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Page 19

by Jade Kuzma

  No words. No sounds. Just a look was enough to tell me it was time.

  I straddled him. My knees on both sides of him, I wrapped my hands around his neck while he positioned himself at my entrance. Just the thought of Blake’s cock inside of me was enough to make me shake. His tip hit my folds and I trembled even more violently.

  As his cock disappeared inside of me, Blake kept his eyes locked on me. The intensity made me want to take every inch of him, no matter how big he was.

  I took the full-length of his shaft. His hilt rubbed against my clit. I leaned forward and pulled him close. Our foreheads pressed against one another’s as I whispered into his mouth.

  “I love you. I’ll do anything for you… Anything you want… Just tell me…”

  “All I want is you, Katrina… You’re what I want…”

  I gave him what we were both craving.

  I grinded my hips against him. I tried to stimulate the both of us as much as I could. My clit rubbing against him. His balls tightening up. His thick shaft throbbing against my wet pussy.

  Our union grew louder. Our bodies clapped together. Fluids leaked out of me and onto him.

  One arm in a cast, Blake did his best to bounce me up and down while bucking his hips up to me at the same time.

  I kept my eyes locked on his and worked until the sex had taken complete control of us.

  His masculine scent filled my nose and clouded my head. His breaths filled my ears. His muscles were so firm against my softer body.

  It wasn’t long before we were both on the verge of the inevitable. An orgasm was right there in the distance, just waiting for us to get there.

  “I’m gonna come…” he whispered. “Katrina…”

  “Come inside of me… Come with me…”

  Hearing him say my name… I would have given him anything and everything he wanted.

  I kept riding him until he got what we both wanted.

  He pressed his hands around me the best he could. His body seized. He grunted hard as he started to come.

  My mouth opened wide from the feeling of him exploding. Thick throbs of his cock rubbing against my insides felt wonderful.

  I had trouble keeping my eyes open. Bouncing up and down on Blake, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep control for much longer, so I let go.


  I whimpered softly as my orgasm slammed into me. I came hard against him. My muscles tightened. My body convulsed. Involuntary contractions made it hard for me to even breathe. The feeling of my climax spread from my core, coursing through my veins and making my entire body feel electric.

  I continued to cry out as my orgasm ravaged me, enjoying the feeling of his hard body against mine.

  I let out every ounce of pleasure before finally collapsing against him. I rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his sweaty body against mine.

  Deep breaths filled my lungs. My toes uncurled. I straightened up. Vision blurry, I blinked my eyes so I could look at him.

  Blake reached his hand up and tangled his fingers in mine as he smirked at me.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked.

  “Nothing’s funny. I’m just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “About how I just fucked the sister of the president of the Winter Cobras.”

  I rolled my eyes and playfully slapped him across the chest.

  “You’re so bad,” I sighed.

  “You love it…”

  “Yeah… I do…”

  I leaned forward and kissed him softly on the lips. I teased him a bit, gently tugging on his bottom lip before pulling away completely.

  “Now what?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean… You and my brother made peace. It doesn’t seem like the Winter Cobras and the Black Reapers have a problem with each other.”

  “I don’t think our two clubs will ever be friends. But I don’t see much trouble in the future.”

  “I… I know that doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. Old beefs from a long time ago don’t just disappear in a night.”

  “Being a club member is never easy. That means being an old lady is tough, too. Is that the kind of life you want?”

  I didn’t have to think long about it. I wasn’t enchanted or tricked into thinking Blake was something he wasn’t because he was good-looking. I knew what kind of man he was. I knew what kind of father he would be. What I saw in him was what I wanted more than anything else.

  “My brother has been in a club for as long as I can remember,” I said. “I know what the life is like. As long as you’re with me, I can handle it.”

  “I’ll always be with you. I love you, Katrina.”

  I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. My lips trailed along the side of his face as I whispered into his ear.

  “I love you.”

  Chapter 27


  I leaned up against the bar and stared at the wall of liquor in front of me. My fingers tapped against the counter to keep me occupied.

  “Come on, Needle!”

  I ignored the motherfucker calling out for me.

  Things were quiet in Ivory. So quiet that it was boring. But after all the shit we’d been through, I figured we all needed the break.

  “Just play one hand, Needle! One hand!”

  The new patch had grown a set of balls. Where it came from, I didn’t know. I suppose I couldn’t blame him. When you were patched into the Black Reapers, that shit was special. Sullivan reveled in it. If I were in his shoes, I’d have probably done the same.

  “You’ve gotta play some time,” Sullivan continued. “You’re gonna need the money eventually.”

  I spun around in my seat and looked at him in the distance.

  “I’ve got enough money to last me a long time,” I responded. “Just because you took some chump change from me doesn’t mean I’m struggling.”

  “You’re gonna have to play me eventually. You can’t duck me forever.”

