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Personal Best: Going for the Gold

Page 4

by Sean Michael

They got in and he managed to hold it together long enough to get into his bathroom, sweaty-sticky clothes dumped in the hamper and the shower started. The hot water felt good and he just slumped to the bottom of the tub, letting it hit him.

  Coach let Mike sit in there for a good long while before poking his head in. “Come on out, Mike. If you aren't feeling better by now, you're not going to.” There was a big, fluffy towel in Coach's hands.

  He held his hand up, let Coach get him upright, wincing a little. “I'm gonna be sore tomorrow."

  "Your stomach, chest and back muscles from all the heaving, yeah? I'll concentrate my massage on them.” Coach wrapped the towel around him, rubbing him down like he was a kid just out of the pool.

  "Oh, that slasher movie? So sucked. You didn't miss anything.” He stretched up, nose wrinkling as his muscles protested.

  "Are you an aficionado?” Coach asked, towel sliding down over his thighs.

  "Yeah, kinda. It's kind of cool, being scared, but not being scared."

  "I've never gotten the appeal myself.” Coach smiled up at him, gave him a wink. “You'll have to teach me how to watch them."

  He reached out, touched the end of Coach's nose. “The old monster movies are the best. Which movies do you like?"

  Coach gave Mike a soft smile, looking a touch distracted before standing and clearing his throat. “Shoot-'em-ups, comedies and, even if I'll deny it if you ever tell anyone, sappy romances."

  "Yeah? I like Practical Magic a lot. Have you seen it?"

  Coach thought a moment and nodded. “You know we have a DVD player, right? You can let me know if there's movies you want on hand, we've got an entertainment budget that goes largely unused."

  "An entertainment budget?” He'd been watching movies on his Playstation in his room. “Wow. I have some movies in my room, too."

  "Cool. It's not a lot, but it's for going out, which neither of us do, really. So we can pick up some DVDs without going broke."

  Coach wrapped the towel around his waist. “Now I can massage you in the spare room or down in the front room while you watch a movie or some tapes from the last couple Worlds and the Olympics."

  "I'm easy, Coach.” Easy and shaky and beginning to come down from the puking adrenaline that left him jittery and bitchy.

  "It's your birthday, I'd hate to make the choice for you, but if you really don't care, go on into the spare room. That's where the oil is."

  "Did we get any trick-or-treaters?” He wandered to the spare room, turning some music on as he went.

  "Yep. I gave them each a good scare and a box of Raisinettes.” Coach changed the radio to a classic rock station, turning it down low. The bottle of massage oil was pulled from the side table drawer and Coach started rubbing it between big hands to warm it up.

  "Cool. Raisinettes used to be my favorite.” He lay down on his belly, one leg pulled up to ease the cramps.

  "You don't want me to start with your stomach?” Coach asked, one hand sliding along his spine.

  "Oh. Okay.” That would work because he wasn't hard yet. Not yet. Mike flipped over, stretched.

  Coach poured oil into his hands and rubbed them together and then laid them on Mike's chest, massaging his pecs. “So aside from the puking, is it a good birthday?"

  "The movie was marginal, but Aunt Kathy called, put $500 in my bank account.” He kept his eyes closed. “So. Uh. Over winter break? What happens?"

  Kathy and Jerry were going to Germany to see their son, and he was sort of hoping Coach wouldn't make him move out during break. If he was going to be alone, he'd rather be here.

  "I hope you're not counting on a break, kid. Your training goes straight through.” Coach's hands slowly worked down to his stomach, not pressing in hard, just enough to warm and soothe his sore muscles.

  He couldn't stop the smile. “Oh. Cool. I was afraid you were going to send me to Dallas, and no one's going to be there. Sorta creepy for Christmas, yeah?"

  "You're not wanting time off to visit your family for Christmas? You'll have to come home with me."

  His eyes popped open. “I can't just stay here?"

  "Oh. Well, sure. This is your home, Mike. I just didn't think you'd want to be alone for all the holidays. I'll be in Houston for three days over Christmas. That's about as long as my folks can tolerate me."

  "I wouldn't horn in on your holiday, Coach. I wouldn't."

  Coach shrugged, fingers dancing on his belly. “You're an important part of my life, Mike. It wouldn't be horning in."

  "Mmm ... Maybe I'll ride down and visit you on Christmas proper, then go to Astroworld and ride rollercoasters."

