Delicious. Delicious is most definitely the word to describe this night.”

  Kelly was too deep into her satisfied after-glow to respond to the touch of his mouth with anything more than a hum of sleepy appreciation. She turned away from his attentive mouth and drew his arm around her, spooning herself into his body. She wiggled against his groin and felt his now resting cock behind her. “Let’s relax a while. Your hands can have all of me but first I need to recover...”

  She drifted into a contented sleep in his embrace. He happily followed her just moments later.


  He pressed the vanilla cookie crust into the springform pan with the backs of his knuckles. It went into the oven for ten minutes while he rooted around in the strange kitchen for the other ingredients. He had to hurry.

  He dropped two eggs on the floor. He couldn’t find a whisk. The crust burned in the unfamiliar oven that was hotter than it should be. He’d have to make it again. He had to hurry.

  The sugar canister slipped out of his hands and sugar scattered all over the floor. There wasn’t time to clean it up. He worried that there was still enough in the container for the cake. There wasn’t time to go get more. He had to hurry.

  He couldn’t find the butter in the crowded refrigerator. There were dozens of jars of pickles, jams and chutneys. Sauces for steak, ketchup, maple syrup. The whole unit was nothing but condiments. He needed butter, cream cheese and more eggs. He’d never make it. He had to hurry.

  He started to panic. Everyone was waiting for him. He’d miss the plane. He grabbed the bananas and started slicing them into the still hot new crust. He couldn’t wait for it to cool. He had to hurry.

  The smell of the bananas rose up from the steaming crust reminding him that he was hungry. No time to eat. The bananas aroma pulled at him like those cartoon steam fingers wafting over a window sill to tempt a passerby with a newly baked pie. He was starving. But he had to hurry.

  “Carson, Carson. Wake up, love!”

  He opened his eyes in the half-lit room and saw Kelly propped up next to him, eating a banana.

  “You were fighting something in your sleep. Tossing and grumbling.”

  “God, it was a frustration dream. I have them all the time on these damn book signing trips.” He rubbed his eyes. Kelly was smiling at him as she leisurely took another bite of the fruit. “I absolutely hate this kind of travel. I don’t think I would have ever written a cookbook if I had known how miserable the ‘promotion’ was going to be.”

  “Well,” she stuck out her bottom lip in a mocking pout, “I hope this one hasn’t been too terrible.”

  “Oh, Kelly, no. Of course not. You have been a wonderful distraction from the whole mess.” The sweet smell of the fruit was heady and he watched as she opened her lips for another bite. “Isn’t it bizarre how dreams work? That banana made its way into my dream. I was making a banana cheesecake, only nothing was going right.”

  “Care for a bite?” She held the fruit out for him and he gratefully accepted.

  “I can’t imagine being hungry after that dinner we had, but I’m starving.” He gobbled half of what remained of her snack in one mouthful.

  “Sex has a way of doing that. We expended quite a few calories tonight.” She peeled the last part of the banana and broke it in half. He found the whole phallic symbolism perfectly suited to the ‘theme’ of their night together.

  “Half a banana is not going to d
o it for me. What are the chances of rustling up something from your kitchen? I can throw something together if you have a few basics.”

  “I don’t know if my pantry will measure up to a chef’s standards, but I’m fairly well stocked.”

  “Great.” Carson hopped out of bed and started for the kitchen. When he got to the door he turned back to her and rotated his hips so his cock swung around between his legs. “Your own naked celebrity chef,” he grinned. “Aren’t you the lucky girl!”


  Kelly did feel lucky. Lucky and guilty at the same time. He was really a very fine man. He was a good sport, he had a sense of humor and was sexy as hell. He made her feel wonderful in so many ways. It’s always nice to have a man appreciate your physical attributes, but somehow the way he did it was a little less ‘meat market-y’ and a little more sincere than the average guy.

  Just the way he touched her softly or the way he looked at her with that sassy-boy smile on his face pretty much did her in. The sense of humor that he displayed on his TV show was actually real. There was a goofy innocence underneath the bad boy celebrity that she found completely appealing.

  She shuddered when she recalled what she had written about his flagship restaurant.

  “The hubris of Carson Davis is exceeded only by the mediocrity of his attempt to ‘remake’ a venerable Spanish tradition. This reviewer wishes that he had clung to his working-class roots and opened a diner instead.”

  Her review was unspeakably snarky. She winced as she remembered what would shortly appear in the nation’s most influential food magazine. It would devastate him. Maybe it wouldn’t actually affect his following, but it would hurt just the same. She knew that those who actually knew what Carson was producing in his eatery would chalk her scathing article up to a food snob who didn’t know shit about really good cooking and they’d be right to an extent. She did know but she was paid to provide reviews that appealed to an elite audience. An audience that was not about to applaud or appreciate a non-classically educated chef producing world-class, innovative food.

  She could hear him in the kitchen singing a popular song happily and way off key. It made her laugh out loud.

  “I heard that”, he called from the kitchen. “I’ll have you know that you’ll regret laughing at my singing when you taste what I’m cooking up for you, my queen.”

  I will regret it...and more.

  Kelly got out of bed and wrapped a short little robe around her. She padded into the kitchen to ask if she could help him, but really because she wanted to get away from her thoughts and nearer to him.

  His back was turned to her as she entered the kitchen and she took a long, appreciative look at his fine buns. Even if he spent a lot of time in airplanes and at book signings, his ass told another tale. It was tight as a drum from hours and hours standing at a stove. She couldn’t resist going over to him and giving both cheeks a firm pinch.

  “Hey lady, what do you think you’re doing? I have a firm rule against horseplay of any kind in the kitchen.” He turned and gave her a luscious kiss. “You never know where it might lead.”

  “Can I help you with anything?”

