Sex on the Beach [Libertine Island 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sex on the Beach [Libertine Island 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Diane Leyne

  Mike was up to something with regard to the lovely Ms. Lawrence, and Mal had to admit he, too, might have some designs on the gorgeous new yoga instructor. Of course, it didn’t mean that he wanted her to stay because that would mean that he would have to train her from scratch because she obviously didn’t have any submissive training.

  Thinking about the short time they’d spent together, she was a confusing mix. There were times when she did seem to show a few submissive tendencies when he pushed, and then other times, she’d also pushed back, so he was just confused and kind of turned on. But training a submissive would be a lot of work in addition to his regular job. And he couldn’t rely on Mike to put a lot of time into her training. He would just want to play.

  On the other hand, how many chances would he get to train a submissive who’d never had a Dom before? He and Mike could mold her into their ideal sub. She had no experience to compare it to. He could design a training program around what he wanted. Of course, he wasn't too contentious a Dom not to take her wants and needs into consideration, but with no experience, she would have no expectations, giving him the ability to shape her submission.

  Hmm. Maybe hiring a vanilla wasn’t such a bad idea after all, as long as she was open to being trained.

  He put the cooler in the storage locker and looked back up at the boat. His brother had changed from shorts to swim trunks and tossed a pair to Mal. With a quick look at the cabin door, he shrugged and dropped his shorts, changing quickly.

  “Grab me some towels. How many do we have? We’ll need them later.”

  Mike grinned.

  “I may not have been a Boy Scout, but I’m always prepared.” He ducked into the second bedroom and came out with an armful of towels. He handed them down to Mal before retrieving one last small waterproof bag, which he slung across his chest and over one shoulder before sliding into the water, too.

  “What’s in that?” asked Mal.

  “Condoms, lube, sunscreen, and a few small toys. And some rope. And leather cuffs. You know. Just the essentials.”

  “You must have been a Boy Scout in a previous life.” Mal laughed. “Of course, just what those scouts were prepared for probably wasn’t in the standard handbook.

  Just then, the bedroom door opened.

  “Come on in, Rebecca. The water’s great.”

  They treaded water, holding onto the edge of the raft as they watched Rebecca approach the railing. Mal looked up and felt a frisson of awareness jolt through his body straight to his dick. Rebecca was standing in the doorway wearing an itty-bitty royal-blue bikini that left nothing to the imagination. He’d thought she looked hot in the sports bra and bike shorts. Then she’d looked sexy and powerful. She was revealed, but she was concealed, too, intriguing him, making him want to see what was underneath the fabric.

  The bikini rendered him speechless as his dick stood to attention in the swim shorts. He looked up at his brother. He couldn’t see below the water, but he knew from his expression that Mike was in the same condition that he was.

  He looked back at Rebecca. For all her bravado, he could see that she was embarrassed, and it intrigued him. As a Dom, most of the women he interacted with were in the lifestyle, which meant many of them got off on exhibitionism or were at least used to it. He’d enjoy teaching Rebecca to enjoy showing off her body and the effect it had on men.

  She stood uncertainly at the top of the ladder, her fierce and independent demeanour temporarily overcome by embarrassment. Mal and Mike, working together, pulled the raft away from the boat to give her room to come down the ladder and enter the water. Mal could almost see the gears working behind her eyes. She’d strode to the edge confidently, but that confidence slipped quickly, and the uncertainty showed in her eyes as she saw the brothers staring up at her.

  Then her resolve clearly hardened and it looked like she was going to dive into the water.

  “Rebecca, it’s not deep here. Use the ladder.”

  The uncertainty came back for a second, but then she obeyed, turning her back to the brothers, and she started down the short ladder.

