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Bell, Book and Dyke - New Exploits of Magical Lesbians

Page 24

by Barbara Johnson, Karin Kallmaker, Therese Szymanski

  Her hips slowed slightly as she said, firmly and clearly, "Fuck me until we both melt."

  I surged into her with two fingers as she kissed me. We both moaned as the heat between us flared and I knew the time for slow and teasing was past.

  "Oh, yes, like that."

  "More, I'll give you more."

  "Don't stop."

  "Oh, I'm not going to stop. I love that sound. You're so wet."

  The red of her hair and the green of her eyes seemed to mix inside me, a blazing sunrise on a rolling ocean. Her kisses tasted of violet and the feel of her cunt around my fingers was so sensuous that my own body clenched with hers. I watched her body rise and fall with a swoon of arousal that surpassed any I'd ever felt in my life.

  Our gazes met and I found I could not look away. Her eyes were talking inside my mind. Do you feel that? Those muscles, right there, squeezing your wonderful fingers? Female sinew and bone, tender flesh, press there... there... and feel that wonderful moisture explode.

  I gasped and pushed into her more firmly. "Like that?"

  Yes, her eyes said. Her panting breath reverberated on the inside of my head.

  We were kissing and her voice was in my head again, repeating that divine yes and wild more. Something other than carnal fire was rising between us, something natural and alive. Something I could not put a name to, not yet. The sensation of being inside her was sharp with pleasure. This new, building feeling was soft by comparison, but vast. It seemed to well up into any places between us that did not yet touch, filling in all our distance.

  My world went away. I had no thought of anything but my body and hers, and the wonder of our union. She was making short, sharp sounds that echoed the message in her eyes. It's supposed to feel this good.

  It had never felt this good before, but I didn't know why. This was something beyond my experience, to be so focused on her that I could tell when that electric jolt of near climax spiraled through her hips.

  It should always feel this good.

  She stiffened against me but where my fingers touched she was melting, pouring. Muscles tensed in violent spasm. My lap was wet and I couldn't breathe until her long, deep groan subsided.

  All around me was the quiet of snowfall. Familiar things were shrouded in silver and gray. She was a swirl of crimson and, looking at my hands, I felt suffused with golden light.

  Aurora was laughing and the clear bell of her pleasure found a response inside me in a place that wasn't physical. I was laughing, too, because it had felt that good.

  We could have been in a gladed forest, so fresh and alive was the air. Light was soft on my skin, as soft as her touch as she pulled me to the sofa. I laughed as we tangled with my jeans, now wet, and we fell into a breathless embrace, me on top, my knees embracing her thighs.

  "That was amazing. Did you do something special?"

  She blinked. "Wasn't it all special?"

  I kissed her to hide my blush. "Yes, of course. I was just wondering—"

  "Oh, you mean did I sacrifice an eye of newt?"

  There was no hiding my blush and she laughed at me, not one iota of mercy in her dancing eyes. "Something like that."

  "That was all us, just us," she said softly. "You really let your energy go. Are you always like that?"

  "I'm not sure what you mean." Something had been different, but I could not yet explain what. "It felt as if I was touching you everywhere..."

  "You were. With every part of yourself. With everything you could expose." Her next kiss was slow, nibbling along my jaw as she gazed up at me. "You were inside me with more than your fingers."

  "So is that... oh." Her hands swept over my hips, leaving a trail of heat in their wake.


  "Is it magic?"

  "Don't you think it was?"

  "I think your sophism is showing."

  "No. I think you see dividing lines that I do not." One finger snaked between our thighs to open my swollen lips. "Sweet mother," she breathed out.

  "Oh... Aurora." My mouth watered in response to her touch and we began kissing again, hot and wet and seemingly endless. My hips could not stay still and her curled fingers opened and explored me as I moved against her. That feeling of losing my shape and form rose again, and there was no space between us. I was in her arms, dancing for her the way I had envisioned her dancing for me. The way she had danced, in my arms, like some mystical creature of passion.

