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Zombie World

Page 16

by Ronald DuBois

  Jim told Paul to call Mike on the radio to fly the chopper onto the school lawn. Mike radioed back and said that he was on his way.

  Kathy had one of her men to go and get Matt, and tell him to come out here, Mike was just landing the chopper when Matt showed up.

  Kathy told him to go with him and to look and see if they have the whole City of Corning like they say they do, and report back to me as soon as you get back. Matt asked if he could take his weapon with him.

  Jim told him if you feel like you are going to need it then you may take it with you. He also to Tony to go with them.

  Jim told everyone to stay out there and that he was going in to see how everyone is doing and how many people they have here.

  Paul told Jim that they would wait from them right here.

  Jim asked Kathy if he could bring one person with him with only a side arm. Kathy told him if that make you feel safe then you may bring one person with him, and that person would be allowed to carry only a side arm.

  Jim told Paul that he wanted Pam to come along with him.

  Mia asked Kathy if she could come along with them and she said that she would not carry a fire arm.

  Kathy told her sure as long as you leave you weapon out here with your people.

  Mia handed John her side arm and rifle, she told him that she will be fine. John told her to be careful, we don’t know these people.

  Mia told him that she just wants to make sure the people here are ok. Kathy spoke up the people here are ok, we have two doctors and four nurses. We have the best medical staff here.

  Mia said, Kathy your medical staff would love the place we stay at we have an old medical building that has everything a doctor would need.

  Kathy told her we will see, when Matt comes back and gives me a report. She told Mai that she wasn’t going on what people say now days.

  Mia replied I don’t blame you, I would have done the same.

  Kathy, Jim, Pam, and Mia headed in, as they were heading to the school and woman ran up to Kathy. Mom Mom who are these people and why are they here. Kathy looked at her and said we will have a meeting later; I will explain everything then.

  Jim asked Kathy is that your daughter?

  Kathy told Jim no, she not my daughter, everyone here calls me Mom. We have a good thing going here everyone has a job to do.

  Pam noticed that they had farm animals and they had a lot of cows and chickens. She told Jim that they have lot more than we do.

  Jim said that he noticed that as well.

  Jim asked Kathy why do these men over there have on clothing with duct tape wrapped around it?

  They are getting ready to head put to look for more supplies and look for more survivors, Kathy replied.

  Jim told her that they have a really good set up here. We would have never thought of wrapping duct tape around are clothing.

  We have a lot of smart people here and they care for one another.

  Mike landed in New City, before he landed they flew over the city so that Matt could look around and see what we have sent up and how much room we got. Matt told them that they are running out of room. We would have never thought of make to place we have bigger. We were going to just build more building for people to live in.

  They walked into the medical building first. Matt noticed that they have working lights.

  Matt asked, Mike how do you have power to run all these buildings?

  Mike told him that most of the buildings have solar power and the others have generators. The one that are hooked up to the generators we shut them down at night to save on fuel. We have people working on get the power grid up for this area so we don’t have to keep these generators going we can have them for backups. Matt said that everything you guys have here, Kathy just might move everyone here. Mike told him the more people we have here the better this place will run. Matt agreed with Mike and said that he would talk to Kathy and convince he that we need to move here.

  Dale and Tony showed up as Mike and Matt were walking around.

  Tony came over and asked Mike where did Paul and John want us to park the truck with all the weapons in it.

  Matt asked, Mike do you guys have a lot of weapons?

  Mike told him that they have a lot of weapons and ammo to take over a small country, but we use them to protect this place and when we go out looking for survivors. We are trying to bring as many people we can back here.

  Matt asked, would it be alright if I told Kathy about all the weapons you guys have? Mike told Dale to wait until Paul and John come back and ask them, and to you may tell her everything you see here and everything we have.

  Mike asked him if he was ready to head back?

  Matt told him yes I am, I got a lot to tell Kathy to convince her to move here.

  Jim was convincing Kathy about moving to the New City, but she insisted that she need to talk to Matt before she could say yes.

  Kathy told him that it wasn’t going to be up to just her it was going to have to talk to everyone here and see if they would like to leave as well.

  Jim said that Mike and your man Matt should be back here soon.

  Kathy told Jim that she was going to have to wait until Matt got back, and then she would get everyone together. I will tell everyone here everything that you have told me and it would be up to them if we will move or not.

  Jim asked her if he could be there at the meeting with her?

  Kathy said I don’t see why not, if the people have any questions, you can answer them. They were walking around outside when Mike came back, and landed the chopper on the school lawn.

  Jim and Kathy went over to the chopper, Matt got out and told Kathy everything that he saw.

  Kathy told Jim that she was going to get everyone together for a meeting, she said to Jim that Matt confirmed everything you told me and then some.

