Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle

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Mail Order Bride 22 Book Boxed set: 22 Brides Ride West :CLEAN Western Historical Romance Series Bundle Page 43

by Faye Sonja

  Daniel dropped her bags on the floor. “Good night, Katherine.” He walked up to her and then brushed past her as he left.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  Daniel paused, but didn’t look back as he spoke. “Will you be joining me in my room tonight?” Katherine hesitated. Daniel spoke before she could speak. “Then goodnight.” He closed the door behind him. Katherine wanted to kick it. She wanted to kick him.

  She took a seat on the edge of the bed and sighed with frustration. Her wedding night was ruined. She took a look around the room that she assumed would be hers for some time, but not for long. Her face warmed when she remembered the question Daniel had asked her on the way to town. Would she give him children? She supposed she would. But not tonight. Not anytime soon.

  Standing, she took off her dress and then climbed into the bed. She put out of the lamp that Daniel had left burning on the nightstand and then let sleep overtake her. It had truly been a long day.

  * * *


  “Is the Dress for Your Husband?”








  “ She was going out west.

  The decision was made. ”


  Katherine woke the next morning, washed, dressed, and headed into the hallway. She looked down the hall at the only door that was closed. Slowly, she walked towards it. Was she allowed to go in? Was Daniel up? The sun was already high in the sky. She didn’t think he would be in bed. Still, there was only one way to know. She knocked. There was no answer.

  She placed her hands on the knob, turned, and pushed it open before her nerves could stop her. A large bed took up most of the room. The bed was empty. The sheets were wrinkled and had been pulled from the bed. Apparently, Daniel hadn’t slept all that well either.

  The room was of a nice size. Only the bed, an armoire, and a nightstand took up any space in it. Like downstairs, there was no decor on the walls. The home needed a woman’s touch. She closed the door as she left and started for the stairs.

  The main floor was empty as well. She was truly alone.

  Katherine went to the kitchen, ready to make a meal, but found nothing that she needed. There was no food. Where did Daniel eat?

  A knock sounded on a door by the kitchen.

  Katherine opened it. Faith was there and smiling brightly. “Who feels like doing a little shopping?”

  Katherine was surprised to see her. “I have no money.”

  Faith shook her head. “You don’t worry about that. Daniel is paying for everything.”

  Katherine shook her head as well. “I couldn’t let him do that.”

  Faith lifted a brow. “He’ll be awfully upset if you don’t. He’s your husband and provider. You’ll hurt the man’s pride.” Her green eyes flew open as she extended her skinny hand towards Katherine. Katherine took it and the two women were off.

  Outside, Katherine could hear men fast at work. Some of the ones who’d been at the wedding tipped their heads towards her. They called her ‘Mrs. Price’. It felt strange being addressed as anyone but Katherine Blake, but she supposed she’d get use to it.

  When she’d first got to town, she hadn’t been able to give Perry Lake a full once over, but now in broad daylight she could see everything. There wasn’t much. The town was a start up if anything, but as she looked around, she could easily imagine what it would look like in a few years. It would probably be as big as Kansas City.

  The first place Faith took Katherine to was the local hotel to eat breakfast. Eggs, hard cheese, bread, salted meat, and strong coffee. Once the meal was done, they were off to Faith’s shop.

  At the shop, Faith took Katherine’s measurements. There were women staring at her as it was being done. Some of Nancy’s followers were there.

  A tall blonde haired woman looked Katherine over. She was thin, but Katherine didn’t think she was very pretty. She had a long face and eyes that seemed to want to crawl out of her face. “Faith, are you sure you’ve got enough material for her?” The girls around her laughed. “I wouldn’t want you to run out before my dress is finished.”

  Katherine remembered her name then. Faith had told her the night before. Heather Baxter. The butcher’s oldest unmarried daughter. The others were married. Heather was twenty-five. Katherine didn’t have to ask why Daniel hadn’t married her. It was plain to see on her face. “Why, Heather? Is the dress for your husband?”

  Heather looked shocked. Katherine gave a mimicking shocked look as well. She then grinned. “Oh, that’s right. No one wants you.”

  “You’re finished.” Faith stood quickly, smiling harder than necessary. “I’ll have a few dresses made for you in no time and I know just the colors.” She then turned to Heather. The woman looked hurt. “Heather, is there anything I can do for you?”

  Heather just shook her head. There were tears in her eyes as she ran out. Her friends followed, giving Katherine a dirty look before they left. Katherine gave them one right back. No one would take a bite out of her without getting bitten back.

  “Was that really necessary?” Faith had her hands on her hips. Her glittering green eyes stared into Katherine’s. Katherine didn’t waver. “I will not stand around and let people insult me. I will not!” Katherine looked at her hands. They were shaking with anger.

  Faith reached out and took hold of them. “It doesn’t matter what they think, Kate. Trust me, I know.” Katherine watched a flicker of sadness flash in her eyes right before it was gone. Katherine squeezed Faith’s hands. Apparently, Katherine wasn’t the only one who took lashes from the women in town. “You’re right. I’ll have to learn to ignore them.”

  Faith squeezed her hand back. “We’ll ignore them together. Now, what else are we going to spend Daniel’s money on?” Faith was changing the subject. This made both women glad.

  That got Katherine thinking. She did need supplies for her house. There were no pots or pans. There’d been no food in the cabinets. Only a moment ago, Katherine had felt as though the day were dragging itself out, but now, Katherine felt as though she’d been wasting time.