  “Good call, Mal,” whispered Mike. Mal had to agree. Besides the pleasure of her obeying him without question, the visual was first rate. Her bikini bottom wasn’t technically a thong, but it didn’t cover much of her butt, which was first class. And by the time she was on the third step, it might as well have been a thong as it had been forced into her crack by the wide steps she had to take down the ladder. She paused when she was on the last step and knee-deep in the water and moved a hand as if to adjust the bottom before looking over her shoulder at her rapt audience and stopping abruptly.

  Mal grinned, and she slid gracefully into the water. Mike laughed and splashed her deliberately before pushing the bag behind him and heading toward shore with long efficient strokes. Mal expected Rebecca to follow Mike, but instead she grabbed the second towline from the raft and waited for him to give the signal, and then the two of them pulled the raft behind them.

  Silently they swam, Mal matching his strokes to hers, but he didn’t have to hold back much. She was small, but she was powerful with good technique. Maybe she could teach a few sessions in the pool. She could do water aerobics, not that water aerobics required swimming skills, and even a basic learn to swim class for the customers. He looked at her again, admiring her technique. He wondered if she’d ever had sex in the water.

  * * * *

  Rebecca glanced over to Mal and saw him watching her appraisingly and felt something tingle in her stomach. She’d thought that she’d prefer Mike when she realized they were brothers, but Mal’s kiss had been intoxicating, and now that he seemed to have removed the stick from his ass, he might even be a nice guy, too. He’d surprised her when he’d kissed her, and she’d surprised herself when she realized that she was kissing him back. The man had a talented mouth, and the thought of exploring those talents further had aroused her to the point that she didn’t know if she’d been relieved or annoyed when Mike had turned up, given that Mal hadn’t seemed thrilled to be saddled with her before the kiss.

  Mal seemed to be five or six years older than her, enough to give him an air of maturity but not enough to feel too old for her. Mike, on the other hand, was young and fun like an adorable puppy she wanted to play with but didn’t take seriously. She’d been attracted to him when they’d first met, but her professionalism had kept her from going out with him, no matter how charmingly he’d asked.

  But now there were no impediments from her being with either Mike or Mal. Or both.

  The thought had just slipped out unbidden. She’d been thinking about which of the guys to have a fling with when that dirty, dirty thought had slipped through. Have them both. Why not? This is your year of no regrets fun. Do them both. Let them both do you. You wanted to make memories. Do it right. Do them both.

  She tried to shut of the voice in her head, but it kept getting louder and louder, especially now that they were getting closer to shore. The water was now shallow enough for Mal to walk, and soon it was shallow enough for her as well. As they got closer and closer to shore, more of Mal’s body was exposed, and it was a beautiful sight.

  And just as beautiful was the sight awaiting them. Mike had dropped his bag of whatever on shore and was wading out to help with the raft. He might not be as well developed as Mal, but his body was still hot enough to stop traffic. He had the lean muscles of a runner and, she knew from experience, the tone and flexibility of someone who did Pilates or yoga regularly.

  As she approached the shore, Mike walked up to her, standing in front of her and forcing her to stop. She looked him in the eye, waiting. He pulled the towrope from her and tossed it to Mal, and then he leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth before sweeping her into his arms and tossing her into the water.

  She came up sputtering and laughing, splashing him right back before turning and swimming toward shore. It wasn’t long before the water was too shallow, so she had stand and walk, the water slo
wing her steps. She expected Mike to dunk her again or kiss her or something, but he surprised her again, moving in front of her and crouching down. Taking the hint, she grabbed his shoulders as he grabbed her thighs before straightening up and giving her a piggyback ride to shore.

  She felt herself tense. She was short, but she was muscular and a lot heavier than she looked. He must have felt her stiffen. He chuckled and stopped, turning his head so she could see his profile.

  “Relax and enjoy the ride, babe. And maybe you’ll let me give you another kind of ride later.” He kissed her arm. “And do not, I repeat, do not say anything derogatory about your weight. You have like zero body fat and all that beautiful muscle. And you definitely aren’t too heavy for me to carry. Get used to it.”

