Leap of Faith (The Blake Boys Book 17)

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Leap of Faith (The Blake Boys Book 17) Page 15

by Laurel,Rhonda

“Abbiamo parlato di questo prima.” He kissed her on top of her head. “Ti amo.”

  She smiled and patted his cheek. “Ti amo anch’io.” And walked into the house.

  Marco looked back at the door. “I’m sorry about that. My mom says the drinks are for the baby.”

  “Oh. I knew the word bambino meant baby.” Cassidy examined the drink through the glass and smiled. “Channing’s mom and her friends were giving me fertility drinks too. What was all that other stuff?”

  Channing fielded that one. “I know mother’s speak for ‘when are you going to get your act together and settle down’ in any language.”

  Marco laughed. “He’s right. Are you feeling any better, Cassie?”

  “Believe it or not these drinks are a life saver.”

  “She knows how to make you feel better with old world remedies. She’s been that way all my life.” He grinned. “I have to go to the office for a little while. But I wanted you to know everything is in place for the party tonight.”

  “I hope we’re not taking you away from anything important,” Channing said.

  “No, I just have to straighten out an order mix up. There’s nothing more important to me than my friends.” He dug into his pocket. “Here are the keys to the Ferrari. Take a drive. I bet that will put a smile on Cassie’s face.”

  “Thanks,” Channing replied. “We’ll see you tonight.”

  Marco waved good-bye.

  Channing tossed the keys in the air and caught them deftly. “What do you say to a drive around Napa Valley?”

  Cassidy started crying.

  “Hey.” Channing took her in his arms and held her close. “It’s OK. This is just a bump in our lives. We’ll get through this together.”

  “I hate that we’re not pregnant. And I miss Joy and Isaiah.” She sniffed.

  “I know.”

  Channing tightened his grip on his wife. He knew exactly how she felt. While she emoted her sadness through tears, he’d funneled his frustrations into work. It kept his mind off the losses and disappointments they’d faced the last few months. The reproduction issues coupled with Joy and Isaiah moving back to Utah had pushed his wife to a breaking point and he knew she’d needed to get away from it all for awhile. He’d hoped by visiting the wine country where they’d honeymooned, they’d get back on track and put things behind them. But who was he kidding. Everything had changed since Joy and Isaiah had come into their lives. Still, he had to do something to make her feel better. He was hoping Marco’s idea for a get-together to showcase his new wine would do the trick.

  “Come on. Let’s take that drive. We can come back and take a nap before it’s party time.”



  “Why can’t we have a family? I used to think cancer was the worst thing that could happen to me, but not being able to be a mom when I want it so bad is much more painful. I don’t understand why it hasn’t happened for us.”

  “I know you may be tired of hearing this, but it takes time. We knew that going in when we had the consult with the fertility specialist. Don’t ever think you did anything to get cancer. I’m just grateful it didn’t take you away from me.”

  “I love you, Channing Blake. With all my heart.”

  “I love you too. As a matter of fact, I love us just the way we are. I told you when we started this journey that the most important thing to me was our relationship and I meant that.”

  * * *

  Channing got on the road in the Ferrari and headed to parts unknown. He remembered the conversation he’d had with Kendrick about getting lost. Right now he’d like to fall off the map with Cassidy and come back to their busy lives after they’d healed together. He glanced at her as he shifted gears and changed lanes. She had her eyes closed and the sun was beating down on her face. He could see the traces of dried tears on her cheeks. She was so strong and loving, there was no way she wouldn’t be a mother some day.

  They stopped for a light lunch at a restaurant they frequented every time they were in the area. They dined on light fare, careful not to fill up before the party. Her stomach was still a little wonky so she opted for ginger ale while he snacked on ciabatta bread with a locally pressed olive oil herb dip. Channing scrolled his cell phone for messages. The family had sent text messages asking how they were doing.

