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Zombie World

Page 3

by Ronald DuBois

  I told her that we were going to head to get Xander next.

  Bryan spoke up and said that we don't have to Xander is here, he went into town to see what he could find for food and ammo.

  Mia said how long ago did he leave, and when is he going to be back? Bryan said that he should be back any time now.

  I asked him do you know every place he was going, just in case if he does not come back by a certain time, you know where to look for him?

  Yes, Bryan said if he is not back in and about twenty-five minutes we need to go and look for him.

  Linda spoke up and said that we should go and look for now, he should have been back by now he was only going to three places.

  Mia and Sabrina agreed with Linda and said that let go now.

  We headed out to Bryan's truck, and the girls all jumped into the back. Bryan jumped in to the driver seat and told everyone to hold on. He pulled the to the right and hit the gas, the ass end of the truck spun around. He pulled out onto the road and headed in to town.

  Bryan said that we will go to the little super market first.

  It wasn't that far down the road it only took us about ten minutes to get there. Bryan whips into the parking lot and pulls up to the front door.

  Bryan said that Xander was here his car is right over there, as he pointed to it. I said good we got out of the truck and went to the front door it was wide opened and we could smell the dead. There had to be a lot of them in there with what we were smelling. As we were walking in we heard gun shots coming from the back of the store, it had to be Xander.

  I told everyone that we need to be smart about this we just can't go running in there. Bryan said that he has an idea, he was going to go and get Xander's car and drive it into the store, and lead the zombies out. He said everyone needs to get up high and to be ready to go to get him.

  Bryan ran out and got into Xander's car. It wasn't long before he come crashing through the front door. Glass and medal flying everywhere. He drove it to the back of the store we could hear Xander just a bitching. That my car you dumb son-of-bitch. Bryan came flying back by zombies right behind him as he leads them out of the store.

  We ran back to where Xander was, he was still bitching. He spotted us and ran Mom Dad what are you doing here. We ran to him there were a few zombies left in the store Linda was still up on top of the freezers and she was shooting zombies left and right. Sabrina was on the other side of her on top of the other freezers and she was shooting zombies as well.

  When we got over to him he was pissed about his car.

  I told him that he needed to be glad that his brother saved his ass.

  Xander said that I am glad that he saved me but he didn't have to use my car to do it. His mother told him to knock it off and that we have bigger problems to worry about in this world. She told him that the world is full of cars it can be replaced. Xander said, but Mom that car was part of me, I put that car together with my own hands, it is a classic.

  His mother spoke upand said yes I know it’s a 68 rally sport cameo, you tell me about it every time I talk to you on the phone.

  He said but Mom I love that car it the love of my life.

  I told him that is why you could not keep a woman you care more about that car then them.

  Bryan came back, Linda and Sabrina got down from the freezers and came over. Before Xander could say anything to Bryan his mother told him to keep his mouth shut.

  Bryan look at Xander and said I am sorry but I couldn't use my truck if I wrecked it most of us would have to walk home.

  Xander said there were other cars out there in the parking lot.

  Bryan replied yea but I didn't have any keys to start them.

  They started to bicker back and forth until their mother told them both to shut the hell up.

  We headed back to Bryan's house. When we got there, the front door to his house was open. I looked over to the RV and the door was also opened. Bryan, Xander, and Linda headed to the house Mia, Sabrina, and myself went to the RV. We moved slowly in to the camper I saw no one, I moved to the back of the RV. I slide open the door to the bathroom, no was in their ether. Mia opened the door to the bed room all the weapons were still in there. We ran to the house, to see if Bryan and the other found anything.

  We got into the house, Bryan yelled and said that they are all in the dining room. When we got in there, William and Robert where here.

  I asked them when did you all get here?

  Willie said that they just got here about an hour half ago. He said that they checked out the camper first, but no one was in there. We then came to the house hoping that everyone was in here, but it was all so empty. We were getting ready to leave when you all came back.

  Robert spoke up and said that they thought that we might have left, we were going to try to catch up with you.

  Willie said we thought that you all were going to Florida, but to tell you the truth I thought you were all dead and turned in to zombies.

  I told him that you know it would take a lot of them to turn us into one of them. I also asked them if they know where their mother was.

  Willie said that they had to shot her, because she was bit and turned into a zombie, Robert tried to put her down but he could not do it I had to kill my own mother. It was hard but I got it done and now she is in a better place.

  The women went in to the kitchen and said that they were going to make dinner. The rest of us sat there at the dinner table talking. I telling them that we need to find a safe place, and I know that their got to be more people out there that have not been bitten. We need to rebuild the world, but first thing we need to do is find the best place to make a safe place for people to live.

  Bryan said that the school we went to; I think would be the best place to start rebuilding.

