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Personal Best: Going for the Gold

Page 10

by Sean Michael

"Oh...” He pushed back, riding the burn, the stretch. “More."

  "So hungry, baby.” Another finger pushed into him, spread him.

  "Yes ... Yes. You make me need.” His shoulders left the cushions, entire body rocking.

  "Gonna take care of your need, baby. Gonna fuck you so deep."

  "Please. Want to feel you.” He needed it, needed Jessy.

  Jessy purred, fingers sliding away, leaving him cold and empty. But only for a moment, then Jessy's cock was pushing into him, sliding deep. He bucked, taking Jessy deep, muscles going tight.

  "Oh, baby. Yes.” Jessy started fucking him right away, long, hard strokes that felt like Jessy was going for the gold.

  He nodded, bucking into the thrusts. “Jessy! Yes."

  Jessy just kept fucking him, eyes glittering down at him, watching him. Seeing him. Mike threw his head back, hips moving wildly, pushing them. Jessy growled, pushed into him again and again.

  He demanded, took, gave ... anything, as long as Jessy wouldn't stop. Jessy didn't stop, didn't slow down, just kept thrusting into him, filling him.

  "Yes.” He bucked, hands gripping Jessy's ass, pulling him deep.

  "Baby...” Jessy groaned, arms starting to shake.

  "Yes.” He squeezed, gripping Jessy's cock as hard as he could.

  Jessy cried out, jerking into him, filling him with seed. It was almost as good as his own orgasm, watching Jessy come. Those blue eyes went dark, sightless, reflecting his own face back at him. At last Jessy relaxed against him, seeming boneless.

  He held on tight, purring, the scent of sex heady and rich.


  * * * *

  Jessy had been watching Mike, waiting for the right time to test his theory about Mike's ... unique needs. And he'd been right. In spades. The look on Mike's face as he'd come, gasping for breath had been ... nothing short of amazing.

  It seemed he was as turned on by doing it and watching as Mike was by having it done.

  He'd ordered a collar a few weeks ago. Had it waiting upstairs, waiting for him to confirm what he knew. Waiting for Mike to be ready for him to know.

  They'd gone to UT for practice, eaten on their way back home. He turned to Mike as he unlocked the door. “I have something for you, baby."

  "For me?” Mike smiled, looking relaxed and happy, dark eyes shining.

  "Yeah. Well, I guess it's for both of us.” He winked. “Upstairs. In the bedroom."

  "Cool.” Mike had finally stopped sleeping in the little bedroom he'd started in, both of them using the room for storage.

  He stopped Mike, gave him a kiss. “I'll lock up and meet you in there."

  "'kay.” Mike bounced up the stairs, whistling Christmas carols, almost laughing.

  Jessy chuckled and locked the door, wondering if Mike would open the box on their bed. Wondering if Mike would know what the leather collar was for. He heard the water start running, Mike brushing his teeth, washing his hands. His water-baby. If the kid only had gills, he'd live in the water full-time.

  Grinning, Jessy headed up the stairs.

  The box had been moved, but not opened, Mike coming out of the bathroom half-dressed as Jessy walked in. “What's in the box, Jess?"

  "That's your gift, baby. Go on and open it. I hope you like it."

  "Early Christmas?” Mike bounced on the bed, opened it, one eyebrow lifting. “A dog collar?"

  He chuckled. “No, baby. It's not even a traditional slave collar. It's got one very specific purpose. You see how the closure is easy tighten, even easier release?"

  Mike played with it, nodding, frowning for a second, before those black eyes went wide.

  He grinned. “Exactly."

  Mike swallowed hard. “You. I. I. It'll be weird, doing it on purpose. Planning it.” Those fingers kept stroking the leather, petting it.

  "Will it?” He leaned in and licked at Mike's neck. “Or will it make it better? More exciting?"

  "I. Oh. I don't know.” Mike might not have known, but his body did, flushed and hot.

  "Put it on, baby.” His body knew, too, his cock growing hard in his pants.

  Mike's hands were shaking, sweaty, finally managing to get the collar around his neck.

  He reached over, slipped the leather end into the fastener. “You tighten it, baby."

  Mike tightened it a little, then a little more.