  "Sure, kid. Whatever you want. ‘Course that's only three days, you're swimming the rest of the off-season."

  "I'll worry about it later. I could just sit and eat fudge and sugar cookies and watch cartoons."

  Coach chuckled. “I won't be here to rub your tummy if you make yourself sick, Mike.” Coach's fingers danced lower and then slid back up.

  "Mmm ... That would seriously suck, and not in the fun spanky way."

  That earned him a startled laugh and a big grin. “Come on, roll over and I'll do your back and shoulders and then go find your gift."

  He turned, feeling a hundred and ten percent better, ass wiggling a little to find the perfect spot.

  Coach groaned.

  He lifted his upper body, thighs parting as he turned. “Coach?"

  Coach bit back another groan and shook his head, cleared his throat. “Sorry, I ... Sorry."

  "Sorry?” He rolled up, hand sliding over Jessy's arm. “You okay?"

  "Just an old fool, kid.” Jessy's hand petted his gently.

  "Old fool? Who says so?” He frowned, moved closer, ready to defend his ... Jessy from the universe.

  "I do, kid.” Jessy's fingers slid along his cheek and then dropped. “I should find you your present. It's in my office somewhere safely out of sight."

  "You're not.” He shook his head, taking his life in his own hands and pushing into Coach's arms, holding them together.

  Jessy made a noise, hands sliding to hold him and then dropping. “If you don't let me go, I'm going to do something I probably shouldn't.” Jessy's voice was rough, harsh.

  "I'm not a kid, Jess.” He met those bright eyes, hands sliding over strong shoulders. “I know who I keep dreaming about, who I'm thinking about when I ... When I make myself ... You know."

  "I'm twice your age, Mike. I'm your coach. I...” Jessy shook his head, growled again, and then suddenly pressed their lips together, hands coming up to hold his head still as his mouth was plundered in a hungry kiss.

  He groaned, opened up, world just tilting. Oh. Oh, God. Yes. Please.

  Jessy pushed him back down onto the bed, the kiss going on and on, leaving him breathless.

  He wrapped his arms around Jessy's shoulders, legs around Jessy's waist. Fuck, it felt good.

  "I've wanted to do this since I first saw you slice through the water,” muttered Jessy, nipping at his lips.

  "Been dreaming about it for weeks, about you.” He was hard, embarrassingly so, cock rubbing between them.

  Jessy groaned, his hand dropping between them to wrap around his cock and tug on it.

  "Oh!” Mike bucked, hips driving hard. Oh, that felt—Oh. Oh. Yes. Please. Don't stop. Jessy.

  Jessy didn't, hand working him, mouth stealing his breath. It felt so good. So good and he couldn't not come, had to shoot, entire body convulsing with it.

  Jessy moaned into his mouth, kiss still hard even as his hand slowed, moving slickly, thumb sliding across his slit. Shivers rocked him, his cock staying hard, tongue sliding against Jessy's.

  "I want to fuck you, Mike."

  He nodded, moaning softly. He never had, but he wanted, he would let Jessy in.

  "Have you ever?” Jessy asked, reaching for the oil.

  "No.” It didn't matter. He trusted those hands.

  "I won't hurt you,” Jessy told him, hand warm on his stomach agai
n. “But if you want me to stop, you just say the word."

  "I will. I want you."

  "Oh, baby, I want you.” Oh, that sounded. Wow. Sexy. Fine. He cupped Jessy's jaw and moaned.

  Jessy brought their mouths together, swallowing the end of his moan in another kiss, hands laying him out, spreading his legs. He spread, trying not to feel awkward, trying to make sure Jessy knew he wanted.

  "It's easier if you're on your side,” Jessy told him, blue eyes serious but hot as hell as they gazed into his. “But I want to watch your face."

  "Oh. Oh, I want to see.” He wanted to know Jessy was seeing him.

  Jessy smiled. “Okay."

  Jessy coated his fingers with the oil and settled between Mike's legs, pushing them back toward his chest. His cock was hard, balls almost aching, heart just pounding. Those eyes held his, one hand sliding on his belly and up to tweak his nipples, distracting him as a single long, hot finger slid into his body.

  "Oh.” His eyes went wide, feeling the oddness, the slight pressure.

  "You're hot. Tight.” From the look on Jessy's face those were good things.