  He started walking again, holding her easily. As the water level dropped to below his knees, he even started a light jog. Rebecca found herself clinging tightly to his back as she bounced up and down, which was evidently his plan as he laughed with seeming enjoyment.

  She looked over his shoulder and saw that Mal had pulled the raft well up on to the beach and had spread out a blanket. He had one corner weighted down with the cooler and another with the bag that Mike had been carrying earlier. He looked very domestic unpacking it, placing the food containers in an orderly fashion and then adding the empty plates and cutlery to the blanket.

  Mike set her back on her feet beside the blanket and then dropped down onto it, patting the spot beside him. Rebecca sat, too, but not quite as close as he had indicated. Now that they were back with his brother, she wasn’t sure what the correct protocol would be. She decided to concentrate on the meal Mal was arranging.

  “Wow, that looks good!” And it did. She could see pieces of chicken, several types of salad, fresh rolls, and cookies and fruit for dessert. She looked over at the cooler and saw that the interior was divided into two sections and one side was filled with ice and bottles of water.

  “No beer?”

  “Sorry, did you want some? We’ll bring it next time.”

  “No, not for me. I’m good with water, but I thought all guys preferred beer.”

  “What, and ruin this body?” Mike laughed and patted his flat stomach. “I’ll tie one on with the guys occasionally, but neither of us drink much. It’s a lot of empty calories.”

  “Besides,” added Mal, his tone dry so she wasn’t sure at first if he was joking, “we work most nights in a dungeon. You need to keep a clear head when dealing with all those whips and chains.”

  She guessed her expression reflected her confusion as the brothers burst out laughing. “Mike, she really is green.”

  “Yeah, whips and chains are only part of her worries, at least in our kind of dungeon.”

  “Yup, I prefer crops and canes.”

  “Not to mention ropes and handcuffs and blindfolds.”

  Rebecca found she was laughing along with them.

  “Okay, guys. You’ve made your point. I know next to nothing about what I’ve gotten myself into except what I’ve read in books. Michelle said she needed someone to teach yoga and Pilates and fitness classes and do one-on-one training sessions when required. That I know how to do. She also said I’d be needed to help with various demonstrations and assist with the entertainment. I have no clue what that’s all about, but she said training would be provided.”

  She saw Mal watching her. She knew Mike was pleased she’d be working at the resort, but Mal had clearly not been happy that she’d been hired, at least not initially. But now he seemed to be considering something.

  “You know, Rebecca, I think it was pretty clear when we met that I wasn’t happy about you having been hired.”

  “Not an understatement, that’s for sure.” Mike had leaned over and pinched her leg. “Ouch!”

  “What did you do that for?” she demanded, rubbing the sore spot on her leg.

  “No mouthing off to the Doms. Lesson one.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Mike’s right and so was Michelle. You don’t just need to learn about the job but how to interact with the customers. Doms and subs are different from each other and from most of the fitness clients you’ve had before. Even if you aren’t in the lifestyle, at the resort, you’ll be expected to understand the protocols and obey them. The customers are paying a lot of money to come and be immersed in the lifestyle for however long they stay. The staff has to be a part of that. The question is, are you willing to learn?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “There’s another question, though. Who is going to teach me? Michelle told me there would be two weeks of training and that if I pass, I can stay and if I fail or if I don’t like the training, I can leave. I’m willing. Are you?”

  “I think,” Mal spoke slowly as if he was considering each word before he said it, “that since we’ll be working closely together if you stay, it’s important that I do your training. Along, of course, with my brother. But just how willing are you to be trained? Do you understand what that entails? Don’t answer until I have explained fully… This is a BDSM club, and you are vanilla. If the customers realize that, they won’t be happy. Some of them feel judged by vanillas, and they come here to get away from that. If you are going to work with customers, you have to be fully versed in the lifestyle, and while you won’t be asked to live it twenty-four-seven, you will be required to act as if you do when you are dealing with the public.

  “Can you handle that?”