  “Nope. We’re under control. Just the way you like it.” He had her little used sandwich maker in front of him. “I love these gadgets. There’s so many things you can do with them.”

  He checked a pot bubbling on the stove as she pulled a couple of plates from the cupboard. “What have you concocted for us?” she asked as she set her little breakfast bar for two.

  “I made some pressed sandwiches--sweet cream cheese stuffing, dipped in egg and milk. Like French toast, only stuffed. We’ll top them with some of your famous berries that I’ve cooked with a splash of your decadent Calvados. Got any powdered sugar?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “No problem. Probably just gilding the lilly any way.” He opened the sandwich press and popped out four triangles of perfect golden goodness. He arranged them cantilevered, two on a plate, drizzled the hot berry sauce around them and garnished the plates with a fanned strawberry.

  “That looks amazing. I can’t believe you could produce a dish that looks like that in the middle of the night in my kitchen. That machine was a gift. I’ve never used it”

  “It’s an old saw that you eat with your eyes first, but it’s still too true. Of course, a woman like you knows all about feasting the eyes.” He put his fingers to his lips and threw a kiss into the air. “These sandwich makers can add a great touch to the ordinary.”

  The dish was just what she craved. The play of the crunchy toasted bread and the creamy cheese oozing out of the center of the sandwich was a delectable contrast. The warm berries were not too sweet, retaining their tartness and fresh taste. The Calvados was a subtle background note of apples and woodsy brandy.

  “This is heavenly. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to duplicate it without you.”

  “Just say the word and I will fly to your doorstep on a moment’s notice to make it for you again.”

  They finished their treats slowly, enjoying the moment and each other. When she had finished her bread, Kelly ran her finger through the remaining sauce and licked it. “I could eat this by itself,” she said as she chased the last little bit around the plate. He did the same and offered her his finger. She sucked it into her mouth. “Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm.” Kelly smiled devilishly at him. “Can I have some more?”

  “I’m sorry, I made just enough for the two...”

  “I didn’t mean more of the sauce, Carson. I meant more of you.”

  She pulled him to his feet and let her robe fall away from the front of her body. Pressing into him she could feel his cock come to life at her belly. Their kisses were sweet fire. He covered her neck with nibbles and moist little suctioned caresses.

  The pale gold of morning was just beginning to touch the silver night when he entered her. She welcomed him back into her body as if she’d known him forever. She drew her legs up around his hips and felt the strong muscles of his ass flex as he drew his cock in and out of her. He pierced her with deep ardent strokes and she felt her clit strain to meet him. She widened her knees, holding them apart to welcome him more fully into her core.

  Their pace danced with the urgency of need. Need for touch, need for affirmation, need for release. Kelly felt her body nearing its peak and she grabbed his hips with a fierce desire to pump him harder. He responded with powerful thrusts as his rutting sounds mingled with the slap of their flesh together. Her orgasm exploded inside her cunt with powerful contractions that sucked at his cock. She felt her vagina pull the semen from him and swallow it like a second mouth.

  Their consummation was a celebration of newness and promised passion. The breaking day was theirs and they claimed each other in the climax of discovery.

  He lay with his eyes closed in the afterglow and she thought he had fallen asleep. She rose from the bed as quietly as she could, trying not to disturb his rest.

  “Where’re you going? Stay.” He pulled the sheets back and patted the bed beside him.

  “I’ll be right back. I just have to make a call.”

  “Must be pretty important to wake someone at this hour” he grumbled.

  “Oh it is. I’m going to say something I’ve always wanted to say.”

  “What’s that?”

  She smiled. “Stop the presses.”


  Companion Recipes for Romance from Desire for Dinner

  Find more recipes for carnal cuisine on Torri's blog:

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  Cuatro's Polenta Pamplona

  Polenta is one of those things that I can’t imagine buying ‘ready made’. I saw a recipe the other day from a ‘famous chef’ that called for that kind of polenta that you find in a tube at the supermarket and I cringed. This stuff is so easy to make that I simply cannot understand why you would want
to purchase an inferior product full of unnecessary additives.

  Polenta is an Italian dish made from ground corn. Italian grits. You can buy “polenta” meal or you can purchase some nice, slow cooking stone ground grits. I have also used just plain cornmeal and delivered a quite palatable product. My mother used to make a dish she gave the very unappetizing moniker of ‘cornmeal mush’. This was made of ordinary yellow cornmeal, cooked and chilled to firmness, then fried up for breakfast and served with lots of butter and maple syrup. There’s a lot you can do with this cooked mixture of cornmeal and water. In Pennsylvania Dutch country, scrapple is a meat enhanced form of polenta made with pig scraps, cornmeal and lots of spices. It is delicious and I make it at home. (But that’s a recipe for another book.)

  Here’s the magic ratio: one cup of meal to 3.5 cups of liquid.If you need to make more or less, just think ‘about four liquid to one cornmeal part’ and go slightly easy on the liquid and slightly heavy on the meal. This isn’t a cake, you don’t have to stress about having everything exact.

  Simply boil the mixture with a little salt and you have polenta. It is served in Italy like rice or mashed potatoes. But, the real magic comes when you’ve got leftovers! I’m actually not very fond of it just as a glob of cooked cornmeal. I grill it, I fry it, I top it like toast or crackers for an appetizer.

  As with so many things we cook, the possibilities for this dish are limited only by your imagination. Here are some fantastic things to add to polenta. Add these ingredients after you have cooked the cornmeal and water until it is very thick.

  Additions-- use ½ to ¾ cup for four (one cup) servings:

  Chopped sun-dried tomatoes

  Pitted and chopped kalamata olives

  Cheese of almost any variety

  Chopped roasted red pepper

  Caramelized chopped onions

  Finely diced cooked shrimp


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