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Wild Passion [Werewolves of Forever, Texas] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 3

by Jane Jamison

  What else could she say? “O-kay.” First the strange sensation with the men and now a secret? What was going on?

  “Daniella, the connection doesn’t happen from one human to another.”

  “Huh? You’re losing me big time. One human to another? What’s that supposed to mean?” Was it a joke? Was Sandy finally exacting payback for treating her so crappy in the past? Yet her earnest expression said otherwise.

  “You have to believe me. I have proof, if you want to see it.”

  “Sandy, I don’t know whether to be scared for me or worried for you. What’s going on?”

  “The connection I told you about? It only happens when a certain kind of man, or men, find the woman they’re supposed to love for the rest of their lives.”

  Daniella jerked away, but Sandy held firm. “I heard you. Love at first sight on steroids. That much I get. But what kind of man do you mean?”

  “Honey, Brick and Mica? They’re like most of the other men in town, including my own.”

  All of a sudden, Daniella wasn’t sure she wanted to know. She thought about getting back into her convertible Mercedes and driving straight from Texas back to California. Except that she had to know. The whole idea of love at first sight was intriguing. And leaving before she figured out what was going on between her and Brick and Mica? No way. “Go on.”

  Sandy paused, giving her a pointed look. “Daniella, Brick and Mica are werewolves.”

  Chapter Two

  “Werewolves?” Daniella rolled her lips under to suppress a laugh. It was all a gag. “Wow, Sandy, talk about a lame joke.”

  “It’s not a joke. You still feel the sensation running inside you, don’t you?”

  The urge to laugh died. She did. Not as strong as before when Mica and Brick were near her, but it was still there. Even so, that didn’t mean she was going to buy the absurd idea that it was a direct connection to everlasting love. Love with two men her friend was calling werewolves, no less. “Look, if you don’t want me to stay, just say so. Don’t make up some ridiculous story to scare me off. Seriously? Werewolves?”

  “Do you remember the wolves you saw in your bedroom when we were at the ranch?”

  Now she’d gone too far. It had taken her a long time to get over seeing those huge wolves. Wolves that had somehow ended up inside the ranch house. Inside her bedroom. Wolves with glowing amber eyes. Wolves that were bigger than normal wolves. “Are you saying those were werewolves?”

  She searched Sandy, waiting for her to break out laughing. Either that or she’d see the insanity lying behind her eyes. “Come on. Get serious. Are you trying to tell me that Mica and Brick are werewolves? Men who can change into wolves?”

  She was ready to laugh along with her friend, but Sandy’s expression left no doubt. She was flat-out serious.

  “I’m telling you the truth.”

  No. It couldn’t be. The memory of the wolves, incredible, huge animals whose eyes held a look of human intelligence, came back as fresh as they’d been that day long ago. She’d struggled to come to terms with what she’d seen, telling no one. She’d done enough research after that to know no other wolves looked like the ones she’d seen.

  Could it be real? Was Sandy telling her the truth?

  “Those wolves you saw in your bedroom were my men. They wanted to frighten you into leaving and they succeeded. I’m sorry I never told you, but we can’t let the world know that werewolves exist. I hated letting you go through that, but I promised them I’d never tell. Not you, not anyone outside Forever.”

  “So you’re living with three men who can change into wolves. You seriously want me to believe such a ridiculous story?” The idea was crazy, and yet, the sing of the sensation that had caught hold of her with Mica’s touch urged her to believe every word.

  “Yes. And like I said, I can prove it.”

  “How?” Did she really want her to? If what she said was true, then she and the Holloway brothers were meant for each other. She was meant to hook up with werewolves.

  “They changed me.” Sandy backed away. “Like most of the women here, I’m a werewolf, too. They changed me a month after I moved in with them.”

  She wanted to laugh, wanted Sandy to laugh along with her. Yet she knew neither one of them would. Did she dare cross the line between sanity and a crazy world filled with werewolves? “Okay, show me. Change into a wolf. Then I’ll believe you.”