  Willie said that he agrees with Bryan the high school would be the best place. There is a river behind the school and there is fencing around the rest of the school. I said ok, we will head back to New York in the morning.

  The women came in with dinner, Linda told everyone that we having deer burgers. We were all happy we loved deer meat.

  Linda looked at me and said, John I made this burger just for you. Mia told me how to make your burger.

  I asked her why are you making me the burger?

  She said I made you the burger, because I would like to drive the RV when we leave I love to drive and Bryan won't let me drive. He says that I am a bad driver. I told her that I would let her drive at first and when she got tiered I would take over. I also told her that she didn't have to butter me up to get me to let her drive, all you had to do is ask.

  We finished up eating and all headed to bed to get some sleep.

  Chapter 3

  The morning came and we headed back to New York. The trip was long, Linda drove half the way and Sabrina sat up front with, Linda helped her get over Nicks death. The nights came and went fast, we had to move more cars and kill a few zombies. We even saw that zombie that had his ass flapping in the wind. It took us four days to get to Corning New York to the high school.

  When we pulled in to the high school parking lot there were some zombies that we had to take out. The school looked like it was still locked down, but I told everyone that we still needed to make sure that it was clear. We moved slowly into the school, we split up in to four groups. I gave everyone radios so that we could keep in contact with one another. We cleared out one room at a time, it took us about two hours to make sure the school was safe on the inside. Bryan and Linda said that there was a generator in the basement.

  I asked Xander if he would take a look at it to see if he can get it running? He told that he would, and that he might need some help and asked me if Sabrina could come and help him?

  I told him that he would need to ask Sabrina if she wanted to go and help. Sabrina was standing there and said I am right here, and I will go and help you, but please stop talking like I am not in the room.

  When she was done talking she had on
a shitty little grin.

  They went into the basement and it didn't take them long before they had it running. When they came back Xander told me that we were going to have to find more fuel, the generator only will run for about two days then it would be out of fuel. Willie said that we passed a fuel truck, it not that far away.

  I asked him about how far away is the truck?

  Willie said that it was down by that gas station just off the highway.

  I told Willie, Robert, and Bryan to get to ready, that we will go and get the fuel truck. I went to Mia and told her that we were going to get the fuel truck at the gas station down the road.

  Mia told us to be careful, and to come back quickly.

  I told her that I love her as we were heading out the door I told her to hold down the fort.

  Bryan was driving his pickup truck, and the Willie and Robert were in the back and I rode in the cab with Bryan. It only took us a few minutes to get to the gas station, we got out of the truck and check to see if the tanker still had fuel in it. Willie climbed to the top of the tanker and pulled open one of the lids and stuck a long stick down into the tanker and pulled it back out.

  Willie yelled down and said it was about half full.

  I told him to get down here so we can get it running and back to the school. Robert went into the building and didn't say anything to us. Willie got the tanker started, I looked to make sure we were all there, when I noticed that Robert wasn't with us. I turned to say something to Bryan when Robert came run out of the building, he came over to me and said that I need to come with him that there is something he found.

  We went back into the building there were two people in there that were afraid to come out. They were both women hiding behind the counter. I told that it was safe and that we would take them to a safer place. They were scared, they look hungry and their clothing were dirty and ripped. One of them stood up and had a knife in her hand. Bryan pulled out his pistol and pointed at her I told him no put it away. Bryan said she has a knife!

  I told him I know, but she is scared I need to get her to trust me.

  I told the girl that name is John and that I wasn't going to hurt them I want to take you to a safe place, I said we have food if you’re hungry. I radioed to Mia and told that we found to women, I told to make some food.

  Mia radioed back and asked me if they were ok?

  I told her that they are scared and that I am trying to get them to come out. Mia radioed back and said to come and get her that she would talk to them. I told Bryan to go and get his mother and bring her back here.

  Bryan wasn't gone long he brought his mother back like I asked him to. Mia came and walked over to the girl that had the knife.

  Mia looked at the girl and reached out to her and grabbed the knife out of her hand, she put her arm around. Mia told her that they were going to be all right, and asked the two girls if they were hungry?

  One of the girls said yes,

  Mia asked them their names?

  One girl that was holding the knife said that her name was Kelly and she does know the other girls name, she said that I have been calling her BK,

  Mia asked why do you call her that?

  Kelly said that she found her in a Burger King hiding in a cooler, she was traumatized. When I found her I had a hard time to get her to come out of the cooler, she hasn't said a word since I have been with her.

  We got them and the tanker back to the school, Mia took the two girls into the lunch room and gave them some food.

  Kelly said that all they have been eating was chips and candy, that was all they could find.

  Mia told them that we have food that should last for at least a month or two, but we will go and find more and we are going to start a garden. We also have notice that the zombies have not gone after any animals. We are going to build a place for animals or livestock. We are also planning on going out to our more survivors, and bring them back here to help us rebuild.

