Stages on Life’s Way
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eroticism, the erotic, ix, 35, 452; absolute meaning of, 128; as the comic, ix; Greek, 39; and intellectual existence, 151; recollection of, 15; and reflection, 120; and the religious, 623; and the spiritual, 100
Erslew, Thomas Hansen, Lexicon, 516, 744
Esau, 97
esse, 439, 633
essential, the, 12, 80; and recollection, 12; and repentance, 12; women and, 563
esthetics, the esthetic, 53, 476, 483; and actuality, 459; and the ethical, 474–75; and the external, 441–43, 458, 467; Greek, 458; and immediacy, 476–77; in love, 421; in poetry, 441; and the religious, 423, 439, 441–42, 462–63, 466–68, 470–71, 477, 486; and selftorment, 467; and suffering, 457–59; and the tragic, 439, 633. See also poetry
eternity, the eternal, 11, 26; and erotic love, 42–43, 45, 293; and falling in love, 165, 293; and recollection, 523; and resolution, 110–12; reunion of lovers in, 60, 541; and temporality, 112–13, 302, 390
ethic(s), the ethical, x, 247, 317, 476; defined, 477; and erotic love, 149; and the esthetic, 474–75; exception to, x; in love, 421; and poetry, 154, 441; and the religious, 162, 442, 486; and the requirement, 476; and resolution, 111, 122, 149, 162; teleological suspension of, 230; and the tragic, 438; and women, 48, 145
Eurydice, 698
Eusebius, Eusebii Pamphili Caesareae Palaestinae Episcopi Praeparatio Evangelica, 608, 747
Eve: and Adam, 36, 127, 350, 489
Evelyn-White, Hugh G., Hesiod The Homeric Hymns and Homerica, 691
evil, 386; ideality of, 105
ex cathedra, 275, 642
exception, 175–83; and the beautiful, 181: and the universal, 181
existence, 153; and individual, 483–84; intellectual, and the erotic, 151; poet-, 152; without conclusion, 232
experience: and erotic love, 176–77
Experiment, xi, 191, 400
external, the, 441–43, 458, 467, 477; religious indifference to, 442–43
Fædrelandet, xvi, 732, 746
Fairclough, H. Rushton: Horace Satires, Epistles and Ars Poetica, 689; Virgil, 694
faith, xv, 181; and falling in love, 163; and the immediate, 292, 718; and love, 410; rarity of, 5; and reason, 718; reflection and, 162; resolution and, 164
faithlessness, 46, 50; of women, 53, 55, 63
falling in love, 63; absolute meaning in, 128; abstraction and, 174; and actuality, 160; deviation in, 149; and eternity, 165, 293; experience of, 176–77; and immediacy, 103, 121, 156, 158–59, 162; and marriage, 95, 102, 109, 111, 115, 120, 127, 156; and passion, 163; and reflection, 123, 152, 156, 158, 160, 162–63; and the religious, 178; and resolution, 102, 109, 111, 116–17, 148–50, 152, 156–57, 162–63; and understanding, 121; as women’s culmination, 124, 131–32; as wonder, 121, 123, 147, 158, 163. See also erotic love; love
Falstaff, 291, 353, 604
fantastic, the, 16
fashion: and corpses, 661; as sacred, 67; and sensuality, 66–67; and women, 66–71, 510–11, 553–56, 662–63
Fashion Designer, ix, 23, 30, 515, 534, 536, 661, 678–79; description of, 22, 509–11, 651; as high priest, 66, 70, 555; madness of, 65–66, 73; speech of, 65–71, 515, 553–56
fate, 461–62; and women, 63, 79
father, 44, 543; -concern, 587; and daughter, 587; and son, 44–45, 199–200, 250–51, 512–13
Faust, 180
fear: and compassion, 460–65
femininity, 131–32, 562–63
Fénelon, François de Salignac de la Mothe-, Lebensbeschreibungen und Lehrsätze der alten Weltweisen, 566, 596–97, 720, 722, 746
Feuerbach, Anselm Ritter v., 452; Kasper Hauser, 707
Feuerbach, Ludwig Andreas, 460; Wesen des Christenthum, 637, 738
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb: Die Bestimmung des Menschen, 740; sämmtliche Werke, 740
Figaro, 115. See also Mozart
Findeisen, F. G., D. Junii Juvenalis Satirae, 700
finitude, the finite, 62, 75, 76; reflection and, 162
Firchow, Peter, Friedrich Schlegel’s Lucinde and the Fragments, 738
firewood, see analogy
first love, 93. See also erotic love; love
