Book Read Free

Quarterback Blitz

Page 14

by Frances Stockton

  Kyran dressed with the same urgency. He placed their used condom in a trashcan in the kitchen and returned fast.

  “Anna, what aren’t you telling me? Your practice didn’t go well today and now there’s a meeting. Your ex is calling.”

  “It’s nothing serious, Kyran.” Anna crossed her arms, feeling defensive. They’d just had sex. She didn’t want to ruin the afterglow because of Will and school. Too late, she felt exposed and raw, angry that she was being called in to defend herself for kissing a man.

  “Tell me,” he insisted.

  “The Journal article was sent to my school,” Anna told him. “Manny, the JV head coach, found it, along with the defensive coach.”

  “What the hell?” Kyran groused.

  “Worse, the superintendent was made aware of it. Kids seemed to know too. I’m to appear before the board of ed on Monday,” Anna explained.

  “That’s bullshit.”

  “You know that. I know that. The board isn’t so happy. Couldn’t even participate in practice today,” Anna complained. “I don’t think it’ll mean suspension, but I’m feeling like a kid caught with her hand in a cookie jar. I talked to a lawyer today. It’s not fair and I’m letting the teachers’ union know about it if this meeting turns into something serious.”

  “Come Monday, I’m going with you.”

  “Don’t you have practice Monday morning?”

  “Yeah, Coach Matthews will understand.”

  “You can’t miss practice.” Punching her fists at her hips, she meant every word. “They’re mandatory at this point, right?”

  “Nothing I can’t work around,” Kyran argued.

  “I can handle the school board.”

  “Anna, it isn’t right that you’re in trouble because of last night.”

  Walking up to him, she put her hands on his hips, wanting him to listen. The warrior he was wanted to defend her. She appreciated it, could love him for it. But she wouldn’t let herself get carried away with the reality of her feelings. She needed to be sensible.

  “Kyran, being with you last night was the most impulsive thing I’ve ever done. And I wouldn’t change a thing! But let’s be sensible here.”

  “Not sure I can be when it comes to you,” he said, wrapping his arms about her waist. “Our exes are calling, meetings arranged. The pot’s being stirred. Why, because I’m younger, famous, we jumped into bed?”

  “It’s more than our ages. Older women with younger men aren’t that uncommon,” she said. “When you didn’t call me after we met, I was certain you’d realized I was too old. Last night, I worried about it too.”

  “I know, love. And there’s no reason for you to worry. I want to be with you, no one else, you get me?” He kept her close, but he was tense, ready to defend her.

  “Let’s face it. I’m not getting any younger. I get cranky when I see gray hairs and wrinkles! You could regret getting involved with me. But the truth is I hope you don’t.”

  “Anna, I’m your guy, haven’t I convinced you of that?”

  “And I like that you’re my guy,” she admitted. She wouldn’t lie to either of them.

  “Then don’t worry. Don’t forget, I spied you at the stadium during the mascot interview process and tried to get you to go out with me.” He touched his finger to her chin, tilting her head back. “Why do you think I came back so often?”

  “Should have accepted, I know that now,” she replied. “I was shocked that you spent time watching while we learned the routines. When I got the job, we found each other.”

  “And went out on our first date,” he added, relaxing, his hold confident.

  “A date that closed the coffee shop at two in the morning,” she smiled, remembering. “If I’d not given you the wrong number, where do you think we’d be by now?”

  “Based on what I’m feeling now, I’d have a ring on your finger.” He eased back, placing his hand at her chin. “I want to find out how far we can go together, Anna. Last night wasn’t a one-night stand, never intended it to be.”

  “So what would you have done if I’d stood my ground?” she asked.

  “I’d have tried for another date, been patient, whatever you needed. Don’t forget, we have a date tonight.”

  “Yes, we do.” She went up on her toes and kissed him. A minute or so later, she eased back, smiling, savoring the taste of him on her tongue. “Hope my hair didn’t get all messed up.”

