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Planet Kill

Page 1

by Sebastian Wilde

  Planet Kill

  Sebastian Wilde

  Jamie Hawke


  Stephanie Schonhardt

  Tracey Byrnes

  Planet Kill (this book) is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Complete Book is Copyright (c) 2018 by Sebastian Wilde and Jamie Hawke (of Double Down Press).

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Sebastian Wilde and Jamie Hawke.



  1. Justice

  2. Trophies

  3. The Gambit

  4. Training For Death

  5. The March

  6. The Source

  7. Mistakes Were Made

  8. Smugglers Can’t Be Trusted

  9. Aero

  10. Dregg’s Reward

  11. What Goes Around Comes Around

  12. Infiltration

  13. Nurse

  14. Shit!

  15. Upgrades

  16. The Arrival

  17. Nothing’s Off The Table

  18. Escape

  19. Survive!

  20. Ambush

  21. Desires

  22. Size Matters

  23. Pierce’s Initiation

  24. Separate Paths

  25. Letha’s Army

  26. Mercy

  27. Doubt

  28. The Approach

  29. For The Thrill Of It!

  30. In Too Deep

  31. Fuck It!

  About the Authors

  Author Ramblings

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  Book 2 Sample


  By Sebastian Wilde and Jamie Hawke

  Want a FREE Book? We have a Short Story in the Planet Kill world, and a fun little “Guide to Building Your Harem” that will be sharing via the newsletter. Get them by signing up:


  Hello readers and welcome! This book is the first in a series that we would classify as a subtle GameLit and a LitMMO SciFi dual harem adventure. GameLit is generally a mix of game elements within the story and usually involves an immersive game. LitMMO—or literary massively multiplayer online—refers to game worlds that are continually active even when your MC (main character) is logged out. In our case, we’re talking books and story. This means multiple authors writing in one GameLit universe.

  Planet Kill and Planet Kill: Happy Hunting combine elements of both but incorporate the game elements into the real (story) world through augmented reality and a rules-based environment. The essential element is character progression, such as leveling up of abilities for each character as they pursue their ambitions and face increasingly dangerous and challenging obstacles in a way that drives the story, plot, and characters forward. Dual harem generally means that the main characters are involved with more than one, usually three, significant others for their attraction and combined strengths and abilities.

  If you’d like to keep updated on new stories, freebies, and recommendations of other stories we admire, come check out our website at We also have some cool groups we’d love to have you be a part of and join in on the discussion at and Jamie Hawke at

  Thank you to all of our fans, to our editor Stacy Schonhardt, and to you! Writing this story was an absolute blast, and we hope you enjoy the journey too!

  All the best,

  Sebastian Wilde and Jamie Hawke



  Planet Kill, Near Letha’s Base: Five Days Until Reckoning

  Letha charged through the thick canopy of blue leaves, cutting through vibrant orange and red flowers without a second thought given to their beauty. Her goal at the moment was simple—kill.

  It hadn’t always been this way. In fact, before she had taken on the call sign of “Letha,” she was pretty sure she’d been a nice girl, although those days were hard to remember. Living on Planet Kill, no, surviving, worked best when the past was forgotten as often as possible.

  She leaped over a slab of rock that stuck out from the hillside. Darting around the next clump of trees, her eyes flitted over the shadows, always aware, always ready for an ambush. Most of all, her heart didn’t pound from fright, but with the excitement of the kill.

  To be fair, this son of a bitch had taken out one of her generals. She usually didn’t get her hands dirty, but when the cameras were watching and someone made a move on one of her closest few, her reputation was on the line. She stepped up to dole out justice personally.


  The word almost made her laugh. It almost made her want to vomit. Bile and hatred rose up in her at the thought of that word. Justice hadn’t brought her to Planet Kill, and it certainly hadn’t saved her family the day she was taken against her will.

  So now? Well, now… fuck ‘em.

  She would deliver her own brand of justice in this hellhole, earn her way to the top, and then show the universe what she was capable of. One day, she would ascend to Paradise Planet Fourteen, where she’d have her revenge.

  Right now, however, she needed to remain focused. Pulling her shocker out—a metallic glove that flowed with electricity when she made a fist—she ducked under a leafy branch and emerged into a clearing. There she found the man.

  She realized with a laugh that he thought he could surprise her as he lunged forward with his nail-covered cricket bat.

  A simple sidestep and she had dodged the strike. Next, she delivered a roundhouse kick to his midsection and then came down hard with her left fist. She liked to save the shocker for the follow-up strike, but this time the bastard actually caught her off-guard. He came back from her blow with a wild swing of the bat, and it nearly took her head off. One of the nails passed only inches from her eyeball.