  Daniella held her breath as her friend started unbuttoning her blouse. “What are you doing?”

  “I don’t want my clothes to shred apart when I shift.” Sandy kept going.

  This is insane. And yet…? No. It can’t be true.

  “Everyone! Gather round.”

  Sandy stopped undressing, gazing past her at the crowd beginning to form. “Damn. I’ll have to show you later. Something’s wrong.”

  Daniella hesitated, then followed her friend. How long would she let it go on? Had she called Sandy’s bluff and she’d backed out?

  A large man stood on the bed of a pickup. His face was stern as he gazed over the crowd around him.

  “Everyone, listen up. We have a problem. No one’s seen Miss Clara today and I know for a fact that she was planning on coming. We checked her home. From the looks of it, she hasn’t been around for a couple of days. She didn’t even show up for work at the market yesterday.”

  Murmurs of concern echoed around the crowd.

  “Who’s Miss Clara?” At least they weren’t talking about werewolves.

  “She’s the matriarch of the town. She wouldn’t just pick up and leave. And that’s Jackson Carr. He wouldn’t cause this kind of commotion if he didn’t need to.” Sandy held her finger to her lips, shushing her.

  “We’re going to search for her. Everyone get a partner and start walking. Search the areas around town and your land. If you find her or any sign of her, howl it out.”

  Howl it out?

  People scurried about, hooking up into groups of three or more.

  “I’m sorry, Daniella. I have to go with my men and look. Stay at the diner and I’ll get back to you before dark.”

  “Don’t worry about her, Sandy. You know we’ll take good care of her.”

  Like before, Daniella spun around to find Brick and Mica standing behind her. How did they sneak up on her so easily?

  Brick’s green eyes compelled her to do as he said. Whatever that might be. “Daniella can search with us.”

  * * * *

  Brick held back from Mica and Daniella, needing time to think things out. Mica wanted to move fast, and although he liked taking things slower, he was inclined to go along with his brother. What if she decided to leave town before they could make her their mate? To lose her after she’d finally shown up would be worse than dying.

  That wouldn’t happen. Not if he could help it. “Follow us, Daniella, and stay close.”

  “Where are we going?” Her straight black hair glistened in the sunlight as it streamed over her shoulders and down her spine. The end of it was cut to form a V as it neared her tailbone, bringing attention to the sweet curve of her ass. He swallowed, then repositioned his growing package. They had to find Miss Clara first, but once she was safe, he’d make sure he’d get a taste of what was between Daniella’s legs.

  If it was anyone else, other than a missing child, he’d have said the hunt could wait. Nothing and no one else was as important as claiming their mate.

  Daniella examined them like it was the first time she’d met them. “Tell me, Brick. Who is Miss Clara anyway?”

  “Miss Clara’s the matriarch of the town and when she speaks everyone listens. All the people look to her for advice. They respect her and they adore her. Even though sometimes she can be the most cantankerous female around.”

  “Is she famous? Or the mayor’s mother or something?” Her blue eyes sparkled against a face that would make any man drool. Her smile was like Mona Lisa’s, curved just enough to make him think she was laughing at a private joke.

/>   “No. She’s”—he wrestled with how to say it, and lost—“Miss Clara. The whole town loves her. I can’t imagine Forever without her.”

  “Yeah, Miss Clara’s an institution. She’s been here longer than anyone else. If anyone represents Forever, it’s her.” Mica twisted around, took her arm, and pulled her next to him.

  Brick quickened his pace to come to her other side. “Tell us about yourself.”

  “What’s to tell? I’m a stylist in L.A., or at least I’m trying to be one. It’s a rough business, and to be honest, I’m not sure I want to do it any longer. I’m thinking of moving back to Texas. I’m not sure what I’ll do, but Texas is home.” She cast them a wary glance. Funny how she felt so easy talking to them when her body felt like they’d just shot her up with heart-pounding adrenaline.

  They talked on, sharing their childhoods that were so different. The men had grown up on a ranch with loving parents while she’d lived in a mansion with parents who rarely showed real affection.

