Leap of Faith (The Blake Boys Book 17)

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Leap of Faith (The Blake Boys Book 17) Page 16

by Laurel,Rhonda

  Her mother leaned toward her. “Let me get this straight. This is a tea party for a little girl?”

  “Yes.” Cassie laughed as she set her sandwich down. “It started out with Mackenzie snacking on sandwiches with her grandpa and it became something else.”

  “Well, it’s all very pretty and the food is delicious. Teri-Lyn seems to be having a lot of fun.”

  “We’re blessed to have a chef who loves to cook and a grandma who loves any excuse to spend time with her grandkids.” She glanced over at her mother-in-law who was helping the kids get settled at their table.

  “I like being a grandma too.” She put her hand on Cassidy’s. “And I hope your baby will know who I am.”

  “Of course.” Cassidy smiled. “You want to take a walk?”

  “I’d like that.”

  They walked around the side of the house and out to the main road. It had been so long since she’d been with her mother like this, just the two of them. For years she could remember the chaos in their house and never having a moment alone with her.

  “Channing and I talked, and we thought it would be nice if we visited the family more. If that’s all right with you.”

  “You know I’d love that.” Her mother stopped. “You’re always welcome.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “For what?”

  “You always let me march to my own drum. Thank you for giving me the space to let me explore who I was. It gave me strength and courage. I don’t think I could do my job half as well if you hadn’t instilled in me the importance being a fair and honest person who had strong convictions. That’s helped me be the best attorney I can be for my clients.” Cassidy gave her a tight squeeze.

  Her mother’s eyes teared up. “The first time your dad held you in the hospital after I gave birth to you, he said you were going to be a Supreme Court justice. He said he could see it in your eyes. And when you tested off the charts in school, he said he was sure of your destiny. He always knew of your great potential. I never wanted to hold you back, but I did want to hold on to you a little longer before you went out into the world and did good things.” She put her hand on Cassidy’s stomach. “And now there’s a new, super-brainy generation about to be born. You are going to be a fantastic mom. I am so happy for the two of you. Channing’s a good man. He’s going to be a great dad. I never worry about you. I know he loves you and would lay down his life for you.”

  “And he’s taught me the meaning of family.” She sniffed.

  “I couldn’t ask for a better son-in-law. He keeps in touch. He sends thoughtful little gifts, like the prime cut steaks your dad loves. And tons of Tomcats paraphernalia.” She laughed.

  “The Blakes aren’t going to stop until every family member and friend is a die-hard Tomcats fan.”

  “He’s converted your sister.”

  “Is she doing OK?”

  “Why don’t you ask her? We talk, but I’m sure there’s only so much she’ll tell her mom.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  “Yes, and then report back to me.”

  “Mom.” She rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help her laugh.

  * * *

  The last thing Channing thought he’d be doing in the middle of the night was making ice cream sundaes for the pregnant ladies in his life.

  It had been a wacky evening. Michelle, who was a couple of days overdue, was sure she was going into labor at the dinner table. So Tyler rushed her to the hospital only to find out it was false labor. When the family returned to the ranch, everyone was exhausted and headed to their homes to go to bed. But the pregnant ladies were in the mood for a snack.

  He looked over at his wife, who was busy chatting with Michelle. She had that pregnant glow and her baby bump was just starting show. Cassidy’s morning sickness was subsiding, much to his relief. She handled it like a trooper; he was the one who was all nerves. He’d have crackers and juice waiting for her every morning when she woke. He also insisted that she work from home those days when she wasn’t feeling all that great. She fussed about his fussing over her so much that his mama had to intervene. Teri-Lyn reminded them that care and concern in moderation was the key to both of them surviving the pregnancy. So he agreed not to hover so much if she agreed to keep her work schedule flexible so she could take naps in the afternoon if she felt it necessary.