  I tend not to believe in things I can't see or feel, and I didn't believe in magic. But the way she felt under me, the way I felt when her fingers slipped inside me, the way her voice and mine twined in matching ohs of pleasure—those things I had to believe in. Nothing in my life had ever felt more real.

  She caught me again with her green gaze and her talking eyes. It feels good, doesn't it? Weren't our bodies made for this? Aren't women fabulous?

  "Yes," I answered her, not trusting my eyes to speak for me.

  It's all magic, everything. The air, your smile, the world, our lips. This passion. All magic. We are the goddess divine. We are women. We have no beginning, no end because we are bound to the magic of our existence.

  A thousand lectures about social constructs played in my mind. Anything taken on faith is a superstition and yet I was sharing this... experience with Aurora. Experiencing something that was more than her touch. She did not ask me to believe what her eyes were saying, for nothing I felt required it. There was only the one word that worked and I whispered again, "Yes."

  Her skin was as flushed as it had been when I had loved her, and the writhing of her body under mine while she fucked me was equally passionate. Her fingers plunged into me and I took all her energy and pushed back with my own. I clenched her hand, hard, and she moaned. She shoved into me again with a loud groan and my last reserves were broken by that sound. Crying out, I pushed down on her hand. "Yes!"

  "Let it go," she crooned. "Come to me, my dearest. Let it go."

  My body seemed to pour out light, beading down on her body like sunbeams. The light was pure white, then softened to gold. Patches of green dappled her body where she was not in my shadow and I reared up with a gasp, loving the feeling of her inside me.

  She was smiling shyly, proudly. "Didst thou enjoy that?"

  "Minx," I managed to say. "Thou knowest that I did."

  "Again? Thou needest further treatment." Her eyes were stars of laughter and I loved her with a profound ache. "Does that soothe?"

  Her fingers turned inside me, feeling so good that I moaned and spread my legs. Her other arm pulled me close. "Your touches are fire in my womb."

  "'Tis good I have salve near to soothe thee." Her eyes were knowing as she fluttered her fingers against that place that made me melt.

  The sensation was so pleasing I threw my head back and she quickly kissed my throat. Our gowns were strewn on the floor next to us and in their midst our cat had made a bed, even now thoroughly cleaning one paw.

  Her touch made my eyes want to close but before I would succumb to that sweet temptation I glanced one last time toward the fire, where a half-dozen cookpots hung close and kettles contentedly spit steam. The abandoned churn would require more work when our attention could return to it. The items on the sturdy table where we'd begun our afternoon's pleasure were safe from the fire, though the cat had been known to tip the inkwell in the past. A vellum page in the thick, leather-bound tome my beloved had been slowly filling with her secrets lifted in the refreshing breeze. The moving air spoke of rain, a welcome break in the humidity that had both of us dripping.

  I dripped for her in more ways than one. It was a beautiful, lazy afternoon we were having in our kitchen. The light was green from the thick trees that sheltered our cottage. Her earthy sigh brought me back to the rolling of green in her eyes.

  "Come to me," she pleaded. "Let it go, my dearest."

  The light shifted, lost its green luster of life and fresh beauty. The study was cold but h
er body incredibly warm under mine. I lost my voice, lost my words, could not speak. I could only push down, taking all I could of her hand. I tried to tell her with my body how much I needed her touch. Her eyes told me she understood, and she moaned the deep, needy sound that would not break free of my clenched teeth. Her touch, her desire, they broke me. They always did. My flood began, contractions swept down my body, then I crumpled over her. Silent tears began.

  Her voice, as sweet as the past, as soft as the present, wrapped me in close warmth. "Let it all go. All of you is welcome and sacred. All is precious and nourishes, especially tears."

  Tears washed away the dizzying vision of my study's fireplace crowded with cookpots and kettles. They washed away the burning confusion inside me. For that brief while, curled in her arms, everything made sense. No beginning, no end, the perfection of circle and flame was blissfully clear. No beginning, no end. There was only the magic of our existence and the air we shared as we kissed.

