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Return of the Jedi (Junior Novelization)

Page 13

by Ryder Windham

  The Death Star exploded. The blast was so brilliant and enormous that it could be seen from the forest moon’s daylit hemisphere. There, the Ewoks and the Rebel ground troops cheered at the sight.

  “They did it!” C-3PO cried with excitement. He was standing on a grassy hill with R2-D2, Chewbacca, and a group of Ewoks, and none of them could have been happier.

  Nearby, Han was bandaging Leia’s wounded arm. They looked up at the explosion’s smoky remnants across the clear blue sky. His expression betraying his concern, Han turned to Leia and said, “I’m sure Luke wasn’t on that thing when it blew.”

  Leia looked away from the explosion and smiled. “He wasn’t. I can feel it.”

  Hesitantly, Han said, “You love him, don’t you?”

  Leia was puzzled by Han’s question, but answered, “Yes.”

  “All right,” Han said, putting on a brave face. “I understand. Fine. When he comes back, I won’t get in the way.”

  Leia realized Han’s misunderstanding and said, “Oh. No, it’s not like that at all.” She leaned closer to Han and said, “He’s my brother.”

  Han was stunned by this news. Leia smiled, and they embraced.

  Darkness had fallen on the forest moon when Luke carried a flaming torch to the logs he’d stacked in a clearing. He set the torch to the logs and they began to burn. On top of the pyre lay his father’s armor; the image of Vader would burn away.

  Standing alone, Luke watched the fire and felt the heat of its blaze. Although he had accomplished much that day, he couldn’t help but feel a tremendous sense of loss. Not for Darth Vader, but for Anakin Skywalker, the father he’d barely known.

  The flames rose high into the night. Fireworks exploded overhead, and then starfighters streaked across the sky. Luke realized his allies were celebrating.

  And not just on Endor’s moon, for news of the Rebel victory had spread quickly across the galaxy. Later, Luke would learn there had been fireworks over Cloud City, parades on Tatooine, and joyous public rallies on Naboo and Coruscant.

  When the pyre had burned out, Luke went to find his friends.

  High above the forest floor, a huge bonfire was the centerpiece of a wild celebration in the Ewok village square. All of the Rebels—even the droids—wound up dancing with the Ewoks, some of whom were enjoying the unusual percussive qualities of confiscated Imperial-issue helmets. Others hammered at the helmets just for fun.

  Leia changed back into the clothes the Ewoks had made for her. Lando arrived and was enthusiastically greeted by Han and Chewbacca. Then Luke arrived and his friends rushed to greet and embrace him. Wedge and Nien Nunb were also warmly greeted by all.

  Despite the happy reunion, Luke still felt distracted, his thoughts elsewhere. Stepping away from the others, he gazed out into the night and wondered, Could I have done anything differently, or sooner, to have helped my father? I guess I’ll never know.

  And then he saw them: two shimmering apparitions that appeared before him in the darkness. Yoda and Ben Kenobi. Then a third apparition materialized beside them—a figure whom he instinctively knew was a younger Anakin Skywalker, from the days before his Jedi father’s fall, his features unscarred and…happy. Luke was right: He was a Jedi like his father before him. The apparitions smiled at Luke, silently telling him that the Force would be with him always.

  Leia came to Luke’s side and took his hand, then led him back to the others.

  The celebration went on long into the night.

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