  Purring, Jessy went slowly to his knees, opening Mike's jeans and pulling them down. His lover's prick was hard, leaking. He looked up Mike's body, licking his lips, eyes on the collar.

  "Wh ... what do you want me to do?"

  "I'm going to suck you. What you do with the collar is up to you, baby.” He reached up and tugged on a nipple, licking at the tip of Mike's cock.

  "Oh...” Mike shifted, eyes going sultry, heavy-lidded, fingers playing with the collar.

  "Mmm ... so sexy, baby.” He licked again and then circled the head of Mike's cock, sucking.

  "Jessy...” Mike shifted, toes curling into the carpet, fingers tightening the collar, just a little.

  He hummed around Mike's cock, sliding down on it. Mike moaned and watched him, hips rocking up, pushing into his throat. He hummed, sucking harder, taking Mike in deep. Mike's head fell back, throat working, fingers tightening the collar again.

  His own head bobbed over Mike's cock, eyes glued to his lover's face, to the look on Mike's face.

  Mike's cheeks were pink, flushed, eyes huge and desperate. “G ... gonna. S ... s ... s ... soon."

  Yes. Yes, Mike. Do it. He hummed and pulled harder, fingers sliding up to tweak again at one hard, little nipple.

  Mike twisted his fingers in the collar, tightening it, hips jerking steadily.

  So hot. So sexy.

  Spunk filled his mouth, Mike relaxing back on the mattress, fingers sliding free. He swallowed Mike down completely, fingers reaching up to make sure the collar was loose. It was, Mike moaning and breathing easily.

  He kissed his way up Mike's body, his own prick hard, needy. Mike moaned, hands sliding up his arms.

  "So sexy, baby. I want you.” He pushed Mike's legs back, nudged that sweet hole with his cock.

  Mike nodded, spread, the collar still black against that long throat. He pushed in, moaning as Mike's tight heat swallowed him up.

  "Oh. Oh, yes.” Mike nodded, hips sliding and bucking, riding his cock.

  "Yes,” he growled, pushing hard.

  Mike took his hand, brought it up to the collar. “Please."

  He tightened the strap, making it snug. “Good? Or you need more, baby?"

  "Oh. Oh, more.” Mike's ass was so tight around him.

  He tightened the collar, watching as Mike started to fight for breath. He could feel it, around his cock, in Mike's muscles. He started to thrust, cock sliding slowly inside Mike's body as he watched his lover's dark eyes. Mike was lost in their lovemaking, moving, undulating, feeling.

  He reached out to tighten the collar a little bit more and then moved faster, harder. Mike groaned, hips grinding, eyes just rolling.

  "So sexy, baby,” he murmured, shifting slightly to find Mike's gland.

  Mike convulsed, hands reaching for headboard, lips moving, forming the word ‘more.” Groaning, he reached up to tighten the collar further, watching the pleasure in Mike's face. Mike jerked, body fighting for breath, ass milking him, the sensation maddening. He slid his fingers around one of Mike's nipples, tugging, pinching.

  Heat sprayed from Mike, entire body tight and hungry, flying. Roaring, he followed Mike over, jerking into that sweet body a few times before his seed pushed from him into Mike. He collapsed onto Mike, gasping, fingers hitting the quick release to free his lover's throat.

  Mike groaned, melting into the mattress. He slid out of the sweet heat and curled around his baby, stroking the fine skin.

  Mike cuddled into him. “Jess..."

  "Yeah, baby. That was pretty good, wasn't it?"

  "Uh-huh.” Mike nodded, just humming.

  He chuckled,
stroked Mike's skin. “Christ, that looks good on you, baby."

  "Hmm? What does?"

  "Pleasure, baby."

  Mike smiled, sliding and rubbing against him like a lazy cat. He stroked Mike, fingers moving over pleasure damp skin.

  "Love you...” Mike cuddled in, eyes blinking slow, still passion-drugged.

  "I love you, baby. Lots."

  Mike nodded, hand sliding over his waist.

  He held Mike close. The collar had definitely been a good idea.

  Now to see what his swimmer thought of all the plugs.

  Chapter Seven

  Wow. The US Open.


  He didn't belong here.

  Not yet.

  But Jessy insisted, so they got on a plane and signed up and shit and here he was.

  With famous guys.

  And he just knew he was going to get a cold. He could feel it in the back of his throat, in his joints.

