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Page 6

by Viola Grace

  The other images were far more graphic. “What did he ask you for?”

  “The image of his true lover. I am pretty sure that those are all you. They all have the same beauty spot on the right hip, so…” Rhoda shrugged. She wasn’t embarrassed by her images, so Lera unbent and began to look at the pictures in detail.

  One image had her turning her face away from the viewer, but Lance’s arms were across her breast and belly, holding her tight against him. There was no slip of fabric to cover the juncture of her thighs, and he was obviously nude as well.

  The other images were more active. She was astride him in one, in his lap in another with her hands holding him tightly to her. The next one involved tilting one’s head to the side to figure out what she was looking at. She gasped and quickly looked at the final image.

  Naked in his arms, they were in the air over the night sky of Jennila. The four moons gave the location, and the burning focus in his gaze was all for the woman he held.

  Lera sat heavily on the floor. “That one is intense.”

  Rhoda squatted next to her. “Isn’t it though? I swear, I lost my breath for a moment when I saw it. I wish I could exhibit it, but there is a little too much of you on display for you to be comfortable with it.”

  “Yeah, you are right about that. So, where do we hide these?”

  Rhoda laughed. “We don’t. The last five are all his commissions. They belong to him. You can hide the first one, but that is it.”

  “Damn. This is going to make for an awkward dinner.”

  “Think fast. They are approaching.” Rhoda chuckled and got back to her feet, wandering over to the dining table and taking a seat.

  “How do you know that?”

  “I share more than a bed with Charm.” She held up her arm, exposing a silvery scar. “The mating scar is where a knife bound us together. His nanites are in my body. I can sometimes hear him think and definitely tell when he is on the way. They are landing right now.”

  Lera got to her feet and joined Rhoda at the table. “Fine. I will deal with it. I will be embarrassed, but I will get through it.”

  “Why should you be embarrassed? Your body is beautiful. Lithe with muscle, you can obviously handle yourself in most situations. It all shows when there is nothing to distract you. That is what these sissy clothes are for by the way, a distraction so that most of the governing bodies won’t see the intelligence behind the demands. You will be a soft, pretty female of an exotic race and that is all that they will see.”

  “So, it is a disguise.”

  “If you like.”

  They didn’t have a chance to discuss anything else. The Guardians stomped in and immediately headed for the showers. Soot and smoke marked them all with the exception of Charm. He walked over to his wife, and his faceplate and body armour disappeared, leaving him wearing a stylish shirt and trousers tucked into high boots. He kissed her, and when he raised his head, Rhoda made the introductions.

  “Lera, this is Charm. Charm, this is Lera, another of my people.”

  Charm was a silvery grey from head to toe. He walked over to her and took her hand to his lips for a kiss. “I am always pleased to meet a kinswoman of my wife’s.”

  Behind him, Rhoda shrugged. “Close counts when you are talking stellar space. We are kin.”

  He released her hand and returned to his wife’s side. The bots were setting up for dinner, and Charm relaxed easily as they scampered around him.

  “So, what do you think of Rhoda’s work?”

  Lera thought about how to answer. “She is excellent at capturing the emotion of a moment.”

  Rhoda snorted. “That is the most polite description I have heard to date. Thank you.”

  They continued to chat as the other Guardians gradually trickled in and the bots set out a meal for them.

  It was time for dinner, and the family was all together.

  Chapter Ten

  Shatter’s shock at the content of the portraits was unmistakable but not for the basic assumption. He had far more interest in her naked body than was appropriate for a co-worker.

  When he reached out to trace the curve of her spine in the portrait where she straddled Lance, her lover took matters into his own hands.

  He snarled and tackled Shatter to the floor, thudding hard against the tile.

  Charm got to his feet and surrounded the men in a writhing chain of energy as they fought. He lifted them and pushed them out the door into the courtyard. Once they were outside, he closed the door and returned to the collection of ladies. “Shall we commence with dessert?”

  The thuds occurring outside were audible from within.

  “Um, shouldn’t we stop them?” Lera wasn’t quite sure what was going on.

  Charm looked at her with a smile. “You are the pivot point of that fight, so intercede if you like. None of us could make a dent. The Ekathi and Orkathi are different socially but attracted to the same kind of mate. They have each seen something in you that draws them, and they are now fighting for your future.”

