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Wish Upon a Wedding

Page 10

by LuAnn McLane

  “I don’t find that cheesy at all. Thank you for the compliment.” Her smile widened. “I tried on just about everything in my wardrobe trying to find something to make me look skinny.” She shrugged, bringing his attention to how the fabric hugged her breasts. “I failed.”

  “You look perfect,” he said firmly and truly meant it. He had a sudden image of her in nothing but the pearls and heels and had to disguise his moan with a slight clearing of his throat.

  “Thank you again.” She gave him a once-over and nodded. “Well, now, I have to say that you look mighty fine yourself, Easton Fisher. You can hang your jacket over there on the coat tree.”

  Easton put the bottle onto a decorative table and shrugged out of his coat. “I have a confession to make, too. Except for my boots and this leather jacket everything else I’m wearing is brand-spanking-new, including my aftershave.”

  Carrie Ann took a step closer and sniffed near his neck. “Oh, you smell divine,” she said in a low tone that had him wanting to press her up against the wall and kiss her senseless. Instead he picked up the bottle of wine.

  “I hope you like this Merlot. I was told this one is exceptional.”

  She looked at the label. “I do and only splurge on it for special occasions. Follow me into the kitchen and I’ll put these pretty flowers in a vase. Did you get them from Flower Power?”

  “Yes,” Easton said as he walked beside her down the wide hallway. He loved the lemon smell of the polished wood. Older homes were comforting.

  “Gabby does such a wonderful job with her floral arrangements. Sophia is going to work with her, weaving fresh flowers into some of the intricate updos. It’s going to be so beautiful. I’m thrilled beyond measure that she is actually doing this with me.”

  “Sophia is such a sweet girl. I’m sure White Lace and Promises is going to be a huge success.”

  “I think it will be.”

  When Carrie Ann stood up on tiptoe to retrieve a vase from one of the cabinets, Easton tried not to stare at how the dress molded to her bottom. Okay, he didn’t really try at all. He just stared. “Need any help?” He hoped she did so he could slide up next to her body and reach over her head.

  “No, I’m like ten feet tall in these heels.” She filled the vase with water and a little packet of mystery something before adding the flowers. After arranging them around a little bit she turned around and gave him sultry smile. “And I wore them just for you.”

  “I feel the need to thank you.”

  “You should. They are killing my feet.”

  “Well then, take them off!” And anything else you like while you’re at it. “I’ll help you. Give me your foot.”

  “No.” Carrie Ann shook her head. “They make me feel sexy. This is the time of day when I’m usually in sweatpants and a baggy shirt.”

  “Let me tell you, you’d be just as sexy wearin’ that too.”

  “You mean I did all of this for nothing?” She laughed, and then tilted her head. “Oh, but thank you, Easton. You’re good for my ego.”

  “I’m not kiddin’. You are a beautiful woman, Carrie Ann. And those legs of yours seem to go on forever with or without heels.” He put the bottle of wine on the counter and came up beside her. He looked into those gorgeous eyes that appeared more green than blue tonight. “And I want them wrapped around me,” he said and put his forehead to hers. “Oh. Did I just say that out loud?”

  She chuckled. “Yes, and I find it interesting because you must have been reading my mind.”

  “Really?” Easton stepped back and put his hands on her waist. “Well then, I’m glad we’re on the same page.” He pulled her against him. God, the feel of her lush body molded against his was almost his undoing. So much for taking it slow tonight.

  Her eyes turned serious. “I think we’ve been on that page for far too long. Maybe it’s time to start the next chapter.” She pointed to the archway leading to the dining room. Tall candles flickered, casting a soft glow over an elegantly set table. For the first time, he noticed soft sultry music playing in the background. “Is there any question as to what I have on my mind?”

  “Ah, so you were planning to seduce me?”

  “Yes, indeed. That was the grand plan. Is it working?”


  She made a face. “Do I need to try harder? The fireplace is lit in the living room. Would a glass of wine help my cause? A shot of fine bourbon? I do believe I have some Woodford Reserve.”

