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Brown, Berengaria - Raw Need [Raw Claiming 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Brown, Berengaria

  * * * *

  “The other kids are all moving into new, bigger apartments tomorrow. Mrs. Paulson said she thought likely I might be, too. Is that why you had to work last night? Will we be moving?” asked Tyler.

  “Yes, but it’s a little more complicated than that. Only families with a dad are moving.”

  “So does this mean I’m getting a dad at last? Before, lots of kids didn’t have a dad, so it didn’t matter much. But here everyone gets a dad. Well, Grant and Carly’s mum and dad came when you did, the day after we kids arrived. But Piper and Joey didn’t have a dad until a month or so ago, and they got two dads, kind of like one each. So, who is going to be my dad? Is it someone I know?”

  Hazel looked her son in the eyes and said, “There are three of them. Peyton, the man who led the Broadford people, plus Reuben and Kenan, who were two of the team who rescued us all.”

  “Well, with five of us it’s just as well we’re getting a bigger apartment ’cause it’d be mighty squishy in here,” said Tyler.

  Hazel smiled and hugged him. “Yes. Reuben and Kenan will be gone some of the time, looking for other survivors to rescue, so sometimes it’ll just be us and Peyton at home, but we’re still all a family together.”

  “Well, I expect it’s pretty scary out there now, so it’s good my dads will be rescuing more people. When can I tell Grant I’m getting three dads?”

  “At lunchtime, I expect. Right now we should probably pack up our things and clean this apartment to be ready for tomorrow.”

  * * * *

  Kenan was really looking forward to the trip outside to check radiation levels and take plant, and animal, and soil samples. There’d been a hell of a lot to do these past three months, topped off by getting their own woman at last, and even a kid as well. That was all pretty cool, but he was a definitely an adrenaline junky, and the thought of going topside again, seeing the world, checking it all out, was every bit as exciting as fucking themselves blind the other night had been.

  Not that he was belittling Hazel in any way. She was a damn beautiful woman, and smart and courageous as well. By the time they got back, he’d be desperate to fuck her again, to bury himself in her hot cunt, bareback, with nothing between them, to savor every last bit of skin-on-skin touching.

  But right now he craved danger, to be outside, to explore. And he could go feeling a lot easier in his mind knowing Peyton would be there for Hazel and the boy if she needed him. She was a damn fine woman, Hazel, and she’d done a damn fine job protecting and rearing the boy herself, but Kenan wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on his job properly knowing she was alone and may need him. This situation was absolutely the best of both worlds. He had a job he loved and a woman he loved, too.

  This was to be a three-day research trip. Special boxes had been built to store their samples to prevent contamination. They had several double air-locked containers in case they found small animals, birds, or fish. As always, the trucks carried enough fuel, water, spare hazard suits, and breathing equipment for the entire team in each truck in case one vehicle was lost or abandoned.

  Ethan, Gideon, Reuben, and Kenan were traveling in one truck, Jed, Yuri, Dave, and Lucas in the other. Following standard procedure, they kept sufficient distance between them so that it’d be difficult for any ambush to take out both trucks together, but they were close enough to enable one to hurry to the rescue of the other if there was trouble.

  At all times, the two drivers were linked by radios, and they reported back to base every hour. But they’d found nothing. Two days and nights of searching had given them nothing. They traveled through the night, one man in the back of the truck asleep, one driving, and the other two on watch, driver and watchmen rotating every hour so they didn’t get too tired.

  They’d reached the limit of their northward search and were moving east and south, when they approached a larger town. Their habit was to stay on the fringes, on wide roads, not to risk entering a narrow place where they could easily be trapped. It was Yuri who saw it first, watching through the sniper-scope. A sign painted on a bedsheet or tablecloth tacked to the inside of an apartment window.

  “Gone to desert cave. Plenty of supplies. Join us, Pam, please. I love you.”

  “Do you think it’s a trap?” Kenan asked Gideon, the team leader.

  “Well, it’s a subtle one if it is. It looks more to me like a deliberate message to a group of people, made to look as if it’s just for this Pam.”

  “Jed, check out the back of the building but don’t get out of the truck.”


  “No heat signatures in the building,” reported Yuri.

  “No sign of anyone around back.”

  “Okay keep your breathing apparatus on. Jed and Reuben stay with the trucks. We’ll take the front, and you take the back. And be careful.”


  Kenan’s heart was pounding. This was the first sign of life they’d seen. Now, okay, maybe these people had left five months ago, but they’d obviously had a place to go to and a plan. So maybe he was about to get a lead on another community of survivors. Or even a government-run community. The government surely had bunkered down safe and sound somewhere.

  Treating the area like a war zone—which, for all they knew, it was—Ethan, Gideon, and Kenan entered the building from the front and checked each room on the first floor. No sign of life. No other messages. Yuri, Lucas, and Dave had checked the basement and found nothing. Leaving Dave to guard the stairs, his back to the wall and a good field of fire around him, the others moved upstairs.

  Kenan kicked down the door to the apartment he was sure was the one with the sign, and his teammates raced in with him. Again, nothing and no one. Just dust and no signs anyone had been here recently. Yuri and Lucas continued up to the roof to keep watch. Once they were there, Dave joined the others searching the apartment.

