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A Ride to Freedom

Page 7

by Olivia Tuffin

  And he gave her such a sweet smile that Alice couldn’t help but laugh. “OK,” she said slightly hesitantly. “Friends.”

  “So.” Seb held out his hands. “Friends can dance, right?”

  And before Alice could say no Seb pulled her on to the dance floor. He was a good dancer, but Alice self-consciously stepped from side to side. She really had no idea how to dance!

  “I am sorry,” Seb repeated. “About Secret. It was wrong of me not to listen to you. You see—” he leaned in a little closer— “I really like you, Alice. From the very first moment you arrived. I feel bad for upsetting you. Forgive me?”

  And as he moved closer still, so Alice could see right into his deep blue eyes, she panicked. This felt all wrong. He wasn’t Finn.

  “I’m sorry, Seb.” She pulled back, ducking under his arm so that she was out of his grasp. “Sorry, I just can’t…”

  A flash of annoyance crossed Seb’s face, but Alice was already walking away, hurrying towards the one creature she knew she could talk to, Secret, before she smacked straight into Finn.

  “Finn!” Alice was flustered, her head spinning. “I wanted to see you, earlier, to talk to you…” Her voice faded as Finn gazed at her, an unfamiliar look in his eyes.

  “Don’t you have somewhere else you need to be?” he said quietly.

  Glancing behind her, Alice saw Seb on the dance floor, his eyes narrowed as he saw Finn and Alice together.

  “N-no, not at all,” Alice stammered, turning away from Seb. “Actually, it was you I wanted to see—”

  “It doesn’t matter, Al. See you later.” Finn turned to go.

  “No!” Alice had had enough. Grabbing his arm, she pulled him towards Secret’s stable. “You have to tell me what’s going on. We’re supposed to be friends. And Celia said … Celia said…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Celia said what, Alice?” Finn had crossed his arms.

  Alice looked straight at him. “Celia said you were giving up the Fillies.”

  Finn flinched. “That’s right,” he replied quietly. “It’s the only way.”

  “But why?” Alice had to know. “Your dad is at home now and the stables are rebuilt. I thought things were looking good?”

  Finn glared at her. “Things are never good for us, though, are they?” he said. “There’s always something. Dad might be home, but there’s an unpaid bill from last year. Tax stuff. I don’t really understand. I just know it’s bad, like really bad. The Fillies cost a lot to keep going, and Sasha and Dad don’t always get on. And Sasha has talked about moving out. She’s twenty-three; she has her own life. Dad wants me to carry on, but how, when it just causes everyone stress?”

  He sounded so defeated Alice’s heart went out to him. But it couldn’t be like this. She knew how passionate Finn was about his stunt work, how he came alive when riding. He couldn’t just give up!

  “Finn Cutler, don’t you dare!” she cried, making Secret jump. “This is your thing! You’ve totally impressed Celia and the Rebel Riders and, although I know you like riding for Mum it’s not really you! You always told me never to give up with Secret, and now here you are doing the same thing! The only time I see you truly happy is when you’re stunt riding. You have to make it work!”

  Finn’s eyes flashed dangerously. “I have no choice, unless I rob a bank!” he shouted. “I’m doing this so Dad and Sash don’t have to stress any more, so we can just be a normal family.”

  “You’re anything but normal!” Alice said, her voice shrill with emotion. This is your dream, Finn – and you told me it was your mum’s dream too, so you need to carry on!”

  Emotion swept across Finn’s face before he glared at Alice. “You don’t know anything about my mum and her dreams,” he said, his voice breaking. “Just leave me alone.”

  And, turning on his heel, Finn disappeared into the darkness.

  Letting herself into Secret’s stable and hugging her pony, Alice tried to calm down. She knew just how passionately Finn felt about his stunt riding; she had to help him. A beep from her pocket interrupted her thoughts, making both her and Secret jump.

  ALICE IT’S MUM. Josephine still texted in capitals, and Alice couldn’t help but smile, hearing her mum’s bossy voice clearly. CAN YOU RING ME?

  Alice sank down into the shavings to dial home.

  “Hi, Mum, it’s me,” she said as her mum picked up the phone. “Is everything OK?”

