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Return of the Jedi (Junior Novelization)

Page 8

by Ryder Windham

  “Oh, Master Luke,” C-3PO said with dismay.

  “There’s two more wrecked speeders back there,” Luke reported. “And I found this.” He held out Leia’s helmet, then tossed it to Han.

  R2-D2 beeped.

  C-3PO translated, “I’m afraid that Artoo’s sensors can find no trace of Princess Leia.”

  Everyone looked to Han. Devastated, he said, “I hope she’s all right.”

  Chewbacca sniffed at the air and growled. Then he walked off, pushing his way through the foliage.

  “What, Chewie?” Han said.

  Chewbacca barked but kept moving.

  “What, Chewie?” Han repeated.

  The group followed the Wookiee until he arrived at a break in the dense undergrowth. A tall wooden stake had been planted in the ground, and a dead animal hung from it.

  Everyone moved up around Chewbacca. Looking at the carcass, Han said, “Hey, I don’t get it.”

  Chewbacca eyed the carcass and let out a hungry groan.

  “Nah,” Han said. “It’s just a dead animal, Chewie.”

  Unable to resist, Chewbacca reached for the carcass.

  Sensing danger, Luke jumped forward and said, “Chewie, wa-wait! Don’t!”

  Too late. Chewbacca had already pulled the animal from the stake, triggering the trap. A strong branch sprang and lifted above them, rapidly hauling up the net that had been concealed under the grass and leaves beneath their feet. The net wrapped tightly around the entire group, forcing them together as it lifted them high above the clearing.

  R2-D2 was lying practically sideways at the bottom of the net, and let out a wild series of beeps and whistles. Chewbacca howled his regret.

  “Nice work,” Han said, his face pressed up against the side of the net. “Great, Chewie! Great! Always thinking with your stomach.”

  “Will you take it easy,” Luke said. His right arm poked through the net, but the rest of his body was twisted up against the others. “Let’s just figure out a way to get out of this thing.” He tried to free his arm, but was unsuccessful. “Han, can you reach my lightsaber?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Han stretched forward, reaching out to Luke.

  Hoping to help, R2-D2 opened a panel on his cylindrical body, extended a compact circular saw, and activated its rotating blade. Exhibiting a skill most often attributed to surgeons using trephines, the astromech began rapidly cutting through the net.

  “Artoo,” C-3PO said, “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. It’s a very long dro-o-p!” C-3PO’s last word was punctuated by the net tearing open, instantly releasing all the figures to tumble to the clearing below.

  That hurt, Luke thought, pushing himself to sit up on the ground. He looked around. Han and Chewbacca appeared to be a bit stunned but were otherwise fine, and R2-D2 had somehow landed on his feet. Where’s Threepio? Before he could sight the golden droid, he saw movement within some nearby ferns and bushes. Then short, fur-covered creatures emerged, pushing their way through the foliage to surround the fallen group.

  The creatures were armed with primitive weapons: stone-tipped spears and knives, heavy wooden clubs, bows and arrows. They appeared to be hunters or warriors. Most had dark pelts, but one had light and dark gray-striped fur; he was further distinguished by an ornate headdress that had been made from the skull of a large animal, and a necklace of long, sharp teeth.

  Two of the hunters moved up on either side of R2-D2 and brushed their paws against his exterior. R2-D2 beeped nervously.

  Thinking the creatures were harmless, Han grinned at them. Evidently, this was an error; the hunter wearing the skull headdress—apparently the leader—stepped forward and jabbed the tip of his long spear at the air in front of Han’s face.

  “Wait…” Han said. “Hey!” He raised his hand and swatted at the spear. “Point that thing someplace else.”

  Han’s antagonist turned to one of his furry companions and they had a quick, chittering discussion. A moment later, the stripe-furred creature angled his spear back at Han.

  “Hey!” Han said again angrily, grabbing at the spear with one hand as he drew his blaster with the other.

  “Han, don’t,” Luke cautioned. “It’ll be all right.” Luke sensed the creatures were merely trying to protect their territory and he didn’t want to harm them. As a gesture of good faith, he removed his lightsaber from its belt clip and handed it over to one of the hunters.

  Han’s blaster was taken from him. Chewbacca was not so ready to relinquish his own weapon and growled in protest.

