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Breakout (Alex Knight Book 1)

Page 16

by C. G. Cooper

  “It’s not your fault.”

  Darla was shaking now. “Do you know who’s behind everything?” she asked. It sounded like a rhetorical question, but Knight answered anyway.

  “No,” he said.

  “He goes by the name Zen Sun. The bastard. Always wears a gray suit.”

  “We’ve met.”

  Her eyes widened. “You have?”

  “He got away.”

  Her face was pure anguish. “He got away? You should have killed him.”

  “We’ll get him.”

  “I can’t believe it.” She was shaking her head and pressing her hands together.

  Knight frowned at her. “Why? What’s the deal? Zen Sun? I’ve never heard of him.”

  “He’s somehow connected to the Chinese government,” Darla explained. “I don’t know how. All I know is that he’s some kind of big shot. Businessman. Inventor. Has a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. His name started coming up in the forums a while back. He talked a lot about revolution and all this weird stuff. He’d totally derail the topics whenever we talked about autism or SOHP. I met him finally when... when Jocelyn and I were...”

  She broke off, giving in to the terrible sobs of a mother who’d lost a child.

  Knight held her as she cried, trying not to think about his own loss. It was nothing compared to what this woman was experiencing. Now he realized it. He had loved Sarah. He knew that even if it was was inexplicable.

  When Darla regained her composure, she said, “They told me that Jocelyn is the key. I don’t know what they’re talking about.”

  Knight thought for a moment. His bizarre conversation with Dr. Baron came back to him. He looked at Darla. “Is Jocelyn smart for her age?”

  “Incredibly so,” she said, sniffling. “Why?”

  “Like, genius smart?”

  The woman’s face became contorted with worry. “Yes. Why?”

  “If this leads to where I think it’s leading,” he said slowly, “she’s not in any danger. But we need to get going. The secret vaccination program is called Project Wildfire. It’s complicated. I’ll explain it to you in detail if you want. But in a nutshell, it’s all about gene manipulation, the creation of a super race. This is a new kind of Cold War, with super intelligence on one side and an unbeatable virus on the other.” He went on to give her the specifics of his meeting with Baron.

  “That’s crazy,” she said. “You sound like one of those anti-vax crazies that we used to kick off the forums.”

  “I know,” he said. “But you’ve seen the results of the vaccines on your child. SOHP. The H stands for hereditary, but it’s a misnomer. It’s not hereditary. That is, the paralysis isn’t. The intelligence is. Jocelyn will grow up to have super intelligent children.”

  The scope of what he was saying unfolded as he spoke. He couldn’t believe any of it himself. But he’d already lived through too much proof.

  Headlights illuminated the room. The FBI had arrived.

  “Listen to me,” Knight said. “Keep quiet about this. We can’t say too much. If you want to join me, you can. I’m going to find them, and I’m going to find your daughter.” He said this as he stood up.

  “Wait,” she said. “A moment ago you said she wasn’t in any danger. What did you mean by that? How do you know?”

  “If Jocelyn is one of the keys to Project Wildfire’s success, then they won’t harm her. But she’s theirs now. And if we don’t get her back, they’ll have her for life. I’m going to find her. And I’m going to find my research.”

  “Then I’m going with you,” she said, rising.

  He looked toward the back of the house. “Come on.”

  They spilled out of a back window as vans pulled into the driveway.

  They ran.

  They ran throughout the night.

  They ran toward the future of humankind.

  When dawn came, they hitched a ride to Darla’s house. From there, it was a quick run to NIH. He wanted to see Stone one last time. He got lucky.

  Stone was walking through the lobby when Knight stepped inside. Stone saw him. His paled. Then he turned and walked away as if he didn’t know Knight.

  Knight nodded. You better run you bastard.

  For the first time in what felt like ages, he was back in control. Stone’s pallor confirmed it.

  Knight left NIH headquarters and drove back to his office.

  After gathering a few notes, he turned on his computer, clicked on Mina’s icon and typed, Gonna need you soon. Reach me here, and typed Darla’s number.

  There was a lot of work to do, but when he left the apartment for the last time, he was filled with a purpose he’d never known.

  His life’s work was one thing. Saving the world was another.

  Time to save the world, Alex.

  It sounded cliche, yet fitting. Knight grinned as he walked out the door.

  His mind set, and his belongings crammed in a small backpack, Knight jumped on his motorcycle. The engine roared to life at his command.

  Knight never looked back as he sped away from the city. He had work to do. He had a world to save. And it all started with one little girl.


  Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story as much as we loved writing it.

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  Oh! And don’t forget to scroll down for the links to the rest of our books.

  Also by C. G. Cooper

  The Corps Justice Series In Order:

  Back To War (FREE)

  Council Of Patriots (FREE)

  Prime Asset (FREE)

  Presidential Shift

  National Burden

  Lethal Misconduct

  Moral Imperative


  Chain Of Command

  Papal Justice

  The Zimmer Doctrine


  Liberty Down

  Sins Of The Father

  Corps Justice Short Stories:




  The Daniel Briggs Novels:





  The Stars & Spies Series:


  The Patriot Protocol Series:

  The Patriot Protocol

  The Chronicles of Benjamin Dragon:

  Benjamin Dragon – Awakening (FREE)

  Benjamin Dragon – Legacy

  Benjamin Dragon - Genesis

  About the Author

  C. G. Cooper is author of more than twenty novels. He’s a former Marine, graduate of the University of Virginia, and host of the podcast Books In 30 with C. G. Cooper.

  To connect with C. G. Cooper visit




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