  Maybe it was nerves.

  Maybe it was bad luck.

  Maybe it was fate saying he didn't belong here.

  Jessy's hands landed on his shoulders, rubbing. “You're not thinking about the wall, Mike."

  "How do you know?” How did he always know?

  Jessy chuckled. “Body language."

  "You know I can't beat these guys, right? You won't be upset?"

  "I don't want you to beat them. I want you to beat yourself."

  He chuckled at the thought. “Perv."

  Coach snorted. “Brat. Now you focus on the wall. I expect a lot of personal bests here, Mike. The US Open? This is where you push yourself to do your best."

  Mike nodded. Yeah. He knew. He also knew no cold meds, no sinus meds. No failing the drug tests. No caffeine. No chocolate. No pizza. No nothing.

  Not even sex.

  Or advanced snuggling.

  Why was he swimming again?

  Coach's breath was warm against his neck, his ear. “The wall, Mike.” The words were little more than a growl and he was given a slap across his ass.

  "Right.” He jumped, blushing dark. “Hardass."

  "You know it."

  Coach stayed with him, rubbing his shoulders, until they announced the first heat of the men's two hundred freestyle. “The wall, Mike."

  Mike nodded. “Yeah."

  He shrugged out of his jacket. The wall. Yeah. He could do that.

  The smell of the chlorine sort of eased him somehow, cleared his sinuses, and he got up on the blocks, lane three. Ready to swim.

  The buzzer sounded and he dove in. He pushed hard, forcing himself to give everything and then a little more. It was just a heat, but they only took the top two for the finals and...

  The wall, Mike.

  The fucking wall.

  He took the first turn and pushed on, focusing on it now, not thinking of anything except getting to the wall faster than he ever had before. He could hear Jessy's voice in his head, urging him on.

  Second turn. Third and home. Hit the wall. Do it. Come on. Fuck.

  He did, breathing so hard he couldn't even see, couldn't think.

  The crowd wasn't huge on this first day, but it made a lot of noise as he hit the last wall, popping up to look at the numbers. Holy fuck—he'd taken second place and a personal best at that.


  He'd made the finals.

  He pulled himself out of the water, Jason from the next lane clapping him on the back. “Great race, man."

  He found Coach, Jessy's face beaming at him. He was given two thumbs up, Coach staying back just a bit, letting him accept the congratulations of the other swimmers.

  Brandon, a veteran on the national team who'd taken first place, came up to him and shook his hand. “Good race, kid."

  "Thanks.” He blushed, nodded. “Congratulations."

  "You too, man. See you in the finals."

  Coach and Coach Samuels came up to him, each clapping him on a shoulder. He grinned, not sure exactly what to say, what to do, because, wow.

  Just wow.

  Coach laughed. “Well done, Mike. Let's go get your warm-up suit back on you. The 200 butterfly heats go in four hours and you need to be ready."

  Coach Samuels shook his head. “Give the kid a few minutes to celebrate, Jessy."

  "He can celebrate in his warm-up suit as well as he can without it. He's got a lot more racing to do in this meet."

  Mike grinned, got himself warm and cozy again, headphones back on, Coach's hand on his shoulder, leading him away from the crowds.

  They found a quiet corner and Coach smiled at him, blue eyes shining with love and pride. “That was amazing, Mike. You flew, just flew. If you'd not been distracted that first length, you might even have won it."

  He grinned, shook his head. “You always know."

  "It's my secret power.” Coach gave him a wink. “Once you got going, though, Mike, you were amazing. That congratulations from Brandon was well-deserved."

  "Thanks. Felt pretty good. Finals are tomorrow, right?” He didn't think he could fight the cold until Sunday night.

  "For the freestyle. Butterfly's not until Saturday. And if you make the 200 that'll be Sunday."

  "'kay.” He nodded. He'd just do his best and hold on.

  "This time next year you'll be doing six or seven races, but I think we made the right choice in letting you get your feet wet slowly on this.” He realized suddenly that Coach was practically bouncing.

  Mike grinned. “No more coffee for you."

  "It's not the caffeine, Mike, it's you. You're here. Doing it.” Coach gave him another grin and squeezed his shoulder. “I'm so proud of you."

  "Yeah? I did okay?” He shook his head. “It doesn't seem real."

