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Quarterback Blitz

Page 21

by Frances Stockton

  Kyran gave Anna his cell phone. Anna found Alexander Grant on Kyran’s contact list. Within a minute, a smooth, cultured baritone answered. Alex sounded every bit the professional agent, with coolness in his tone that warned not to mess with one of his clients.

  Trusting Kyran’s friend, Anna made an appointment for later that afternoon.

  “All set, I’ll worry about the mascot gig later,” Anna commented, giving Kyran his phone back. “I’m going to call the phone company and straighten out my new number.”

  “If there’s anything I can do, you let me know. I’ve got to get moving.”

  “Yes, you do.”Anna pointed to the door. “Go on to practice. I’ll see you tonight at my place, spaghetti.”

  “Sounds good, see you then,” Kyran said, strolling to the door. He didn’t try to kiss her goodbye since Manny and Brian were watching. “Manny, I’ll be in touch about coming to see your players.”

  “Awesome, until then,” Manny said.

  Kyran glanced back at Anna, smiling a familiar warrior’s grin, promise in his eyes as he left.

  He’d helped her slay one problem, the board and Will Simmons. Now Anna had to hope Alexander Grant could help with the Griffins.


  Kyran started his SUV, staring over at the row of cars in the lot. He didn’t want to drive if he couldn’t think straight. He’d been real close to decking Anna’s ex for that slight he’d given her.

  He was glad he hadn’t. That would have caused trouble for her, probably Will Simmons’ intent.

  Taking out his cell phone, he dialed Alex. “Can you help her?” he asked his friend.

  “Once I see the contract,” Alex said. “My concern is the fact that the management prefers their mascots to be anonymous. She’s exposed. Most will forget her after the next big headline, but some might not.”

  “Just do what you can. Thanks for looking out for my woman.”

  “Sure thing, Kyran,” Alex assured. “Listen, I think the worst of this media storm is over. The Alexandria Journal is going to run an apology to the Griffins for Saturday’s article. I know the reporter they hired, she’s decent, fair. She’ll bring Brenda’s article to a close. When I spoke to the Journal’s editor-in-chief, he said he’d been told Brenda Jamison had a new article about Kyran Black’s future with the Griffins and his single status. He’d been told there’d been a scoop on you that no one else had yet, and someone higher on the food chain had him run it. Brenda claimed to have verifiable sources, she’d written plenty of stories where her facts were accurate. He did what he was told.”

  “How high?”

  “High as Frontline Multi-Media,” Alex said.

  “You lost me.”

  “The Journal and the Sentinel are owned by a much larger media corporation,” Alex explained. “The two presses are considered small markets for them, especially given that the Sentinel is all online.”

  “I understand that, I think. Why did Frontline want an article to run in a small press?”

  “Frontline Multi-Media hosts a cable network that runs continuous stories about celebrities,” Alex continued. “It’s on the ‘net and television and anyone wanting details of the latest celebrity relationships and mishaps can gain access to it. You’ve made headlines before for the media and paparazzi, guess they wanted more.”

  “Anna, how does this affect her?”

  “That guy you caught spying on Anna was working for Frontline News, the primary television news show on the cable network. He doesn’t work for Brenda Jamison or the Journal, specifically.”

  “Great, I knew he was slime. Did he report that I smashed his camera?”

  “Not yet. I’ve had our lawyers try to contact the reporter, goes by the name Max Henderson. He hasn’t responded to any calls.”

  “I want to hire a bodyguard for Anna,” Kyran decided. “I’ll explain it to her and pay for the cost.”

  “Good deal, I’ll make some calls on that. Go to practice.”

  “On my way.” Kyran ended the call, unsettled about the paparazzi hanging out at Anna’s house.

  At least Alex would hire security for Anna and she’d not be alone at night. Kyran was relieved. Calmer, he started his SUV, headed out. Halfway to practice, he pulled over at a strip mall, dialing Phalen Maddox.

  Phalen answered. “Hey, bro, glad you called. Got some info for you on the license plate you gave me. Your guy’s name is John Brown, aka Max Henderson, reporter for Frontline News.”