  “Mama says she hopes we’re having a good time. Daddy says the two of you have a date for a Western movie marathon. Autumn wants to go bridesmaid dress shopping when we get back. She was thinking of a lavender and violet theme. And your mom says she and your dad were thinking about coming to the ranch for a visit and not to be surprised if Megan wants to come too.”

  “It might be good to see them. I was thinking of asking my sisters to come out for a weekend. I don’t think Dahlia will show, but Megan might like to get away.”

  “Do I hear my wife saying she wants to bond with her sisters?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I like Autumn and Summer’s relationship. I get along fabulously with Morgan, Sam, Isabelle, and Michelle. Maybe it’s time I get to know my sisters as adults and leave all that stuff that happened in the past behind. Who knows? Maybe being the baby in the family won’t suck the second time around.”

  “That’s the same advice you gave Joy about her family.”

  “What good is being wise if you can’t take your own advice?”

  They returned to Marco’s house just in time to get changed and join the other guests. The veranda was decoratively lit by pretty paper lanterns and a gorgeous table setting. There was soft music playing, and the guests were having a great time talking by the fire pit. Graciella, the woman Marco had been seeing off and on, was also there. They’d met her the last time they’d visited. She looked gorgeous in a peach dress and a pair of three-inch heels. Poor thing was hooked on Marco like he was a drug, while he dodged any real emotional attachment to her or any woman. But she still she showed up to his parties.

  As soon as he and Cassidy stopped by the refreshment table, Marco’s mom approached them and gave her another hug. She had a warm and caring embrace. Channing was touched that the woman cared about him and Cassidy trying to conceive.

  “Non preoccuparti. Il tuo bambino arriverà presto. Le vostre preghiere saranno risposte a breve,” Mama D’Giovanni said.

  “I hope so,” Channing responded. Like he’d said earlier, some kind words were just universal.

  Marco came out of the house in typical dramatic fashion with the wait staff and instructed them to set the food on the table. He loved family-style dining. He said it brought friends closer together. They took their seats, and Marco went on about the current crop of grapes and how he was hopeful for a good year of wine. Their label had won many awards in the past, and he wanted to win again. The cheese plates were being passed around and he was getting hungry. As Cassidy handled each one, she began to look more nauseated. Finally when the camembert came down the pike, she looked positively awful.

  “Babe. What’s wrong?”

  “The cheese aromas aren’t agreeing with me.” She bit her lip and quickly passed the plate to the person sitting next to her. Then she held her hand over her mouth and made a beeline for the house.

  “Is it something I said?” Marco laughed.

  “No. Just a little upset stomach tonight.” Channing put his napkin down and went after her. He found her in the bathroom. She was splashing cold water on her face.

  “It was a false alarm. But I didn’t want to barf at the table.” She shook her head.

  “Come.” He took her by the hand. “Let’s see if we can find something tamer in the kitchen.”

  He snagged a fruit platter and a bottle of water from the fridge and sat her down at the center island counter. Marco came in to check on them. Channing assured him they’d be back at the party in a few minutes once Cassidy finished her grapes. Ten minutes later she was fine.

  When they returned to the party, they had a great time interacting with the other guests. Mar
co was talented and funny, though it was a shame a few bad relationships had soured him on love. They talked into the night and for a few hours they forgot their troubles. As Cassidy snuggled close to him while he ate his dessert, for the first time he felt like they’d be OK no matter what happened.

  * * *

  Back at the ranch and ready to move on with her life, Cassidy accepted Autumn’s lunch invitation to get caught up on the wedding festivities. She still had no appetite, but she loved catching up with her friend. After lunch, they went to the bridal boutique so she could give her opinion about the bridesmaids dresses. Autumn had narrowed it down to three potential gowns. Cassidy looked at her reflection in the mirror and sighed. The second prospective dress Autumn selected for the bridesmaids was perfect. She hadn’t felt this good in weeks. She was back to tending to her clients and spending quality time with Channing and the family. She might not have been a mom yet, but she was pretty damn good Aunt Cassie. She spoiled the kids and took them on excursions and loved every minute of it.