  The baby app Tyler installed all those months ago was a great help. He’d immersed himself in watching the digital stages of the baby’s growth. Nowadays it was getting hard to concentrate on work, thinking about the baby. J.J. and Bo teased him about it but were ultimately sympathetic. They’d talk for hours in J.J.’s office, discussing the many blessings in the family, when they should have been working on projects. Everything seemed to be going well at the ranch. Bo and Summer were enjoying newlywed life, but he was getting the itch to start a family too. Roommates Avery and Parker were enjoying their new digs. Wyatt was clearly happy that Avery lived right across the hall from him.

  “Oh my gosh!” Michelle bellowed. “This is the best banana split I’ve ever had in my life. C.J., you missed your calling as a soda jerk.”

  “Well, it was a tough call between scooping ice cream for a living and the law, but I wanted to be the rebel in the family. Well, the second rebel.” Channing motioned his head to Tyler. “Your husband holds the reigning title.”

  “Former bad boy. Thank you very much,” Tyler huffed.

  “You mean I could have married an ice-cream-scooping bad boy?” Cassidy asked.

  “Sorry, babe.” Channing gave her a kiss on the lips.

  “This is so good.” Michelle groaned as she dove into her banana split again. “It’s just missing one thing. Channing, do you have any hot sauce?”

  “Yes…” He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at Tyler.

  Tyler shook his head. “Go ahead and give it to her. She’s been putting hot sauce on her ice cream for the last three months.”

  “Let me try it,” Cassidy said.

  “Babe, I don’t that’s a regulation topping.” Channing cringed as Cassidy shook the bottle over her dessert. He foresaw an agonizing night for her on the toilet. He gently pried it out of her hands after a few drops.

  Michelle licked her spoon. “We haven’t been on a double date in ages.”

  “We’ve all been so busy in between napping and shopping for baby stuff,” Cassidy mused.

  “Did you like the crib we picked out?”

  “Yes. It’s gorgeous. We’ve been flipping through catalogs and Internet surfing, but we haven’t seen anything we liked yet.” Cassidy rubbed her small bump and bit her lip.

  He knew that hesitation. She’d been so happy about the baby but terrified to purchase anything too soon. “We’re just taking things one day at a time.”

  “We got ours at the Small Blessings baby store in Mackenzie Square. They have all kinds of cute, unique items. You should get one. The matching dresser has a lot of space and a built-in scale. That way you can keep track on your own.”

  “That’s a good idea. We’ll have to go by and check out their inventory,” Channing replied.

  Michelle grasped Cassidy’s hands. “No worries. I was the same way just before my baby bump morphed into a watermelon. Before it became really real, I was cautious too. Tyler, on the other hand, was special-ordering cigars for the big day ten minutes after the doctor gave the official word. Which is probably the reason I’m overdue.”

  “Hey, I was just being prepared.” Tyler ran a hand over her belly.

  “You’re right, Michelle. Positive thoughts are the key. Maybe we could go buy a teddy bear or shop for wallpaper or something to get started.” She smiled at Channing.

  “Cassie, have you talked to Joy and Isaiah lately?” Tyler asked.

  “Yes. Isaiah loves school. Joy takes night classes so she can get her degree in business. She wants to know how to properly run her own tattoo parlor. She’s going to meetings, and her family has rallied to help with Isaiah until sh
e gets her footing.”

  “And Isaiah joined the soccer team,” Channing chimed in. “He’s really excited about that. He’s a tough kid. I think he’ll be just fine.”

  “Isn’t it wonderful how resilient kids are?” Cassidy sniffed.

  “Yes. I knew he was a special little boy the way he comforted and protected his mother. He’s going to be a good man someday.” Michelle teared up.

  “I miss him so much,” Cassidy sobbed.

  “Me too.” Michelle hugged Cassidy.

  “Ladies,” Channing interrupted. “Isaiah is fine. Joy has her family to support her and she has us. We’ll be keeping an eye on both of them for years to come.”

  “You’re right. They do have us.” Cassidy wiped her tears.

