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Her Dragon's Fire

Page 22

by Julia Mills

  Siobhan went to rise and Aidan grabbed her hand. “There is no need for any of you to leave. I will take her to the caves. I will do whatever possible to return this vibrant, amazing woman to her gorgeous self.” He bowed his head and felt his dragon chuff in agreement. When he raised he head again, he noticed Devon, Rayne, and Max were no longer in the cabin. “Where are you?” he sent directly into Rayne’s mind.

  “We’re making a gurney for you to carry your mate to the caves. It seems to be something we’re getting very good at,” Rayne answered. Aidan could hear the smile on his face and appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood.

  “Thanks, bro,” was all he could choke out for fear the tears he was holding back would begin to fall. His brethren would understand, but there would be hell to pay later.

  He looked back to his beautiful Grace, still lying completely still, and realized that she was now covered with a clean white blanket. He looked farther up her body to see Sophia gently lifting her while Siobhan pulled the blanket through to the other side, so that she was covered and ready for her flight to the healing caves. He nodded in thanks to both women. Rayne called from outside for all to hear, “We’re ready out here when you are, ‘A’.”

  “You are sure it’s all right to move her.” He leveled his stare at Siobhan, waiting for her confirmation.

  “Yes, Aidan, she is well enough to travel. Now pick up your mate and get her to the caves. I will have Devon call ahead to the other healers. We will be right behind you.”

  He hugged the elder Healer, thanking her for all she had done and would do for his mate. He walked to where Grace lay; ready to be placed on the gurney his brethren and friends had made for her trip home. She may not know it was her home yet, but as soon as she opened those beautiful blue eyes he was going to make sure that she understood. Her safety was first and foremost. She had been through too much in the very short time since they finally met and he would stand for no more. On this he would not bend.

  He bent and with the utmost care, lifted his mate into his arms. Even though she was still unconscious, he could not stop the feeling of completion that filled him with Grace in his arms. This was where she was meant to be, always, for all time, cocooned in his arms where he could keep her safe. He turned on his heel and walked out of the cabin. As soon as Grace was healthy again, he would return to this grotesque house of horrors and burn it to the ground. But now he had much more important things to handle, like getting his mate to the healing caves.


  He flew as fast and true as he could while constantly monitoring Grace’s condition. It felt like the longest flight of his life. As he landed, several of the younger healers met him at the mouth of the healing cave. They took Grace and the gurney from his paw and headed into the healing cave. He quickly changed from dragon to man and hurried to his mate.

  It had been a very long time since he had been in the healing caves. He had forgotten how exquisitely beautiful they were and what an immense power they held. Even with all his worry for Grace, he felt the powers of the cave working on him. He began to relax just a fraction and was able to think more clearly. He had been told that the healing caves knew what each person needed and worked to provide that for them, to restore them to their full self. He sent another of many prayers to the Universe asking for Her help with Grace’s healing. He knew she would be ok, he felt in his soul, but that did not stop his worry. What made it worse was that she had not moved at all during all the poking and prodding of Siobhan’s examination or during their flight. It was not that the elder Healer had been anything but gentle and caring to Grace, it was just that she had not moved; no change in breathing, no slight wincing from the pain she had to be in, nothing.

  He slowly took in the splendor of one of the most magnificent places in his clan’s lair. This holy, healing place was one of the most revered and protected sites, and rightfully so. This cavern and its many passages had been formed millions of years ago, when the melting water from thawing glaciers carved the very tunnels he stood in front of as they made their journey to the sea. The many minerals, rocks, and gems still embedded in the walls and ceiling, glittered and glimmered in the light from the many candles hanging in sconces throughout the cave, and gave an illustration to the power all that entered this sacred place felt. There were huge stalactites hanging from the ceiling and stalagmites rising from the floor that seemed to be standing guard, protecting the sanctity of this place. He had heard all the stories from older members of his clan concerning this healing place. When the original dragon shifters found this land and began to carve out their lair, this cavern with all of its magic and wonder had called to them. Their leader and his Elders had entered, felt the incredible power of the grotto, and knew in that moment the Universe had shown favor on them. This was indeed the place they would build their clan. That was hundreds of years ago and it still served them well.