  Chapter 6

  "Just take the apple," Aurora insisted. "Turn it in your hand and think about what it is." Just as she had this morning, she looked fabulous in Kylie's robe.

  Still hiding the fact that my legs were shaking, I took a large bite out of the apple she insisted would explain her entire philosophy of life to me. After a half-hour's doze we'd moved to the bed to start all over. Growling stomachs had finally called a halt, and we'd struggled down the stairs, half laughing and holding each other up. "It's fruit, red and round and ripe." I blushed.

  "What's that look for?" She took a similar chomp from her own apple, grinning at me.

  The feeling inside me could only be called mushy. "I wanted to say, red and round and ripe, like you."

  "Oh." Her smile faded, but in surprised pleasure. "Thank you."

  "I've never felt... that before." I didn't even know how to bring up my puzzling vision of some circa- 1750's kitchen and the two of us seemingly... involved.

  "I've had some..." She chewed thoughtfully, cleared her throat and continued, "some very good sex. But nothing like that. It was intense."

  "I've had intense. It was more than that."

  Her lips parted as if she would say something, then closed again. She chewed thoughtfully. "How so?"

  "You talked to me without words."

  "Perhaps you're perceptive."

  Feeling better with a bit of food in my stomach, I shrugged. "I'm not usually. Believe me, I could get witnesses on that count."

  "Perhaps..." She again focused on her apple.


  Shaking her head, she said, "So about that apple. Red, round, ripe. What else?"

  "Fructose, raw, crunchy."

  "How is it different from the table?"

  I blinked. "Well, the table isn't edible."

  "But it's organic, just like the apple."

  "It's dead."

  "Technically, so is the apple."

  I was getting annoyed because she was driving at something and I hated being made to guess. It was one of my father's old ploys to foster confusion and put himself in the position of wise lecturer. I didn't think Aurora was playing that kind of game with me, but it rankled. "They have a different molecular structure."

  "Yes, and yet... where did those molecules come from? Where did all of our atoms and molecules begin?"

  "Big bang or the hand of a god, take your pick."

  "Does it matter?"

  "To some people, yes. It matters a lot, and they're willing to fight and die over the difference. To construct elaborate belief systems and rule books to explain the difference."

  She brushed her fingertips over the back of my hand. "I believe there is no difference why or how we began. What matters is that we are all made of the same stuff. The same building blocks. The dust of exploded stars or the breathing out of a supreme being, it is all a miracle. It created our planet, our brains, our ways of processing information." She paused for a moment, blinking hard. "I'm sorry, I get very passionate about it."

  The glitter in her eyes reminded me of the glitter of the necklace she had worn only last night. "It's okay. I get worked up about things, too."

  "So being a witch is about doing things that connect and honor the gift of my molecules. The apple in your hand—what's left of it— is exactly what you and I are. A gift. A miracle. Pure magic. I recognize that, and every day, throughout my day, I stop to notice."

  So far it sounded rational. "So where do the spells come in?"

  "I believe that a magic spell is science unexplained. If you have the energy to bring me across space, science will explain it, when scientists have the words and understanding to do so."

  "Well, that's just it. How is it I have the energy for such a thing when I don't believe in it?"

  "You have me there." She grinned, then rose gracefully to put her apple core in the kitchen trash. "Belief isn't necessary for nearly all common magic. As I said, you do not have to believe in the apple for it to ripen. Higher workings, well, belief usually plays a key part. It's part of the energy."

  "Seriously, I did not believe anything would happen." I joined her at the trash can, tossing my core in as well.

  She seemed to be picking her words with care. As she spoke, one hand lazily caressed my arm in a familiar, loving way. "Perhaps there is more to you than you have thought."

  "What do you mean?" I thought, distantly, that her touch was extremely disarming, and I shouldn't be so ready to listen to what would likely be a crazy theory. And yet, I reflected, she had not said one word that I could say was untrue, or required me to ignore common sense to believe. I knew better than anyone that the "twin sense" Kylie and I shared would be viewed by many as magic. Science explained it as heightened perception and duplicative synapse relays. In earlier times, twins had been granted status as mystics or hunted as evil ones.