  A half hour later they’d manage to steer the conversation back to less emotional topics like the family tree project. Sam had done a great job digging into each family’s history. Now it was time for phase two. Bringing all the information together in a cohesive fashion.

  “I think we’ve eaten every bit of ice cream on this ranch.” Channing surveyed the empty bowls on the table.

  “I never would have thought pepperoni would be a great ice cream topping,” Tyler said. “But I am happy to have been proven wrong.”

  “You have a lead gut.” Channing slapped his brother’s stomach.

  “Whoa!” Michelle yelled.

  “Yeah, that hot sauce sneaks up on you. I’m pretty sure I can light a match with my breath right now.” Tyler replied.

  “Yeah.” Cassidy groaned. “This is going to be rough coming out.”

  “I hate to say I told you so.” Channing wagged his finger at the group.

  “You love saying it,” Tyler quipped.

  Michelle gripped Tyler’s arm. “It’s not the sauce, it’s the baby. I think this time is the real deal.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “It’s race time. The flag has been waved.” She exhaled. “We’ve already had a dry run. No need to get antsy again.”

  “OK. The bag is already in the car.” Tyler started to pace, but Michelle stopped him.

  Cassidy ran to the front door and opened it. “Go, you two. We’ll alert the family, then head to the hospital.”

  Tyler and Channing each held one of Michelle’s arms as she waddled out of the house and toward the car. He looked at Tyler, who’d turned a bit pale. As soon as Michelle was secured in the seat with her safety belt, he walked his brother to the other side of the car.

  “Ty, is everything all right? Do you think I should drive instead?”

  “No.” Tyler snapped out of his haze. “I’m just—”

  “About to become the best dad in the world,” Channing finished for him. “You’re going to be great. Michelle needs you right now. I’ll get the word out, and Cassie and I will meet you at the hospital.”

  “OK. Thanks for the pep talk, bro.”

  “Hey. I expect the same from you in five months.”

  “It’s a deal.” Tyler hopped in the car and sped off toward the main gate.

  When Channing came back into the house, Cassidy was cleaning the kitchen. It seemed like the perfect time to give her a big bear hug. She squeezed him back.

  “I called your mom and dad and sent a text to everyone else,” she said.

  “Thanks. I was going to do that. I know it’s early days, but I look forward to shooting out of the house in a mad dash to bring our baby into the world.”

  “I don’t know about any fast moving when I’m nine months pregnant, but I’m looking forward to it too.”

  By the time the family had all arrived at the hospital, Michelle had given birth to their son Tucker Jacob Blake and had happily settled on the word “mom.” He was all Tyler. He had Tyler’s green, mischievous eyes and a sly, wonky smile. That uncertain look on his brother’s face had been replaced with a peaceful expression Channing had never seen before. Channing knew Tyler had made a decision about his career that he was sure would be revealed after the excitement surrounding the baby had subsided. It was the face of a man who’d come full circle in his life.


  Six months later…

  Channing grabbed the baby monitor and gingerly closed the door to the nursery. This would be the first time since he and Cassidy brought the triplets home that they’d have a moment alone. And what he wanted right now was some quality time with his wife. Brady, Aiden, and Drew, their three rambunctious, redheaded newborns with the family middle name Jacob, had finally gotten on a schedule that allowed their parents to catch some shut-eye every now and again, with their grandparents and aunts and uncles pitching in from time to time. Meanwhile, Michelle and Tyler’s new addition Tucker Jacob would be celebrating his six-month birthday in a couple of days and was growing like a weed. The ranch was abuzz again with new life.

  The silence in the house just before the triplets woke up was a good omen. But he knew that soon the house would fill with the chaotic, frenzied noise-fest that was sure to come when the triplets were awake and ready to be changed and fed. He eased downstairs and went to the kitchen to retrieve the fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce from the fridge and set them down on a tray. Cassidy wasn’t able to have alcohol, so sparkling cider would do the trick. They deserved to toast their new lives as the parents of three inquisitive little ones who’d kept them on their toes with feedings and diaper changes and he loved it. They’d both taken time off from work. He wanted to spend every moment he could with the boys before his mama confiscated them daily to babysit.