  Kathy told Matt to go and let everyone know to get to the meeting spot now. Matt asked, what about the men on the gates?

  Jim told him that his men can take over until they are done.

  Kathy told Matt that would be fine we can have everyone they at the meeting, so we won’t have to talk to them later. This way they will know what’s going on. She also told him that the President is going to be there as well.

  Matt told Kathy that we would go and let the men at the gate know that the men outside would take over, so they could come to the meeting and they could let others know as well.

  Kathy told him that would be fine.

  Pam spoke up and told Matt that she would come along as well to let Paul and John know what’s going on.

  Jim told her to tell Paul and John to only replace the men that were leaving, and for everyone else to stay out I don’t what the people here think we are coming in to take over.

  Pam handed Mia her side arm and told her to protect the president. Mia told Pam that she could do that, can you tell John that I love him and that I will be out as soon as we are done in here.

  Pam told her that she would.

  Kathy had everyone meet inside the school gym. They had a bunch of wooden boxes that they stood upon.

  Kathy got up there and started to tell her people that they are going to hear from the President he has a city and he would like all of us to go there and live. A person in the crowd stood up and said how do we know what he says is true. Matt got up and said that they do have a whole city and they would like us to go there and help make a new world.

  Kathy told everyone that the President is going to speak and I would like everyone to listen to what he has to say.

  Jim got up and said you all know who I am. I am the president of what was the United States. Now I am a leader I had the people who helped me when I got here to clear the city of Corning we now call it New City. We have a lot of room for all of you there. I believe if you come and join us we would be unstoppable. We have a lot of weapons and ammo. We have two people that can fly choppers and one of them can fly anything. I myself can fly small air planes or a small size je

  Kathy got back up there and told everyone that it was up to them if they wanted to move. She told everyone that there were two boxes by the door. One box is to move and the other is to stay here and keep doing what we have been do.

  Kathy stated that she would go if that moving is what you people need. Jim got back up and said that Kathy would have the same job that she had here I am not here to take over even if you all come to New City. Kathy would still be in charge she would be under me, but I will not interfere with her plans there.

  Everyone cheered and applauded.

  Kathy told everyone to go and vote for our future.

  It took most of the day, Kathy invited us to eat dinner with them and she would count the votes after dinner.

  Kathy told Jim that he could go and bring his men in to get something to eat. Jim asked her, what about their weapons?

  They can bring them in, if you were going to kill and take everything. Your men would have already killed us when we were in the gym having our meeting, Kathy replied. Jim told her that they were not there to kill and take from them we just need to work together.

  I now know that we just can’t trust everyone. We know that there are going to be people out there that is going to want to take whatever they can to survive, even if that means to kill others to do it, Kathy said to Jim.

  Paul and John can into the school cafeteria, Jim met them at the door and told John and Paul that after we get done eating, Kathy and Matt were going to be counting the votes to see if they are going to come with us.

  John asked, Jim what if they vote to stay here?

  Jim said then we leave and we leave them here to get on with their lives. Paul spoke up and said that they might get over run. There is no way their walls would hold up to a large herd of zombies.

  Jim told Paul that before we leave we can tell them, that they are going to have to build up there walls and how to do it.

  People were coming up to Paul and John and asking them questions about New City?

  John and Paul both were telling them all about the city and that they have buildings like burger king and pizza hut that they would like to get working once again, but the best part is that people would not need money everyone has a job to do. They were telling John and Paul that it sounds like a good place to live and raise a family.

  Mia over heard them all talking and said that her daughter just had twins awhile back and they are doing great. She also told them about that her daughter in law was all so pregnant and that she was do any day now.

  Everyone was done eating Kathy and Matt were counting the votes. It looked like there were a lot of votes to stay, but there were a lot also to move.

  Kathy got up onto a table and told everyone to be quiet, the room got deathly quiet. She started speaking, I am very happy that everyone voted. I am going to tell everyone that no matter what the vote was that she was going to be with everyone no matter if we stay or if we leave.

  A woman stood up and said are we leaving or staying.

  Kathy told them all to go and pack up we are moving to New City.

  Everyone in the room stood up and cheered, some were yelling I am glad I voted to stay, but after talking to the people I wanted to change my vote. Other were saying the same thing.

  Everyone took off to go and started to get things packed up.

  Jim told Kathy that it was going to take a few days to get everything from here to New City.

  Kathy said to Jim that we can leave a few people behind until we get everything out of here.

  Jim replied, that is what I was actually the same thing.

  John came over and asked Kathy if all those buses still work?

  Kathy replied, yes they do

  Good John replied we are going to need them to help move your people to New City. Kathy even told John that they even have cattle trailer to move all the cattle and one of the buses can be used to move the chicken and rabbits.

  Jim told Kathy that he would like to take all the old and children in the first group. Kathy agreed with him, she also told him that she was going to leave Matt here to be in charge and that she was going with the first group.