  Trying to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm him, he remembered when Siobhan had found the amulet that was holding his beautiful mate in stasis and an uncontrollable rage threaten to overtake him. He had wanted to kill his brother before but knowing he was responsible for Grace’s coma, he wanted him to not only die but to suffer while it he did it. His hands ached to feel his broadsword slice through his brother’s body and to watch his blood soak the earth. He knew Andrew held him responsible for what he had endured at the hands of the wizards, hell, he had spent the last almost seven years torturing himself as well, but none of that excused what the fucking traitor had done to Grace. Andrew would know no mercy when they met the next time. The bastard had to die and die by his sword was exactly what was going to happen.

  So completely lost in his thoughts, he didn’t hear Devon and Siobhan come up behind him. He damn near jumped out of his skin when his brethren grabbed his shoulder. “Whoa, bro, what planet were you on? I haven’t been able to sneak up on you since we were kids,” Devon asked, and Aidan saw the look of concern that crossed his friend’s face.

  “He was thinking of the one responsible for the present condition of his mate, I would suspect.” Devon’s mother confirmed what they all already knew; Siobhan was an incredible healer and an unparalleled empath.

  “Yea, I was. Sorry to bring negative energy to the caves. I let my anger get away from me.” He bowed his head and breathed deeply; fighting for the control he did not have, but needed, to be strong for his Grace.

  “I understand. Clear your mind and leave those thoughts for another time. The others are ready to begin the ritual.” Siobhan turned and started down the corridor that he remembered walking with both his brothers when his father had returned injured from an especially bloody battle.

  Devon squeezed his shoulder. “Come on, bro. Let’s go bring your lady back.”

  He entered a cavern at the end of a very long passage and found Grace lying on a crystal table covered in a bright white sheet, her ebony locks flowing over the end like a dark billowing waterfall. Even in this condition, she was absolutely breathtaking. He could see that the abrasions on her face and shoulders were healing nicely, confirming what Siobhan had said about their deepening connection. She was pulling from his healing powers. She could have it all if they would rid her of the magic his brother had thrust upon her and bring her back to him. He continued forward until he stood by her side. He gently placed her hand in his and took a long look at his mate. He poured all that he was into that gaze, hoping that somehow all his love and hope for their future were reaching her.

  He looked up as the healers assembled all around Grace, ready to begin the Cleansing Ritual. He offered one last prayer up to the Universe and waited for the ritual to begin. She had to be ok, she just did. And if for some reason she wasn’t, he would follow her to the heavens, because… he would follow her anywhere.


  She was absolutely as frustrated as she had ever been. That idiot, Andrew, had thrown something at her after trying to be a comic book villain wit
h his ominous speech, and then her world had gone black. She could not imagine what he had done. He hadn’t given her any drugs or anything that would have made her unable to move, so it must have been the flashy piece of metal that hit her in the stomach and then bounced off. It was only a few heartbeats before she realized she could still hear everything that was going on, even feel the breeze on her skin, but she could not move. She had tried with all her might to yell or move or do anything, but her body simply would not obey. As she listened as intently as possible, wondering if the asshole was just standing there staring at her, she even tried to roll over again, knowing it would hurt like hell but really needed to move. She wouldn’t put it past him to stand and watch, he was definitely not playing with a full deck. But as she lay there motionless, she realized she was all alone, with no way to get out of the hellish nightmare her life had become.

  She must have dozed for a bit because the next thing she knew, the cabin was shaking and she could hear explosions coming from every direction outside. It all made sense; the douche bag, Andrew, had gone on and on about the ‘things’ he had to get ready for Aidan. She prayed with all her strength that her mate was ok and he would somehow find her. She imagined his hypnotic whiskey colored eyes, the feel of his hands on her skin, and his masculine scent.

