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Spectrum of Magic Complete Series - Spell Breaker - Fate Shifter - Cursed Stone - Magic Unborn - Libra

Page 28

by D. N. Leo

  “The spaceship sent us to Xiilok and Brandon’s residence. It seems Brandon has taken residence in Xiilok, and he’s out of the control of the Daimon Gate,” Lorcan said.

  Ciaran shook his head. “Brandon would rather be an outlaw of all the universes than be a minor gatekeeper in the Daimon Gate. It takes all kinds.”

  Roy staggered a bit and walked toward the corner, leaning against the wall. Mori asked, “Are you okay?”

  Roy tried to respond to her question, but his body had a mind of its own, and his eyes rolled up before he slumped to the ground.

  Mori grabbed him. “What’s happening to him?” she asked.

  Ciaran quickly checked the wrist unit on Roy’s right wrist, and he said, “He’s out of energy. I gave him seven days’ worth of energy, but because you took him traveling across multiple dimensions and across the transitional zone, his energy level has been depleted.”

  “Can you give him more?” Orla asked.

  “Yes, but it’s only temporary. I have to get him to Eudaiz ASAP.” Ciaran took a small square black patch from his belt and snapped it into the wrist unit that Roy was wearing. The glowing green light of the level indicator on the wrist unit lit up. “This is very temporary. And again, because we have to cross dimensions of time and space, I don’t know how long it’ll last. He has to go with me now. Whatever you need to do with the Daimon Gate, you will have to do it without him.”

  “All right then,” Lorcan confirmed.

  Roy opened his eyes and sat up. He had heard the last thing Ciaran said. “What about Mori?” Roy asked.

  “She’ll have to go with Lorcan. I can’t take her to Eudaiz now. I haven’t discussed it with my council,” Ciaran said.

  Roy stood and walked away. “I can’t leave Mori.”

  “I gave you the energy, but I can take it back at any time. It’s your choice.” Ciaran’s patience had run out.

  “Look, Roy, this is temporary. Go with Ciaran now to get yourself fixed up, then we can reunite later. I’ll get a guest pass for Mori at the Daimon Gate. You’re both going to be fine,” Lorcan said.

  “If we hang around here any longer, and the creatures come back, we’ll all be dead. It’s not just about you,” Orla snarled.

  At the back, another small spaceship arrived and parked. A couple of uniformed officers stepped out and approached Ciaran. Ciaran nodded in acknowledgement. “My officers will take you to the entrance of the Daimon Gate. Roy, what’s your decision? If you go with them, you’ll die in a few minutes,” Ciaran said.

  “Roy, please go with Ciaran. We’ll meet again soon,” Mori said.

  Roy nodded reluctantly. Mori, Lorcan, and Orla entered the newly-arrived spaceship. Ciaran waited until it had departed safely before he took Roy into his ship. Once inside, Ciaran verified himself using his left palm and activated the machine. It hovered smoothly and then swiftly darted into the holo-space. “Destination, Eudaiz, Sciphil Zone, Tower Three.” Ciaran gave a verbal command. After the computer acknowledged the destination, he turned, about to ask Roy something, but his wrist unit flashed a signal. Ciaran glanced at the information on the small screen, then looked at Roy.

  “What did you try to do for the Host of the Daimon Gate?”

  “We tried to get the key of Psuche to the Daimon Gate for safekeeping.”

  Ciaran nodded. “And that required a fight with some sort of creature at sea?”

  Roy nodded.

  “You killed it?”

  “We barely escaped with our lives.”

  Ciaran cocked an eyebrow.

  “It’s a dragon, as big as a mountain. How would you expect us to kill it?” Roy asked in frustration.

  Ciaran shook his head and gave a verbal command to the machine. “Change destination, entrance of the Daimon Gate. Engage holocast communication with the Host of the Daimon Gate immediately.”

  This is the end of Fate Shifter - Spectrum of Magic - Book 2.

  Turn to the next page for sample chapters of the next book.




  D.N. Leo’s website

  Also by D.N. Leo




  The Journey from Earth to Eudaiz

  Main Characters: Ciaran, Madeline, Tadgh, and Jo

  (Recommended reading in order)

  1-4 Random Psychic

  2-4 Forever Mortal

  3-4 Elusive Beings

  4-4 Imperfect Divine



  Main characters:

  Ciaran, Madeline, Tadgh, Jo, Kyle, Hoyt, Ayana, Pete, Sizx, Lorcan, Orla

  (Recommended reading in order)

  Queen & Knight

  Castle and Bishops

  King’s Endgame



  Main characters: Lorcan, Orla, Roy and Mori

  (Recommended reading in order)

  Spell Breaker

  Fate Shifter

  Cursed Stone

  Magic Unborn



  Main characters:

  Main characters: Dinah, Arik, Ciaran and Madeline





  Fire at Crossroad (prequel)

  Shadow Seeker

  Shadow Keeper

  Shadow Destroyer


  Ash of Scorpio (prequel)

  Light of Demon

  Shadow of Angel

  Shade of Darkness


  Main characters:

  Ciaran, Madeline, Tadgh, Jo, Caedmon, Sedna, Roy, Mori, Zach, Mya, Lorcan and Orla

  This series can be read in ANY order within the series and in related to other series.