  “Nope.” He tucked a stray curl behind her ear. “The fact is, darlin’, you don’t need to try at all. Carrie Ann, this was the longest damn day of my life. I couldn’t wait to see you and have you in my arms.”

  “The feeling is mutual.” She reached up and cupped his chin. “And I find the fact that you went shopping for new clothes to be just adorable.”

  “Adorable? That’s probably the first time anyone has used that term to describe me.” Easton turned his head so he could kiss the palm of her hand. He was falling in love with her. He knew it and truth be known, he had been crazy about her for quite some time—maybe all the way back to high school.

  But a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes kept him from voicing his feelings. At least for now. And he knew where the hesitation came from. They’d been close friends long enough that they’d talked about her father’s death and how much it scared her to fall in love. He’d also shared his fear of being trapped in a tumultuous marriage like his parents shared. It wasn’t too difficult to understand that they both had issues that had caused them to remain single. Young love was different from falling in love at their age. At this stage of the game, they both had emotional baggage and daily routines that didn’t include another person. They each had their own homes that they loved.

  Was he too stuck in his ways to make room for another person in his life? How do you blend two lives together and make it work?

  Instead of expressing his feelings, he decided to keep the mood light and playful. And as much as he wanted to sweep her up into his arms and carry her off to bed, he kissed her lightly and said, “Let’s open the wine.”

  Carrie Ann nodded. “And sip it in front of the fireplace? Mine isn’t as grand as yours, but it’s cozy.”

  “I like that idea,” he said even though he really liked the idea of taking her to bed a lot more. But he’d waited for this moment all week and he wanted to savor each touch, every kiss until he finally had her naked and between the sheets once more.

  She handed him the corkscrew. “If you will do the honors, I’m going to turn everything down on low so we can enjoy our cocktail before we eat dinner.”

  “Dinner really does smell delicious, by the way.”

  “It’s just meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans. Oh, and cherry cobbler for dessert but I cheated and bought it at Wine and Diner on my way home from the salon. Nothing too fancy. Just good old-fashioned down-home cookin’.”

  “My favorite kind.”

  “After seeing your gourmet kitchen I got super nervous. I thought I knew you pretty well and I never would have pegged you for being a cook.”

  Easton laughed while uncorking the wine. “Maybe there’s more to me than meets the eye.”

  “I have to admit I like what I’ve seen so far.” Carrie Ann accepted the glass that he handed to her. She tapped her rim to his. “Well, here’s to finding out so much more.”

  Easton nodded and took a sip of the full-bodied wine. “Except for the occasional glass of Merlot, I’m not all that much of a wine drinker, but I think it’s about time I expand my horizons,” he said and took her hand and led her into the living room. “Maybe go on a day trip to a Kentucky winery?”

  “I’ve always wanted to do that, Easton. I’ve heard there are quite a few lovely wineries in Kentucky. I’d love to take a drive through horse country and stop for a wine-tasting.”

Have you ever done the Bourbon Trail?”

  “No.” Carrie Ann shook her head. “But I’d love to do that too.”

  “And maybe stay at a bed and breakfast?”

  “That would be divine. Since when did you become so romantic?”

  “That’s where the more-than-meets-the-eye part comes into play,” he said, but the truth was that she brought out a romantic side of him that he didn’t know he had.

  “And cooking? When did you discover you enjoyed cooking?”

  Easton took another sip of the wine. “Cooking is actually something I’ve gotten into in the past few years. I think watching the Food Network got me interested in doing more than tossing steaks on the grill. It relaxes me to putter around in the kitchen after a hard day’s work.”

  “I do believe I’d like to see you in action. I’d be perfectly entertained sitting back and watching you cook up a storm.”

  “We can definitely make that happen.”

  They sat down on the sofa across from the crackling fire. Tony Bennett crooned in the background and for the next several minutes they chatted and sipped wine.