  “You’re beautiful.” He didn’t really look at her hair. He looked at her face, into her eyes. He’d seen every inch of her, from head to toe. He knew where her faults were and he was still here. “One question before we leave.”

  “Uh oh,” she said.

  “We coming back here or going to my place?”

  Anna thought about it. Her phone rang again, answering for her. “Yours, if that’s okay.”

  “More than okay,” he said. “Run up and grab an overnight bag. Tomorrow’s Sunday. We can go to the Harbor or D.C. for the day.”

  “Either sounds lovely,” she agreed.

  “Anna,” he called out when she was halfway up the stairs. “What does your ex have to do with the school board?”

  “Oh, he’s on it.”

  “What the hell?” he growled again.

  “Will’s harmless.”

  “The guy fucked a student on his desk. And he’s going to hear you defend yourself for that photo? That’s messed up.” Kyran reached into his pocket, snagged his cell phone. “Go on, get your stuff, got a call to make.”

  Anna went on to her room. In the distance she heard Kyran say his agent’s name.

  What bothered her most about Brenda’s article was how quickly the woman spread her venom. Sure, getting information about Anna’s background wasn’t that hard. But it would have taken some time to follow them last night, find out about her teaching job, write the article, get it printed and make sure the powers that be at her school read about it.

  Not for the first time, Anna worried that the reporter was stalking Kyran. Brenda’s actions were like a jealous, jilted lover, malicious. Then again, she wondered if the piranha had some inside help. Security or someone within the Griffins organization would have access to just about anywhere in the stadium.

  Trying to think, she packed an overnight bag with her brushes, toothbrush, makeup, a nightshirt, which she doubted she’d wear, change of panties and bra and some clothes. It was August so she chose a pair of nice shorts and a matching top she could wear with sandals.

  Done, she returned to the kitchen where Kyran paced. He saw her, said bye to his agent and clicked off the phone. “Ready to go?” he asked.

  “Sure am,” she agreed.

  He took her bag from her, escorting her to the door. “Alex’s arranging to have your home phone number changed. He also wants you to have today’s phone calls on record with the police, in case someone becomes threatening. It’ll be done by Monday morning.”

  “Oh wow, thank you for thinking of that.”

  “Anytime,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  Outside, his black SUV looked menacing in her driveway. She liked that.

  Anna let him stow her bag in the back and help her into the front passenger seat. The gentleman in him had him buckling her seatbelt. The rebel had him stepping up into the passenger side to give her a mouthwatering, toe-tingling kiss that went on and on. Her head spun and her pulse raced by the time he drew back.

  “What was that for?” she asked as he dropped back to the pavement.

  “After-sex kiss, something I forgot when the phone rang.”

  “Well aren’t you sweet,” she said, flushing all over. Licking her lips where they tingled, she tasted a hint of saltiness, from her sex.

  Kyran drew back, heading around the SUV. He was at the driver’s side when his whole body tensed. He looked back at the street.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he shouted, leaving the door wide open and running flat out.

  Anna scrambled around, seeing a white,
non-descript sedan. Glad it wasn’t a mini-van, she didn’t understand what was going on until Kyran reached the car and nearly wrenched the driver’s door from its hinges. He leaned in, grabbed something and jerked it back. The guy inside tried to fight him for it, but Kyran easily fended him off.

  In his throwing hand was a big digital camera with a telescopic lens. He studied it, clicked a few things. He made a loud roaring sound. The whole neighborhood could have heard it. Then he suddenly hefted the camera up and smashed it to the ground.

  “Asshole, that’ll cost you plenty,” the guy inside the sedan warned. Wisely the man stayed in the car. Anna was sure that if he got out, Kyran would tear him limb from limb.

  “Like I fucking care,” Kyran said. “Even one of those photos shows up in print or on the ‘net, there’ll be hell to pay, you get me, fucker?”

  “You smashed the fucking camera,” the man cursed back.

  “Right, that’s Kyran Black you should send the bill to. Want to file a complaint, call the cops right now.” Kyran offered his cell phone, ready to dial.