  “That’s why I’m calling,” Kyran said, quickly explaining what Alex had learned about Frontline. “My gut tells me to follow the money where the paparazzi reporter is concerned. It seems to me that a small-time news press shouldn’t generate that much interest from a cable network reporter hoping to take advantage of Anna’s fifteen minutes of fame, unless they planned to take pictures with the intent of extortion or something.”

  “I see your point,” Phalen replied. “I’ll see what I can find out about Frontline Multi-Media. Most of what I know is what you already said. They trade in on celebrity notoriety. Fortunately, you and Anna are yesterday’s news in terms of national attention. Frontline’s latest scandal is all about your ex and her boyfriend. The two were seen at some fetish club, Seville being the Master to the guy’s slave.”

  “Doesn’t surprise me, given her aggressiveness,” Kyran said. “Sure am glad I’m out of that relationship.”

  “Based on the pictures I’ve seen, they were staged for the attention. That woman doesn’t know a damn thing about mastering anyone.” Phalen spoke from experience in a world Kyran didn’t subscribe to. “I thought you should know the pics on the ‘net are pretty graphic. You worry about football and your girlfriend. I’ll call as soon as I have anything substantial.”

  “Thanks, Phalen, I knew I could count on you.” Kyran ended the call and edged back into traffic.

  By the time he reached Griffins’ Nest Stadium, he was an hour late for practice, but had phoned ahead about the schedule. He rushed to his locker room, changed into his gear and jogged to the field.

  He and Anna were going to be okay. She’d agreed to live with him on the weekends and he’d make sure she was safe when he couldn’t be around her. Before the official start of the football season, he hoped to convince his school teacher to move in with him on a full-time basis.

  One step at a time, he reminded himself. He had Anna and wouldn’t ruin a good thing, a damn good thing that happened to be just right for him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Five Weeks Later

  Anna rushed around her bedroom gathering last-minute things for another weekend at Kyran’s house.

  Nervously, she let her eyes dart to the surprise she’d received in the mail earlier that morning. Except for when she’d gotten her period, they’d done things in bed she’d never dared with anyone else. She’d never felt more daring, sexy or able to handle Kyran Black’s sexuality. Tonight, she wanted to stretch her wings and see if she could fly.

  He was more dominant regarding their sex play, having discovered early on that Anna loved turning her pleasure over to him. He was never brutal or mean. Last weekend when she submitted to a night bound to his gigantic bed, at his mercy, he’d taken her to heights of ecstasy she still hadn’t recovered from five days later.

  She’d been a little nervous at first. But her lover didn’t rush her, not for a second pressuring her into anything she wasn’t ready for.

  And the toys! The man did love to use them on her, sometimes on himself. During their fantasy bondage night, he’d teased her to multiple orgasms with a small vibrator before securing it around his waist with a thin strap so it vibrated against his groin and her clit and vulva.

  Anna had exploded. Kyran shouted right to the rooftops, his massive cock trembling deep in her with the vibrations, filling his condom with cum. After they’d rested, he massaged her shoulders, calves and ankles, then repositioned her, still bound. What he’d done after that with a jelly-filled, tapered plug and h
is penis sent her into orbit.

  Spectacular, she recalled now, looking at the gift. Tonight, she was going to be the one in control, assuming he wouldn’t object and she knew how to use the surprise.

  She picked up the thin “how to use” manual that came with it. Sure wouldn’t do if she couldn’t perform. It was weird sometimes to think he was younger, but far more experienced than she was. There were still moments when she wondered if he’d realize she wasn’t always capable of bedroom gymnastics. He’d eased her worries when he’d make love to her so tenderly she’d wept, assuring her that he wasn’t trying to reinvent the Kama Sutra or porn flick fucking. He was simply trying to please her, always.

  Part of her reserve when they’d met during mascot tryouts was because he wasn’t an average man. Sure, he was younger and part of her used it as an excuse to avoid seeing his genuine interest. Their first date revealed their attraction and even misunderstanding hadn’t changed his interest. Now she knew. His career, onetime bad-

  boy rebel persona and recovery from near tragic injury had matured him into a great man.