  They spoke of their futures, and although they were from such different backgrounds, found that they had similar dreams of a cozy home where they’d raise their children. She talked about living a simple life and they told her all that was missing in theirs was one woman they could love and children to fill their family home with laughter and noise. He could see it plain as day. Daniella with a baby in her arms. Daniella in between them in bed as they gave her more pleasure than she’d ever known.

  “So what did your family do to make so much money?” asked Brick.

  She hesitated. “I’m surprised I told you that I’m wealthy. I don’t like to bring it up when I first meet someone. People tend to treat me differently once they know. But I guess since I already mentioned it… Have you ever heard of Monson Oil?”

  “You’re one of those Monsons?” She was more than wealthy. She was filthy rich.

  “The great and powerful Juniper Monson is my father. Yep, I’m a rich bitch.” She tucked her head down as though ashamed of it.

  Brick took her hand, startling her, but she still let him hold it. “If you’re worried about us wanting you for your money, then don’t. We couldn’t care less what you’re family has.”

  “Yeah, he’s right.” Mica flashed his winning smile. “And if you’re a bitch? Then you’re our bitch.”

  He couldn’t have gotten a bigger reaction if he’d tossed a live grenade under her feet.

  “What does that mean?” She slammed to a stop. “Look, it’s okay when I call myself a bitch, but not when you do. Got it?”

  Fiery and spunky with a mind of her own. She was perfect for them.

  “Mica, too soon, man. Give it time.”

  “Naw, man. We don’t have time. She’s only here for a visit.”

  “Would you two stop talking like I’m not even here?” She stalked ahead, her body stiff, but it didn’t hide the sway of her hips.

  Maybe Mica was right. Sooner more than later, she’d have to know. But that didn’t mean he’d let Mica take the lead. He caught up with her and took her by the arm to swing her around. “Daniella, you’re the woman we’ve waited for.”

  She didn’t look as confused as he thought she would. That had to be a good sign. “Why do you think so?”

  Mica jumped in, ready to take over as he usually did. “We just know. It’s this thing we have that told us you’re the one we want. We felt it, and like I told you earlier, we know you felt it, too.”

  * * * *

  Daniella had thought of nothing else except the men once they’d taken her along with them on the search. That and what Sandy had told her. Now they were talking about the connection, too.

  She’d watched them, trying not to be obvious about it, trying to convince herself to forget the fantastic notion that they were meant to be her men. All the while, the sizzle burning between them grew stronger, more insistent. It was an urgent message for her to let go, to accept these two strangers as lovers, to do whatever they wanted and more. The hum between her legs was so intense she had to bite the inside of her mouth to keep from begging them to ease her pain.

  A pain that was nothing short of ecstasy.

  But what about the other? Werewolves didn’t exist, yet she couldn’t shake the impression that maybe, just maybe, what Sandy had told her was real. After all, when had Sandy ever lied to her? Why would she start with such an incredulous tale?

  If any two men could change into wolves, it had to be Mica and Brick. They oozed a wild side that was different than any “bad boy” she’d ever known. Theirs wasn’t bravado, but instead, an essence that was as natural to them as breathing. Their bodies were forged from human flesh stretched over steel, but they were as graceful as any predator on the prowl. She sensed they were strong, more powerful than even their brawn let on. But that didn’t mean they were animals on the inside.

  “You felt it. Admit it, Daniella.”

  She licked her lips and saw how it drew their attention. If nothing else was true, her hunger for them was. She yearned to have them hold her. Ached to have them touch her in all her most erotic places. They had to sense her attraction to them. Why bother lying?

  “Yes. I felt it. At least, from the way I described it to Sandy, I did.”

  “So she told you about the connection?” Their eyes grew bigger as though willing her to tell them what they wanted to hear, yet would be surprised if she did.

  “Right again.”

  “Tell us what she said.”

  “She said it was like an invisible rope tying us together. That we belonged together. That I was the woman you wanted for the rest of your lives.”

