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Brown, Berengaria - Raw Need [Raw Claiming 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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by Brown, Berengaria

  Raw Claiming 2

  Raw Need

  Hazel must choose who she’ll live with. On the one hand, she likes Peyton, the leader of the group she was with. On the other, Kenan and Reuben, two of the men who rescued her, want her to join them. The Captain has a simple solution—live with all three. There follows a night of the most intense four-way claiming ever.

  Soon, Reuben and Kenan leave on a trip to search for survivors. They don’t find any people but find evidence a community may be hiding in desert caves. Hazel understands that two of her men need the adrenaline rush of using their skills in a dangerous situation, while one stays behind to protect her and her son. They’re all different people with different interests and skills, but can they ever become a real family?

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 20,375 words


  Raw Claiming 2

  Berengaria Brown


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2011 by Berengaria Brown

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-009-3

  First E-book Publication: November 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For all those pioneer women who have faced the world as they knew it ending, and walked with courage into the new world.


  Raw Claiming 2


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One

  “Hazel Young, you will recall at your original interview you were told that you needed to make a decision about which man or men you would live with here at Lilyward One. Three months was suggested as an appropriate time for you to look around and make your first choice. If, after three months of cohabitation, you are not compatible, you may part and take a different man. Your first three months is up, yet you haven’t formed a relationship with anyone. May I know why?”

  Hazel was scared stiff. There was no way on earth she could care for and support eight-year-old Tyler out in the world with radioactive dust still around, soil and water most likely poisoned, and no social structure or functional government. Being sent away from Lilyward One would be signing the death warrant for herself and her child.

  She drew herself to her full five-foot-three-inch height, shook her blonde curls back onto her shoulders, then stared the all-powerful Captain Henry Blackmore in the eye. She may be scared enough to almost wet her pants, but she had a child to protect and her own life to fight for, so she would do her damndest to win her way through.

  “Yes, Sir. I’m perfectly prepared to obey the rules here. I’m well aware that Tyler and I wouldn’t have survived the past three months had you not permitted us to stay at Lilyward One. My team supervisor has often said he’s happy with my work on the QB team. But moving in with a man or men is—difficult. It’s just been Tyler and me all his life. His dad took off before he was born, and I never applied for a divorce. I never wanted to remarry. The only good thing that came out of my year of marriage was Tyler.”

  She stopped to tighten her wobbly knees, drag in a big breath, and flick her eyes to the Captain’s 2IC, George Samine. His face was as blank as the Captain’s. Feeling even more desperate to convince them to let her stay, she continued.

  “Kenan and Reuben, part of Team K who brought the Broadford people here, have said many times they want me to partner with them. I’m not the kind of person who can just jump into bed with anyone, but I feel as though I know them now, and I like them, so I’m willing to try. But…”

  “But?” The Captain’s deep blue eyes behind his metal-rimmed glasses seemed to peer right into her soul.

  “There’s also Peyton. I really like Peyton. If the world hadn’t changed, he’s the kind of man I may eventually have invited into my life. Besides, what will happen to Tyler? If I move in with Reuben and Kenan, or with Peyton, will Tyler come, too? We’ve never been apart, and he’s still only a little boy.”

  “Peyton was the leader of the Broadford District group you arrived with? The one who guided the dozen of you when the world changed?” asked the 2IC.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “He seems to be a fine man. He’s provided some excellent input to the mechanics team. Had some very innovative ideas,” said the Captain. “In a nutshell, the problem is, you can’t decide between Kenan and Reuben on the one hand and Peyton on the other. The boy will stay with you whoever you choose. He’s not a problem. The men will accept him. I don’t see what you’ve said as an insurmountable difficulty. Why not move in with all three of them? See if you can all make it work.”

  “Three men?” Hazel’s mind was whirring, and her heart beating way too fast for her to breathe properly.

  “Why not? That’s a good solution. The world has changed, Hazel. It will never be as it once was, even if the various governme
nts pull their heads out of their asses long enough to clean the earth up and show some serious leadership skills again,” added the 2IC.

