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What the Prince Wants

Page 9

by Jules Bennett

  A flash of him doing chin-ups with one muscular arm, the memory of how he’d stared so intently into her eyes the instant before he claimed her mouth flooded her thoughts. Then there was the other side of him that also played through her mind. The man was an amazing father, always wanting to give Iris her bath, wanting to spend so much time alone with his little girl. The smile he gave Iris was unlike anything Darcy had ever seen. The man was truly in love with his daughter.

  How could Darcy not be attracted to all facets of Colin? He may still be quite mysterious, and he still had that expensive SUV in the drive waiting for her to drive it, but he had her so torn up, she had no choice but to want to know more.

  For the past three days he’d stayed away from her unless they were with Iris. Part of her hated the barrier she’d placed between them, but the other part knew the separation was the best thing for her. Between focusing on her business and reminding herself she needed to guard her heart, Darcy couldn’t afford to fall into a fling no matter how she desired to do just that.

  Memories of how amazing his weight had felt pressed against her as his mouth consumed her would just have to suffice. Unfortunately, right now, all the memories were doing was leaving her achier.

  “How can I stay inside and work when there’s so much fun going on out here?”

  Darcy froze the same instant Iris squealed for her daddy.

  No. No. No. She didn’t want to turn around because if she did she knew she’d see Colin wearing some type of swimming trunks that only showcased his impressive set of abs and all of his other magnificent muscles.

  She wanted to hide, to instantly be poolside and wrapped in a towel so he didn’t have to see her get out of the water with her thighs jiggling and her rounded stomach that had stretched her “miracle suit” beyond the promised miracle.

  From the corner of her eye, Darcy spotted a flash of black just as Colin dove headfirst into the pool. What was he thinking coming out here with her? Yes, Iris was present as they’d discussed, but he wasn’t naive. He knew exactly what coming out here half naked would do to her. What type of game was he playing?

  When Colin surfaced, much closer to her than she’d anticipated, he swiped the water back from his forehead and smiled at Iris.

  “Hey, baby. Are you having fun?”

  With Colin’s hands on the raft, Darcy eased back. No way was she going to accidentally entangle her legs with his because she’d quite possibly start to whimper, which would completely override the speech she’d given him three days ago.

  “I’ll just let you two have some time alone.”

  Darcy made her way to the steps. There was no good way to get out without Colin seeing her ancient, threadbare suit pasted against every dip and roll. Best to just get out, fake a confidence she didn’t own and run like hell for the nearest towel.

  “You don’t have to get out because I’m here.”

  Darcy knew full well the man had his eyes on her, but she didn’t turn to meet his gaze until she was properly wrapped like a terrycloth sausage.

  “I’m not,” she told him, lying through her smile.

  Colin adjusted the canopy over Iris to keep her shaded. “Are you going to run every time you get uncomfortable?”

  Gripping her towel at her breasts, Darcy straightened her shoulders. “I’m not running.”

  “But you’re uncomfortable,” he said with a smirk. “Your rules, Darcy. You can cancel them at any time and take what we both want for as long as we’re here.”

  No, she couldn’t.

  “She’ll need a nap soon,” Darcy told him, dodging the obvious topic. “Just bring her in and I’ll get her all dried off and ready. If you don’t object, I plan on making almond-crusted chicken and grilled veggies for dinner.”

  “No objections here. At least not on dinner.”

  The man was so confusing. One minute he was moody and kissing her so she had to put on the brakes. The next minute he was agreeing to her terms and then he tried to muddle her mind by flashing that chest that should be enshrined in gold.

  Darcy marched into the house, not in the mood to play whatever game he was offering. He had issues of his own, at least he said he did, and so did she. They had a temporary working relationship. Pursuing anything beyond that agreement would be wrong and settle so much awkwardness between them they’d never find their way out.

  The last time she’d fallen hard for a man, she’d let him into her life, into her business because her grandmother thought he was perfect for Darcy. Darcy had trusted her hormones and ignored common sense for too long.

  She’d let business and pleasure mix once before and she’d be paying for that mistake for the rest of her life.


  Darcy may want him to give up, but until he quit seeing desire in her eyes each time she looked at him, he wasn’t backing down. She’d been burned before and now Colin was paying for another man’s sins.

  She may have asked for space, and he wasn’t one to go against a woman’s wishes, but that didn’t mean he still couldn’t get what he wanted.

  True, the house was huge so giving her space wasn’t necessarily a problem. But their physical connection was so intense that the walls seemed to close in on them.

  At first he’d fought the attraction, then he’d resigned himself to the fact it wasn’t going away. Then he’d wondered if they could both heal by seeking comfort in each other. But as that thought ran through his mind, he couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more building here.

  He sounded like a woman thinking through all of his feelings and emotions, but Darcy was bringing out a side he hadn’t known existed and he didn’t want to cheapen whatever this was to a potential fling. They both deserved more than that, yet he couldn’t help but want her and there was no point in trying to fight the tension anymore.

