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The Alpha's Temptation (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 4)

Page 11

by Martha Woods

  He could feel himself getting close, and judging by the combination of gasps and shudders, she was as well. He thrust himself as deep as he could go, his final few thrusts slamming home with a passion that would mark their bodies for days afterward. She tightened around him with a hoarse cry, the sensation enough to push him over the edge, their mouths meeting hungrily one last time as he spilled himself deep within her.

  They panted for breath, neither one having the energy to separate or even lift their heads off of each other, content to lay intertwined with each other. Finally, Cayden rolled to the side, Farah curling into his side once she had the ability to move again. He ran a hand through her hair, her body still shaking occasionally from the aftershocks. "Hey, are you ok?"

  She danced a finger up his chest, almost purring in response, "I am amazing Cayden. You don't know how incredible you are."

  "Well, I have a pretty good idea." He dragged her even more into his embrace. "It's nice to hear it though."

  They drifted into silence, and for a while that was all they needed. When he spoke next, it was with a degree of hesitation, "Hey uh... Are you sure you wanna do this with me? Be together?"

  "Cop and all, hunter and all, I am certain that I wish to be with you." She pressed a kiss to his chest, chuckling, "I don't do anything if I'm not sure."

  Cayden grinned, dragging her over to claim her lips once more. "Lucky me." He mumbled against her lips, "I could get used to th- Oh fuck!"

  Farah shot up, suddenly alert and looking around for any threats. She clenched her fists, looking back at him. "What? What's wrong Cayden?"

  He hung his head in his hands, groaning, "I left my wallet at the restaurant."

  Farah stood motionless for a few moments, slowly coming out of her combat mindset. When she finally moved, it was to shake her shoulders with barely suppressed laughter, her hands dispelling the energy they had gathered. "You are this panicked... over a wallet?"

  He huffed, "I had a coffee card in there, my next one was free."

  "Aww..." She sat back down next to him, putting her arm around his shoulders. "You know you can always go back and ask if they have it?"

  "You wouldn't mind? I mean, it's kind of shitty of me to leave..."

  She laughed, "I'm a big girl Cayden, I can handle you going and picking up your wallet." She leaned in, almost growling into his ear, "But get back here quickly, I want you again."

  He gulped, nodding quickly. "Yes ma'am."

  Cayden dressed quickly, neglecting to wear his jacket on account of not being able to find it. Kissing Farah one last time, he stepped out, his steps hurried to get back as soon as possible.

  In his haste, he never noticed the man following him.

  * * *

  Rick tapped Ted's shoulder, pointing over at the door as Cayden exited. "I'll handle the dick, you take care of the chick." When Ted nodded eagerly, he continued, "I don't care what you do, but we haven't got all night. Just don't take all night."

  "You're the boss, I'll be an hour, tops." Rick shook his head to himself as he exited the car, Ted was a good worker but his personality was... lacking. he'd be glad when the night was over so he could find another partner.

  He followed Cayden down the path, the shadows keeping him mostly hidden as he advanced, having to push himself to be faster to keep up. When he was twenty yards away, he put his hand in his pocket. When he was ten, he pulled out his switchblade, flexing his fingers around it and delighting in the feeling of power he held in his hands.

  It was when he got within five yards that he flicked the blade out, lunging in before Cayden could even hope to react in time.

  Years of being a hunter had given Cayden phenomenal reflexes, and though he didn't have time to move out of the way before the blade sunk in, the click of the blade was all he needed to twist his body in alarm. Instead of sinking into his spine like Rick intended, it sunk into his side, coming within an inch of his kidney. He threw his head back in a scream of pain, grabbing hold of the hand still gripping the blade and looking into his attacker’s eyes with a look of pure rage. The hunter pulled his arm back, hurling his fist forward and shattering Ricks nose, thrusting two more punches into his cheek before he ducked out of the way.