  Lera got to her feet. “Like hell they will.”

  Coma sighed and raised her hand. “Sit down, Lera. We all know who wins, but they are men, and they have to hack it out. Their hormones need to know who the winner is.”

  “How will that help me?”

  Rhoda smiled, “It actually doesn’t have anything to do with you. It has everything to do with their private battle for supremacy. Their species is always in conflict. Two children born of the same womb can have the different genetic traits and they will be raised according to their appearance. Lance and Shatter are cousins in the actual use of the word. Raised apart in different societies, there is no doubt that they would have varying approaches to a mate.”

  Lera blinked. “Wait, they are actually related?”

  Coma nodded her head. “They do not think of it in such terms, but genetically, their parents were siblings. One brother, one sister and two different partners, but the children are out there pounding each other into goo.”

  “What will stop the hostility?”

  Charm sat with his arm around his mate. “Shatter will have to realize his own need for a mate doesn’t go against the natural order of things. The Orkathi believe that if they do not give into their passions and keep their species pure that the Ekathi genes will eventually cease to emerge.”

  Lera took the caf that the bot offered her. “How long have they been trying?”

  Coma sighed. “At last count, seventeen hundred years. They haven’t solved it yet, and now and then, this sort of thing happens. I am surprised that it happened over a female.”

  Charm grinned. “Terran females are worth fighting for.”

  Rhoda snorted. “Right. The ones I have met out here are a little on the far side of normality.”

  “That is what makes you precious.” Charm stroked his fingers down his mate’s arm, and she sighed and curled against him.

  Lera smiled and jumped as the exterior door slammed open. Lance stumbled in, and she ran to him, wrapping her arms around him for support.

  He kissed her, his lips careful and slow as they skated over her mouth. “Pardon me, beloved. Shatter needed to be reminded of his manners.”

  Rhoda sighed and elbowed Charm. The other Guardian got to his feet and left for a moment. He returned with a large box in his grip. “Shatter, Rhoda created this for you. We had no idea if you would need it, but it appears that now is the time.”

  Shatter moved from his spot by the door and shifted toward Charm with a definite limp. “What is it?”

  His breath hissed in and out through his cut lip and swollen nose. Apparently, Lance was pretty good with his hands.

  “There are a few more Terrans in the area. Yours has some enhancements, but this is her.” Charm opened the package, and an image was waiting for Shatter.

  The woman was in his arms, dressed in a dark survival suit. The kiss that they were engaged in was intense with Shatter’s hand cupping her thigh, pulling
it high on his hip.

  Lera smiled. “So, more than friends then.”

  Shatter touched the cheek of the painted woman reverently. “What does her face look like?”

  Lera blinked as the bodysuit suddenly made sense to her. She had met that woman. It was Gadget. “Oh my.”

  Rhoda smiled, “You know her?”

  “Yeah, we met on the same day I first met the Guardians up close.”

  The artist nodded. “That would explain it. Shatter’s senses picked her up, but you were the only match he could see. It ran his brain a little wild. They run mostly by scent, and you must have gotten some of her on you.”

  Lera frowned. “We hugged.”

  “That would do it. Her scent on you would have confused matters.”

  Shatter lifted his head. “What are you talking about?”

  Lera pointed at the image. “That woman there is prisoner transport. Her call sign is Gadget, and her name is Tobitha. You almost met her when we were packing up the prisoners.”

  He snarled and clenched his fists. “That woman was a cyborg.”

  “Yes. You can see it in the portrait if you know where to look. Her face, her ears, the pattern is visible.” Lera shrugged and kept her arms around Lance.

  He leaned on her a little more. “I may have won, but I believe I need a bit of rest now.”

  “I will tuck you in and come back to get the clothing fit, that is unless Charm will be here in the morning?”

  He smiled, “Rhoda needs regular rest, so we will be here in the morning.”

  Lera waved farewell to everyone and helped Lance to his room. The moment they were inside, he straightened and lifted her in his embrace.

  “You were faking it?”

  “Exaggerating for Shatter’s sake. He is a bit of a girl when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. He is much better with distance between him and his target.” Lance climbed the stairs easily.

  She laughed. “Well, I am glad you are doing well. Which is your favourite image?”

  He sat down and pulled her into his lap.

  She crossed her legs behind his back and shifted until she was pressed against the ridge inside his trousers.