  Joy called a few days after Cassidy returned from California and told her the guy who owned the Desert Rose had gotten in touch with a friend of his who owned a tattoo parlor in the Salt Lake area. He liked her work and offered her a job. She’d work mostly days, but when she had nights her mom had volunteered to watch Isaiah. The family was still apprehensive about her career choice, but they didn’t judge her. She said her mom just wanted her to be happy. Joy’s voice had choked up a little when she’d told Cassidy that.

  She suspected deep down that Joy wanted to be loved, as is, without expectations of being perfect. Joy also shared that she’d been going to her NA meetings and had even volunteered for a few events at Isaiah’s school to get better acquainted with the staff. Meanwhile, Isaiah had been excelling in his class, and she credited his new outgoing attitude to the Blakes. He was no longer the shy little kid living in the shadow of his crazy mother’s antics. He even told his new classmates to call him by his real name. By the end of the call, Cassidy realized that Joy was maturing and she was gaining a sister.

  Autumn emerged from a dressing room, wearing her fifth wedding dress in the last half hour, to find her still standing in front of the mirror. “That dress looks awesome on you.”

  “I must admit I do like it. But I’d expect nothing less from a woman with your fashion sense.”

  “I was thinking of having everyone’s hair styled differntly than it was done for Summer’s. Maybe hair down in a French braid, but my trendier friends with fierce hairstyles can maybe rock a really nice barrette.”

  “I like that idea. I could probably borrow something of Mackenzie’s. She has enough hair accesories to start her own boutique.”

  “I’m calling it. That little girl is a supermodel in the making. Those striking features and those adorable green eyes. Seth isn’t going to be happy about it, but she’s going to be quite a beauty.” Autumn went over to the refreshment area and picked up two flutes of champagne. “Wait until you see the tuxedo I found for Jared. He looks so dashing.”

  “The man knows how to wear a suit.” She twirled on the pedastal but the movement became too much for her. She reached out and grabbed onto Autumn’s shoulder for support.

  “Hey. Are you OK?” Autumn put the flutes down and led her to to a pink satin chair.

  “Yes. I should have eaten more at the restaurant.” Cassidy tried to catch her breath.

  “I saw you pushing that salad around with your fork, but I never actually witnessed you putting it into your mouth.” Autumn looked around the room for something to give her. “Well, champagne is out of the question. I think the sales lady said they had some fresh strawberries in the back.”

  The idea of the normally delicious yet tiny seed-riddled fruit suddenly sounded as appealing as chewing on the veil that was dangling on a hanger nearby.

  “I don’t think food is a good idea.”

  “But you just said—”

  “Autumn, trust me. If you give me anything right now, I can guarantee this bridle shop will never sell you a thing ever again.” She put her hand over her mouth and tried to stand, but she plopped back down.

  “I’m calling an ambulance.”

  “No. It’s just stress. You should have seen me the first time I studied for the bar. I think I lost fifteen pounds.”

  “Well, I insist on the emergency room.”

  She thought about it for a moment. If she didn’t go now, Channing would make a big thing of it later. “OK. I’ll get changed.”

  Autumn could have given Tyler a run for his money the way she put her foot down on the pedal and raced to the hospital. Luckily she didn’t get stopped by the police.

  Cassidy explained her symptoms to the nurse as she took her vitals and then asked for a cup of ice. Autumn helped her change into a gown and then went outside to make some calls. The nurse hooked her up to an IV and also asked for a urine sample. Somehow the staff surmised she was the Cassidy Blake of the Blake family and moved her to a private room. A half hour later, she and Autumn were chatting about the wedding plans when Channing and most of the family came tearing down the hall like the world was on fire.

  “Cassie!” Channing yelled.

  “I’m right here,” she called out, embarrassed that half the hospital had probably heard him.

  He cupped her face with his hands. “Autumn said you got sick at the bridle shop.”

  “I was showing off my new dress with a pageant twirl and I got a little dizzy. I’m sorry you had to stop your golf game.” She caressed his hands. “Hi, everyone.”