  "Before, when you were ... when I was making love to you."

  I flushed. "Yes?"

  Her voice broke nervously. "Did you see anything?"

  "What do you mean?" How could she know?

  "Like, me. But different."

  Suddenly intense, I said, "Tell me what you saw."

  "You," she said quickly, as if holding it in had finally become too much for her. "You, over me. Your hair was thick and massed on your shoulders." Her fingers touched my hair, then my face. "A little thinner. And when I looked around, I saw a kitchen. Not this one. A large open hearth fire, a cat, what I think must have been our clothes on the floor—"

  "That's enough." I trembled, then felt a finger of ice flow down my spine. "I don't know how you did that, and maybe someday some scientist will explain it, but I don't understand what you want from me."

  She was flushed now, somewhere between annoyance and arousal. "I want your body. That seems pretty plain. I think we have a lot to explore between us and maybe it's older than we are. We might find we like each other, can talk to each other and make each other laugh. Given how rotten my love life has been, that seems like a little bit of bliss to me."

  "What are you suggesting? Wait, I know." I laughed dismissively. "Reincarnation. We knew each other in some other life and need to reconnect in this one."

  "You don't believe that we go to heaven or hell forever, do you?" My expression must have been plain as she rushed on, "I didn't think so. So we go somewhere. Why not to a new body and to new experiences?" She stepped back a half-pace and tightened Kylie's robe around her.

  "There isn't a shred of believable scientific evidence to support it."

  "You're wrong about that, and besides, as a theory, reincarnation has very few weak spots."

  Openly scoffing, I said, "For example, in the beginning there were only a handful of bodies, but now there's six billion. Where did all those unique souls come from?"

  The green in her eyes sparkled. "The most basic act of nature— division. Energy builds to a point and then it divides, just as cells in our bodies do every minute of our life. Souls div
ide, why not? Nature reuses everything. Entropy always leads to something new."

  I didn't like the way this argument was going, mostly because she was making more sense than I could handle. I was depleted and stressed out, or else I would be able to think of how to debunk her logic. I glanced at the clock, realizing I needed to start getting ready if I wanted to be in the hospital at a reasonable hour. Kylie would be missing me. "Is that where karma comes in?"

  "Reincarnation and karmic consequences are not the same thing. The concept of karma is a construct, trying to make sense of how we are born into different situations in life. If karma was a guarantee, then bad things would not happen to good people. Your sister is a good person—nothing she has done deserves this repayment from a vengeful or supposedly beneficent god."

  "You got that right," I said before I could stop myself. "Leave Kylie out of this. I need to go, anyway."

  "Hayley." She reached for my arm but I shied away. "Oh please, don't be afraid of me."

  "I'm not." But part of me was. I braced myself not to flinch when her warm hand rested gently on my forearm.

  "I'm not demanding anything of you, only trying to explain who I am. You do not have to believe a word of what I've said. That doesn't upset me at all. I believe, that is what matters to me. You are in charge of your own beliefs."

  I wasn't falling for it. I wasn't falling for any of her nonsense. I couldn't. It was all a pose, the understanding, the goodness. How could she be a witch, and tell me about magic and reincarnation like they made sense, and me listen to her and realize I still did not disagree with a single word she'd uttered, right down to the freedom to believe as I wanted. A freedom I thought every human being deserved and so few were ever allowed to pursue. "Damn right. I choose. I choose to think this is all crazy. And I do have to leave soon for the hospital."

  She caught my hand with tears in her eyes. "Today, earlier, that was wonderful." Her eyes, so deeply green, glowed with worry. Did she not see what I saw? Did 1 see untrue?

  At her touch, the room had dappled with light, though the winter sun had already set. Herbs tickled my nose and there were birds singing nearby. Summer filled my lungs and I felt as if another set of eyes in me had opened. I saw her, a strong coil of beauty and whimsy, laughing eyes, curving mouth and arms that seemed made in pure magic to hold me this way.


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