  “I’m not ducking you. I’m ducking that luck of yours. Nobody can beat beginner’s luck. Not even the best of us.”


  Sullivan blew me off and turned his attention back to his cards.

  The rest of the club had occupied themselves by lounging around the clubhouse. With the shipments from the Chinese temporarily put on ice because the feds were in town, we had to make due with our regular jobs.

  I didn’t give a shit. The last job we pulled for the Chinese kept my pockets full. It would only be a matter of time until Garnet gave us the green light to start shipping product back up to the big city. For now, the only riding we would be doing would be on the streets of Ivory.

  The entire club had joined in on the Poker game. The only man not playing was Garnet. He never played. And with Michelle out of the hospital, he was probably fucking her in his office right now to make up for lost time.

  Katrina was busy. I would have come along with her but she told me she wanted to keep it a surprise. I trusted her enough to know that it wasn’t anything too serious.

  Not being around her made me realize how miserable my life was before her.

  I sighed as I watched the rest of the club continue to play cards. I was counting the seconds until I would find something else to do.

  While the clubhouse was partying, laughing and having a good time, I turned right as the entrance to the clubhouse opened up. I didn’t have to look for more than a second to know that something was up.

  A woman wearing a black pantsuit stepped into the clubhouse. Her hair was raven black and tied back behind her head. Her skin was pale but freckled a bit from the sun. Some slight wrinkles on her face indicated she was probably somewhere in her 30s.

  She had a stern look on her face as she observed the bar. As she dug her hands into her pockets, she pushed her jacket back slightly. She pushed it back enough for me to see the badge along her belt.


  This bitch was too wound-up to be a regular cop. Nah, professionals like her didn’t work for the Sheriff’s Department.

  When she noticed me staring at her, she walked up to me with a fake smile on her face. She glanced down at my kutte for a second.

  “Needle,” she said. “You’re one of the Black Reapers.”

  “That’s what the patch says,” I said, looking away from her.

  “Is every Black Reaper as charming as you?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Good. Then you’re the one I need to talk to—”

  “If you wanna talk to me, you talk to everybody,” I cut her off. “You got something to say, don’t tell me. I don’t wanna leave any room for interpretation. Tell the entire club.”

  She looked me up and down, sizing me up. This bitch knew what she was doing.

  “All right,” she said. “Where’s your president?”

  “Ghost!” I shouted. “Get Garnet. We got a special guest.”

  Ghost was laughing at the table with the rest of the club. When he looked up and saw the woman I was talking to, the smile immediately left his face. The rest of the table stopped talking to.

  Ghost hesitated for a moment for a second before getting out of his seat. He walked to the back of the clubhouse to go to the office where Garnet was.

  The lady kept looking around the clubhouse, examining it like she was looking for clues or some shit. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t even smile at her when she looked at me. I just stared at her because I knew she wasn’t here to make friends.

  A few moments later, Ghost emerged from the back with Garnet right behind him. Garnet was slightly disheveled but straightened up when he saw the woman next to me. Garnet walked up to her.

  “Declan Cunningham, I presume,” she said to Garnet.

  “That’s me,” Garnet replied.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jane Lieberman. I’m working with the Ivory Sheriff’s Department on a special task force.”

  “Federal agent.”

  “Yes, if you want to call me that.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, Cunningham. Why don’t you tell me?”

  Garnet clenched his jaw as he stared at the woman. The fake smile on her face was gone, replaced with the icy stare that matched what was probably between her legs.

  The entire clubhouse fell silent as everybody had their attention on the woman. She seemed to be the only one relaxed when she started to giggle.

  “I’m only kidding,” she said. “I was only here to introduce myself.”

  “That’s strange,” I said. “Why would a federal agent introduce herself to a motorcycle club?”

  “I’ve been introducing myself to all of the clubs in town. All of the clubs that matter anyway. The Winter Cobras, the Black Reapers… I think it’s only fair.”

  “Fair?” Garnet said, raising an eyebrow.

  “There’s a lot happening in this town. It’s no secret.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Garnet said.

  “No… Of course you don’t. I thought I would only give you the courtesy of letting you know that the Sheriff’s Department is dead set on keeping order in Ivory. And they’re not the only ones in town now.”

  “We’ve always been on our best behavior.”

  “Oh, I don’t doubt that. I’m merely trying to get better acquainted with the citizens of this town. I want to let you all know that order will be maintained, one way or another. And I want to let you know that with the task force in Ivory, you’ll always be safe.”

  The woman was no longer smiling. She just kept staring right at Garnet with those brown eyes of hers. Garnet stared back at her, just counting the seconds until she was gone.

  “Do you want a drink, Lieberman?” I said, breaking the tension in the room.

  She turned to me and smiled.

  “No, thank you. And please. Call me Jane.”