  “Know who you are, just doing my job, man. I got rights, you know.”

  “Yeah, tell Jamison that I filed for a restraining order against her coming around me or my girlfriend. Judge is expected to sign the order Monday. It’ll be delivered when it’s signed.”

  Kyran crushed the camera with his heavy foot. It snapped like a kid’s toy. He searched through the rubble, found a piece of plastic and tucked it into his pocket.

  “Don’t give a rat’s ass about Jamison. Tell her yourself. You can’t take that,” the other guy warned.

  “Watch me,” Kyran dared. “Already told you about the lawyers, bring on yours if you want to take me on. Since you won’t call the police, I will. Stay put.”

  “Fuck off, man, you can’t keep me here,” the stranger claimed, slamming his car door shut and taking off.

  Kyran spun around, snapping photos of the sedan with his cell phone, then he punched numbers on the handy little device.

  As the sedan sped down the street, Kyran spoke in his phone, sounded like he’d dialed the police. She’d no idea what was going on, but didn’t say a thing until he got back to the SUV.

  “Kyran, what’s going on? Who was that man?”

  “Rag reporter. He was spying on you most of the day, Anna. He had tons of pictures of you.”

  “What?” Anna gasped, blinking. There was more to it.

  “I’ll explain more in a sec, cop’s coming. Stay in the SUV,” he advised her, turning away.

  A minute later, a police cruiser pulled into the driveway. Kyran spoke to the officer, showed the man his phone. The two gestured back and forth.

  Finally the uniformed officer came up to her. “Ma’am, I’m told there was a reporter outside your house, taking intrusive photos. Did you notice the sedan Mr. Black mentioned?”

  “No sir, I didn’t. I’ve been home for the better part of the afternoon. I don’t know who he was.”

  “Would you mind coming down to make a statement of what you witnessed when Mr. Black approached him?”

  “Yes, of course, I’m glad to help.”

  The cop spoke to Kyran again, took some notes, spoke into the lapel mic and left a few minutes later. Once they were alone, Kyran climbed into his SUV.

  Kyran was angry, his face red hot, his knuckles white from clenching his fists.

  “Kyran, you okay?” she wanted to touch him, calm him.

  He drew a breath, finally looking at her.

  “Yeah, I’ll be okay. It’s you I’m worried about. Officer Brown took my statement and sent a cruiser looking for that sedan. Fortunately, I got that asshole’s license plate, gave it to the officer. Soon as I can, I’m sending it to Alex and my lawyer,” he grumbled, hitting send on the phone. He tossed the phone aside and punched the key into the ignition. The Escalade roared to life. Working the clutch and stick shift like he was a racecar driver, he slowly backed up, careful to check behind him.

  “Wait ’til we get on the highway, Anna. We’ll talk more when I can think straight.”

  Anna could barely speak herself. Kyran took on the paparazzi for her. She hoped he didn’t get in trouble for it. He’d been magnificent putting that guy in his place.

  When they were cruising down the highway, Anna placed her hand over his where it rested on the column between them. “If it helps, you were quite the conquering warrior.”

  “Yeah, it does. I’m still fucking pissed. We’ll have to go to the police station tomorrow morning to make our statements official.”

  “Are you really going to send in your lawyers against Brenda too?”

  “Count on it,” Kyran said. “Judge was called this afternoon. That call I took before the cop arrived? It was a detective helping us find information or evidence on her for stalking.”

  “Did you know that reporter, Kyran? Does she work with him?”

  “Think so, I’d seen him with her once at Griffins’ Nest Stadium. Officer Brown’s going to check their connection and assist the detective. Doesn’t matter, that idiot’s camera had been aimed at your front window.”

  “But…but there’s a curtain,” she reminded, even though she already knew what kind of photos the guy took.

  “A curtain parted enough that the camera caught us, you know…fucking.”

  “Oh my god, what is wrong with these reporters? Did you date Jamison once or something, that why she keeps hounding you?”