  He looked down his body, at his hard cock, Jessy's body between his legs.

  "Sexy, isn't it,” murmured Jessy, finger moving in and out of him, sliding and slick.

  "Yeah. Better than I dreamed."

  "Another finger now,” murmured Jessy, free hand still moving over him.

  He nodded, took a deep breath and relaxed.

  "That's it.” Another finger pushed in with the first and now it felt big, huge.

  "Oh. Full.” He met Jessy's eyes, moaning. “So big."

  Jessy leaned in to kiss him, fingers sliding deep, hitting something inside him that made pleasure shoot up his spine like an explosion. He bucked, a sharp cry leaving him. Jessy's fingers slid into that place inside him again, hot tongue pushing into his mouth.

  He didn't know what to do, how to move, everything huge inside him. Jessy seemed to know, fingers of one free hand sliding along his hip, brushing his cock.

  "Oh. Oh. I. Jess. I...” He wasn't scared, he was ... flying.

  Kisses peppered his face. “One more finger, baby."

  "More?” He nodded, chasing Jessy's mouth.

  Jessy nodded and licked at his lips. “Just one more."

  Then that one more was pushing in, opening him up. He groaned, blinking at the burn, the stretch that eased into an incredible heat, a fire.

  "You with me?” Jessy asked softly, fingers moving slowly.

  "H ... how could I ... How could I be anywhere else?” He met Jessy's eyes. “You're everywhere."

  Jessy groaned and dove in for a hard kiss, leaving him breathless as the long fingers hit that spot inside him again.

  His eyes rolled and he pulled his head back. “Gonna. Gonna, Jess. Soon."

  "Wait. I want to be inside you when you do.” Jessy's fingers slid away, leaving him empty.

  He panted, hands trembling, sliding over Jessy's skin.

  Jessy stood and stripped quickly, put on a condom, and slicked up the thick, long cock he'd revealed. Then Jessy was settled between his legs, pushing them wider apart.

  "What should I do?” Mike shifted, trembling. Needing.

  "Just relax and enjoy it."

  "Relax.” He nodded, chuckled. “I can do that."

  "Good.” Jessy smiled at him and then that thick cock was pushing against him, demanding he let it in.

  "Oh.” He gasped, legs shifting, the burn the biggest thing he'd ever felt.

  Jessy's hand wrapped around his prick, slowly pumping, giving him another sensation for him to focus on as that prick just kept pushing.

  "Full. Oh, damn. I ... It feels so big."

  "It is, baby. But you'll get used to it."

  He nodded, leaning up, burying his face in Jessy's throat, panting. Jessy moaned, licking at his skin, hips moving that cock inside him. His body eventually relaxed, eased, took Jessy in.

  "There you go, baby.” Jessy nuzzled his neck, holding still for a moment, seated deep inside.

  "Oh...” Mike stretched, took a deep breath. “Oh, Jessy. It's good."

  Jessy smiled at him. “Good, it's supposed to be."

  He was kissed and then Jessy started to move, cock sliding out and back in. He groaned, eyes closing, just feeling. Oh. Oh, wow. Soft kisses fell on his face, Jessy moving slowly, cock filling him over and over again. Eventually he began to move, rocking, meeting each thrust.

  Jessy groaned and that cock went deep, slid across that point inside him again, making the pleasure spark high.

  "Oh!” He went stiff, arched. “Jess!"

  "There we go,” murmured Jessy, moving harder, faster, rubbing that spot over and over again.

  Mike stretched up, reached up for the headboard, hips rocking furiously.

  "Oh fuck. Sexy.” Jessy pushed harder into him, hand working his cock.

  "I ... Oh.” He gasped, toes curling as he shot.

  "Mike!” Jessy cried out his name, cock throbbing inside him.

  The whole room spun and he just held on, panting, groaning.

  Jessy slid out of him, moaning and tying up the condom, getting rid of it. Then Jessy lay on him, letting him feel the heavy weight of his lover. His lover.

  Oh. Wow.


  Happy birthday to him.

  * * * *

  Jessy rested against Mike, face buried in the warm neck, breathing in the smells of sex and Mike.

  He floated without thinking for as long as he could, but eventually he rolled off with a groan, lying against the kid's side, hands stroking the warm skin.

  Christ, what had he done?

  Those brown eyes opened, met his. “You okay?"