  She continued praying until her spidey senses began ringing in her head. The longer she waited, the louder they rang, until she wished for the ability to put her hands over her ears. There was a loud crash from the vicinity of the door, a large gust of wind, and then the most magnificent feeling of warmth and love she had ever felt. It was Aidan! He had found her. He was ok and hadn’t been injured by the explosions she heard. Andrew hadn’t gotten to him. If she could have, she would’ve breathed a sigh of relief.

  The first touch of his hand to her cheek was like a whisper. She could only imagine the mess he saw when he looked at her. Well, her mother had always told her that she looked good in blues and purples, and she was sure she was sporting the whole gamut of those colors on her face. She wanted to cry out, grab her man, and hug him for all she was worth. Tell him that she knew that he would find her, that she never gave up hope that they would be together again, but no matter what she tried, only her mind screamed; her body remained dormant. Aidan continued to run his finger over her face and down her neck as he spoke to her in hushed, reverent tones. He told her he loved her and her heart almost burst from her chest. She wanted to tell him that she loved him too. He asked her over and over again to wake up. She wanted to yell as loud as she could that she was awake.

  The buzzing associated with Aidan mind speaking to one of his brethren began in her head. She wondered what they were saying, but just knowing that they were near and he was not alone, comforted her. His touch was the best feeling in the world. There had been a time that she was afraid she would never feel those amazing hands on her body again. She wanted more than anything to return his touch, look into his beautiful amber eyes, and tell him that everything was going to be all right as she listened to the utter heartbreak in his voice. She knew that her mate was a fierce, powerful, savage warrior, but the thought of sadness coloring the same beautiful eyes that had held so much passion and adoration, filled her with anger. Anger that Andrew had done this to them, anger that the man that she had considered her mentor was actually a criminal mastermind, and because of him and all the other assholes that wanted to hurt her man and his people, they were in this hellacious situation.

  Her inner monologue was abruptly interrupted when she heard a calm soothing voice that seemed to exude serenity. She thought hard and finally remembered it was the Healer that was helping the girls back at the warehouse. Grace thanked God that she was nearby and prayed that she would be able to stop whatever was causing her paralysis. The Healer asked Aidan to move and she wanted to burst out laughing at the tone, the healer was taking care of everyone. She missed his touch but was immediately comforted when he put his hands on her shins, his touch consoled her as nothing else could.

  The Healer was incredibly gentle as she examined all of Grace’s injuries, and also very thorough. She knew she didn’t mean to, but there were a couple of times she touched places that made Grace want to yelp in pain, although she couldn’t, and damn if that didn’t piss her off all the more. She hoped Aidan or one of the others had caught that son of a bitch, or better yet, chopped off his head. She had spent most of her life believing people needed to be treated fairly and have a chance to at least explain the reason for their crimes, hell, she had even made that her career. But that piece of shit needed to die and she could not work up any remorse for her feelings.

  She felt the Healer’s hands at her side, and would have winced if she could have, when she lifted her up and tilted her. The pain in her ribs was almost unbearable, but then as quickly as it had begun, it was over, and she heard the Healer explaining something about the shiny pendant Andrew had thrown at her. Holy shit, he had put a spell on her. How the hell was shit like this even possible? He really was a twisted little pain in the ass that needed to die. She listened while they discussed something about a Cleansing Ritual, and really wished she’d had time to learn more about all of this dragon and magical stuff before she had it used on her. As usual, she was late to the party. Then she heard the most horrifyingly magnificent news; Aidan was going to fly her back to these ‘healing caves’ they were talking about. Well, not Aidan as Aidan, but his dragon. The beautiful silver and black creature she had caught a glimpse of as she was being carried away. She really wanted to be able to experience this ride with her eyes wide open.