  “How are you feeling sugar?” Teri-Lyn came over and straightened the blanket that covered her.

  “Just a little run-down.”

  “Feeling a little run-down, eh?” A very pregnant Michelle squeezed in next to Teri-Lyn.

  A doctor with gray hair and a white coat entered the room. “Hello, Mrs. Blake. My name is Dr. Miller.”

  Morgan smiled and clasped Seth’s hand. “Babe, doesn’t this feel like deja vu.”

  He grinned. “It sure does.”

  “I never get tired of seeing it,” John Jaconb replied. “Let’s give these two some privacy. The doctor looks like he has something important to say.”

  The family filed out of the room, leaving Cassidy and Channing alone with the doctor. As soon as the words “you’re pregnant” fell from his lips, she started to cry.

  “Are you sure?” Channing squeezed her hand.

  The doctor chuckled. “Absolutely. It’s part of my job to know how to read the lab results correctly. If I don’t, I get a sad face on my paycheck.”

  She couldn’t help the grin on her face. It felt like the widest she’d ever smiled in her entire life. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  “I see from your registration form that you’ve been trying for a while. I’ll get in touch with your doctors and bring them up to speed on things. Congratulations. You got your miracle.” He winked and left the room.

  “A baby.” Channing sat on the bed. “We’re having a baby.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “I feel like the luckiest man on earth.”

  “Well then give me a kiss. You have about three minutes before the family comes back and won’t leave us alone until I give birth.”

  Channing leaned forward and covered her mouth with his.


  Cassidy tightened her shawl around her when the cool breeze began to rustle the trees. She liked this time of day on the ranch. The sun was shining bright, and there was a sense of calm over the land. Today they were attending Mackenzie’s tea party. The little girl’s casual get together had morphed into a sophisticated, frilly affair complete with pretty clothes and fancy hats. The guys wore sport coats and loafers.

  She’d been out of the office all week to spend time with her mom and sisters who were visiting from Ohio. Since announcing the pregnancy, she’d kept in touch with family more frequently, especially her mom. She’d even reac
hed out to her sisters more, Megan most of all. They gabbed about family gossip and the television shows they liked. She hadn’t been that close to her sister since…ever. There was something to be said for rekindling relationships as an adult. The hurt adolescent feelings had subsided, and she no longer felt like a stranger in her own family. And it was all thanks to Joy and the Blakes. Channing had been steering her in the direction of genuine communications with her family for years, but after spending time with Joy, she’d realized she had similar problems with her own family. While Joy’s rebellion geared up much earlier in her teens, Cassidy had just chosen to weather the storm and cut out when she went to college.

  She shook her head at everything that had happened recently, changing her life so completely that she wouldn’t have recognized it a year ago. Then she walked back over to rejoin the tea party.

  “This cream cheese olive spread is heavenly,” Dahlia said as she took dainty nibbles.

  “You haven’t tasted the smoked salmon and the quiche.” Megan offered a bite to her big sister.

  “Try the mini BLTs,” Channing said as he approached the table. “They are delish. Michelle outdid herself this time.” He stopped and put his hands on his hips and smiled at them all. “Ladies, are you having a good time?”

  “Yes. This is just lovely,” Dahlia responded and dabbed the corners of her mouth with her napkin.

  Megan grinned. “I love it, but I can’t wait for the tailgating party on Sunday.”

  Cassidy knew a fancy tea party would be right up her older sister’s alley. Dahlia liked fine things and fine living. She’d always showed signs of being cultured well beyond her years as a child. Cassidy hadn’t heard Dahlia complain once about the décor in their house since she’d been there. Instead she looked at the artwork and furnishings as if she were appreciating something in a gallery.

  Megan, on the other hand, would rather play poker with Channing and the guys. She was excited that she’d won three thousand dollars playing with them the other night. Channing had been teaching her about football, and now she’d immersed herself into that world. Cassidy wasn’t sure if it was the sport she was interested in or all of the hot, hunky commodities walking around the Tomcats Stadium on any given day.


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