  "I should be asking you that.” Jessy brushed the kid's hair off his forehead.

  "I'm good. Stomach's not hurting anymore.” He got a wink.

  He chuckled, thumb brushing across Mike's mouth. “You going to let this affect your training?” he asked. Because if it was, he was going to have to hand Mike over to someone else.

  And damn, he didn't want to do that.

  "No. You going to tell me this was all a mistake?"

  He shook his head. He couldn't do that, it felt too damned right. “It wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done. I'm your coach, I just crossed a huge line. But I'm not going to take it back. I don't want to."

  "Oh.” Those eyes lit up. “Yeah. My coach. I don't want to lose you."

  He tried to hide his disappointment. “You won't. I'll keep coaching you, I promise."

  He'd kind of hoped the kid would want a repeat of tonight. Well, more than just a repeat. But he could go with just coach.

  "Oh.” Mike pushed into his arms, kissing him hard, tongue sliding into his lips. “I thought you were going to tell me I couldn't love you and train with you at the same time."

  He beamed at the kid, could feel the smile literally pulling his cheeks. Funny how he'd worried the kid would only want him the one way, too. Pair of idiots. Probably more so because they were going to try to make both work.

  "This doesn't mean I'm letting up on your ass."

  "I didn't ask you to."

  "All right then. Happy birthday."

  "Thanks.” Those dark eyes were something else. “When's yours?"

  Jessy grinned. “January 1st. I hope we have a repeat of this before then."

  "A new year's baby, too cool.” Mike leaned in, rubbed their noses together.

  He chuckled and moved their lips together, breathing in Mike's scent, tongue sliding into Mike's mouth for a taste. He got a happy little purr, Mike cuddling into him, warm and close.

  He found the covers and tugged them up, snuggling with Mike, hands roaming over Mike's skin as they kissed. He knew these curves and dips, knew every part of Mike's body by sight—the kid was his swimmer—but now he was learning it by touch.

  "Oh, your hands. Wow.” Mike shivered, moving nice and slow, rubbing.

  "You've been fond of them from
the start.” And it made him feel warm inside, just like it had from the beginning.

  "They've been hot as all get out from the start."

  He purred, sliding one down to stroke Mike's cock. “Speaking of hot..."

  "Oh...” Mike blinked, took a deep breath. “Yeah."

  Oh, yeah, he'd forgotten the amazing recovery time of the young. He let his thumb slide across the top of Mike's cock, just dragging slowly and pressing in as it passed.

  "Jessy...” Mike's shoulders left the mattress, eyes huge.

  "Yeah, baby?” He nuzzled against Mike's cheek and neck, hand moving, thumb continuing to work that tip.

  "I. Oh. Oh. That's. Huge."

  "Yeah, you're not bad, kid.” He winked and then hid his grin in Mike's neck.

  "Just not bad?” Mike reached down, pinched his ass.

  His chuckle had a bit of a squeak in it. “Not bad at all."

  "How about good?” Another pinch, a little chuckle.

  "I don't know. I haven't tasted it yet.” God, the kid was cute when he pushed.

  And the needy little peep?


  Grinning, he moved down Mike's body. Lucky for him, he knew the kid was clean. Sometimes there were advantages to regular blood tests for the sponsors.

  "Jessy. Oh. Oh, I—” Those amazing abs jumped and jerked.

  He spent some time there, licking and tasting, nibbling at the shifting muscles. Teasing. Mike knew where he was ultimately headed. Mike relaxed, twisting a little, body begging.

  Moaning softly, he slid his tongue along the side of Mike's cock. Fuck, it was hot and felt like silk.

  "Oh. Oh, Jess. Soft. Your tongue's so soft."

  "And you're like liquid silk, baby.” He kept licking, loving the taste under his tongue, the hardness beneath that silk.

  "That makes me shiver inside, when you say that.” Mike's whisper was so quiet.

  "That's a good thing, baby.” He made sure he purred the moniker this time, nipped at the tip of Mike's cock.

  "Oh...” Mike rippled, arching for him, so fucking responsive.

  "Sweet.” He licked at the tip of Mike's cock, gathering the hot drops that formed there.

  Mike gasped, cock jerking, balls drawing up tight. He figured he'd better get his mouth around the kid's prick sooner rather than later if he was going to catch the main event, so he wrapped his lips around the tip and slowly went down on Mike.


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