  Rick clubbed into his side, aiming for the sensitive sight of his knife wound. Cayden grunted, letting go of the knife and allowing the mobster to pull it out with a sickening noise. He twirled the knife between his hands, trying not to let Cayden get a good look at where he was going to come from. Though his eyes were bleary from the pain, Cayden grit his teeth and focused, the knife never leaving his sight. When Rick lunged forward, his strike was easily intercepted, his elbow shattering over Cayden's knee and the knife falling from his now useless hand.

  He bent, trying to pick up the knife with his other hand, his head cracking back as Cayden once more threw his knee out, his jaw crunching under the impact. Cayden dropped, snatching up the knife and sinking it into Rick's chest in one fluid movement. He stuck him another three times, before roaring with anger and pain, jamming the knife into his back and collapsing to the ground.

  He felt himself blacking out, his eyelids getting heavier and heavier as he slipped further away. "Cayden!" He cracked his eyelids open, just managing to make out the approaching form of Farah. Though, something was off. It was only when she dropped to her knees right next to him that it clicked what it was.

  "Farah..." He croaked, "Why are you covered in blood?"

  * * *

  Ted opened the door slowly, not wanting to let his target have a chance to escape before he could get his hands on her. He grinned, hand palming the knife in his back pocket as he thought of what he was going to do. He stepped into the middle of the lounge, freezing as he heard the sound of a throat clearing.

  "Oh dear, an uninvited guest in my home." He turned his head, surprised at the look of disinterested annoyance that Farah was wearing. "Who said you could come in."

  Tim grinned, licking his lips. "You just do what I say, and I'll make it quick, what do ya say girly?" He pulled out his knife. "You gonna be good for me?"

  She rolled her eyes, sighing to herself, "How painfully dull."

  He rushed forward, swiping at her wildly. His hand stopped inches from her face, his muscles suddenly completely tensed and immobile. He tried to move any other part of his body, but it was to no avail, he was a prisoner in his own body.

  "Now," Farah flicked him in the nose, looking over her handiwork. "I believe I asked you a question. Who said you could enter? Why are you here?"

  "What the fuck are you?" He tried to scream, his vocal cords paralyzing when he opened his mouth. His throat rattled, the only noise emerging a harsh choking sound. "What the fuck are you doing to me?"

  "i am making you realize that it is a bad idea to stall. Tell me who sent you."

  "Fuck y- Ahh!" Two of his fingers snapped backwards, the knife clattering to the floor. "Ok! Ok I'll tell you!"

  She leaned in a smirk on her lips. "Tell me, and I might make it quick."

  "It was Sarconi! He wants all of you dead because of what you did to his kid!" He screamed as another finger snapped back, "Jesus I'm telling the truth! There's someone after your little boyfriend right now!"

  Farah stopped, grabbing his face and snarling, "You would dare to hurt Cayden?"

  In spite of his agony, he still managed to smirk, spitting down at her feet. "Your precious Cayden is probably fucking dead darling. Let me down and maybe I can show you something better."

  She let go of him, scoffing in disgust. "I would love to keep you for a few days, let you know just how much I loathe you and the men of your kind. But you're not worth it."

  A click of the fingers and he could tell something was wrong, his body starting to warm to an uncomfortable degree. "W-what did you do?"

  "You seem like a very hot-blooded man." She chuckled, "I am merely making that more literal."

  He started to shriek as his blood boiled, his skin turning pink, then purple as his
muscles began to burn. Farah smirked, touching the tip of his nose with her finger.


  Tim burst, his steaming blood spraying across the room and over Farah's face. She wiped her eyes, clicking her tongue in annoyance and stepping over his unrecognizable remains. She exited the apartment, thoughts of Cayden making her step with a speed that surprised her. He could handle himself, that much she was certain of, but she didn't want to take the chance of losing someone who had come to mean so much to her so fast.

  She heard a scream in the distance, her eyes widened with horror when she recognized that it was Cayden. She pushed on, rounding the corner and seeing two men lying in a pool of blood, only one of them just barely breathing. Her terror was only slightly tempered by relief when she saw that Cayden was alive.

  "Cayden!" She ran forward, dropping to her knees in front of him and searching for his wound. She clamped her hands over the hole oozing blood from his side, greatly worried when he didn't react at all.