  She didn’t say anything more as she turned around to walk away. Just before she left, she spun around on her heel.

  “Oh, just one more thing,” she said. “Before I forget…”

  She took a step forward.

  “The Sheriff’s Department recently discovered a set of bodies at a facility on the outskirts of town. The Spades, I think they were called.”

  None of us said anything.

  “If I remember correctly, some other Spades were killed when they attacked one of you out in the woods some time ago. It’s curious that the rest of them would end up dead only a few weeks later. Don’t you think that’s curious?”

  Lieberman smiled at all of us when we didn’t give her the answer she wanted.

  “Of course not,” she said. “Not that we’ll be looking into it. Some skinheads made some enemies and paid the price for it. I don’t think anybody will miss them.”

  She excused herself from the bar. We all waited a few seconds after the door closed.

  I looked at Garnet and Ghost.

  “She could be trouble,” Ghost said.

  “Could be but she won’t be,” Garnet said. “The Chinese won’t give us the green light until Lieberman and her cronies are out of town.”

  “It’ll be awhile until we’re moving product again,” I said.

  “Maybe ever. We’re not gonna risk transporting drugs with the feds in town. It looks like you’re just gonna have to work at the bar if you want to make any money.”

  “I’ve had enough excitement to last me a lifetime. I’ll be just fine not getting involved with the feds.”

  I shared a laugh with Garnet before he headed back to his office. Ghost smiled at me and held his hands out.

  “You can always play poker with the boys and make some money that way,” he said.

  “Money doesn’t matter to me. I’m just fine with what I got. I’ve got everything I need in my life.”

  “And you say Sullivan is the lucky one…”

  Ghost punched me on the arm then went back to the poker table.

  Life in Ivory was gonna be as boring as it could get for a long time. There was no telling how long it would last. That was fine by me.

  I had Katrina. My child was on the way. I was ready for whatever life threw at me.



  Two months later…

  The coming of fall in Ivory meant the view would have a lovely orange tint to it. The leaves were falling and the sky seemed a little darker. It wasn’t as hot as it was during the summer, so I wouldn’t have to deal with an unwelcome sweat as I walked down the streets.

  Business wasn’t affected much by the weather. The place was never crowded but there was always someone who needed what I could provide for them.

  “What about roses?”

  The man asked me his question like he had no clue what he was talking about. The puzzled look on his face hadn’t gone away ever since he first stepped into the shop.

  “Roses are nice,” I said. “Does she like roses?”

  “I don’t know… Don’t all women like roses?”

  “They do. But only if they’re coming from the right man. Who is this woman exactly?”

  “She’s, uh… I don’t know how to put this…”

  It was strange to see a man in uniform so unsure of himself. But he was young, so I knew I had to cut him some slack.

  “Is she a girlfriend?” I asked.




  “Ah, I see… So she’s just a woman you want to do something nice for.”

  “Yeah, that’s it.”

  The officer looked up at me.

  I’d seen him once before. It was a few months ago when he was breaking up a fight between Jordan and Blake. I couldn’t forget the schoolboy face that the young officer had.

  “What’s your name again?” I asked.

  “Ben Rose. Officer Ben Rose. You can just call me Ben.”

  “Right. Ben. What can
you tell me about this woman?”

  “I don’t really know much about her. She’s just…”

  “What kind of woman is she?”

  “She’s, um… She’s great. I don’t really know how to describe her.”

  Ben shrugged. Even though he looked like he was out of his element, I couldn’t blame him.

  “Don’t worry,” I said. “Most guys don’t have a clue about what kind of flowers women want. They usually just use those flower delivery services to send an automatic bouquet. Coming from you personally means it’s something special.”


  “I’ve got just the thing for her.”

  I grabbed some flowers and made an arrangement for him.

  “All right… There we go.”

  I handed him the bouquet and he held it in his hands. The puzzled look on his face didn’t go away as he examined it.

  “Some carnations, violets, and some orchids. Did you know Ivory is known for its orchids?”

  “No, I… I didn’t know that. How much do I owe you?”

  “That’ll be 25.”

  “Price seems a little low…”

  “I’m not doing this for the money.”


  He reached into his wallet and pulled out the cash.

  “Thank you, Katrina.”

  “My pleasure, Ben.”

  He gave me a polite smile as he left. I couldn’t help but notice the bounce in his step as he walked out. I giggled then turned my attention to the rest of my work.

  The shop hadn’t been open for very long but business was good. It kept me occupied. And I was making enough to keep the lights on. Even if I had to close the doors, I had money saved up so I wouldn’t have to worry about struggling.

  It was the middle of the day when I heard the front entrance open. I looked up and saw a tattooed biker saunter into my shop with a smirk on his face.

  “You know, I always feel like I come in here empty-handed,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I feel like I should bring you flowers but you’re surrounded by them all day.”


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