  She came in hard, pounding away at him with the shocker. Each punch sent him into another spasm, electricity racking his body until he was literally smoking.

  This guy was humongous, and his determination nothing to laugh at. “Fuck you,” he muttered, then glared up at her. “You can’t keep your hold on the rock.”

  He was right. “The rock” referred to her upgrade station, positioned at a high point above a rocky hill near her base—hence the name. But a new batch of fighters would be arriving soon. Recruits, as she liked to think of them, because each batch brought the potential for more soldiers. Sure, some of them would be lone wolves, here for the enjoyment of the kill. Many would be here for glory, riches, and a higher place in society… But others would be like she had been when she first arrived—scared, hopeless, looking for any way to survive.

  Luckily for her, a woman had taken Letha under her wing and taught her everything she knew about fighting and managing this place. When Mantis had retired, she had shared her real name with Letha—Annabel Kawanda—and told her to look her up on the outside. Mantis had then, for the only time in their two years together, laid her back, spread the younger woman’s legs, and taught her what it truly meant to find bliss at the flick of a tongue. Letha still shivered when she remembered the other woman’s expertise.

  But now Mantis was gone, given a high place in society for her great success on Planet Kill, and Letha was in charge.

  If she played her cards right, she would keep her hold on the rock. She had done so for years. She would replace the soldiers she had lost and, one day, leave this godforsak
en planet behind.

  “Let this be a message to my enemies and allies,” Letha said, taking on an overly dramatic tone for the viewers. “Nobody fucks with me or my army!” She stepped forward and clocked him good with the shocker again.

  When he rolled over, pulling something from his boot, she cursed herself for being overconfident. A shot rang out and she fell back, crawling away as he let loose the second shot in his cock blaster—so named because it was a small gun with only two rounds.

  The second hit her in the shoulder and hurt like hell, but didn’t penetrate her body armor. Damn, she was glad she had upgraded with her latest round of purchases. If not for the black market, she’d be dead. Now that he’d shot his wad, she wasn’t holding back.

  His eyes went wide as she lunged, slamming him in the nuts with the shocker. She hit him so hard that he slid an inch across the jungle floor, then he went into a new round of spasms as the electricity worked its magic.

  Not waiting to give him another chance, she pulled her short sword from her side and went to work on him, ending the man’s life once and for all.

  She knew the cameras were on her, so it was time to earn herself some love—in more ways than one. Not that she needed the extra loot, but fuck it, she loved raising the morale of her generals.

  Walking toward her base, an area well within the play zone, she stood and pulled the man’s head from the sack at her side. Lifting it high into the air, she faced the lake and watched as fireworks burst forth from the other side. The image of this same man appeared in the holographic display that lit up as bursts of water shot up and lights hit the mist. It was all so glorious, a moment reminiscent of the movies she’d seen of Las Vegas from centuries ago. The water show came to an end and was followed by a victory announcement, with her image, standing there, holding that head.

  Time for her signature move. She held the head up, pressed her lips to the blood-smeared forehead, and then tossed the head down into the lake.

  Letha could almost hear the cheers from all of the viewers across the galaxy. To them, she appeared ruthless, void of emotion; but it wasn’t true. Each action was made with a heavy heart, out of necessity. They had made her into this, so she wore her mask proudly.

  But the kiss wasn’t a sign of disrespect or of the crazed killer she imagined everyone took her to be, it was her way of apologizing to the universe. Taking a life was never easy, even when it was necessary. Even when the life belonged to a complete scum-sucking asshole like this guy. And when she tossed the head into the lake, it was her way of giving her victim a proper burial.

  That, and giving the finger to her opponents, some of whom were still stupid enough to bathe and drink from that lake.

  As the display hovering nearby revealed her new experience points, Letha turned and made the long trudge back to her generals. The system allowed her to pull up a display from her fortress and select which new loot she would take for her men.

  Three of them waited at the next ridge over, where they had been ordered to wait and observe. Had she been in any real trouble, they would have come, even though she had ordered them not to. It was her fight. Her place to deliver the necessary justice.

  Soon they were all entering the fortress together—an encampment of rocks and mud, built before her time by past participants of the games. While it certainly wasn’t made of a metal alloy like the carrier transport she’d arrived on five years prior, it was about as secure of a location as was managed on this planet.

  Five years, she thought, admiring the trophies displayed on her walls—various weapons that ranged from double-sided crescent blades, bows and arrows, to even a few plasma blasters.

  It was enough to get her blood moving, to give her that tingling she so often craved but lately, had begun to struggle to find.

  The feeling intensified when she released the belt that held her robes in place, then dropped the body armor and exoskeleton support onto the ground at the side of her bath. Her clothing followed suit.