  Luke said, “Chewie, give ’em your crossbow.” The Wookiee growled again but complied.

  “Oh, my head,” C-3PO said as he sat up from a nearby bed of ferns. Then he saw all the weapon-wielding creatures and added, “Oh, my goodness!”

  At the sight of the golden droid, the hunters gasped. Then they muttered to each other and lowered their weapons. Unexpectedly, they began to chant and bow down before C-3PO.

  Chewbacca let out a puzzled bark. Han and Luke regarded the bowing creatures with wonder.

  C-3PO turned his head from side to side, listening to the natives’ language. Then he said, “Treetoe doggra. Ee soyoto ambuna nocka.”

  A few of the creatures responded in their own language. The others continued to bow and chant.

  Looking to C-3PO, Luke asked, “Do you understand anything they’re saying?”

  “Oh, yes, Master Luke! Remember that I am fluent in over six million forms of communica—”

  “What are you telling them?” Han interrupted.

  “Hello, I think…” C-3PO said. “I could be mistaken. These creatures seem to call themselves ‘Ewoks.’ They’re using a very primitive dialect. But I do believe they think I am some sort of god.”

  Chewbacca and R2-D2 found this extremely amusing. Han and Luke exchanged glances, then Han said sarcastically, “Well, why don’t you use your divine influence and get us out of this?”

  “I beg your pardon, General Solo,” C-3PO said, “but that just wouldn’t be proper.”

  Getting angry again, Han asked, “Proper?!”

  “It’s against my programming to impersonate a deity,” C-3PO explained.

  Moving threateningly toward the protocol droid, Han said, “Why, you…”

  Several spears were suddenly thrust close to Han as the Ewoks moved to protect their newfound god. Han held up his hands placatingly and said, “My mistake. He’s an old friend of mine.”

  Unfortunately, the Ewoks didn’t think much of C-3PO’s friends.

  A procession wound through the ever-darkening forest. Their prisoners—Han, Luke, Chewbacca, and R2-D2—had been tied to long poles, each of which was dutifully carried on the shoulders of several Ewoks. Behind the bound captives, the remaining diminutive forest warriors carried a makeshift litter, on which C-3PO was seated like a king upon a throne made of sturdy branches and vines.

  The procession moved along a shaky, narrow, wooden walkway that traveled high up to the giant trees. Soon, they reached the end of the walkway, which dropped off into nothingness. Across the abyss, a village of huts—made out of mud and sticks—and more rickety walkways wrapped around the trees. The lead Ewok took hold of a long vine and swung across to the village square. A rope bridge was extended, allowing the other Ewoks to carry C-3PO and the prisoners on to the village.

  The procession wound its way into the village square. The Ewoks’ tribal leader was the gray-furred Chief Chirpa, and he stepped out to greet the returning hunters. At the sight of the newcomers, mother Ewoks gathered up their babies and scurried into their huts.

  The Ewoks carried C-3PO up to the largest hut and placed his wooden throne so he had a wide view of the square. Still bound to the poles, Luke, Chewbacca, and R2-D2 were propped up against a tree while Han was lifted onto a spit. Han said, “I have a really bad feeling about this.”

  Chewbacca growled his concern.

  All activity stopped as a tan-striped Ew
ok came out of the big hut. He was Logray, the tribal shaman and medicine man, and he wore the half skull of a great forest bird on his head. While Chief Chirpa examined Luke’s lightsaber with great curiosity, Logray surveyed the captives, then went to stand beside C-3PO. Logray addressed the assembly and gestured at the prisoners.

  “What did he say?” Han asked.

  “I’m rather embarrassed, General Solo,” C-3PO said, “but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor.”

  As one group of Ewoks began beating on drums, another started placing firewood under Han’s suspended body. Understandably, Han looked increasingly uncomfortable. It was at this moment that Leia and Wicket emerged from the large hut. Leia wore an animal-skin dress that the Ewoks had made for her, and her long hair was down. Seeing her friends in their present state, she was temporarily speechless.

  Luke saw her first and was surprised by her appearance. “Leia?”

  Han twisted his neck to follow Luke’s gaze. “Leia!”

  Leia moved toward them, but the Ewok warriors raised their spears and blocked her path. “Oh!” Leia said.

  “Your Royal Highness,” C-3PO said from his throne, happy to be reunited with the princess.