Foersom, Peter, and Peter Frederik Wulff, William Shakespeare’s Tragiske Værker, 686
folk high school, 24, 535. See also Grundtvig
Folklaring, 698
Forbilleder, 258
Forerindring, 518
forgetting, 9, 12–13, 518–21
forgiveness, 482–84, 644; and immediacy, 481; as unity of comic and tragic, 483. See also sin
Forord, 518
Forundring, 348, 724
Foster, B. O., Livy, 740
fox traps, see analogy France, French: Paris, 479–81, 487, 644
Frater Taciturnus, see KIERKEGAARD, pseudonyms
Frederik III (king of Denmark), 700
freedom, x; and reflection, 414; resolution and, 111, 115, 161
Friedrich III (king of Prussia), 718
Friendship Society, 261
Fritzsche, Otto Fridolin, Firmiani Lactantii opera, 688
Gaea, 707
Gaea, xvi
galimatias, 49
gallantry, 56–57, 60–61, 72–73; and irony, 146
gambler, see analogy
genius: and resolution, 147–48
Gifford, Edwin Hamilton, Preparation for the Gospel, 747
girl, 215; vs. wife, 140–42
glasses, see analogy
Glockner, Hermann, 681
god, the, 121, 122, 123, 141, 558, 564. See also Guden
God: of Abraham, 233–34; closeness to, 126, 206, 260; creates man, 229; and erotic love, 163; existence of, 166; fear of, 378–79; humility before, 106, 174–75, 235, 309; idea of, 99, 614; and intrigue, 230–31, 574; love of, 374–75; and marriage, 99–100; obedience to, 582; punishment from, 251; relationship with, 174, 253, 259, 269, 275, 374, 414, 459, 462–63, 468; and religious abstraction, 173; and resolution, 110, 164; speaks to people, 315–16; as spirit, 99–100; swearing by, 236–37, 238; and time, 237
Godley, A. D., Herodotus, 685
God-Man, 660
gods/goddesses, 35, 37, 43, 68, 74–78, 302, 555, 559, 690, 691–92, 698; separate men, 682–83. See also individual names; mythology
Goethe, 153, 155, 513, 598, 635, 745; female characters of, 154; Aus meinem Leben, 149–52, 154–55, 564, 701, 702; Faust, 679; Goethe’s Werke. Vollständige Ausgabe letzter Hand, 679; Wahlverwandtschaften, 689, 706; Wilhelm Meister, 513
going further, 55–56, 292
Goldschmidt, Meïr, xvii
good, the, 34, 386; and happiness, 681
Goold, G. P., 692
Gorgias, 119, 482
Gospel, 164
Goths, 93
Gottsched, Hermann, 713
Gøtzsche, Nicolai Edinger Balle, 745
Grace(s), 25, 679
grammar, see analogy
Greece, Greek, 484, 645; Athens, 318–19; bath, 164; category, 121; Corinth, 323, 325; eroticism, 39; esthetics, 458; under Periander, 323–28; Seven Wise Men of, 703, 729; war against, 295
Gregory, Moralia in Job, 501
Grene, David, and Richmond Lattimore, Complete Greek Tragedies, 715
Grete, 321
Gribskopf (Gribskov), Captain, 248, 579, 712
Gribs-Skov Forest, 16–17, 503; stillness of, 17–19
Grimm, Jakob Ludwig Karl and Wilhelm Karl: “Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel, und Knüppel aus dem Sack,” 679; Kinder- und Haus-Märchen, 679
Grundtvig, Nicolai Frederik Severin, 24, 514–15, 535, 641, 696, 728, 730; “Blik paa Kirken i det første Aarhundrede,” 685; Brage-Snak . . . , 679, 743; Christelige Prædikener eller Søndags-Bog, 748; Kort Begreb af Verdens Krønike, 713; Theologisk Maanedsskrist, 685; Udsigt over Verdens-Krøniken, 713. See also Living Word; “matchless”
Guden(s), 121, 141, 558, 564. See also the god
guilt, 179, 180, 462–63; of intruder, 18; and recollection, 520–21; and repentance, 14, 644–45
Guldberg, Frederik
Høegh, Terentses Skuespil, 690
Gulnare, 78, 159; and Aladdin, 103
Gyllembourg(-Ehrensvärd), Thomasine: En Hverdagshistorie, 721; Noveller gamle og nye, af Forfatteren til “En Hverdags-Historie,” 721
habeat vivat cum illa, 169
Hades, 698, 714, 723–24
Hallager, Morten, Ny Danske Læsebog for de første Begyndere, 748
Hamann, Johann Georg, 92, 106, 119, 147, 561, 695, 706, 726, 743; Aesthetica. in. Nuce, 730; “Hirtenbriefe,” 700; Schriften, 696
Hamilton, Edith, and Huntington Caims, Collected Dialogues of Plato, 675
Hamlet, 407, 453–54, 635–36, 710
Handskemager, Jørgen, 592
handwriting, 4, 96, 190, 383, 516–17
Harlequin, 220, 437