  “I repaired Noah Falcon’s dishwasher today and he said that the Cricket Creek Cougars signed a couple of good relief pitchers this past week.”

  “That’s good news,” Carrie Ann said as she toed off her shoes. “When Noah came back to Cricket Creek and built the baseball stadium it sure saved our town from financial ruin. I was always so proud of him playing in the majors, weren’t you?”

  “Sure was. We should go to some games this summer.” He put his glass on the coffee table and reached down and lifted her feet onto his lap. “I think your feet deserve a massage. May I?”

  She wiggled her toes. “By all means.”

  “You have very pretty feet,” he said and started rubbing her cute toes.

  “Oh my word, that feels just simply . . . oh . . . amazing.” She leaned against a fluffy fringed pillow and sipped her wine. “My dogs tend to bark at the end of the day. This is pure bliss.” She closed her eyes and sighed.

  “You deserve it.” It suddenly occurred to Easton that Carrie Ann didn’t have anyone to pamper her, not even family since Ava and Ellie lived in Lexington and her mama retired to Florida. An odd ache settled in his chest and he looked over at her. Because her eyes remained closed he studied her face, loving the slight smile and soft moans when he massaged a little bit harder. The wine, the music, the warmth of the fire must be doing the trick. “I could get used to this,” he said without meaning to.

  Her eyes remained shut. “Isn’t that my line?”

  Easton chuckled but in that moment he realized with complete clarity that he really could get used to pampering Carrie Ann. He knew without a doubt that she’d never shout or argue with him the way his parents went at each other. She might be sassy, but she was also soft and sweet. He thought about the conversation with Pete Sully about the cruise he was taking with Maria and made a mental note to start researching vacations. She said she used her free time to visit her mother and sisters but he had to wonder if she’d ever gone someplace exotic where she could just do absolutely nothing but just simply sightsee and relax. He imagined walking hand in hand on the beach or sitting in lounge chairs on the deck of a cruise ship. He’d take her to Disney World if that’s where she wanted to go. Yeah, he needed to put that plan into action.

  Easton looked at her sexy red toenails and felt a jolt of heat. He kind of wanted to kiss each toe but didn’t know how she would react. Swallowing hard, he looked up. Her eyes remained closed and the flickering light from the fireplace danced over her features. Her chest rose and fell in a slow even rhythm making Easton smile.

  “You’re not gonna fall asleep on me, are you?” he asked softly.

  “If I fall on you, rest assured that I won’t be asleep.”

  Easton leaned his head against the cushion and chuckled. “Is that a promise?”

  “Yes sir-ee.”

  “Mmmm, well now . . .” he responded and slid his hand up her smooth calf. She opened her eyes and met his gaze while his hand slid higher over her knee and up to her thigh. Easton’s body reacted to the feel of her skin, warm, soft, pliant. He rubbed his thumb back and forth until her breath caught.

  “Carrie Ann . . .” he murmured and when she nodded he moved his hand higher until he felt the silk of her panties. When he lightly grazed over her mound she gasped and nearly spilled her wine. Easton leaned over, took the glass from her, and put it on the coffee table. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “Are you out of your mind?”

  “Yeah, with wanting you,” he said as he toyed with the edge of her panties. “I’d suggest right here on the sofa but we might end up injured. I think that our days of making out on the couch have passed us by.”

  “Then take me to bed.”

  Easton didn’t need another invitation. He eased her legs over to the floor, stood up, and offered his hand. When he gently tugged her to her feet she stumbled against him.

  “Sorry. I’m a bit unsteady.” She smiled at him. “And it isn’t from the wine.”

  “I can fix that,” he said and scooped her up into his arms.

  “Are plumb crazy? You’re gonna throw your back out. Or pull something.”

  “No, I won’t,” Easton said. In truth, he was having instant regret, but he was determined. He started walking, gritting his teeth and trying not to grunt.

  “Easton, seriously. I’m a big woman.”

  “I’m a strong man,” he said, but his voice sounded strained and she started to laugh. “You are seriously ruining this very romantic moment.”