  “Oh, everything is fine.” Josephine sounded distracted. “How are you? How’s Secret? All ready for the class tomorrow?”

  “He’s fine, Mum. He’s being really good. And I hope so.”

  “Well done, sweetheart.”

  There was a moment’s hesitation before her mum continued. “I just thought I should let you know something,” she said softly. “About Finn. I was chatting to Angus today and he told me that it’s the two-year anniversary of Finn’s mum’s death tomorrow.” She paused. “Finn insisted he was fine to go to France but Angus is a bit worried. Anyway, I thought I’d let you know, given how close you are. You can keep a bit of an eye on him, make sure he’s OK.”

  Alice felt herself go hot and cold. She couldn’t have picked a worse time to argue with Finn. And she’d mentioned his mum! No wonder he’d freaked out.

  “Alice?” her mum said. “Are you still there?”

  “Sorry, yes.” Alice shook herself back into the present, and tried to keep her voice steady. “Thanks for letting me know. I’ll look out for him. Love you, Mum.”

  “Love you, Alice. Good luck tomorrow – I know you’ll both do well!” And as her mum rang off Alice knew she needed to find Finn and let him know she was there for him.

  Letting herself out of the stable, Alice scanned the yard. Finn couldn’t have gone far. She decided to try the area by the lavender fields where the Rebel Riders practised. That’s where he’d spent most of the week after all. Alice had just taken a deep breath and broken into a run when a loud screech filled the air.

  Changing direction and rushing back to the courtyard, Alice took in the scene in front of her. The music had stopped, and everyone had gathered around Maria, who was standing with her hands on her hips apparently furious. Gabby appeared looking pale.

  Alice nudged Holly. “What’s going on?”

  “Something is missing – a ring, I think,” Holly whispered back. “Maria, that mean lady, thinks someone stole it.”

  Alice remembered the ring that Finn had mentioned, and how he’d told her it was worth more than the value of the yard.

  “I knew something like this would happen!” Maria hissed. Then she turned furiously to Gabby. “This is your fault!” she cried. “You left the safe open!”

  Gabby looked distraught. “Enough, Maria!” she said quietly. “Let me think! I remember putting the ring in the safe… Let’s think about what we were all doing this afternoon… We need to search our bags and the equipment boxes…”

  “Look,” Mathis said in a reasonable voice, “I’m sure the ring has just been misplaced. I can’t imagine that anyone here would steal such an item. Let’s gather up everyone staying here and we can ask people if they’ve seen the ring or spotted anything unusual.”

  In no time at all the UK pony clubbers and the Rebel Riders, the only two groups with access to the living quarters, were rounded up in front of the big house. Everyone, that is, but Finn.

  Mathis frowned as he made a head count. “One missing. Alice, have you seen Finn?”

  Alice shook her head. “No, I was with him, but then he headed off somewhere.”

  “We need to talk to everyone together,” Mathis said, opening the door to the house. “Finn?” he called out, but there was no answer.

  “Where is he?” Sam whispered to Alice, and she shook her head, noticing that the others were all looking at her too.

  “I don’t know,” she replied quietly.

  “Actually, Dad?” Seb pulled Mathis aside, glancing at Alice as he spoke to him quietly. Mathis frowned.

bsp; Suddenly Alice’s spine was icy, and a sickening feeling pitted in her stomach. There was something in Seb’s expression that told her he was talking about Finn, and he wasn’t saying anything good.

  “I think we call the dance off now,” Mathis announced, looking serious. “We need to sort all this out.”

  As Mathis turned his attention to the panicked fashion team, Alice pulled Seb aside. “What did you say to your dad?” she asked quietly.

  Seb frowned at her. All the warmth had gone from his blue eyes. “I just said that my dad should probably talk to Finn first,” he said coldly. “After all, didn’t you tell me he had financial problems?”

  Alice felt herself flush right to her ears. “That’s not fair!” she hissed. “Finn wouldn’t take anything – I know he wouldn’t! He’s the most honest and trustworthy person I know.”

