Strength to Say No
Page 11
Rekha’s mother was at first not supportive of Rekha and beat and starved her daughter when she refused to marry.
Rekha cycling through her home village of Bararola as young men and boys play football
Rekha’s father occasionally plays drums in religious festivals and political marches to earn a little more money to support his family.
Rekha and all her family in Bararola village
Rekha’s teacher, Atul, has been a key character in her life. He not only supported her when she refused to marry but encouraged her to continue to attend school so that she could have a better education and a better life.
Josna, Rekha’s older sister, suffered greatly when she became a mother at just twelve years old. This strongly influenced Rekha’s determination to defy her parents’ wishes for her to be married off at eleven.
Rekha and her mother
Rekha at the door of her sister Josna’s home
Rekha visiting a school to speak her of experiences and how children facing the same situation should question tradition and expectations
After Rekha’s speech in front of the children their teacher congratulates her for her bold choice in refusing early marriage.
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Translated from the French La Force de dire non
First published in English by Peter Owen Publishers 2015
© Éditions Michel Lafon 2012
English translation © Sarah Lawson 2015
Photographs (cover and plates) © Mouhssine Ennaimi
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PAPERBACK ISBN 978-0-7206-1792-4
EPUB ISBN 978-0-7206-1829-7
MOBIPOCKET ISBN 978-0-7206-1830-3
PDF ISBN 978-0-7206-1831-0
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