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Her Dragon's Fire

Page 18

by Julia Mills

  Deciding to change tactics, she tried to get in a semi-upright position, hoping the added leverage would help her free her ankle. Just as she took a deep breath, preparing for the pain she knew would come from her useless left shoulder, she was jerked up from the ground and thrown over a heavily muscled shoulder. All the air was pushed from her lungs as her stomach made contact with an unforgiving shoulder. Intense pain radiated throughout her body. Apparently her ribs had been injured when she was tackled, because she almost blacked out as she felt them bend in directions bones were not meant to bend.

  She heard Aidan screaming her name and the sound of pounding footsteps following behind. Whoever was carrying her had a vice like grip across the back of her thighs that she was sure would leave bruises to add to all the other injuries she was racking up. She lifted her head, only to see the tortured look on her mate’s face and that of his brethren, as they attempted to catch whoever was carrying her away from them.

  “I swear to the Universe if you don’t put her down right now, I will flay the skin from your body and watch you bleed, you fucking useless piece of shit!” Grace heard Aidan screaming and could feel the pain in his voice. She lifted her head to look at the man that meant more to her than she could have imagined. Even across the distance she could see the anguish in his whiskey colored eyes. She heard the man that was carrying her mumbling something that sounded like a rhyme under his breath. Her vision began to blur and she felt the contents of her stomach planning a speedy getaway. She felt something warm and wet flowing down her arm. Great, blood; could this day get any better?

  Her head felt like it weighed a thousand pounds and her vision was narrowing to a single pinpoint. She knew she was about to blackout and thought she might have been hallucinating when one second she saw Max and Sophia racing alongside Aidan, and in the next he was sandwiched between two of the largest cats she had ever seen. She focused the best she could, realizing they were panthers, but a hell of a lot bigger than the ones she had seen at the zoo. She had known there was something different about Max and his people, not that she had the luxury of thinking about it as a crazy man, mumbling rhymes was carrying her farther and farther away from Aidan. She balled up her fist and used what little strength she had left to punch her abductor as hard as she could in the back. Since only one arm was working it was pretty much a waste of time, but there was no way she was going to be carried off to God knows where without a fight. The asshole she was draped over squeezed her legs tighter, and that coupled with the constant jarring against what she was sure were at least cracked ribs, caused her to yell out in pain as his voice grew louder and deeper. She heard Aidan roar in response.

  She raised her head once again to look at the man she loved with all her heart. A single tear slid down her cheek and she prayed to God this would not be the last time she saw him. The air around her felt heavier as she felt little shocks of electricity all over her body and the space separating her and Aidan grew larger. They were moving so fast, the little she could still see was nothing but a blur. She was finding it difficult to breathe and knew in a matter of seconds, she would black out completely. “I love you, Aidan!” she yelled as loud as she could. He roared so loud she was sure the ground shook from its force. The last thing she saw before her world went black was Aidan bathed in bright silver light and the dragon she had seen on his back materializing before her eyes. It was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.


  His luck had finally changed. He hadn’t thought it possible, but when he saw his brother trying to talk down the heavily guarded man heading into the warehouse, he knew it was his one and only chance to get away from the wizards and get his plan underway. It helped when Aidan’s mate had come bursting from the woods. Andrew had acted without a second thought, afraid another opportunity might slip through his fingers. Now he was heading towards one of the many hideouts he had secured over the years with an unconscious Grace draped over his shoulder. He had used the very last drop of the black magic stored within him to transport them several miles away from the warehouse, which meant he was going to have to move as quickly as possible or he would be caught, and that was not something he could afford. Without the aid of black magic, the Dragon Guard, those damn werepanthers and anything else that came along would be able to locate him way too easily, even with all the wards he had placed around the cabin.

  He stopped about a hundred yards from his destination and opened the dragon senses that he had not used in almost seven years and until recently thought completely dead. Those long unused instincts were raw and dull from inactivity, but reached out into the woods, searching for anything out of place, anything that could stop him from what he had planned. When his rusty senses found nothing unusual, he moved from tree to tree, undetectable to the human eye, until he reached the back of his cabin. Andrew breathed a sigh of relief to see the large wooden doors to the cellar were still secured with the huge chain and lock he had used. He tested the air and found that the black magic wards that were lethal to all but him were also still in place. He was sure they would be enough deterrent to any and all that came close, but he was not willing to take any chances. With a few words of Latin the lock fell away and the doors slowly creaked open. The smell of stale air, mold, and fertile earth assaulted his reawakening dragon senses as he carefully made his way down the rickety wooden steps. Halfway to the bottom, he reached up and pulled a dirty, woven cord that hung from the ceiling, illuminating the root cellar he had dug over three years ago when he purchased this secluded cabin. Every purchase had been made with the utmost of care, knowing one day he would use one of them to lure his brother and finally make him pay for what he had done.