Hauch, Johannes Carsten, Søstrene paa Kinnekullen, 658–59, 749
Hauff, Wilhelm: “Die Geschichte von Kalif Storch,” 741; sämmtliche Werke, 741
Haugaard, Erik Christian, Hans Christian Andersen The Complete Fairy Tales and Stories, 708
Hauser, Kaspar, 213
healing, 461; esthetic, 462; religious, 462, 468; and repentance, 468
health, 458–61, 637
Hebel, Johann Peter, 176; Sämmtliche Werke, 704
Hebrew, 127
Hegel, 292, 444, 681; and immediacy, 645; Encyclopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften, 693; Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, 695; Logik, 693, 717, 727; Philosophische Propädeutik, 718; Sämtliche Werke. Jubiläumsausgabe, 681; Vorlesungen über die Aesthetik, 680, 703; Werke. Vollständige Ausgabe, 681; Wissenschaft der Logik, 727, 728, 736
Heiberg, Johan Ludvig, 625, 651, 703–04, 721; Danske i Paris, 741; “Det astronomiske Aar,” 702, 704; Digte og Fortællinger, 726; farlige Taushed, 358, 726; Kong Salomon og Jørgen Hattemager, 590–91, 724, 727; Nina, eller Den Vanvittige af Kjærlighed, 746; Nye Digte, 732; Perseus, 703, 748; Recensenten og Dyret, 590, 718, 725; Skuespil, 718; Urania. Aarbog for 1844, 702
Heine, Heinrich, 452
Heise, Carl Johan, Udvalgte Dialoger af Platon, 675
Helen (of Troy), 159, 702
Héloise, 407
Helsingør, 187
Helw(v)eg, Hans Friedrich, 515; “Mag. Adlers senere Skrifter,” 749
Hengstenberg, Ernst Wilhelm, Aristoteles Metaphysik, 708
Hera: and cloud, 263, 714; and the Milky Way, 113, 697; as τέλεια, 101
Heraclides, 722
Hercules, 180, 323, 707, 746
hero: esthetic vs. religious, 454–55, 636–37; Quidam as, 454–55
Herodotus, 598, 734; History, 685, 696, 718, 723
Hertz, Henrik: Svanehammen, 698; Svend Dyrings Hus, 687
Hesiod, Theogony, 691
Heute roth morgen todt, 3
Hexebrev, 712
Hicks, R. D., Diogenes Laertius, 687
Hilarius Bookbinder, see KIERKEGAARD, pseudonyms
Hiorthøy, Christian Julius, 594
Hirsch, Emanuel: on Stages, xv, xviii; Kierkegaard Studien, xi
history, the historical: and the comic, 437–38; and ideality, 438–40; and the negative, 642; and the religious, 486, 642; and self-knowledge, 642; and the tragic, 437–38
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Ama-deus, 146; “Ein Fragment aus dem Leben dreier Freunde,” 701; “Die Königsbraut,” 716; Serapions-Brüder, 564, 701; ausgewählte Schriften, 701
Hohlenberg, Johannes, Sören Kierkegaard, viii
Holbæk, 245
Holberg, Ludvig, 61, 293, 543, 590; Abracadabra, 708; Almindelig Kirke-Historie, 713; Barselstuen, 689; Danske Skue-Plads, 675; Diderich Menschen-Skrak, 739; Erasmus Montanus, 45, 684, 708, 718, 724, 737, 745; Jacob von Tyboe Eller Den stortalende Soldat, 675, 727, 731; Jean de France, 694; Jeppe paa Bjerget, 717; Mascarade, 694; Mester Gert Westphaler eller Den meget talende Barbeer, 738, 746; Niels Klims Reise under Jorden, 703; Peder Paars, 748; politiske Kandestøber, 739; Stundesløse, 686, 711, 739, 746
Holger Danske, 144
Holm, Jens Albrecht Leonhard, Psalmer og aandelige Sange, 739
Holsten, 695
Homer, 302, 682; Illiad, 702; Odyssey, 691, 694
homesickness, 13, 26, 520
honor, 353, 604, 725
Horace: Ars poetica, 707, 746; Epistles, 690, 699, 704, 724, 739, 740, 746; Odes, 681, 697, 700, 716, 744, 745; Opera, 681; Satires, 689, 740
horse, see analogy
Houwald, Ernst v., Das Bild, 738
Hubbell, H. M., Brutus Orator, 728
human beings, 344, 365, 471, 541; as body and soul, 39, 170, 681; and duty, 260; as immortal, 472; need love, 34, 539; and spirit, 169, 637; and sympathy, 113
Hume, David, 696
humility: before God, 106, 174–75, 235, 309, 474; and resolution, 115–16
humor: and marriage, 128–29
Hunt, Margaret, and James Stern: “The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack,” 679; The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales, 679
huske, 9
Iago, 700
idea: break with, 12, 322; marriage expresses, 79, 105–06; single, 11; and the spectator, 461; suffering and, 457–59; unmarried person and, 260