  Main characters:

  Main characters: Mya Portman, Zach Flynn, Leon, Kirra.

  This series can be read in ANY order within the series and in related to other series.

  Almost Countable

  Almost Sure

  Almost Everywhere


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  BOOK 2

  Copyright © 2017 by D.N. Leo, all rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual business or persons is purely coincidental.

  Reproduction in whole or part of this publication without express written consent from the author is strictly prohibited.

  I greatly appreciate you taking the time to read my work. Please consider leaving a review wherever you purchased the book, and refer the book to your friends.

  Cursed Stone - Spectrum of Magic - Book 3

  Part I

  Chapter 1

  Heat. That was all he could feel. A wave of fire that carried incinerating heat was flying toward him. Lorcan stared at it as if it was a movie clip shown in slow motion. Once that fire brushed over him, Lorcan knew all that would be left of him was a pile of ashes. He was stuck beneath a collapsed brick dome, half of his body was buried, and his legs were crushed. He didn’t think there were any bones left intact, so even if the bricks and stones didn’t crumb
le down upon him, he wouldn’t be able to move out of the way of the fire anyway.

  As death loomed close, he thought of Orla. He hadn’t had a chance to marry her properly. He thought of his family in Ireland, too, and regretted taking their love for granted. If there were a God—and somehow that God was compassionate enough to grant him another chance—he would take Orla to Ireland to meet his family and marry her. On top of that, he would go to church every week.

  Brandon’s laughter still echoed in the air—the sound of evil. How could a gatekeeper in a virtuous place such as the Daimon Gate turn dark so quickly? Lorcan wondered. As he closed his eyes, awaiting the coming fire, he heard the sound of a spaceship moving closer. Turning toward the noise, he saw it had parked close to where he lay. From inside the spaceship, Ciaran jumped out and rushed over to Lorcan.

  “Go away! There won’t be enough time, Ciaran!” Lorcan yelled. That man must have nerves of steel, Lorcan thought. Without a word, Ciaran blasted his weapon at the loose bricks around Lorcan and then used his daggers as levers to lift the large stone from on top of Lorcan. Ignoring Lorcan’s verbal abuse, Ciaran hauled Lorcan up and half-carried, half-dragged Lorcan into his spaceship.

  The door closed and sealed immediately after their embarkation.

  “Heat defense mechanism on!” Ciaran shouted. The spaceship shuddered, and they heard a click.

  “Affirmative and ready,” a robotic voice said.

  Then the storm of fire hit them.

  The spaceship tilted slightly when hit, but regained its balance soon after. As the counterbalance mechanism kicked in to compensate for the heat outside, the air inside the spaceship dropped to freezing. The storm continued to attack the spaceship from the outside. They heard the sound of hard objects hitting metal, and the force of the air blew through gaps in the outer body of the ship, creating a hellish howling noise.

  Then it quieted down, the fire went past, and the spaceship seemed to settle.

  Lying on the floor, Lorcan’s vision became blurry. He knew he needed to pass out so that his body could begin the healing process, but he had to tell Ciaran about his healing ability first or he would think that his system was collapsing. “Damn it,” Lorcan thought. He couldn’t force a word past his lips. And as he’d predicted, Ciaran was trying to prevent him from passing out because in the same situation, a normal person would pass out and go into cardiac arrest due to the shock of the injuries and the extreme changes of environmental conditions they had just experienced.

  “Lorcan, come on. Open your eyes for me. You’re not going to die on me. Come on.” Ciaran shook Lorcan’s shoulders so hard that there was no way he would be able to pass out and start any healing process. Lorcan wanted to scream, but again, he couldn’t get any words out. Ciaran ran to a small compartment and pulled out an emergency medical kit. Lorcan opened his eyes and saw Ciaran preparing a syringe. It had to be adrenaline, Lorcan thought, which normally he wouldn’t mind, but if that kick-ass chemical was injected into his system now, he’d be forced to remain conscious and deal with this excruciating pain.

  Lorcan summoned all the strength he had left and said, “No.”

  Ciaran cocked an eyebrow. “No? It’s only adrenaline. I know what I’m doing.”

  “No,” Lorcan repeated, but Ciaran approached him, still ignoring his weak protest. Ciaran crouched next to Lorcan, but before he could inject the adrenaline, something hit the spaceship so hard that it almost tipped the craft over. Ciaran fell, dropping the syringe on the floor, and it rolled away to a far corner. He hurried toward a control window to look outside, mumbling some profanity as he went.

  On the floor, Lorcan took his opportunity and slipped into his needed unconsciousness.

  After a while, Lorcan opened his eyes to find himself alone, lying on the floor of the spaceship. His body had healed. Getting up, he went to the window to see what was going on outside. A short distance away, Ciaran and a group of soldiers had barricaded themselves behind the ruins of a gothic dome and were firing at a small army of space creatures. To protect Lorcan, Ciaran shot and killed any creatures veering toward the space vessel.