  He’d failed in his attempt at seduction at the pool earlier today. He thought for sure spending time with her in a more relaxed setting with Iris would soften her. Now Darcy was up in her room and he was once again in the gym. He couldn’t even come into this room anymore without seeing her pressed against the wall, flushed from arousal and looking up at him beneath heavy lids.

  There had to be a way to break down the barrier she’d encompassed herself in. There were so many layers he’d yet to peel away. He wanted to know why she only wore three outfits and rotated them. He wanted to know why she was sewing things in her spare time and why she sneaked down to the gym early in the mornings before Iris woke when she thought he was still asleep. On a rare occasion he would catch her searching the internet for more recipes. Seems that cooking wasn’t just a fun hobby for her as she’d stated, but a true passion.

  Still, she’d made it apparent she didn’t want to be alone with him so talking to her was damn near impossible, because when Iris was around he wanted to devote his time and attention to his daughter.

  Colin pushed the bar back into locked position and sat up on the bench. Swiping a hand across his forehead, he cleared away the sweat as a brilliant plan entered his mind. He was going to have to get creative, to make sure there was no way she could run from what was happening between them. And something was happening whether she wanted to admit it or not.

  Sliding his cell from his shorts pocket, Colin quickly did a search for the number he’d used when he’d first contacted her and placed the call. “Colin?” she answered, confusion lacing her tone.

  He chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “Why are you calling my cell?”

  A nugget of doubt slid through his mind, but he pressed on because he’d never backed away from a challenge.

  “To talk.”

  Silence settled over the line. Maybe this was a mistake, but it was a risk he was willing to take. Hadn’t he always been a daredevil? Hence his accident and recovery. “Darcy?”

/>   “I’m here.” She let out a sigh and a faint sound of sheets rustling filtered through the line. “What do you want to talk about? We’re in the same house. You are in the house, right?”

  He came to his feet and reached for a towel hanging over a weight machine. “I’m in the gym.” Colin mopped off his face and neck, and flung the towel into the bin in the corner. “Did I wake you?”

  “No. I had just turned off my light and crawled into bed.”

  Closing his eyes, he could easily picture her spread out on his guest bed, her dark, rich hair spilling over the crisp, white sheets. What did she wear to bed? A T-shirt? Something silky, perhaps? Nothing?

  “Is everything okay?” she asked. “I’m a little confused as to why you’re calling me.”

  “I want to hear your voice.”

  Colin shut off the light in the gym and headed toward his office. Only a small desk lamp lit the room. He knew he had to keep control of this conversation or she’d hang up.

  “Tell me about your life before you came here.”

  Darcy laughed. “What about it? I work with kids and love to cook—that’s about as exciting as I am.”

  She was so much more and he’d be the man to show her. Whoever she’d been with last was a jerk who hadn’t realized what a treasure he had.

  “You have friends, yes?” he asked.

  “Yes. I was living with my best friend before I came here. What about you? You’re from Greece, you’re an amazing father, you keep simple working hours, but that’s all I know.”

  “I’m not talking about me.” He sank onto the leather sofa, leaned back and shut his eyes. He wanted to hear all about her, wanted her sultry, sleepy voice to wash over him. “We’re talking about you.”

  “This Q and A can go both ways,” she replied with a hint of a challenge. “How about we take turns? I’ll go first. Why are you still trying to seduce me?”

  “Wow. You sure you don’t want to lead in with something lighter? My favorite color is red and my favorite sport is rock climbing.”

  “You’re dodging the question,” she stated. “You are the one who started this game.”

  “Fine. I want you.” He shifted on the couch and propped his feet up on the cushions, then leaned back on the arm. “Why are you afraid to be alone with me?”

  “Because you’re sneaky and I wouldn’t be able to resist you.”

  Colin smiled, settling a hand on his bare abs. “I’m not sneaky, I’m honest.”

  “That’s debatable.” She sighed and Colin imagined her upstairs in the dark, aching for him as much as he was for her. “It’s my turn. How did you injure yourself?”

  “I was rock climbing and made an error in judgment. Trusted the wrong rock.”

  Darcy’s gasp had his own gut clenching. He was actually glad for the head trauma because he didn’t remember the fall in any way. A minor blessing.

  “You could’ve been killed,” she cried.

  “I nearly was. The doctors weren’t so sure at first, but once they knew I would live, they told my wife I would never walk again.”

  “You’re remarkable,” she whispered.

  As much as his ego loved her stroking it, Colin really didn’t want her pity because of his accident. He wanted her, no question. But he understood she was burned in the past and he knew she was struggling for money, so she definitely had more at stake than he did.

  “Tell me about the jerk who broke your heart.”

  Darcy groaned. “Why don’t you ask something else?”

  “Because my backup question is me wanting to know how fast I can be in your room with nothing between us but the darkness.”

  “You’re not playing fair,” she muttered.

  Colin gritted his teeth. “Baby, I’m not playing at all. I’m tired of playing. We’ve danced around this attraction for too long and I’m going insane.”

  “Fine. We’ll discuss the ex.”