  She stepped into the warm water nude. Steam rose and reminded her of a scent from back home: cinnamon mixed with nutmeg. For a moment she simply closed her eyes, letting the warm, spicy water glide along her body, caressing the inside of her thighs, then her taut abs, and finally finding the curves of her breasts at the same time as a pair of hands caressed her from behind.

  His bare chest pressed against her back a moment later, then his soft lips against her neck. She knew it must be Brink. None of her other generals approached without asking first. Of course, he never needed permission since he knew how to please her.

  As the newcomer’s hand worked its way around her warm, wet body, cupping her breast gently before massaging it and then moving down farther, she moaned, opened her eyes, and beckoned her other two generals forward.

  They stood at the edge of the pool, each starting to disrobe, the pale one’s manhood already fully erect. Ghost, as she called him, never had a problem with that. The other one, Kale, was ready by the time the water covered her view of his ebony-skinned perfection, and then they were with her, all three rubbing their hands across her, lips pressed against her breasts, her neck, her abs.

  But never her lips.

  Then they were climbing out of the water, and she threw Ghost onto his back. She straddled him and forced the others to wait while she pleased herself and her crowds.

  Yes, the audience was watching.

  They were watching, and loving every second of it. Those sick fucks.

  And yet, as Letha reached her first climax of the morning, she shouted out for them to watch, grabbing at her nipples and pulling the other men back over to add to her excitement as her body tingled. She shouted over and over that this planet was hers now.

  Working the crowd had been one of Mantis’s first lessons, and now Letha was a pro. As much as she looked forward to being done with this planet, and exacting her revenge on those who had put her here, she found herself loving the freedom of this place. She even looked forward to weeding out the new recruits… Maybe even adding a fourth general to the mix.

  Why the hell not, right? On Planet Kill, anything goes, she told herself as she pushed off of Ghost and pulled Kale over, her hand already starting to work him as she licked her lips. Brink’s tongue found her at the same time, hitting the sweet spot between her legs. God, as much as she hated it, she also loved this planet.



  Earth: Five Days Until Reckoning

  At the center of the trophy room stood a marble statue carved with precision down to the last detail. It depicted two figures thrusting spears headlong at each other’s throats; both of them wore expressions that looked more like they were engaged in sensual pleasure than combat. At the side of the smaller figure was a small, curved hook blade.

  Agent Foster Pierce knew the rest of the story by heart. The smaller figure, Dregg—who wasn’t actually small compared to an average human—had used his spear to block his opponent’s thrust, then sliced his abdomen open with one flail. It had ended their battle for supremacy and established Dregg as a champion. Even if it wasn’t of the highest level that would have made him worthy of a paradise planet, he was still a champion.

  “Is it true?” Pierce asked. “The rumor about your trophy? Is his skeleton really inside the marble outer layer?”

  “That would be illegal,” Dregg stated primly. “All my kills have been within the law, and I’m not going to risk that for extra bragging rights I don’t even need.”

  “Wow,” Pierce said. “I pegged you wrong. You don’t strike me as someone who plays by other peoples’ rules. You seem like a king who makes the rules.”

  Dregg scoffed. “You’re trying to provoke me.” He shook his scarred finger at Pierce. “I looked into you. You’re no Trustafarian.”

  “And what is it that you think I am?” Pierce asked.

  “I think you’re one of those activists trying to shut down Planet Kill, and I ought to cut you down right where you stand.”

  “I’m no activist,” Pierce said. “You are right about one thing, though. You should cut me down where I stand. But we both know you couldn’t,” Pierce said, letting his words weave an insidious net through Dregg’s mind. Dregg was right; Pierce wanted to provoke him into a fight. The problem was that he needed Dregg to strike first so deadly force could be authorized. The whole activist thing was totally off base, however. Dregg hadn’t even imagined the worst of the atrocities Pierce had carried out in the name of justice with full legal authority. He enjoyed every minute of it, too. Pierce was the type of agent who wasn’t advertised to the public: he didn’t belong on billboards or recruiting brochures, and his story would have scared off even the most gung-ho recruits. In short, he was the type of guy who operated behind the scenes, carrying out the deeds no one should know about.

  The ploy wasn’t working, though. Dregg maintained his composure and held back, continuing to bask in the glory of his trophies.

  “Do you know what this is?” Dregg asked, as he pointed to a model of the terrain of Planet Kill. As Pierce’s eyes drifted to the distraction, Dregg brought a vase down on Pierce’s head, knocking him to the ground. Then Dregg snatched up a blade and stabbed it into the ground where Pierce had fallen, but Pierce rolled over and out of the way before it could land.


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