  Lorcan immediately recognized the ambush attempt that had caught him off guard before. He searched the spaceship for the weapon compartment. He grabbed two long laser beam guns. He’d never used them before, but in looking them over, it didn’t take him long to figure out where the triggers were. Unfortunately, as soon as he touched the handles of the guns, a line of text flashed on a small screen located above the trigger: Unauthorized User. Lorcan swore and ran to the control panel. He slammed his palm on the verification screen and, ignoring the machine’s protest, hacked into the system. It didn’t take him long to prompt the system to give him a pass for weapon usage. Lorcan scanned the receiver of the gun over the verification screen dashboard and the recognition mechanism on the gun flashed a green light.

  Outside, Ciaran had nearly wiped out the small army, still keeping an eye on the spaceship to be sure no stray creatures wandered near it. He felt a sudden blast of heat and dust pressure coming from behind, an area that, oddly, backed up to a dead end wall of rock and stone. Ciaran was sure that nothing could penetrate the wall to come out at him from that corner. But it then dawned on him that he was fighting at a transitional zone in between universes. The dead end could be merely an illusion, and a dimensional hole could open before he had a chance to react. He whirled around to face the general direction from which the blast had come, but it seemed to be too late. He shouted to his soldiers to take cover and dove behind a rock.

  The pressure came like an explosion. He and all of his soldiers were thrown feet away, tossed around like rag dolls. Dazed, Ciaran tried to sit up and see through the dust storm. He saw nothing but the shape of a man walking toward him. He groped for his weapons on the ground nearby but found nothing but dust. He could feel the warmth of his blood streaming out from a gash on his left shoulder. Ciaran tried to spring to his feet, but his body wouldn’t obey. Looking up, he saw Brandon standing right in front of him, a cold smirk on his face.

  “Never thought you would face death like this, did you, Ciaran?”

  Chapter 2

  Ciaran looked at Brandon in the eye. “Why? I saved your life.”

  “Well, you should have asked me if I wanted that. You think you know it all, Ciaran? You, the Host, and those stupid humans are trying to obtain what doesn’t belong to you.”

  “The key of Psuche? What does it have to do with you?”

  “I could take the time explain to you why you must die today, but I’m not feeling compassionate at the moment. So goodbye, Ciaran LeBlanc, king of Eudaiz. You will die on the battlefield like a common soldier.”

  Brandon raised his crossbow, aiming at Ciaran’s head, but Ciaran swung his leg and kicked the weapon away. His second kick landed on Brandon’s abdomen, sending him staggering back and falling to the ground. Still groggy, Ciaran struggled to his feet and was then assaulted by Brandon’s two-leg kick. He skidded backwards and fell back to the ground. As Brandon stood up and ran to recover his weapon, two streams of laser beams blasted at his chest. His clothes became engulfed in flame, but he pulled a lever and the fire died out instantly. Brandon released a black smokeball and fled the scene.

  Lorcan hurried into the dome of dust and black smoke to drag Ciaran out.

  “I’ve got this! Let go!” Ciaran shrugged off Lorcan’s support and walked out of the dust on his own. He inhaled some clean air and coughed out the dust that coated this throat and lungs, recovering swiftly. Then Ciaran turned around, looking at Lorcan. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” Lorcan grinned.

  “Did you know the best way to kill a creature in space is to aim at the head? You’re using two laser beamers, and all you did was set Brandon’s clothes on fire!” Ciaran exclaimed.

  “I’ve never used these before, so that’s good enough, isn’t it? I didn’t miss totally!”

  “Brandon ran away—again,” Ciaran mumbled, clutching h
is bleeding shoulder. He glanced around, taking stock of the situation. “And he killed seven of my best soldiers.”

  “Shouldn’t you be relieved he didn’t kill you, too?”

  Ciaran said nothing and headed back to his spaceship. Lorcan followed, and Ciaran asked, “How can you walk like that now? A short while ago, you were dying.”

  “I knew that would be the first thing you’d ask when you saw me! I wasn’t dying. I have the ability to heal myself, heal my injuries very quickly, but I have to shut my system down first.”

  They were inside the spaceship now. “You can heal yourself?”

  Lorcan nodded. “Yes, as long as I haven’t died, I can heal myself from injuries. To what extent, I don’t know. It’s all new to me, too.”

  “Right.” Ciaran rolled his eyes.

  “Ciaran, I know it’s hard for you to accept anything you can’t explain scientifically. It was hard for me, too. But when your life partner, the person you’ve spent your entire life with, tells you she’s a sorceress, you kinda learn to accept things that seem a little beyond reality.”

  Ciaran nodded. “Are there any more special abilities you and your group have that I should know about?”

  “Apart from what you already know—Roy and Mori are werefoxes, and Orla is a sorceress—nothing else. Anyway, why are you here? I thought you were taking Roy to Eudaiz.”

  Ciaran shook his head. “I got a message on way to Eudaiz with Roy. I came back for you, and the girls said you’d gone. What happened?”

  “I was on my way to the Daimon Gate to get the guest pass for Mori. Brandon ambushed me exactly the way he did you just now. He thought I had the key with me, and when he couldn’t find it, he left me buried in the ruins and went after Orla. We have to get to her.”


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