  “These are maps of an extensive cave system,” said Ethan with a shout.

  “Good. Collect anything you think may help the boffins,” ordered Gideon.

  Kenan found an empty crate in the kitchen, and they piled the maps and papers into it, then left the crate at the apartment door while they checked the other apartments. Several others had notes left out prominently mentioning the caves, and the team collected piles of papers they thought might be useful.

  “May as well grab anything that looks helpful to save us coming back,” grunted Ethan, carrying a sports bag full of papers to the doorway.


  “Yuri, is everything clear?”

  “Not a soul stirring.”

  “Reuben, Jed, we’re coming out now. Yuri, Lucas, let’s go.”

  Every man still had a weapon ready to use, despite most of them carrying items from the apartments. At the last moment, Gideon told Kenan to take the tablecloth-sign from the window as well. “It may hold a clue.” He shrugged.

  When they got back in the trucks, Reuben said, “There’s a lookout place ten miles or so west of here. I reckon we could go there and sort through the papers a little, see if there’s somewhere else we should search before we head back. It should be easier to watch our back from a place like that.”

  “Providing someone else hasn’t taken it over already,” warned Gideon.

  “If they have, we’ll see the evidence. The approach road will be guarded,” said Kenan.

  “Okay, tell Jed and I’ll update the Captain.”

  There was no sign anyone had visited the observation hill in months. With Yuri and Lucas once again as lookouts, the other men carefully went through the mass of papers they’d collected, but without full maps, it was impossible to tell exactly where the caves were.

  Gideon ran his hands over his face. “Basically they’re in the desert, and they’re limestone caves. Once we find them, we have some hand-drawn maps to show us the entry, but that’s it. Okay, let’s get back to base. There’s no sense being out here in danger, and our supplies are limited.”

p; “As soon as we know where they are, I’m volunteering to go,” said Kenan firmly.

  “Me, too. Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” added Reuben.

  “Hey, we’re Team K. We always go first!” added Ethan.

  “I get the message. Now let’s get the hell out of here and get home,” said Gideon.

  * * * *

  The first few days Reuben and Kenan were away, Hazel found herself thinking of them at the oddest times. They’d been together such a short time, really, knew so little about each other, yet it felt strange not to have them in the new apartment with Peyton, Tyler, and her.

  Even though meals and laundry were communal activities, her days and evenings were full between working with the Quartermastering Team, QB, and arranging the new apartment.

  The children had invented and designed a huge slide that extended from the very high ceiling over the farm area to the floor. Up one side of it was a set of stairs, and the other side was a huge climbing frame. Much of the construction was in bamboo, which was light, strong, and fast-growing. Each evening, all the children, their families, and many other community members would visit to see the day’s progress. A lot of the adults were looking forward to its completion every bit as much as the children.

  “You’ll come on it, won’t you, Peyton?” asked Tyler.


  Tyler smiled, and Hazel’s heart filled with happiness. Her son had adjusted well so far to the huge changes in his life. Possibly better than she had. She knew Peyton wanted to fuck her, but it hadn’t felt right the past few days. Reuben and Kenan had said they didn’t mind what happened when they weren’t here, and she knew they had fucked each other regularly in the past and, since they were unashamedly bisexual, would do so in the future, but she hadn’t been ready to take that step yet.

  Her men were not clones of each other. They were all very different individuals with different tastes and needs. Peyton was the most “stay-at-home” man, the one who would be more hands-on in helping her rear her son. It wasn’t fair to expect him to be celibate when Reuben and Kenan were away working. But for the first few days, it had seemed, somehow, symbolic. Tonight, if he wanted to, she was ready to make love.

  When they went to bed, Peyton held her gently, as he had the previous two nights. This time she cuddled into him, snuggling against his chest. He rested one of his big, warm, slightly rough hands low on her back, just above her ass. He used the other to tilt her chin up to his face so he could kiss her lips.

  “If you don’t want this, you need to tell me. Having you in my arms is close to irresistible,” he whispered.

  “It took me a few days to think through everything, but I want you tonight,” she replied very softly, staring into his chocolate-brown eyes.

  “I always want you. From the moment I first saw you, I wanted you. I can still hardly believe that I was allowed to be one of your partners.”

  He slid his leg between hers and let her feel his thick, heavy cock dragging on her thigh. The head was already damp, demonstrating his need. Honey seeped from her pussy in response. Oh yeah, she was ready, too.

  She dragged her aching nipples across his chest, letting him feel how hard the points were. Some of his chest hair had touches of gray among the brown, and she found that incredibly sexy. She ran her fingers through the hair, tugging lightly on some of the strands, then played with his nipples, tweaking them until they were standing up, as hard as her own.

  “Do you want to play a little rough?” he whispered, licking the shell of her ear. Then, with no warning, a hard slap landed on her ass.

  Cream dripped from her pussy. She wasn’t sure whether it was from his licking her ear or the slap on her butt, or maybe the contrast between the two.

  One thick finger slid into her cunt. “Well, well, well, you did like that,” he whispered, his head dipping to pull a nipple into his mouth.