ideality, xii, xv, 59, 422–23; and abstraction, 114–15; and concretion, 114–15; and erotic love, 32, 550; of evil, 105; and the historical, 438–40; and love, 591; and men, 63, 65; and recollection, 10, 14; and reflection, 160; and repentance, 12; and resolution, 107–09, 112, 114–16, 160; as true norm, 633; and women, 48–49, 59, 550, 557
illusion, 13, 48, 145–46; happiness as, 108; and reflection, 521; un-happiness of, 316.; See also women
imaginary construction, x, xiii, 31–32, 185, 191; explained, 398–494, 654–58; love as, 32; religious in, 458–60; structure of, 422–27, 467; unity of comic and tragic in, 435, 437, 455–56, 463, 467, 471–72, 643. See also Experiment
imaginary constructor, xii–xiii, 437, 657
imagination, 27, 52, 469; and actuality, 26; and intellect, 508; and sensuousness, 508; and will, 508
immediacy, the immediate, x, xi, 12; Aladdin as, 104; annulment of, 483; anxiety of, 103; and contradiction, 366; as divine category, 23; end of, 412; and erotic love, 100, 102, 166–68; and esthetics, 476–77; faith and, 292, 718; and falling in love, 103, 121, 156, 158–59, 162; first, 484; and the idea, 414; language of, 427; love and, 160, 407; and marriage, 64, 101–02; new, 163, 484; pathos of, 152; and poetry, 105; and reason, 718; and reflection, 123, 157, 162, 412, 414; and the religious, 162, 166–67, 169, 172, 415, 422, 440; and resolution, 102, 147, 162; and seduction, 104; and spirit, 65
immortality, 472; and birth, 45; consciousness of, 60–61; and death, 11; and erotic love, 548; and memory, 520; and recollection, 10, 520, 522; terror of, 10. See also eternity
Imogen, 220–21
in vino veritas, 26, 28, 525, 534
inclosing reserve, 189, 230. See also Quidam
Indesluttedhed, 189
Indesluttet, 187, 427
indirect method, xv
individuality (ies), 230, 261, 269, 271, 316, 430; authorized, 345, 647; esthetic, 420; ethical, 145; and imaginary construction, 191; justified, 104, 120; and love, 413; poet as, 154; religious, 153, 231, 318, 420, 435, 581; repenting, 317; and resolution, 109, 171; and τέλος, 101; and spirit, 171, 297; unhappy, 120
individual(s): and existence, 483–84, 487–88, 492–93; and recollection, 10; and the religious, 486; and self, 342–45; and species, 43, 541–42
inexplicable, the, 35–40, 63, 540–41
infinity, the infinite, 410. See also eternity
inner: and the outer, 375, 428, 441
insanity: bookkeeper’s, 279; feminine, 270, 585–86; slow, 269; sudden, 269
inspiration, 411. See also women
intellect, the intellectual: and abstraction, 171; and imagination, 508; and sensuousness, 508; vs. spirituality, 170; and will, 508
internal, the, 441–42, 468, 476, 477
intoxication, 18, 30, 529, 538–39, 556–57
Io, 737
irony, 50, 57, 157; an
d gallantry, 146; Socrates’, 156
Ixion, 714
Jacob, 97
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich, 10, 522–23, 695, 700, 743; Beylagen zu den Briefen über die Lehre des Spinoza, 676; Werke, 676
Jacobs, Friedrich, Longus Hirtengeschichten, 683–84
jealousy, 53, 135, 140, 182
Jean Paul (pseud, of Johann Paul Friedrich Richter), 38, 145; Flegeljahre, 701; sämmtliche Werke, 701
Jerony(i)mus, 45, 220, 543, 708
jest: and earnestness, 365–66, 415, 440–41
jeweler, see analogy
Jews, Jewish, 37, 41, 97, 122, 554, 658
Job, 316
Johannes the Seducer, see KIERKEGAARD, pseudonyms
John, Nicholas, Marriage of Figaro, 698
Joseph (Old Testament), 304
Judge William, see KIERKEGAARD, pseudonyms
judgment, 478; and will, 305
Judgment Day, 292
Juliet, 167–68, 227, 321, 407–08
Juno, see Hera
Jupiter, see Zeus
justice, 220, 502
Juvenal, Satires, 700
Jylland, 257
K(j)ærlighed (Kerlighed), see love
Kaltwasser, Johann Friedrich S., Plutarchs moralische Abhandlungen, 693
Kant, Immanuel, 152, 625
Kierkegaard, Michael Pedersen (father), 742
Kierkegaard, Peter Christian (brother), viii
and walking, viii, 742
anxiety of, 513
as author, viii, xiii–xv, 515, 646–51, 662–63