  He placed his brother’s mate on the rusty old cot in the corner and secured her uninjured arm to the rail with the hand cuffs he had procured while readying this place for whomever or whatever he may have the pleasure of torturing. He really had not planned on it being Grace, but would make the most of the opportunities he was given. While looking at his prisoner, he noticed the wound in her left shoulder was still bleeding, but had thankfully slowed. He knew from his returning senses that the bullet was still lodged in the wound. At least he had clean sheets and medical supplies along with everything else he had gathered. After all, it was his brother he wanted dead, not the useless human that until recently had no knowledge of what fate had in store for her. Of course, she still had to suffer. Had it not been for her, he and Aidan would not have been out on an unplanned patrol in an area they had no business being in that fateful night all those years ago. His life had been irrevocably changed that night; people had to pay, that’s all there was to it. So Grace, the mate of his brother, would not die but she would know pain, for she would watch her mate die by his hand.


  Aidan stood completely still; staring at the last spot he had seen his mate before the asshole traitor had disappeared into thin air with her over his shoulder. It had taken Royce, Aaron, and Devon to talk him and his dragon down from the complete fury that had taken over when Andrew had taken Grace from him. Never once in his 100 years had his dragon come forth without being called. The fear of losing their mate had pushed both man and beast to their very limits. Worry and rage poured from every pore of both beings. They would move heaven and earth to get Grace back.

  Dragon Guard and werepanther alike were out combing the surrounding area for any trace of Andrew and the woman that held his heart. Everyone had felt the surge of black magic right before his brother simply disappeared into thin air. Max was able to use the extra sensitive senses he had acquired as King of the Pride to tell them that Andrew had finally used the last of his tainted magical stores. Aidan’s traitorous younger brother’s tricks were coming to an end. Without the extra magical help he would not be able to hide from them any longer. It was of little consolation but at least it was something.

  Rayne and Lance had saved the remaining young women from the rubble of the warehouse, and all s
ix were laid on blankets while Siobhan, their clan’s healer, and several of the Dragon Guard trainees, tended to their wounds. Rayne, using mind speak, had called for assistance while he had been trying to save Grace. At least they had saved the young women ‘The Auctioneer’ had kidnapped and kept them from whatever horrors the criminal and the wizards had planned. Again it was little comfort as long as Grace was out there, and he had no way of protecting her from whatever Andrew had planned.

  As if watching his mate being carried away, helpless to do anything about it again was not enough, ‘The Auctioneer’, his bodyguards, and the damned wizards had all fled while he chased after his brother. He felt all the guilt he had worked so hard to put away returning, but this time, because he could not protect Grace. After all his promises he had still failed. He breathed deeply, attempting to get his raging emotions under control. Now was not the time to focus on anything but getting his mate back, safe and sound. It took all of his considerable restraint and training not to let his dragon come forth again and tear apart everything and everyone that stood between him and the woman he loved. Just like his next breath, he needed to be out there looking for his mate. She was supposed to be at his side. He needed to know that she was ok. All of the waiting and uncertainty was overwhelming all rational thought; no matter how many times his brethren had reminded him that staying put was the best plan of action. After a heated debate, Rayne had convinced him to stay put and wait for word from the search parties that had headed off in every conceivable direction. He hated to admit his friend had made a valid point and was about to lose his mind standing around, but they were all right, if he stayed put, at least he would have a head start to saving his mate when one of the groups caught her scent. Waiting was killing him, but it was what he would do if it meant getting Grace back, alive and unharmed.

  He closed his eyes, bowed his head, and recited the prayer his mother had taught him so very many years ago, with his own additions. Dear Universe, creator of all things great and wonderful, Elders of the Dragon Guard and those Great Warriors who have gone before me, I ask that you show favor upon the one that holds my heart. Protect her from those that would wish her harm, keep her safe until I can once again protect her myself. Fill her with your loving, reassuring spirit, so that she may know I will not stop until she is safe at my side again. It is with all that I hold dear that I ask for your blessings and unending power. Just as the last words flowed through his mind he felt a spark that had not been there before. It started in the very center of his heart and quickly spread throughout his entire being. Grace! The trauma of their situation, coupled with the growing mating call, was making it possible for them to mind speak. He didn’t care at that moment that is was only a spark, it was something. It let him know that she was alive and that is what mattered most at that moment. It was the reassurance he needed. He would find her before his brother had a chance to hurt her any further. Sending a quick thanks to the Universe, he snapped open his eyes, and went in search of his Commander. No sooner had he reached the makeshift triage area than he heard Rayne in his mind, “’A’, Max found something. Let’s head out. Where are you?”

  “With Siobhan and the girls.”

  “Head west. Be there in a minute. Devon is sending us directions as they track the scent.”