  “I want to say yes, but I honestly don’t know because I don’t know what that means. I told Michelle I’d do it, and I still want to try.”

  “Good answer. I appreciate your honesty. In fact, one of the rules will be absolute honesty. If you do decide to let us train you, we need to know exactly what you are thinking and feeling. We’re not mind readers, and it’s not like training is the same as a course curriculum. It’s customized to the particular sub’s needs and wants.”

  “Sub? You mean you aren’t going to train me to be a Domme?” she teased, only half kidding. Surely being a Domme would be easier than being a sub.

  “You think you could take a riding crop to someone’s ass?”

  “Hell no.”

  “Then a sub it is, my pet. Welcome to your first training session. Lesson two. Over the next few days, we’ll discuss and negotiate your hard and soft limits. Until we’ve had a chance to do this, we’re going to play it by ear and assume your limits will ultimately be somewhere between vanilla and full-on pain slut.”

  He laughed as he saw her wince.

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. A little erotic pain can really enhance a sub’s pleasure. For some subs, it’s a lot of pain that enhances their pleasure. But don’t worry, neither of us are hard-core sadists. We won’t use a single tail on you, and we’ll only cane you if you are really, really bad. And we’ll be watching your reactions closely in any scene, so while we’ll push your limits, we won’t push you beyond your limits.”

  “Let me get this straight. You want to hurt me? Both of you?”

  “No. Yes. We will never harm you, but yet, we may hurt you and cause you pain, erotic pain, at times. Mike more so than me. I love to see a sub with a red ass from my hand, but bondage and control are ultimate my turn-ons. I need complete obedience from my sub. When we’re in a scene, the only thing you do without my express permission is breath. Mike, on the other hand, knows just how to administer pain to have you screaming in pleasure.”

  “Don’t look so skeptical, baby. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll become addicted. I can make you come harder than you’ve ever come before. You’ll be begging for more as the pain ratchets up the pleasure so high that it almost becomes pain and you don’t know whether to beg me to stop or beg me never to stop.”

  “Mike, you’re scaring her.” Mal looked impatiently at his brother. “Rebecca, you will learn that the sub ultimately sets the limits. But once that’s done, the Doms make the rules. No one
is going to push you past any hard limits you set, but we will push your soft limits and encourage you to try almost everything at least one before you reject it. And you’ll always have your safe words, Green for everything is fine, Yellow for slow it down, we need to talk, and Red for stop. Do you understand?”


  “Good, let’s get started. Hands in front of you.”

  His tone had changed, his voice becoming commanding, and she responded without thinking, holding her hands as he asked. No, that wasn’t the right word. He’d commanded her and she’d obeyed, and she was becoming aroused. Even his mention of erotic pain enhancing pleasure had given her a jolt. She wanted to try it. She’d never considered pain with her pleasure before, but something about his voice made her want to experience this at their hands.

  In fact, she could feel the moisture gathering in her pussy and sliding down her leg. She pressed her legs together so he wouldn’t see it, but from his expression, she wasn’t fooling him.

  She heard the sound of a zipper and turned her head. Mike was unzipping the plastic bag he’d brought and took out some strips of leather. He tossed one to Mal, and then they both took one of her wrists. She could see now that they were wide leather cuffs with buckles and a D ring. They each attached one to a wrist, checking to make sure that it wasn’t too tight. The leather was soft and subtle and was surprisingly comfortable.

  “Hands behind your back.” Again, she obeyed automatically. Maybe she did have some submissive tendencies. That thought fled quickly as Mike moved again and she realized that he’d attached the cuffs together. She tugged, but they were securely fastened.

  “Now, time to eat.”

  “Um, if I may ask, how do I eat like this?” She twisted slightly, showing Mal her cuffed hands.

  “I’m well aware you are restrained. This is your first lesson in submission and trust of your Doms. We’re going to feed you, and you are going to let us.”

  Chapter Six


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