  Jim told her that she could fly back with him.

  Kathy told him that would be fine, and she also told him that she was going to leave one doctor and nurse here just in case anyone gets hurt.

  Jim and Kathy were heading to the chopper. Mike was waiting there for them so that he could take them to New City.

  On there where to the chopper a ten-year-old boy came running up yelling Mommy where are we going.

  Kathy turned and looked at Jim and Said this is my little boy Donald he is coming with us.

  Jim told her that is fine, he needs to be with you. May I ask where his father is? Katy told Jim that they have no clue, he was at work when all this went down and he never came home. We waited for him for three weeks, but we could not wait any longer. I had to get my son some place safer so we came to the school. As we left our house people that live close to me followed us here and we picked up more people on are way.

  Jim told her that she was a good leader and a good person.

  They all got into the chopper Mike fired up the engine and lifted off. On their way to New City Kathy was looking down and in some of the fields she could see herds of undead just wondering around.

  Jim had Mike fly over Painted Post, because Jim wanted to show Kathy there back up plans and he also wanted to see how everyone was doing getting the fences up.

  Mike flew over New City so that Jim could show Kathy everything that they have done putting up walls and fencing to keep out the undead from getting into the City. Kathy was impressed and she told Jim that his people has done a good job. Jim told her that only thing is that they didn’t have the animals like she had to feed her people.

  Kathy replied to Jim and said that her and he people would help with that so no one would go hungry.

  Mike landed the chopper near the clinic so that Kathy could see what Dr. Dave has done to help the wounded and the sick.

  Jim walked around with Kathy showing her everything. They headed to the building that they were using for a holding place as people came into the city. Frank was in there, because he was hurt.

  Kathy asked Jim, what happen to him and why do they have him in a cell? Jim told her what happen to Frank, and why he was in the cell.

  Kathy told Jim that he was going to turn and we need to put him down We can do that until we are sure that he is going to turn, he might be ok we want to make sure Jim said to Kathy.

  Jim and Kathy walked over to Dr. Dave and asked how Frank was doing? Dr. Dave to Jim that he was doing good he not showing any singes of fever or sickness.

  Kathy to the doctor that from what she has seen it could take days before he starts to show singes.

  The doctor told her that it’s going to be weeks before we even think about letting him out.

  Jim has Kathy come with him, he was taking her to where her and her son were going to stay.

  Kathy said that she liked the apartment, I had a lot of room her and her son. Jim asked Kathy what was your husband’s name?

  Kathy told him that her husband’s name was Brad and he was my best friend. I believe that he is still a live and fighting his way to me and our son.

  Jim said, if he the man you say then I also believe he is alive.

  Kathy did not know that Brad was there he was one of the people that has been helping keeping the place a safe place. Brad has been wanting to go out and look for his family, but Paul and John would not let him go out there. They told him that when they get more people from out there that they would put him on a team that was going to where he has once lived. Brad agreed to this and stayed.

  Now Brad was talking to Linda out on the street. Brad saw Jim and Kathy walking into the building that Kathy and her son stay.

  Brad told Linda that he thinks that he sees his wife and that he was going to go and check.

  They both walked down to the
building and entered it. They head up to the third floor where Jim and Kathy went.

  The door was open and Linda and Brad walked in.

  Jim asked them what are you doing here?

  Brad spoke up and said I thought I seen my wife walking in here with you. Jim asked him what is your name?

  Kathy was down the hall into the master bedroom looking everything over. Her son was in the other room that was going to be his bed room.

  Brad reached his hand out the shake Jim’s hand, and my name is Brad. Jim asked what is your wife’s name?

  Her name is Kathy, Brad replied.

  Kathy came walking out just as Brad said her name. she looked up and seen him standing there. Her jaw dropped and she ran to him saying you found us, you found us.

  Jim and Linda had good feeling run through them. this was the first thing they have seen in a longtime. It was a good feeling and they were both enjoying it. Brad’s son came out and saw his Dad standing there. He dropped to the floor crying, he could not believe his Dad has come.

  Jim and Linda told Kathy and Brad that they were going to leave so that they could talk and catch up on everything that has been going on.

  Chapter 12

  Paul and John were still in the town of Bath helping to move the people there to New City. Everything was going good, three buses full of people had left to go to take them to their new home.

  Paul had Tony out helping the others getting the animals into the trailer and cages so that they could get them to New City.

  John sent Mia to the kitchen to help the people pack up all the food and dishes. Paul had Pam helping the other people packing up all their weapons and ammo. Paul was going to help to get more people on the buses to get them out of there and to the New City. John was also helping get trucks and buses packed with people and there thing to take with them to their new homes.

  Matt was with Pam making sure that everything was packed the right way.


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