  Besides, she was grateful to him. Because of Kyran, his agent Alex and his PI buddy Phalen, most of the media attention had faded away. The only trouble they’d had outside their relationship was Seville Davis.

  She’d gotten herself into a media storm with her actor-model boyfriend and wanted Kyran to come to L.A. to rescue her. Even though he’d changed the number, she’d obtained it several times, causing Alex to get him a phone that only he, Phalen and Anna knew about. The other, he kept for everyone else, rarely using it when he was with her.

  Anna had been relieved. They’d been able to spend time together as a certified couple. Her jobs were safe. Brenda wasn’t welcome at the stadium and couldn’t hound them anymore. Even Will had backed off regarding his concerns with the school board. In fact, he’d resigned. She hadn’t seen him since.

  Downstairs, the doorbell dinged. She’d been so lost in thought she didn’t hear the loud growl of his SUV. Dropping everything she was doing, she raced for the stairs. Eagerly, she threw open the door.

  The tall, dark auburn-haired rebel of her midnight fantasies stood there. Instead of the casual slacks or jeans, loafers and polo shirts he liked to wear on their dates, he wore a business suit. He looked, well, scrumptious in tailored charcoal gray pants, coat, gray shirt and matching striped tie.

  So good, Anna could eat him up, but something wasn’t right.

  “Kyran, what’s going on?” she asked, seeing the way he shifted as if something was on his mind.

  “Hey now,” he said. “Not into the suit, huh, baby?”

  “You look very dashing, hero. But why are you dressed like that? Should I go change?” She wore a navy shirt and khaki shorts. Her feet were bare.

  “Can I come in first?” he asked, raising his brow.

  “Of course, sorry,” she apologized and stepped back.

  Kyran shut the door, leaning back against it. She guessed what was wrong. They weren’t spending the weekend together.

  “Ricky pulled a hamstring. Good news is, it’s minor and he should be back on the field by the first Griffins home game of the season.”


  “Better news, I’m starting next Friday night. Only thing is, keep that under your hat, okay? Coach wants to release it to the press on his terms.”

  “That is great news and understandable,” Anna said, proud for him. He was an excellent mentor and second-string QB, but his preference was to play as much as he could, especially if this was his last season as a player.

  He was still in negotiations about extending his association with the team as a coach, though. She thought he’d do a great job.

  “Bad news, team’s going wheels up on a red-eye tonight,” he revealed. “We weren’t supposed to leave until Sunday. Coach wants us to get to Malibu and acclimate for the time change. I’m sorry, Anna. I wanted to spend the weekend with you.”

  Disappointed, she wouldn’t complain. This was what he did for a living. Team practices were getting longer, more intense, more focused on the start of the season. She knew that, knew there would be cancellations and obligations. She just hoped they’d have a little more time.

  “Oh Kyran, I’m happy for you, really,” Anna assured, moving in closer. His big arms came around her, familiar and warm, safe. “I knew you had a game next week and it’s the season opener! That’s huge for you to start.” And since the mascot and cheerleaders didn’t travel to away games often, she wasn’t going to be there.

  “Thanks, love,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head. “Have to admit that’ll be nice to get out on that field and show that I’m not done yet.”

  “You’ll wow them with that rocket arm, Kyran Black, no doubt.” Glad to have him with her for even a little while, she relaxed. “So what time do you have to be at the airport?”

  “Got four hours,” he answered. “I’m planning to spend them here with you, get me?”

  “Definitely got you, but fair warning, I may not let you out of bed ’til then.” She leaned back to look up at him. Despite the premature end to their weekend date, she still had him for what was left of the night. “Not to mention you do look rather edible tonight.”

  “Speaking of eating, you hungry?” she asked after they stood together, simply enjoying the closeness and familiarity.

  He’d been right at the diner. They’d fallen into step real easy from the first. Only once in a while Anna felt the little aches resulting from Kyran’s frequent lovemaking. He was a tiger at times. She knew it, understood, loved it. No one on the team spoke against her or called her a cougar. The players were good to her when she attended a few practices with their wives and girlfriends.