  He grinned, “This position with you looking at me like I am your moons and stars.”

  Lera caressed his cheek. “I will always look at you like that unless you are being a jackass. Then, I reserve the right to glare at you.”

  “And I will always look at you as if you are my truly precious mate. The rarest creature in all the universe. My beloved.”

  She pressed her lips to his and unfastened the shoulder closures of her dress. It pooled around her waist, exposing her breasts and shoulders to him.

  His low groan preceded his touch as he caressed, lifted and squeezed each soft mound with his calloused hands. He used his mouth on her neck, and she surrendered to his lips and teeth.

  He drew soft patterns on her skin, blowing gently until the cool sensations shifted to heat. He ceased his caressing of her breasts, shifting his grip to the back of her thighs, shoving the skirt out of the way until his fingers were brushing against her wet heat.

  “Have I mentioned I love your gown?”

  He slid two fingers into her, and she arched at the suddenness of it. He groaned against her neck, gnawing at her as his fingers stroked and slid inside her.

  He thumbed her clit, and she whimpered. He cursed, and his hands and their wonderful caresses disappeared.

  Birol unfastened his trousers and pulled his cock free. His next move was to lift her, positioning her on his cock. She gasped as he worked into her. The speed at which her weight forced him into her sent a confusion of sensations and a flicker of pain.

  His cock writhed inside her, stimulating, waking and pushing her senses into overdrive.

  Birol cupped her buttocks, lifting and dropping her in short, fast bursts, which brought her release stampeding upward without warning. She screamed, but he kept moving her over him as he drew closer to his own orgasm.

  The pounding heat, the endless friction pulled her into a release that matched his as they locked together, muscles, bodies and minds frozen with pleasure.

  Lera leaned her forehead against his chest, and she ran her hands over his shoulders and neck. He cupped the back of her skull and drew her lips to his, nipping and licking. “I apologize for my speed. I promise to make it up to you.”

  She chuckled. “I will hold you to that. We have five images to recreate and none have happened yet. I am guessing that we will see one of them when I become your ideal lover.”

  He blushed. “She told you that?”

  “She did. No secrets between Terrans. We are rare enough without lying to each other. It looks like Shatter will soon have one of his own. I am wondering how that will come about.”

  “He will manage, but he is going to request a transfer.”


  “You are too close to what he needs. Being with you will be too hard. A replacement will be requested and a new position sought.”

  “What about Gadget?”

  “He will find her in good time. You cannot rush destiny.” He sighed, and his erection moved inside her once again.

  “You don’t consider that rushing?” She shifted against him.

  He grinned. “Oh, I am not going to rush, Lera. I am going to take my time, and when you beg me for release, I may consider offering it.”

  She pulled the dress off over her head and rocked against him. “Challenge accepted. How many days do I have before I am on duty?”

  “Three more. We had better make them count.” He kept himself inside her and removed his clothing by cutting it free with a blade he produced out of thin air.

  “Where did you have that?”

  He chuckled and started the slow repetition of lifting and lowering her on him. “I have my secrets, beloved. You had better get used to it.”

  She scowled and narrowed her eyes as she stared into his. Pleasure was building again, but she could still manage to say, “You are dealing with someone whose only skill is identifying weapons on a body. I will get to the bottom of this.”

  “Feel free to frisk me before we get into bed next time. I will enjoy it.” He groaned as she leaned forward to bite him.

  His cock jumped inside her, and she realized that pain was something he liked. It was a good thing too. She preferred to bite and claw her way to release, and now that the preliminaries were out of the way, there was nothing she couldn’t do to him.

  This was going to be the best science project of her life.

  Author’s Note

  Frisk is a return to the Enforcers. Law enforcement on alien worlds is discussed in Enforce and Badge. One day, I will return to the world in Badge. Another Terran might be just the thing to keep the werewolves in line.

  The Ekathi and Orkathi were another version of light and dark elves. Less elegant, more sturdy, they have serious social issues that our girls are equipped to getting to the bottom of.

  In Gadget, Tobi will not only help transport Guardians and their prisoners, she will learn how she can mix a career and a love life with Shatter waiting in the wings.

  Thanks for reading,

  Viola Grace

  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

  Viola’s fetishes include boots and corsetry, and h
er greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush. Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Author’s Note

  About the Author




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