  Aidan opened his mind to all his brethren. He had shut down their special link when he had lost control and his dragon had come forward, not wanting to ravage their minds with his torment. He made a hundred and eighty degree turn, running as fast as he could, while Rayne and the others of their Force continued to feed him directions. They had a lock on Andrew’s scent and were following the trail through a completely hidden section of the forest, not more than five miles from where he had stood not moments ago. He ran with renewed vigor. He was going to make it on time, he was going to save Grace and he was going to kill his brother for all the heartache he had caused.


  Grace floated in and out of consciousness, refusing to open her eyes. It was a game she had taught herself when she was a little girl. As long as she kept her eyes closed, she could trick her mind into believing whatever she wanted it to believe. Right now, in her mind, she was warm and safe, snuggled next to the sexiest man alive, not laying on something hard and lumpy and incredibly old from the smell of it. She tried with all her might to return to the dream world where she and Aidan were together really not wanting to be in the world where she had been dragged across the ground, thrown over some crazy man’s shoulder and taken to God knows where while her mate had chased after them.

  She focused on the memories of Aidan, picturing his beautiful amber eyes that sparkled with flecks of brown, blue and green when he was happy or excited. Those eyes reduced her to a mass of want and need like no other. She recalled the feel of his calloused hands touching her body, his lips kissing her with such passion and force that she was unable to do anything but give into their mutual desire. The thought of his smile and the way it shone brighter than any star in the heavens made her sigh. What she wouldn’t give to be in his arms again. Just that one thought almost broke her resolve, almost caused the tears she had held back throughout her abduction to flow but there was no way she was going to let the asshole that had stolen her away win this battle. She knew Aidan and all the others were searching for her, he would never let her down. He would search the world over to find her. She just had to hold out until he got there.

  Relaxing back into her thoughts and dreams proved difficult but not impossible as she recalled memories from the short time she and Aidan had spent together but just as those images appeared, the nagging pain that came from every single cell of her body kept her from finding any type of comfort. Figuring out where she was and if there was any chance of escape became the next plan. She listened carefully, trying to pick up any clues of her location but her own heartbeat and ragged breathing overrode any sounds that may have been present. She slowly opened her eyes, only to see a worn wooden ceiling with sunlight shining between the splintering boards and cobwebs hanging in the corners. Thankfully the spiders that had spun those webs were absent. Spiders were the one thing she was sure would send her over the edge. She chuckled to herself, after all she had been through, the thought of arachnids could reduce her to a whiney little girl.

  Her body ached so bad, she decided to only move her eyes for the time being. To the left she found a wall only a few inches from her head that pretty much matched the ceiling. On her right, all she could see was open space and the shadows that were cast from the sunlight shining through more cracks and crevices of what she only guessed was a very old structure of some kind.

  Rolling her eyes up, she found her bangs. She really was overdue for a trim. Hell, if she got out of this shithole she was taking a day or two or a week at the spa. No, not if…when. When she got out of this mess, she was going to the spa and she was making Aidan and Kyndel go with her. She might even let Kyndel’s big grumpy husband come too. Because she was getting out of this mess; Aidan was coming to get her and she was going to do whatever possible to help with her own escape.

  She rolled her eyes down and saw the pink lace bra, pretty much wasted from blood and dirt that she had put on earlier that day covering her breasts and her right shoulder. There was a fresh bandage covering most of her left shoulder. She started to lift her right hand and felt the metal that she could only be a hand cuff dig into her wrist. No feeling in her left hand and the pain radiating from that same shoulder stopped her from even trying to move it. She let her eyes slide shut as she slowly exhaled, trying to relieve some of the tension thrumming through her body.

  After a moment of simply breathing, she decided it was time to take the bull by the horns. Preparing for what she knew would hurt like a son of a bitch and doubting her sanity, she took as deep a breath as her damaged ribs would allow. She needed to see where she was and if there was any way out. Just as she was about to lift her head, she heard what sounded like a door knob rattling to her righ
t. Oh great! Just when she had decided it was time to move, the psycho that had kidnapped her was making his appearance. Her luck was going from bad to worse. Deciding the best course of action was to pretend she was still unconscious, she stayed absolutely still.

  At least when she had been out, he had dressed her wounds, and from what she could tell had not inflicted any further damage. If he was working with her boss, he knew who she was, and that she had intimate knowledge of the crime boss and his operation. She tensed when she thought of the crime scene photos she had reviewed, especially the ones where the informants had been beaten to make them talk. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing the best she could as she heard the door swing open and the sound of booted footsteps striking what she guessed was the same worn wood as the walls and ceiling. Playing possum as long as she could was the only move she had in her condition, and hopefully that would buy Aidan enough time to find her and get her out of the hell she was trapped in.


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