  Mia asked Kelly she knew how to use a gun?

  Kelly responded no. I have never used a gun, but I am willing to learn how to use one. Linda and Sabrina brought in some clean clothes for Kelly and BK, we also brought them some towels and soap so they could go and get a shower.

  Kelly and BK came back into the lunch room after they got out of the shower. Kelly said that she feels so much better, now that she is clean. She asked Linda she had a razor to shave her legs to feel more like she did before the outbreak. I gave her the razor, and told her that she would have to use soap because they had no shaving cream.

  Kelly took BJ back into the bathroom so they could shave. When they came back out of the bathroom, Mia and Linda have more food ready for everyone to eat for lunch. BJ ran to the table and started to eat more.

  Kelly said that BJ is not eaten a lot, junk food could only go so far.

  Mia and Linda said it was okay that they understood, living out there had to be very hard. But here we all get the same amount of food every day.

  Mia told them once they get the livestock in the garden takes off, we should have plenty of food. Not counting what can food we can find out there that we can build a storage area that also.

  It's been a few weeks now, everyone pitching in. I took the school buses use them as walls. The garden was coming along and was about to be seeded. John and the boys are thinking of places they can go to find livestock, so that they could bring him back here. They have already built a chicken coop and a pig pen and they were also working on a place to put cows in. They were also talking about building a place for horses. John was telling Mia that the place was coming together pretty fast. Mia said if we keep this up and keep a barricaded safe we should be able to make a life here. Willie radioed his father, and told him that there are people by the buses wanting to get in.

  His father radioed back, and asked him how many people were out there? Willie responded said that there were about 10 people what he could tell. John, Mia, and Linda all ran to the buses to help bring these people in, John told Kelly to use some food, blankets, and some clothing for the people that they're bringing in. Kelly was in the kitchen and was getting ready to open some big cans of soup when she turned BJ was there. For the first time she spoke and asked if she could help? Kelly was so happy that BJ was coming around.

  BJ told Kelly that she was thankful, that she owed Kelly her life for saving her. Kelly told her that you will me nothing, because you actually saved me because I was about to give up. So actually I owe you my life.

  We were all hoping that the people that were coming in were good people, and were willing to help us rebuild our lives here.

  As time went on the school is getting full. Our garden was good livestock for good were running out of places to put people. We decided to go to campers park them on the tennis court and the baseball field so that we could have more places for people to stay. All of people that we are bringing in, or big help. The people we were bringing in were contractors, nurses, doctors, we even turn half of the gym into a little medical center or people that were hurt or sick. Everyone seem to be getting along and helping one another. A few of the contractors said that we should push the fences out further to build more buildings and start making this place a larger community. I asked him if they thought that maybe we could maybe block off the roads leading in here and start using the houses on this road to start putting people and their families into them. They said that it is doable, but we are going to need more building material and fencing to make it possible.

  We have been sending groups of people out to find more survivor, and to bring them back here. Everyone that has been coming has been helping build. It has been four months’ sense the dead came back. Life has been hard, but with everyone doing their part has made our lives better. The groups that we have sent out, they watch the people they find to make sure that their good people and not people that wants to kill and take from us. We know that there are going to be groups out there that are going to come and try to take over our safe hav
en. We have a plan to keep people like that away but if they do come we will be ready for them. We have been killing a lot of zombies here. We think that they are coming from the city of Corning, the city is just on the other side of the river just behind the school. We know that they have not been coming across the river it is too high and moving too fast. Zombies are not to strong the river would carry them away. I only place that we can think of that the zombie are coming across the bridge. We have a plan to block off the bridge but we have to finish building the watch out towers. Then we will head to the bridge and get that blocked off. Once we have a lot of people we have a plan to go into the city and clear out all of the living dead. We have plans on taking one city at a time. Once we get the city of Corning cleared we plan on putting up a wall to live there, but as we get more and more people we will have to start on clearing out more places so all the people we have a place to live and to grow. We know that it going to take years and a lot of people to do this. We are going to stay here until the time come to execute that plan to expand.

  We have a bunch of military people out here by the front gate, and they want in. The people I have at the front gate. They radioed John and Willie to come. John and Willie radioed back and told them that they are on their way.

  When I got to the gate I could not believe what I was seeing there had to be at least fifty people out there not all were military. A soldier came up to the fence and said we have people out here that need help and food.

  I told Willie to open the gate to let them in, I told the others I need one to radio the doc's and the rest of to help with the one that need help to get them in here. The soldier walked up to me and thanked me. He said that I am captain Johnson I ran into one of your groups out there and they sent us to you and said that you would help us. We are out of food and my medic was killed a week ago.

  I told him that they are welcome here and that we would help them. I asked him how long have you been out there like this.


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