  He balanced the tray on his forearm and opened the bedroom door. A smile spread across his face when he saw Cassidy collapsed on the bed. She’d been determined to come in and slip into something sexy, even though they couldn’t have sex for a while longer, and make a romantic afternoon of it. Right now there was nothing sexier to him than the woman who’d gone through so much to bring their children into the world.

  He put the tray on the dresser and crawled into bed beside her. She turned to face him and nestled against him.

  “Hey, babe.” Channing kissed her.

  “Hey. Are the kiddies still asleep?”

  “Yes.” He glanced at his watch. “They’ve been slumbering for thirty-seven whole minutes. Let’s see if they can break their forty-seven minute napping record.”

  “I love them. You know I do. But I’d be ecstatic if they would sleep for forty-eight minutes.” She yawned.

  He yawned too. “Someday we will sleep again.”

  Cassidy caressed his face. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to skip the sexy afternoon delight.”

  “I hate to admit it, but I’m a little tired too. Just know we’re having really hot sex in my mind.”

  “We’re taking a nap in my mind.” She snorted, then covered her mouth just in case the raucous sound carried to the nursery. “Do you think your mom would mind if we skip the family picture today?”

  “Unfortunately, she will. She’s been looking forward to an updated photo of the entire family.” Channing tightened his grip around her waist and pulled her even closer. He loved her so much. He nuzzled her neck as Cassidy rubbed his back. This was the life—

  The sound of the triplets waking made them sit up on the bed.

  “I bet that’s Brady. He’s always the first to wake,” she said.

  He laughed. “My money’s on him to be the first to drive my car into a ditch.”

  She nudged him. “You don’t know that.”

  “That boy has a gleam in his eye.” He pulled her up with him.

  “Yeah. What look is that?”

  “Classic Blake mischief.”

  “I believe that. You get that same gleam in your eye whenever you go to the Bright Star with the guys.” She giggled as he pulled her down the hallway.

  “I forgot to tell you that mama called earlier. She made dinners for us for the week. So we won’t have to cook anytime soon.”

  “Cool. That reminds me. I talked to my m
om and dad this afternoon. They’ll be here next week and want to stay for a month. I asked Megan if she wanted to tag along. She said she’d be here with bells on as long as she could do another tailgate at the stadium.”

  “I think I can arrange that. It’s nice they’re coming out for a visit.”

  “Yes, it is. Thank goodness for grandparents.” She smiled. “And thank you for paving the way for me to have a better relationship with all of them.”

  “You’re welcome sweetie. But I was being selfish. I want our kids to have all the love they can get.”

  “And be spoiled beyond belief. I can’t believe the gift your dad got them.”

  “Daddy’s always thinking about the future of this family.”

  “And your mom is quite happy that she has a baker’s dozen of grandkids.”

  “That total won’t last long. Someone around here is always having babies.”

  “Isn’t that what it’s all about? Life?”

  “Yes, it is. And I feel wonderful about the life we’ve created.”

  She teared up. “I just love you and the boys so much. For a while I thought we’d never get pregnant, but I am so happy that we did.”

  He wiped the tear from her cheek. “We’re going to enjoy every moment of our lives.”

  “I’d love to go one day without crying about something.” She laughed and patted under her eyes.

  “Tears of joy are always welcome in this house.”

  “Let’s get them changed,” she said. “Hopefully they’ll remain clean until photo time.”

  “I doubt it, but I like your optimism.”

  When they entered the nursery, it was indeed baby Brady who was wide-awake and ready for his mama to take him into his arms. Aiden and Drew were making rumblings that nap time was over too. Cassidy picked Brady up and gingerly sat in the rocking chair. When she was comfortable, she curved her other arm. That meant she was ready for another one. Channing picked up Aiden and handed him off then he went for Drew.


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