  Hazel dropped into a hard, wooden chair a little to the side of where she’d been standing. No amount of willpower could keep her upright any longer. Could she? Could she live with three men? The thought of living with two men had been hard enough to get her head around, but three? Holy Hannah! How did one fuck three men at once? Yeah, sure there were three places they could stick a cock, and her ex had used all of them, but that was eight—nine—years ago. But three men at once?

  Lust flashed across her body. She could sure as hell use a good loving. It’d been a damn long time since she’d had regular sex. At first she’d been expecting Tyler’s father to sort out his issues and return, and had remained faithful to his memory. But as months, then years went by, with never so much as a phone call from him, she’d realized he was gone for good. By then she’d had a small, energetic son to care for, and the opportunities for sex were very limited. She’d had a handful of dates, and one on-again off-again romance that’d never really gone anywhere much, but really, her sex life had been close to nonexistent. And to go from that to three men. Hell!

  “Would the men agree to that? I know Kenan and Reuben are prepared to share me, but would they be willing to include Peyton as well? And would he be interested in sharing me, too?” she asked.

  “The building team has been constructing some two-bedroom apartments for the families. Tyler would have his own little room, you and the men would share a bigger room, and there’s a small living area, as well as the bathroom. Also, other families will be moving into that wing, so Tyler would be close to his friends from school. But let me send for the men and we can see if there’s a green light on the situation, first,” said the Captain.

  The 2IC left the room, Hazel guessed to summon Peyton, Kenan, and Reuben. Meanwhile, the Captain spoke on general topics, such as the children’s design of a huge slide and climbing frame to extend from the very high ceiling of the farm to the ground. Many of the adults were as excited about this as the children, and talking about it relaxed Hazel enough to face the arrival back in the room of the 2IC without panicking.

  He joined the conversation, and Hazel understood the leaders were deliberately giving her time to get her feelings under control while waiting for the three men to arrive.

  Only ten minutes had elapsed when the men appeared. Each one was tall, handsome, and built. Peyton, who she’d often wished she met before the world as they knew it had ended on December 21, 2012, was the shortest at just under six foot, and also the oldest, she guessed, putting his age at late thirties. His brown hair had the sexiest touches of gray around his hairline, and his eyes were chocolate-brown.

  Kenan and Reuben were ex-Army, tanned and muscled, both midthirties, the same as her. Reuben’s hair was a golden-brown, and his eyes gray. Kenan was darker, his hair black and eyes so dark a brown as to appear black.

  The three together in one room was enough to make any red-blooded woman’s heart beat faster. The thought of having them all in her bed was almost enough to give her an orgasm without any of them even touching her. But her brain was warning her the men may not agree, and if she didn’t choose someone soon, her place here would be in jeopardy. For Tyler’s sake, she really had very little choice in the matter. But hell, fucking any of these men would be more of a delight than a duty!

  The Captain gave the men no time to acclimatize to the situation. He said, “Hazel Young has been with us three months now, and has to take the first steps in forming a bond with one or more men. Naturally her son is part of the deal. Whoever accepts Hazel is to guide and care for the boy as well.”

  Reuben said, “So, Sir, are we like, the short list or something?”

  The Captain smiled. “In a manner of speaking. I understand you and Kenan are interested in committing to Hazel?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s correct.”

  “Peyton, I believe you have expressed an interest in the lady as well.”

  “Yes, Sir. I know I’m just a newcomer, whereas Kenan and Reuben have been part of the community for a long time. But, well, Hazel’s a lovely woman, and if she were mine I’d cherish and protect her with all my heart. The boy, too.”

  “One hundred years ago, when the Titanic sank, people really did abide by the ‘women and children first’ rule. These days, not so much. It’s most unlikely that other communities will be much different from ours. That is, they, too, will have a preponderance of males. Life in our changed world is likely to be difficult, so having many men to protect the women and children may be a good thing and actually increase the community as a whole’s chance of survival. Be that as it may, the old system of one-man-one-woman is gone for now and likely to stay gone for some time, if not forever.”

  Hazel watched the men’s faces. They seemed interested but not worried. Certainly there were no signs of annoyance or disagreement. But there was no way of telling whether or not they’d agree to all three cooperate and share her. Besides, she still had a huge problem with the idea of three men herself. Going from no man to three in the blink of an eye was a mighty radical jump.