  Seb just raised an eyebrow at her. “You really know that, do you?” he replied. “You barely see him. He spends all his time in his room or with those Rebel Riders. And he seems to have it in for the magazine team…Who knows what he’s been up to?”

  Alice glared at Seb. “What have you got against Finn? There are loads of people here – anyone could have taken, or misplaced, the ring.”

  Seb gave her a pitying look as he stalked off. “Oh, Alice. You’re only seeing what you want to see…”

  Feeling sick, Alice ran back to Secret’s stable, needing to gather her thoughts. Alice noticed he’d been nibbling even more off his box sign. She groaned. She’d have to deal with that later. Then Alice jumped as Celia padded past with several bridles hanging from her arm.

  “Alice,” Celia said kindly, “are you OK?”

  “I don’t know…” Alice whispered. “I need to find Finn.”

  Celia looked at her. “You know,” she said softly, “he talked about you a lot when we were riding. I know he didn’t tell you everything that was going on back home, but I think it’s because he’s proud. It’s you who means the most to him.”

  As Celia walked on, Alice headed back outside, determined to find Finn. She wanted to make sure no more suspicion was cast against him, but more importantly she wanted to tell him she knew about the significance of the date. And that she was there for him.

  Despite the party being over, everyone was still gathered in the courtyard, the air humming with the buzz of conversation. Gabby and Maria were standing next to each other.

  “Look, let’s all have a good search through our rooms and through all the equipment, then if we still can’t find it, let’s call in the police and deal with this properly,” Gabby said.

  Alice noticed a strange smug smile flit across Maria’s face.

  “Good idea,” she snapped. “Let’s start right away. But what about the kid that’s missing? That boy, Finn? Perhaps he has something to do with it? After all, he hates us after the trouble with that horrid red pony at the shoot the other day.”

  Alice felt panic wash over her like a cold shower. She had to find Finn, and soon…

  “Is it true?” Alice jumped as Holly came rushing up to her an hour later in the communal area. No one seemed to have gone to bed. Alice had walked the whole of the site several times looking for Finn, but with no luck. He seemed to have totally disappeared.

  “Is what true?” Alice frowned at her friend.

  “Finn!” Holly said in a shocked voice. “I mean, he seems troubled, but I never imagined he was a thief! Maria has been saying he had something against the fashion team. And Seb said that the ring has been stolen, that Finn needed money and might try to sell…” Her voice trailed off as Alice glared at her.

  “No, Holly,” she snapped. “He didn’t steal it. And whatever Seb or Maria say, it’s not true!”

  “I heard he got in with the fashion team just to see what he could steal!” Lizzie added cattily.

  Sam, hovering nearby, responded crossly. “That’s not fair. They asked him to help, didn’t they, Alice?” And Alice nodded, grateful to kind Sam.

  “He never joined in with us lot, did he, though?” Dai, one of the boys from the Welsh club, piped up.

  “Listen!” Alice yelled. “Whoever has been stealing, it’s not Finn! He’s not here to defend himself so he’s an easy target!”

  Clearly surprised by her outburst, everyone started to drift away, muttering quietly to themselves, and Alice went out to the stable yard. Thunder rumbled in the distance as raindrops began to fall. One of the French pony clubbers had said a big storm was rolling through the region and had already flooded some land further south.

  Heading to Secret’s stable, Alice jumped as Maria strode past, pausing at the stable door and glaring at her so furiously that Alice shrank back. She didn’t dare ask Maria what she was doing in the stable yard in the rain.

  Leaving the shelter of the yard and climbing up the hill, the raindrops heavy and warm, Alice scanned the open horizon. The festival site was shut up and it was silent at the top of the ridge apart from the soft pat of rain on the dust.

  “Oh, Finn,” Alice said aloud. “Where are you?” There was little point in going to bed. Instead Alice flopped down in Secret’s stable, determined she’d keep watch as the rain continued to fall. But as her eyelids grew heavier and Secret fell asleep resting one leg Alice drifted off, totally exhausted.

  She awoke with a start a few hours later as pink tendrils of early-morning light crept on to the horizon. The rain had stopped, but the air was still heavy. It felt like the sky was about to fall in, great swathes of scarlet reflecting on the whitewashed stables as the storm rolled in. Alice glanced at her watch. It was barely five a.m. The day of the competition! She decided she’d resume her search for Finn after changing into shorts and sorting Secret out.