  Leia looked at the Ewoks and sighed. Gesturing to the captives, she said, “But these are my friends. Threepio, tell them they must be set free.”

  C-3PO remained seated as he quickly conversed with Chirpa and Logray. The two Ewoks listened, then shook their heads negatively. Logray gestured toward the prisoners and barked some orders. Hearing Logray’s command, more Ewoks joined in to pile wood under Han.

  “Somehow,” Han said, “I got the feeling that didn’t help us very much.”

  Luke suddenly realized he might be able to use the Ewoks’ superstitious nature against them. He said, “Threepio, tell them if they don’t do as you wish, you’ll become angry and use your magic.”

  Baffled, C-3PO protested, “But Master Luke, what magic? I couldn’t possibly—”

  “Just tell them,” Luke said.

  All the Ewoks stopped what they were doing and turned to C-3PO as he said, “Horomee ana fu, toron togosh! Toron Togosh! Terro way. Qee t’woos twotoe ai. U wee di dozja. Boom!”

  Many Ewoks jumped at the last word, but Logray stepped forward and challenged C-3PO, calling his bluff. The drumming resumed.

  Luke closed his eyes and concentrated.

  “You see, Master Luke,” C-3PO said. “They didn’t believe me. Just as I said they wouldn’t.”

  Han saw some Ewoks carrying small torches toward him. He said, “Hey, wait—!” then stopped talking so he could puff his cheeks and start blowing at the flames in a desperate effort to put them out.

  The golden droid didn’t immediately realize Luke was using the Force to levitate his throne. Rising higher over the deck, C-3PO’s arms started waving and he cried, “What-wha-what’s happening! Oh, dear! Oh!”

  The Ewoks fell back in terror from the floating throne. Then C-3PO began to spin as though he were on a revolving stool. In a state of total panic, he shouted, “Put me down! He-e-elp. Somebody help! Master Luke! Artoo! Somebody, somebody, help! Master Luke, Artoo, Artoo, quickly! Do something, somebody! Oh! Ohhh!”

  Logray yelled orders to the cowering Ewoks. They rushed up and released the bound prisoners. One Ewok used a small stone ax to cut the restraints that secured R2-D2, and the astromech pitched forward and crashed to the wooden deck. The Ewoks helped him up, but R2-D2 was fighting mad. He beeped angrily at Teebo, the nearest Ewok, the same gray-striped leader of the group who’d captured the droid and his friends. R2-D2 opened a panel and zapped Teebo with an electrical charge. Teebo hollered and jumped away. R2-D2 gave him another zap.

  Freed from his bonds, Luke continued to use the Force to slowly return C-3PO’s throne to the deck. As the droid descended and gently landed, he said, “Oh, oh, oh, oh! Thank goodness.”

  Luke joined Leia, Chewbacca, and a very relieved Han beside Chief Chirpa’s hut. Luke looked to the golden droid and said, “Thanks, Threepio.”

  Still shaken, C-3PO admitted, “I…never knew I had it in me.”

  Night fell on the forest moon, and the entire Ewok tribe tried to squeeze into Chief Chirpa’s hut to listen to C-3PO’s fireside story. The hut had a spacious interior, but some of the Ewoks had to stand outside and lean in through the windows in order to hear.

  Illuminated by the glowing fire at the center of the hut, C-3PO was in the midst of a long, animated tale. Chief Chirpa sat on his small wooden throne next to Logray and the village elders. Leia and Han sat together near Chewbacca and R2-D2. Luke stood near an open doorway at the back of the room. As the droid spoke, Wicket came up beside Han and snuggled against his leg.

  Although C-3PO had always maintained that he wasn’t much of a storyteller, he was very entertaining as he presented a short history of the Galactic Civil War. He pointed several times to the Rebels in the room, and made pantomime movements accompanied by his own audio mimickry of starship engines and explosions. After he described Obi-Wan Kenobi’s duel with Darth Vader and imitated the sounds of lightsabers clashing, R2-D2 began beeping excitedly.

  “Yes, Artoo,” C-3PO said. “I was just coming to that.” He resumed his story, and the Ewoks were completely captivated by his account of the Battle of Hoth, Han Solo’s ordeal on Cloud City, and their recent escape from Jabba’s palace.