  His fingers moved busily in her cunt, teasing the walls, his thumb playing with her clit, his fingers stroking and caressing her inner flesh, as his mouth worked on her nipple.

  Her hands ran over his chest, touching the hair, rubbing his nipples, becoming more and more agitated as she grew more aroused. She tugged his hips. “Enter me. I want you in me when I come.”

  “But what if I want you to come several times?” He ignored her hands and leaned farther over her to take her mouth with his in a carnal possession that demanded a response. His tongue thrust inside her then swirled all around, claiming every inch of her mouth as his.

  Then he pulled off her to lick a line between her breasts. Her chest was heaving with the need to come, held back only by the desire to wait until he was inside her. Her nerves were on fire with her brain’s contradictory demands.

  She tugged at his shoulders, his hips, trying to pull him on top of her, but he was much stronger than her. “Not yet,” he said quietly.

  He slid down her body and thrust his tongue inside her pussy, swiping across her slit, tonguing the walls of her channel, then licking around her clit. She was almost shaking now with the need to come, and when he bit her clit lightly, she shattered, her entire body quivering as the climax rolled through her.

  “That’s right. Well done,” Peyton whispered and drove his cock hard and deep into her, scraping over her sensitive, swollen tissues, dragging her response higher and higher. She wouldn’t have believed it possible, but her orgasm seemed to move to a more extreme level, more intense, with harder, deeper aftershocks as he pounded into her, throwing her legs over his shoulders and tilting her ass up to gain an extra inch of deeper penetration.

  On and on her climax roared, leaving her limp and helpless as her cunt gripped his cock and her limbs shook. Then he came, jetting hot streams of cum deep inside her and pounding into her once, twice, three more times as he orgasmed.

  Peyton pulled her legs off his shoulders, then with his cock still inside her, turned them onto their sides, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder. “Sleep now, precious one,” he breathed into her ear.

  * * * *

  Lilyward One was abuzz with excitement over the possibility that there may be a large community of people safely living under the desert. There were three other Lilyward communities, Two, Three, and Four, but they were all very similar to Lilyward One, mostly formed of ex-military men, with a smattering of their immediate families. It was assumed the very rich and the government of each country would be safely hidden away in bunkers, but until now they had no reason to think many ordinary people were safe.

  Lots of people volunteered to be part of the search party for the limestone caves, but the captain wanted to keep the group small.

  Everyone gathered in the dining room that evening to hear the news.

  “First, it’s a long way to the desert, and the more people we take, the more food, water, supplies, and equipment we’ll need. A large convoy is just asking for trouble. Those who’ve survived outside this long will be tough, and possibly desperate. They have nothing much to lose, and as soon as they know a convoy of supplies is coming, they’ll join together to attack it. After all, that’s just good military strategy,” the Captain said.

  Reuben nodded. He would have preferred only Team K go, but logic suggested they needed more than one team, and some medical and technological backup was essential, too. There was also the likelihood that the cave community would need help, and he wasn’t sure how much help Lilyward One could offer. Lilyward One was doing its best to provide for all their community’s needs, and the man who’d originally planned the community, reclusive billionaire Saul Abernathy, had expected it could feed and service one thousand people, but Reuben thought realistically five hundred was a better maximum. It wasn’t like any government would find it easy to pick up control of the outside world after they’d ignored it for five months. Lilyward One may have to be self-sufficient for years ahead, long after stored supplies would have run out. As the captain had said, any outside survivors would be fit, tough, and determined. Also quite likel
y ruthless.

  “This venture will be planned thoroughly, but quickly. At present, we’re thinking three advance teams, two backup teams, only what we can fit in the two Chinooks. One will stay there, guarded, the other will return here to safety in case of trouble.”

  Reuben nodded. Again, that was sensible. But he hoped like hell Team K was one of the advance teams. Hell, K was the best team, so it had to be out in front on this expedition.

  “Now the facts, people. We don’t know anyone is alive. All we know is that the people from one apartment block in one town were going to these caves, and left messages for others to follow them. We don’t even know that they arrived, let alone that they’re safe. However, having said that, this is the most positive sign we’ve had of a community of survivors since the radioactive debris passed overhead. Team members will be notified tomorrow morning before breakfast. Tomorrow will be spent in planning and strategy, with an early morning departure the day after.”

  The Captain nodded and left the room.

  “Reuben, will you and Kenan be going to rescue people the way you rescued Mom and me?”

  Tyler’s childish treble aroused him from his thoughts. He looked down into the face of the small boy sitting beside him. He’d never really known a child before. Well, not since he was a kid himself anyway. He was the only child, his parents were both far more interested in their jobs than in him, and he’d joined the Army the moment he was old enough.

  He answered the boy honestly and seriously. Just because he was only eight years old, didn’t mean he couldn’t be told the truth. “I want to be chosen to go look for the survivors in the limestone caves in the desert. Kenan and I are trained to do that sort of thing, and our work is important to us. But if I go, I will miss you and your mother.”

  “And you’re both in Team K, and Team K is the best, so the Captain will send the best, won’t he?”


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