  “No, the romantic moment is going to be ruined when I have to dial nine-one-one,” she replied with a laugh.

  “I’m fine,” he said but staggered and started laughing with her. He eased her to her feet. “Evidently I need to hit the gym.”

  “Evidently I do too,” she said as he hugged her close.

  “I think you are perfect just the way you are.”

  “And so are you,” she said and stepped back and took his hand, leading him up the stairs and into her bedroom.

  Easton took a second to absorb the fact that he was in Carrie Ann’s bedroom, about to make love to her once more. She turned on a small lamp on a nightstand illuminating the room with a soft glow. Then, stepping back, she turned for him to unzip her dress. He kissed the delicate slope of her neck while he eased the zipper down, thinking there was something so intimate about this act. The dress slipped from her shoulders and pooled at her bare feet.

  With a moan, Easton pressed his body against her back and cupped her breasts. He rubbed his thumbs over the silk of her bra.

  “Oh my, that feels so very nice.” Carrie Ann rested her head against Easton’s shoulder, letting him touch her, caress her, sliding his hands lower over her torso until he reached her panties. He slid his finger beneath the waistband and felt the heat of her desire. Dipping his finger between her folds, he encountered the silky wet evidence that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

  “God, you are so very sexy.” Easton longed to turn her around and see her standing before him in black lace and pearls but his hands refused to stop touching her, caressing her. Her breath caught and he knew she was close to climaxing. With a flick of his wrist, he unclasped her bra and cupped her breast. As soon as he flicked his thumb over her nipple she cried out with a throaty moan. He was sure she might have slithered to the floor if he hadn’t hugged her against him.

  “Dear God,” she said, breathing a little hard. “I do believe you made my knees buckle, Easton Fisher.”

  “Good, but you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He kissed her neck, and then turned her around to face him. She blinked at him and smiled, looking so damned gorgeous with her flushed cheeks that Easton smiled back at her. “Now sit down on the bed.”

  “Are you gi
ving me orders?”

  “Not at all, sugar. I will do whatever your little ole heart desires.”

  “I desire you. Naked.”

  Easton grinned. “Your wish is my command.”

  “Oh, I like this. I need to invite you to dinner more often.” She let her unhooked bra slid down her arms and tossed it aside. Her breasts were lush and full with creamy white skin and dusky pink nipples. Youth might have passed them by but there was such beauty in her rounded curves and laugh lines. She looked at him, and while there was a hint of shyness in her eyes, he didn’t see even a flicker of hesitation. She wanted this as much as he did and the thought made him feel . . . happy.

  “I know I keep saying it but you’re beautiful, Carrie Ann.”

  “You certainly make me feel that way.”

  Needing to be next to her in bed, Easton made quick work of shedding his boots and clothes, glad he’d purchased new boxer briefs in black. He didn’t belong to a gym, but physical labor and sports kept him in pretty good shape and by the looks of Carrie Ann’s smile, she liked what she saw. “I want to explore every inch of you,” he said.

  “Again, we are on the same page and, better yet, in the same bed. This day just keeps getting better.” She scooted to the edge of the mattress and tugged his boxer briefs downward. When his erection sprang forward, she cupped his balls and ran the tip of her tongue from the base to the tip of his shaft. Easton shuddered and knew that if her hot, wet tongue teased him with another lick he would likely lose it. And when he lost it, he wanted to be buried deep inside her body.

  “Ah, Carrie Ann,” he said and she understood. When she scooted back he leaned over and tugged her panties down her legs and tossed them over his shoulder. Most of her hair had come loose from the pins and was spread out over the cream-colored comforter. Except for the sexy string of pearls, she was naked. Ready. And he’d never wanted a woman more than he wanted Carrie Ann Spencer.

  Easton slid his body next to hers, loving the sensation of his skin on her skin. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply, tasting the wine on her lips. She threaded her fingers through his hair and arched her body as if trying to get even closer and he understood how she felt . . . he couldn’t get close enough.


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