  "Give it time. Besides, you need to race again, so not focusing on this one's a good idea. The wall.” Coach winked.

  "Right. The wall. What do you want to go do? We have four hours."

  "Sightsee, light meal, back to the hotel for a massage. Your choice, Mike."

  "I don't want to eat.” He'd throw up. “Massage sounds good."

  Coach nodded. “My magic hands are at your disposal."

  "Cool.” They headed up the stairs to the hotel. Coach had gotten them a room right next to the pool, nice and close.

  Coach stopped to ask the front desk for some yogurt and ginger ales to be delivered, and then that hand was back on his shoulder, guiding him to the elevators. The heat in the room was on, making everything toasty and cozy.

  Coach pulled the covers off the bed. “Strip."

  "Bossy.” He pulled his clothes off, sniffling a little, rubbing the end of his nose.

  "It's in the job description.” He got a wink and a look. “You need to eat right this week, Mike."

  "Huh?” How on earth could he eat better?

  "Lots of protein. Chicken soup. You're eating that yogurt, hungry or not."

  He wrinkled his nose. He could eat yogurt, but he didn't really like it.

  "You're not getting sick this year,” growled Coach, as if he could ward off the cold just through sheer will.

  "I'm not?” He stretched out on the bed, cuddling in.

  "Nope.” Jessy straddled his ass, fingers starting to work on his shoulders. “I'm not letting you."

  "Oh. Okay.” He moaned, relaxing into the mattress. “Good."

  "I know.” That was Coach, confident and sure.

  He nodded, eyes closing. “Gonna melt me."

  "That's the idea, relax you so you can go out there and find that wall."

  He nodded. “It felt good. The first race."

  "Yeah? You looked fantastic. Just flying. I saw some of the other coaches noticing you. They'll be watching you the rest of the Open."

  His eyes flew open. “Why? You ... You're not ... I mean, I don't want another coach."

  "Oh, I'm not planning on going anywhere, baby. But that doesn't mean someone won't make you an offer you can't refuse.” Jessy's hands kept working his muscles. “I don't think someone with a team
can give you the same kind of personal attention I can, but I'm not handing out cars or college educations either."

  "I...” He shook his head. “No. No, I want to be with you."

  "You should be with whoever's gonna support you the most, baby."

  Tension filled him, building from deep inside. Oh. Okay. He nodded, eyes closing again. What if ... What if this was Jessy's way of saying it was time to move on. What if Jessy saw someone else? What if...

  And Coach knew, just like he always did. “Baby, I am not planning on letting anyone be a better coach for you than me. I just need you to know that in the end that decision is yours."

  "No one will be. You ... You're my coach.” His lover. His heart.

  Jessy's mouth touched the back of his neck. “I am, baby. And more."

  "Yeah. You ... I love you, Jess. Nobody can offer better."

  "I'll make sure you never regret that, baby."

  "Never will.” He relaxed again, took a deep breath.

  Jessy nuzzled his neck a moment and then shifted down his body, fingers working the muscles of his ass. “Now I want you to focus on the wall."

  "Yeah. The wall. Right.” He nodded, really relaxing, not thinking, not worrying.

  "That's it, baby. Just enjoy it. Massage from your lover, swimming. What more could a guy ask for?"

  Mike grinned. “Pizza."

  Jessy laughed. “After the meet's over, baby."

  "Yeah. I did my personal best. I get pizza. Go me.” He chuckled. “Maybe ... maybe I'll make more than one final."

  "There's no reason you can't, baby.” Jessy was working his legs now, fingers pushing in. “But I want you thinking about the wall."

  "Right. Wall.” He spread, breath slowing, imagining himself in the water, heading for the wall.

  "That's it, baby. You can do it."

  He nodded. Yeah. Yeah, he could.


  Maybe he did belong here.

  * * * *

  Mike hadn't qualified for the butterfly, but he'd swum another personal best and Jessy figured this would light a fire under the kid's butt to work his least favorite stroke a little harder. Today's race was a final. The 200 freestyle. Mike had a chance. An honest-to-God fucking chance.

  Jessy was nervous as hell, rubbing Mike's shoulders, pretending to be calm and easy. “The wall,” he murmured, more for his own sake than Mike's this time out.


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