  When C-3PO was done, Chief Chirpa, Logray, and the elders conferred, then nodded in agreement. Chirpa stood and made a brief pronouncement.

  Watching the Ewoks, Han leaned closer to Leia and asked, “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know,” Leia replied.

  The Ewok elders talked with C-3PO, who then turned to Leia and Han and exclaimed, “Wonderful! We are now a part of the tribe.”

  “Just what I always wanted,” Han said as more Ewoks swarmed over him with hugs. Other Ewoks began banging rhythmically on their drums, and Chief Chirpa’s hut was filled with happy, screeching cheers.

  Luke’s lightsaber had been returned to him, and as he watched his friends celebrate, he was suddenly overcome by a feeling of dread. It seems so safe here, but it won’t last…not so long as the Emperor reigns. He turned for the doorway and stepped out into the night. He didn’t notice that Leia had seen his exit.

  Chewbacca was being mobbed by young Ewoks, who were endlessly amazed by the Wookiee’s height. The Wookiee barked to Han.

  Han said, “Well, short help is better than no help at all, Chewie.” Then Han found himself receiving another embrace from Wicket. Han grinned and said, “Thank you.”

  Han broke away from Wicket and moved up behind C-3PO, who was engaged in conversation with Chief Chirpa. Turning to Han, C-3PO translated, “He says the scouts are going to show us the quickest way to the shield generator.”

  “Good,” Han said. “How far is it?” C-3PO looked at Han blankly, so Han gestured to Chirpa and said, “Ask him.”

  C-3PO turned back to Chirpa and said, “Grau neeka—”

  The golden droid stopped talking because Han was tapping his shoulder. He turned back to Han, who added, “We need some fresh supplies, too.”

  Returning his attention to Chirpa, C-3PO rephrased his question: “Chee oto pah—”

  But Han tapped his shoulder again.

  “And try to get our weapons back.”

  C-3PO turned back again to Chirpa, this time beginning, “Umma freeda—”

  C-3PO felt Han grip his upper arm, forcing him to turn around again. Han said impatiently, “And hurry up, will ya? I haven’t got all day.”

  Han walked off. C-3PO’s head jerked back and forth, not knowing which way to turn. If he didn’t know better, he would have sworn Han Solo was trying to confuse him.

  Leia followed Luke outside. He was leaning against a rail on the torch-illuminated wooden walkway that extended from Chirpa’s hut. Leia stepped up beside him and said, “Luke, what’s wrong?”

nbsp; Luke turned and looked at Leia for a long moment. “Leia…do you remember your mother? Your real mother?”

  “Just a little bit,” Leia said. “She died when I was very young.”

  “What do you remember?”

  “Just…images, really. Feelings.”

  “Tell me.”

  Leia was surprised by Luke’s curiosity, but responded, “She was very beautiful. Kind but…sad. Why are you asking me this?”

  “I have no memory of my mother,” Luke said sadly. “I never knew her.”

  “Luke, tell me. What’s troubling you?”

  Luke hesitated, then said, “Vader is here…now, on this moon.”

  “How do you know?” Leia asked with alarm.

  “I felt his presence,” Luke answered, lowering his gaze to stare at a plank on the walkway. “He’s come for me. He can feel when I’m near. That’s why I have to go.” He looked at Leia and continued, “As long as I stay, I’m endangering the group and our mission here. I have to face him.”

  “Why?” For a moment, she wondered if Luke was seeking revenge after his last duel with Vader. She was hardly prepared for what he said next.

  “He’s my father.”

  “Your father?” Leia gasped, her face contorting in astonishment. The thought of Luke being related to Vader was horrific.

  “There’s more,” Luke said. “It won’t be easy for you to hear it, but you must. If I don’t make it back, you’re the only hope for the Alliance.”

  Disturbed by Luke’s words, Leia moved slightly away from him. “Luke, don’t talk that way. You have a power I…I don’t understand and could never have.”

  “You’re wrong, Leia. You have that power, too. In time you’ll learn to use it as I have.” Again, he looked away from her. He continued, “The Force is strong in my family. My father has it…I have it…” Then he looked to Leia as he added, “…and my sister has it.”

  Leia stared into Luke’s eyes. What she saw there frightened her, but she didn’t draw away. And she began to understand.

  “Yes,” Luke said. “It’s you, Leia.”

  “I know. Somehow…I’ve always known.”


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