  To her surprise she wasn’t the only one in the stables when she returned a few minutes later. Clea was swishing her tail as Seb swung himself up in the saddle. He glared at Alice.

  “What are you doing out so early?” Alice asked.

  Seb gave her a disparaging look. “You pony clubbers might be happy with amateur jumping competitions,” he said scornfully. “But later I’ll be jumping against the best. So I’m practising now, before you all come out on your little ponies.”

  Alice glanced at the sky. “But the storm seems to be closing in.”

  Seb shook his head. “I know the area,” he sneered. “I think I’ll be OK. Let’s hope circus boy makes his way back soon! He has some explaining to do.”

  Alice felt a flush of anger. “That’s not fair!” she hissed. “He didn’t take the ring.”

  Seb just raised an eyebrow. “You keep believing that, Alice.” Then he took Clea out to the arena and was soon soaring over the big showjumps.

  Alice went back to Secret to muck out and feed him. Moments later Secret gave a little whicker as Clea and Seb clattered past, heading down the drive.

  “Seb, are you sure you should be riding out?” Alice called, but her words were lost in the strong breeze that had whipped up again, swirling the shavings off her fork and dancing around the cobbles as the trees rustled and whispered. A low rumble of thunder echoed on the horizon.

  The air felt almost electric and the ponies shuffled in the stables as if sensing the atmosphere. The first drops of heavy hot rain started to fall, splashing on the yard faster and faster until the sky looked as though someone had turned a shower on. Seb had to be mad riding in this, Alice thought, expecting to see him turning back into the yard at any minute. But there was no sign of him, and from the shelter of Secret’s stable Alice watched as rivulets of water started to wash through the yard, the raindrops on the tiles above almost deafening. Sticking her hand out of the door, the force of the rain stung her palm. It was like nothing she’d ever seen.

  Alice thought back to their arrival. June had said something about the dip at the start of the drive, and how it became a ford if there was heavy rain. How fast does a flash flood happen? Alice thought, desperately trying to remember her geography lessons. Feeling panic grip her, she realised she
had to go and look for Finn again. He could be trapped or hurt somewhere, or worse. Then Secret looked up sharply as Alice heard the scrabble of hooves on the cobbles. Clea lurched into sight, her reins broken and her saddle to one side.

  Leaping forward, Alice grabbed the big warmblood’s trailing reins, quickly pulling her saddle off and leading her into her stable. The horse seemed fine, but where was Seb?

  Weighing up her options, and realising there was no time to waste, Alice quickly fastened Secret’s head collar on, grabbed her skullcap and led him out.

  She vaulted on to him, allowing herself a tiny moment of pride that she’d managed to do so. “Come on, boy, let’s go.”

  Nudging Secret with her heels, she winced as they rode into the deluge. The rain was warm but stung her eyes and bare arms and soaked through her clothes in seconds. There was no sign of Mathis or anyone else connected to the horses.

  Seb is probably on his way up the drive, she thought. Wet, but OK. She’d find him in just a minute. But as she rode down the drive, the streams cutting great swathes through the once dusty road, and the sound of water rushing in her ears, there was no sign of him. Heavy rain was still falling and Secret’s red mane was plastered to his strong neck. His ears were flat against his head, face tucked into his chest, but still he powered forward, listening to Alice. She pushed him into a trot, Secret’s strides eating up the ground.

  At first Alice couldn’t make anything out in the bubbling, swirling ford that marked the start of the long drive. The trickle of water that they had driven through on the day of their arrival was now a wide churning rush of murky water, and Alice wondered if it was being fed from a collapsed dam somewhere upstream. Then she gave a cry of horror. Seb was submerged in the deep water, his brown arms clinging to a spindly-looking sapling that hung over the water. Seeing Alice, he gave a panicked wail.

  “Help me!”

  For what seemed like forever Alice stared at Seb, her brain frozen. Then she shook herself. She had to do something. Gingerly she led Secret towards the water’s edge.


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