  “Never,” Kyran stated. “She was vaguely familiar to me when I saw her the first time, that’s it. A judge should take care of further incidents with her, at least. If she hired that bozo it was a step too far out of bounds.”

  “We won’t know if she did until the cops investigate,” Anna said.

  “Fortunately, I ruined the camera and got the memory card. I had to turn it over for evidence.”

  “Nice thinking.” Anna leaned back in her seat. More photos, like they needed more trouble with the press. “You know, Kyran, I’m not sure I’m in the mood to go see a movie.”

  “Tell you what, how about we go home and watch any movie you’d like?” he suggested. “I’ve got a ton of DVDs or we could rent one from my cable company.”

  “That sounds nice, actually. Do you think we could put the article and this stuff with Brenda on hold for the rest of the evening?”

  “You sure? There are a few things you’ll need to know.”

  “I’d rather enjoy being with you. That camera guy left a sour taste in my mouth. I want to think of something nice.”

  “All right, how about letting me cook for you, okay?”

  “That’d be great,” she said.

  “Well all right then.” Kyran let go of her hand to shift. He reclaimed her hand within seconds.

  “Should you call Alex now and tell him about the reporter guy?”

  “We’ll deal with it at home,” he said.

  Anna turned up the radio a little. It would be nice to be in Kyran’s condo again. It occurred to her sometime later that he referred to his place as home, as if it were hers too.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kyran was angry and worried. He didn’t want to take Anna back to her house tomorrow night, not now.

  Flashes of those photos were ingrained in his retinas. Various angles, from his face buried in Anna’s hot, juicy pussy to the moment he’d climbed into that chair, turned her around and fucked her senseless had been on that camera.

  The sex had been epic. The aftermath scared him. He didn’t know if that guy had another camera. At least he’d taken the memory card and turned it over to the cop.

  The problem was Brenda Jamison wasn’t in the car. He had no proof that she sent that guy in. Kyran had seen the camera, the pictures and flipped.

  Fucker was lucky he didn’t get his face smashed in.

  “Kyran, it’ll be okay,” Anna said beside him.

  She’d placed her hand in his, totally trusting him. He’d take care of her. Anna was facing a lot of fla
k for last night. She’d accepted the consequences better than any woman he knew. Hell, he was proud of her.

  And yeah, he was falling like a rock. Not that he was complaining. He had Anna James. That made him feel invincible, but even the invincible had an Achilles’ heel. His were reporters.

  “I’m sorry about that guy, Anna.”

  “You aren’t responsible for his actions.”

  “If I’d stopped to check the window, I might have caught the bastard sooner.”

  “We were too far gone to think about the curtain,” Anna said.

  Smiling at that, he caught the image of her sweet folds, opening and pulsing for him. He couldn’t have resisted her. “I’ll make it all up to you later. Movies and dinner in the privacy of home sounds like a perfect date to me.”

  “Got to agree on that,” she laughed. “Besides, despite those pictures, you were incredible on that recliner.”

  “Well thanks, I aim to please.” Tightening his hand, he drove with his left.

  “And modest too,” she teased.

  He wasn’t modest. He was impulsive. Nudity wasn’t a big deal. If it were just him in those photos, he’d have walked away. Had he not acted on impulse last night, she wouldn’t be facing a school board.

  His phone rang and he let it go to voice mail. It was Alex’s ringtone. He’d call back when he could drive without wanting to hit something.

  A rest stop came up and he pulled in to park. “Just take a sec,” he told Anna.

  He hit voice mail on the cell. Alex had gotten a call from the officer who’d come to Anna’s house. The officer wanted them to come down to the police station Sunday morning.

  Tucking the phone away, he looked at Anna. “You okay with stopping at the police station tomorrow? They need us to make a statement.”

  “Of course, I already said I would.”

  “Good, I’ll send a text to Alex later. After we go to the station, we’ll go out. Sound good?”

  “A date with you, you bet.”

  Back on the road, Kyran decided to treat her like a queen. Good food, great movies, fantastic sex, sounded like a plan to him.

  “What are you plotting over there, Kyran?” she asked.


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