  Lifted off the bed and wrapped in what felt like a sheet at first confounded her but then she figured it could get pretty cold flying through the air. Her effort to push through the spell or whatever the hell it was that continued to hold her hostage was completely exhausting. Who knew that pushing out of a magical coma could be so exhausting? It was time to lay back and wait to see what happened next, since really that was all she could do.

  She felt Aidan’s arms slide under her and then she was being lifted. Andrew may have thought he could keep them apart, but if anything, they were going to be closer than ever before. It didn’t matter that she was basically a paperweight, she felt the sparks of their connection everywhere their skin touched. She knew he felt it too. Cuddled against him the way she was, she could hear his powerful heart beat faster and his breathing speed up. If she could only get any part of her body to move to let him know that she was there. To tell him how much she loved and appreciated him for searching for her and finding her, but she was trapped. She only prayed the Cleansing Ritual, whatever that was, worked, so she would finally be able to move and tell the man that held her so tenderly how much she loved him. Now to prepare the only way a woman trapped inside her own body could for her first trip via flying dragon; lay back and enjoy the ride.

  The ‘flight’ felt amazing. The wind through her hair, and the way it caressed the little bit of skin not covered, was nothing short of amazing. She knew they had strapped her to some kind of gurney because she heard Rayne and Devon telling Aidan about it. The Dragon Guardsmen were some seriously handy guys to have around. She hadn’t even thought about how she was going to fly with her mate until she felt them attaching her stretcher to what she could only guess was Aidan’s dragon’s paw. It made her even more pissed at Andrew, the more things she realized his crazy ass spell was keeping her from experiencing. She did have to admit that her other senses were definitely heightened, but she was still pissed. It was amazing that she could tell when they flew over a body of water by the change in the smell of the air and the way it felt just a bit moister on her skin and when they were gliding over an especially heavily vegetated piece of land from the smell of leaves, grasses and flowers.

  One of the things she found absolutely amazing was the raw power and energy that poured off her mate in his dragon form. She could feel the rush of the breeze and hear the whoosh when he would flap his massive wings. She wanted
so very much to witness what she was sure was a spectacular sight with her own eyes. There would other times, of that she was sure, but the first time was extra special and Andrew had stolen that from them. Her special intuition had been unusually quiet since they had taken flight. It seemed every part of her enjoyed being in this man’s care, no matter what form he was in.

  She drifted along, enjoying all that she could of her first dragon ride, when she felt them descending. It wasn’t long before she felt and heard what could only be described as a thump. In the next breath, she was being carried, still strapped to the apparatus she had flown in. Well, they must have arrived. She tried one more time, with all the strength she could muster, to break out of the spell holding her hostage, and was once again denied. She definitely had a new appreciation for the saying, “Mad as a wet hen”, that Kyndel’s granny used to say all the time. She’d seen firsthand exactly how mad a hen can get when she was visiting their family farm. Grace had watched as the poor little animal shook and flipped feathers everywhere, while making the most horrific sounds she had ever heard. She had laughed until tears ran down her face, but at this moment, she completely understood the little pullet’s anger, and the tears that threatened to fall were not from anything funny at all.

  She was so sleepy; she wondered why, when all she had been doing was lying about. Then she wished she could have laughed at loud. Why the hell wouldn’t she be tired? In a little over thirty-six hours she had been roughed up in a parking lot, made love to the sexiest, most perfect man in the whole world, had been shot, kidnapped, interrogated by a deranged idiot, trapped in a spell, and had her first flight with a dragon. While not all of it was bad (as a matter of fact the making love and flying parts were really very enjoyable, more than enjoyable, they were freaking fantastic), the other parts really sucked. Her brain was getting really foggy as she felt herself lifted off the gurney and placed on a cool firm surface. She could hear people all around. She started to drift off to sleep just as she felt the familiar electric current she knew only one person could create within her. One beautiful word drifted across her mind as she felt him place her hand in his…”Aidan”, and she let sleep take over.


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