  The Captain leaned forward in his chair. “The proposal on the table here is that you all three share her. Equally. There will be no favoritism, no primary or secondary partners. In case of a conflict of interests or opinions, the lady’s word is final. Always. Go to the kitchen and collect a cold meal each, then spend today and tonight until breakfast time tomorrow in Reuben and Kenan’s apartment. I expect you all back here at nine tomorrow with a decision. Tyler will spend the night with Mrs. Paulson. Everyone will be told you have to work this evening. And be assured, you will need to work to come to a complete agreement.”

  The Captain and 2IC stood up. The meeting was apparently over. Hazel stood, too, but her legs felt wobbly and her mind was exploding. Now? They were going to an apartment to talk—and most likely fuck—now? So soon? Holy Hannah!

  Kenan opened the door, and Peyton took her arm to help her out. Reuben was right on their heels, and the 2IC followed them out, likely to send out the messages to Tyler and their work teams. Hazel was glad of Peyton’s arm. She felt a bit as though she’d been run over by a truck, or caught up in a tornado and spat out the other side. Everything had happened so fast.

  * * * *

  Kenan went to the kitchens to collect their meals while Reuben led them to his apartment. When they stepped inside, Peyton said, “The first thing we’ll need to do is block off a little room in the living area for Tyler. It’s gonna be pretty damn crowded here with five of us.”

  “The Captain said they’ve just finished building some two-bedroom apartments. All the families will be moving into them,” said Hazel.

  “Oh, that’s great,” said Peyton.

  “I heard they were under construction. It’s good to know we’ll qualify for one, though,” added Reuben.

  “Tyler and I don’t have many possessions anyway. Neither of us knew we wouldn’t be returning home, so it’s only the few changes of clothes we’ve accumulated since we came here, and he has a few toys. Not much.”

  Kenan arrived with their meals, which he placed on the counter for later, and four hot drinks, which he handed around. “I didn’t know how you liked your coffee, so I brought some creamer and sugar as well,” he said, holding out the packets to Peyton and Hazel.

  “I got used to drinking it black, before,” said Hazel, sipping her drink.

  “I drank mine black for six weeks, too, but I never liked it as much that way,” said Peyton, accepting the creamer. “So”—he cleared his throat—“what happens next? Do we introduce ourselves, play twenty questions? What?”

  “I think we should probably introduce ourselves very briefly, just a few key facts about our personalities, and then say how we see this arrangement working out,” suggested Reuben.

  Kenan nodded. “You go first, Hazel.”

  She nodd
ed. “I’m thirty-five. I’d been married six months when Tyler was conceived. Up until then we were very happy. But before Tyler was born, my husband became unhappy, restless, and then he took off. I went to work one day, and when I come home, all his possessions had gone, and he never came back. For a year I still thought he might return. So it’s always been just Tyler and me. I need to ask you to be patient with me. I’m not used to having people around me all the time anymore. Also, I haven’t had sex much for a long time. You’ll need to be patient with me there, too.” She felt her face flaming red, her whole body hot with embarrassment, but it had to be said. It’d been many years since she’d had regular, innovative sex. And with three men sharing her, sex was about to be both regular and innovative, she was certain.

  Reuben was sitting beside her, and he went next. “I’m thirty-three. Left home at eighteen, joined the Army, did two tours, joined up with the Captain, been here since the beginning. I’m bisexual. Kenan and I are more than friends.”

  “Pretty obviously I’m bisexual, too. Did some college but didn’t enjoy it. Joined the Army. When the captain was setting up Lilyward One, I signed on here. Folks say I’m an adrenaline junky. I like things fast-paced and exciting, so will be signing on for any trips outside the base here. I’m pleased you’ve joined us, Peyton, as now I won’t feel guilty about doing that and leaving Hazel and the boy.”

  “Yeah, me, too,” added Reuben.

  Hazel looked at Peyton. “I’m forty in July. Been married twice. Both wives found living in a small country town too boring. I’ve wanted Hazel since the moment she joined us, but never expected to have the chance for a relationship with her. I really like the thought of having the boy to help rear, too. I’ve never had a child of my own. I’m mighty grateful you men rescued us, and I won’t abuse your trust if you go out to help others.”


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