  "Farah?" She turned her head to look at him. "Why are you covered in blood?"

  "Oh, shut up you idiot!" She dug her hand into his pocket, pulling out his phone and dialing Liam's number. "We need to get you to a hospital, but the others need to know about this, they could be in danger too!"

  She held the phone to her ear, praying that Liam would pick up.

  * * *

  Liam leaned back in his chair, the drink he had shared with his brother warming his body. Next to him Michael chuckled to himself, "You know, we should do this more often."

  "Do what?"

  "You know..." Michael swept an arm around the room. "Just hang out together, have a few drinks, whatever. Just because you're married doesn't mean I don't wanna be around you, I like Skylar!"

  Liam smirked. "Yeah, you could bring your girlfriend too."

  "Yeah! See I-" He scowled. "Fuck you."

  His brother laughed, fixing him with a curious look. "What is going on with you two? I'd swear you we're-" He was interrupted as his phone began to ring, Cayden's name showing on the Caller ID.

  Michael leaned over, raising an eyebrow. "Cayden? Why would he be calling?"

  "I have no idea." He picked up the phone, holding it to his ear. "Hello? What do you want Cayden?"

  "Liam!" Farah's frantic voice filtered through the line, "Liam I need you to listen very carefully!"

  "Farah?" He stood, Michael's confused gaze following him all the while. "Farah why are you calling from Cayden's phone?"

  "He's been stabbed! He was attacked outside my apartment!"

  "Stabbed?" Michael stood when he heard his brother, going over and standing next to him with wide eyes. "What's going on? How is he?"

  "He's not looking good, I need to get him to the hospital. Listen, we were attacked by Sarconi's men, they are planning to attack everyone tonight!"

  He growled, squeezing the phone tighter. "Sarconi... Did they hurt you? Can you move?"

  In spite of everything that had happened, she chuckled, "Yes Liam, I'm fine. Just make sure that yours are find as well." The line disconnected, leaving the two brothers standing in a stunned silence.

  Liam moved first, striding towards the front door, throwing it open and stepping outside. Michael ran after him, grabbing his arm and spinning him around to face him. "What the hell are you doing? You need to stay here!"

  "I need to make sure that this ends tonight! I'm not going to sit around and wait for them to attack us!"

  He shrugged Michael off, turning to walk towards the car when the world erupted in light and sound. A thunderous boom shattered through the air as his car exploded in front of him, the shriek of twisted metal and the dull thump of the shockwave assaulting his senses. He and his brother both were thrown backwards through the air, Michael crashing through one of the front windows while he slammed against the concrete wall of his home. The windows of the house shattered, and the sound of screaming could be heard from inside. He could only hope it was from panic.

  The courtyard was aflame, and with that the night had officially started.

  Chapter 7

  The world was on fire, that was the first thing that Liam could think when he opened his eyes. His ears were ringing, his head felt like it was going to split in two, jagged flakes of concrete digging into his back through his torn shirt. He sat up with a groan, shaking his head to try and focus on what had just happened. He remembered the sound of screaming, his feet carrying him back inside the house even before he knew why he was moving in the first place. He passed his brother, who while dazed and bloodied from an uncountable number of cuts from broken glass, was otherwise unharmed. Liam reached down, hauling Michael to his feet and dragging him down the hallway.

  When they reached the bedroom where Skylar and Hayley had been sitting, they were relieved to see that the two women were alive, though the gash in Hayley's arm was something that would need to be looked at.

  "Skylar!" Liam yelled, running forward to take his wife in his arms. "Are you alright? Did you get hit with anything?"

  "L-Liam?" She looked around, the wind blowing through the shattered window making her hair whip over her face. "What happened? What was that?"

  He shook his head, his skull still feeling like it was pressing against his brain. "It was the car. The... Sarconi blew it up." He roved his eyes over her body, looking for any hint of injury. "Are you sure you're ok? Is... Is the baby ok?"

  She nodded quickly, looking over at Hayley. "Hayley kept me down through it, she got hurt saving me though."