  Plus, they spent most of their free time together. Weekends exclusively, with date nights during the week when they could.

  “Hungry for something, yeah, but not food,” he said, grinning down at her.

  “Well in that case, it seems you’ve gotten yourself into some trouble as of late.” Going into teacher mode, she jerked herself out of his arms to punch her fists at her hips.

  “You going to do something about that?” he countered, crossing his arms. In the suit, he looked imposing, bigger, all male and gorgeous. The scar on his face looked menacing, delicious.

  “You bet, young man.” Facing off with him, she stood her ground. He stood his. “You are to march upstairs immediately.”

  “If I don’t?”

  Moving right up to him, being certain to remain focused on his face, she lifted a brow. “Excuse me? Did you not hear me? Get upstairs. Your teacher’s about to show you some manners,” she warned, faking a sneer.

  Kyran’s grin was wicked, devilish, promising retribution some other time. He winked, pushing off the door.

  When he reached the stairway she stopped him. “Hold. Remove your coat and tie.”

  He did, quickly. Hanging the clothing on the railing, he looked back. “Anything else?”

  “Shoes, pants, off,” she ordered flicking her left hand absently.

  As directed, he kicked off the shoes and unfastened his belt and pants, sliding them to the floor. He wore boxer-briefs, his heavy erection filling out the front rather nicely.

  “Very good, you may proceed with the socks.” His socks joined the stuff on the rail. “Now go on up and wait for me. Need I say where?”

  “No ma’am,” he grumbled as if he were really in trouble.

  Oh he was, she thought wickedly. She was about to fuck his brains out.

  Whether he knew exactly what she planned, she couldn’t say. She hadn’t told him about her gift. From what they’d done so far, she was sure he would enjoy it.

  Pointing upstairs, she waited. Kyran turned, obediently going where she directed.

  It wasn’t his norm to relinquish their play to her. But Anna wanted this, for him, for them. He was about to set off on one of the most important games in his career with the Griffins. An opening game win woul
d be a major coup for the Griffins, especially on Sharks turf.

  Deliberately making him wait a bit, she walked up the steps. Purposefully slowing when she rounded the top and went into her bedroom, there she paused.

  He was laid out for her on the bed, totally, splendidly naked.

  “What took you so long, Ms. James?” he asked, aroused and ready. “Am I to be punished?”

  “Not at all, Mr. Black,” she remarked, wanting him so badly she was creaming in her panties.

  She didn’t need to look to know her shorts had a telltale wet spot. Kyran’s eyes went to her crotch, his smile grew wider.

  “Not punished, loved. By me, understand?” she asked.

  “I am all yours, baby,” he answered, easing his arms back behind his head.

  Anna approached the bed, slowly. “In that case, who is your lover?”

  “Name’s Anna, might have heard of her,” he said. “Smokin’ hot, amazing, sexy…smart too, I get off just looking at her.”

  “Would you let her teach you lessons in love sometimes?” At the bed now, she stood there, enjoying the sight of him.

  His bed was two times bigger than her queen-sized mattress and frame. But there’d be plenty of room for them in hers.

  “As long as she’s enjoying it. It’s what she deserves, pleasure. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for her to achieve it.”

  “Why is that, do you think?”

  “‘Cause I love her, simple as that, really,” he admitted.

  She didn’t tell him to do a thing. He just laid there looking wickedly handsome and huge. His rock-hard cock twitched against his abdomen. Pointing to his navel, the purpled head wept, leaving a wet spot. It made her a little nervous thinking she might change her mind when it came down to putting her plan into action.

  “Anna, do whatever you want to do to me, okay?” He pushed himself up to his elbows, waiting for her.

  “I want to fuck you, Kyran,” she said, hoping, no, wanting him to know what she meant.

  Then she saw it. The toy that arrived that morning was moved from the bed to the side table. While she’d delayed downstairs, he’d added a few things to the array, including packets of lube.


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