  He didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or cry at the reply.

  Darcy’s deep inhale had Colin eagerly waiting, but knowing he’d probably want to hunt this guy down and make him pay. Colin had no reason to be jealous, no reason to be so territorial...yet he was.

  “My ex took every single dime I had to my name. I trusted him with more than my heart, he was my new business partner after my grandmother passed, and he betrayed me. Apparently he had another girlfriend and was using my money to buy her presents. And by presents I mean trips, a car, a condo.” Darcy paused and Colin wasn’t sure if there was more or if she was waiting for him to reply. After another soft sigh, she continued. “He not only ruined my business, he killed my dream of adopting a child.”

  Colin tamped down his anger. Whoever this bastard was, Colin loathed the man and wished for about five minutes alone with him. The fact he’d stolen all of her money was a sin in itself, but to know Darcy wanted to adopt was a morsel of information he was shocked she’d revealed.

  Did she have a dream of adopting because she was compassionate toward kids and wanted to save them? Did she not plan on marrying? Or was there something medical that prevented her from having her own?

  She’d answered one question and triggered a multitude of others.

  But now he realized why Darcy had so little with her, why she was so upset over the new car and him having hers taken away without asking first. Her ex had thrown money around, albeit hers, and had used the funds to further his own desires. This woman was a fighter and she wasn’t about to take handouts from the likes of Colin. How could he not admire how strong-willed she was?

  Fortunately, he’d gotten her car back, now fixed, and it sat in one of the bays of his second garage behind the house. But even though he’d smoothed things over with Darcy, Colin didn’t want to stop there. He was already in deep with her, so why not keep going to satisfy his curiosity?

  “What’s his name?” Colin asked.

  “I’m sorry?”

  Colin fisted his hand over his abs. “The lowlife who stole from you. I want his name.”

  “It’s not your turn.”

  Her tone left no room for argument, so he waited for her to ask her question.

  “You’re a man of mystery. What’s your profession?”

  “I’m a CEO of sorts.” Okay, there was no good way to answer, but he was a leader...for now. “I manage a large group back in Greece.”

  There. That sounded believable, didn’t it? It was his turn to ask a question, but he wasn’t wasting it on her ex’s name. He could find that out later and take care of things. Right now, he wanted to dig deeper, to get to the point of his call. Priorities.

  “What are you wearing?” he asked.

  Darcy’s soft laugh enveloped him as if she stood before him. Damn, he wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to feel her beneath him. He’d only known her several weeks and she all but consumed him. Obviously she had no clue the power she held over him.

  “Are we playing that game now?” she all but mocked. “I’m wearing a black, silky chemise that leaves very little to the imagination.”

  Colin swallowed, the image now burned in his mind. “You’re lying.”

  “You’ll never know. What are you wearing?”

  “Shorts and sweat. I just finished my workout where all I could do was see you pinned against the wall with your eyes closed, your mouth on mine and my hand up your shirt.”

  Darcy sighed. “What are you doing to me?” she whispered. “I can’t keep up with how quick you turn me inside out.”

  “That goes both ways, erastis.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Come down to my office and I’ll tell you.” More like show her.

  “I can’t, Colin. You’re making this so difficult for me. You have to understand that just because I want something, doesn’t mean
I can take it. Apparently you’re used to getting what you want.”

  “I always get what I want.”

  “Sounds like a threat.”

  Colin smiled. “It’s a promise.”

  “Tell me about your wife.”

  Colin eased up and shook his head. No way was he getting into how he’d let his wife down when he’d lived his reckless lifestyle and then pushed her away when he’d truly needed her most. He totally took the blame for their failed marriage because he’d been too proud, too stubborn to let her just help him through his rough time. Which was beyond ironic since he’d hired Darcy to assist him because he’d finally come to the realization he couldn’t do it all.

  Maybe it was time to break the cycle. To finally let someone in and keep his stubborn pride on the back burner. But, right now he had other, more pressing matters.

  “Let’s table that discussion for another time.”

  “Count on it,” she said around a yawn.

  “I’ll let you go,” he told her. “I need to hit the shower before I head to bed.”

  “I’ll just be lying here in my chemise, dreaming.”

  Colin fisted his hand and came to his feet. “You’re getting too good at this. Better watch what you say, you’re playing with fire.”

  “You lit the match.”

  When she hung up, Colin stood in his office with a painful arousal and a ridiculous grin on his face. Yeah, he was used to getting what he wanted and he wanted Darcy in his bed.

  And he would have her there. It was only a matter of time.

  * * *

  Darcy hadn’t slept at all. Once Colin had started with the “what are you wearing” game her mind had formed so many fantasies, leaving her restless and aroused.

  She hadn’t lied when she said she was lying in her bed wearing a black chemise. She actually owned two. Sleeping in something so soft, so flawless gliding over her skin always made her feel more feminine. After dealing with children all day and spending most of her waking hours dealing with various problems and parents, she had to stay in touch with her femininity even if she wasn’t sleeping with anyone.


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