  Hayley chuckled, wincing as she shifted her arm. "Don't worry about it, I've been hurt worse." She hissed as her jacket shifted, the wound sending a lance of pain through her body. "Fuck, it hurts like a bitch though!"

  Michael was at her side in an instant, helping her out of her jacket slowly. His eyes were almost watering, though even he wasn't sure if it was from the thought of losing her or a severe head injury. Feeling the way his chest ached at the way she smiled at him, he figured it was likely both.

  "Jesus Hayley..." He grabbed a nearby pillow, shredded from flying glass. "This is pretty deep."

  He tore the casing apart, wrapping a strip of fabric around her cut, squeezing her hand when she gasped at the pain.

  She smiled up at him, leaning her head into his chest. "My hero..." She purred, winding her arms around him. Holding him against her, it wasn't long before he returned the favor, the two of them standing in an embrace in what could have easily been a grave site for any one of them.

  "They attacked so soon..." Hayley shook her head, her own ears still ringing slightly. "How did they do this so fast..."

  Skylar let out a noise of dread, realization plain on her face. "Oh my god, what about the others?"

  Liam held her tight, knowing she would need something to make her feel safe with the news he was to give her. "Farah is fine but... Cayden's been stabbed."

  Hayley and Skylar gasped, mouths covered as they immediately assumed the worst. He continued, "I don't know how bad it is, but Farah said he was alive. I just... I hope she can get him to the hospital."

  "They must have rigged the car before you even met them this morning..." Michael shook his head. "Jesus Christ, that could have gotten any of us. That could have gotten all of us!"

  "And they knew Skylar was pregnant..." Liam grit his teeth, his hands closing into fists as he tried and failed to keep his anger under control. "They would do that? Hurt a pregnant woman, the love of my life, the mother of my child?" He stood and walked over to the doorway, breathing heavily and bracing himself against the doorway. With a sudden roar, he slammed his fist into the wall, the wood and plaster splintering around him. He looked back at the others, all three of them looking at him with widened eyes.

  "I'm going now, I'll be back in a while." He walked out through the door, leaving them momentarily stunned at his exit.

  Hayley shoved Michael, his feet just managing to stop him from stumbling and falling to the floor. "Go after him!"

  "And w
hat about you two?"

  "I can take care of us, don't worry. Just make sure that he doesn't get himself killed!" She paused, steeling herself before she threw herself forward, capturing his lips with hers. Before he could even think of kissing back, she was gone. "Don't you get killed either, alright? Come back to me."

  He managed a stunned smile, nodding before backing out of the room. Michael ran down the hallway, hoping that his brother hadn't already left. As luck would have it, he was standing in the middle of the courtyard, the glass and fire around him making him almost glow, the feeling of his rage so palpable Michael was certain he could taste it.

  "Liam!" He put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. "Come on Liam what the hell are you doing?"

  "Hayley was right." Seeing the confused look on Michael's face, Liam chuckled, "Before, when she said that we should just kill them and let it be done with. Not worry about a plan, just go ahead and do it."

  "Hey Liam, come on..."

  "They stabbed Cayden. They at the very least threatened Farah." His teeth bared as he snarled, "They tried to murder all of us tonight. I will not let this stand." His eyes flashed as he started to walk towards the trees. "I'm going to kill every single one of them, I'm going to tear them limb from limb. I'm going to make it so that there isn't even enough to mop up, let alone bury!"

  He took off sprinting, the trees swallowing him whole before Michael could even blink. Swearing to himself, Michael could do nothing but follow, hoping and praying that Skylar and Hayley would be alright.

  When he remembered who he was thinking about, he smiled. He figured they were going to be just fine.

  * * *

  Liam's vision was red, his muscles aflame as he pushed himself as fast as he could go, letting his anger build more and more until he felt nearly full. He shifted, his body going low and picking up speed, his brother behind him forced to shift just to keep up.

  He could smell them, those vile men who dared to try and hurt his wife, who tried to hurt the people who he had begun to think of as like family, and they hadn't even done it in the name of vengeance.


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