  “She’s right.”

  Mica moved closer. She could feel the power ripple in the air between them. Nothing could tear her away from them.

  “You can’t fight this, baby. Neither can we. When the connection happens, it’s a miracle. We want you and you want us.”

  Brick was right. Only her curiosity, the need to know if everything Sandy had said was true, kept her from jumping into his arms. “She told me something else, too.”

  They stood side by side, two amazing men. Their presence alone could knock any woman off her feet, and the strange sensation zapping between them made it impossible to resist them much longer. She felt her resistance weaken with every passing moment.

  “What’d she say?” asked Mica.

  They’d either laugh when she told them or… Or what? Eat her alive? “She said you were werewolves.”

  Oh, wow.

  They didn’t laugh. Instead, she saw amber flecks burst into their eyes and take over the green.

  Oh, shit. Amber eyes. Just like the wolves I saw two years ago.

  The panic came back, hitting her hard. But what could she do? Getting a head start was the only possible way she could outrun them.

  “She told you the truth. We’re werewolves and you’re our intended mate.” Mica’s eyes glowed.

  “Then show me.” Seeing their eyes wasn’t enough. She had to see it for herself. Even if doing so might kill her.

  “Are you sure? It’s not pretty.”

  “Do it.” She clenched her hands, trying to ward off the fear.

  “You heard her.” Brick tugged his shirt off, then began undoing his jeans.

  Mica did the same, starting with his boots first. By the time he’d yanked his shirt over his head, fur already skimmed along Brick’s body.

  The sound of their bones breaking, then reforming, assaulted her ears. Human faces changed, elongating as teeth became fangs, and claws grew out of their nails. Her breath hitched in her throat and still her mind fought against believing her eyes.

  When Brick fell to all fours, his body writhing as the transformation took him, she spun around and ran.

  * * * *

  Daniella ran until her lungs threatened to burst. She ran, uncaring what direction she went. And she listened. Yet she never heard the sound of them chasing after her, the pants of their harsh breaths as they grew closer. When at last she coul
d go no farther, she fell against a large tree, then slumped against its wide trunk.

  Her mind was a confused jumble of images, those from the past mixing with the memory of Brick’s and Mica’s changing bodies. She laid her head on her arms and tried to think rationally. But where was rationality when werewolves really existed?

  The connection was real. She couldn’t deny it. It drew her to them as strongly as any force she could imagine. Yet, unlike she’d initially thought, it wasn’t only a physical thing. Granted that was as powerfully charged as any encounter she’d ever dreamed of. They’d be sexually compatible and more. No, it was the odd gut feeling that she knew them. That she had waited for them all her life. That every other man before them had been a placeholder until they came along.

  But they’re werewolves. How can I love men who change into animals?

  And yet, hadn’t Sandy and all the other women in town seemed happy, content? Was their contentment because of the connection? Weren’t they still good men no matter what form they were in? Men women could love with all their hearts?

  Could she love them? She expected to hear the word no bounce around her mind. And yet, even as she tried to force the word out, she couldn’t. Whether it was a result of the incredible, invisible bond or not, she found another answer. Yes, she could. In the space of only a few short hours, she’d come to feel closer to them than anyone she’d ever cared for. It didn’t make sense, but what did sense have to do with love?

  They were strong, ready to commit, and willing to help their neighbors. She’d fallen for lesser reasons. If she was truthful with herself, she’d looked for love in every man she’d dated. And not one had made her feel the way Brick and Mica had.

  She laughed, her voice ringing out as she shivered, and wrapped her arms around herself. The sun was setting fast. The dark settled around her. “It figures. I can’t find love until I meet a couple of werewolves.”

  “Now why would a pretty girl like you settle for two dogs?”

  She scrambled to her feet and squinted, but couldn’t see anyone. The night was so black with hardly any moon to give it light. Why had she let herself run blindly? She didn’t know which way led back to Forever, and even if she did, she wouldn’t be able to find her way in the darkness.


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