  Faith smiled, knowingly. “Where to next?”

  * * *

  Katherine stood when Daniel walked through the door. She’d been in the living room, trying to read a book while the food cooked on the stove. Trying was the keyword in that sentence. All day, her mind can been focused on Daniel. Too often, she’d wondered after him. She’d visited the bank, only to be told that he wasn’t there.

  She’d had all day to cool down and think about their argument earlier. She didn’t know what had started it, but she no longer cared. Now, all she wanted was to start over, but one look at Daniel’s face told her that he felt the same.

  Daniel smelled the food in the air and his stomach turned. He was hungry. He’d been out visiting some of the farms of the men he’d lent money to. The crops were doing well. Daniel would surely make good on his investment.

  Seeing Katherine and smelling the savory smell in the air almost made Daniel smile. “What are you making?”

  Katherine crossed her arms. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  He walked toward her, placing his hat on a nearby chair. He ran his fingers through his short brown hair. He stopped once he was directly in front of her. Her blue eyes were looking at his. Not his scar. It was a first and he was sure it took her great effort not to look at it.

  She looked away then. “Are you hungry?”

  Daniel nodded his head, before he realized she couldn’t see it. “Yes ma’am.”

  Katherine smiled up at him then. Twin indents appeared on her face. Dimples. Daniel’s heart almost stopped. “Thank you for the gifts.”

  “My money is your money, Katherine. Take what you need.”

  Katherine turned away again. This time, a blush crept up her neck. She turned away and hurried towards the kitchen. “Take a seat. I’ll serve dinner.�

  Daniel didn’t have to be told twice. He took the seat facing the kitchen so he could watch her as she worked. Her eyes darted in his direction every now and then, but her hands stayed busy. She looked around then. There was a small pot of forbs, and wildflowers graced the table. There was a painting on the wall. Someone had been busy today. His busy little wife.

  Daniel smiled. He positioned an elbow on the table, leaned into his upturned palm, and just watched her.

  “You’re going to make me burn myself if you keep that up.”

  He laughed.

  Katherine jumped and twirled around to face him. Her dress and blond hair followed behind. The stunned look in her pale eyes only made Daniel laugh more. He hadn’t laughed in some time. Hadn’t had a reason to.

  She came over to the table with a bowl and a plate. He didn’t remember ever seeing the dishes, but he knew exactly what was in them. Chili in the bowl. Cornbread on the plate. He reached for a piece of the bread, but stopped when his hand was popped.

  His eyes went up to meet Katherine’s. Her lips were pouting in the most adorable way. “Grace first.”

  “Of course.” Daniel had almost forgot, lost in the smells of the food and the sight of the woman who’d prepared it.

  Katherine took a seat the other end of the table and Daniel was happy that the table was short. He wasn’t too far. If he wanted to, he could reach out and take her hand. But, that would be pushing it. Daniel wouldn’t push.

  Instead, his fingers folded together as he blessed the food. Once he was done, he lifted his head to Katherine. She gave him the slight nod of her head. Daniel grabbed his utensil and brought a spoonful of the warm and spicy concoction to his lips. The taste was amazing. He took a bite of the cornbread. Sweet, savory and moist. Katherine could indeed cook. “How’d you learn to make chili? They serve it out there in the east?”

  Katherine wiped her mouth with her napkin before she spoke. She was such a queen. “While I was in school, I had a friend who’s family was Spanish. They’d sent her east to receive a proper education. She spoke so highly of many of her meals that I invited her over to make some of them at my house. I fell in love with them instantly.”

  Daniel smiled. “So, what else can you make?”

  Katherine waved him off as she went back to her meal. “I guess you’ll just have to see.”

  “Can you bake as well?”

  “Don’t I look like I can bake?”

  Daniel’s eyes narrowed. The comment had been an insult to herself, and yet, she’d spoken them as though they were nothing. That didn’t sit well with him. “Katherine.”

  Katherine didn’t want to look at him, but the way he’d said her name. Her eyes looked up at Daniel. His brows were pulled together. He was angry. For a moment, Katherine thought he looked like a pirate from one of the books she’d read. The scar and the stare. His rage made him look wild. Savage. But why was he upset?

  “Don’t ever speak of yourself like that again.”

  Katherine narrowed her own eyes. “Why not? It’s what everyone is thinking.”

  “Not me.” His spoon hit the table. “I don’t think that way of you.”

  Katherine scoffed. She wouldn’t believe that.

  Daniel rose from the table then and walked over to her. He stood over her, glaring at her. Katherine’s neck was painfully straining to meet his eyes. When he decided to take a kneeled position before her, she then thought him to be too close, almost preferring straining her neck.

  There were many emotions going through him, but they were happening so quickly, Katherine wasn’t given the time to figure any of them out. He took her hands in his just then. They were rough and large. This was her first time touching his bare hand with hers.

  Katherine’s eyes lifted back to his just as he spoke. “Don’t you know how beautiful you are?”

  Katherine tried to pull her hands back, but Daniel wouldn’t let her. Instead, she simply turned her head. Tears began to build in her eyes. Why was he doing this to her? What wicked thing had she done to cause his teasing? “Please, let me go.”

  Daniel didn’t hesitate. He let her go then. “You don’t believe me.” His words had been a statement.

  Katherine wouldn’t return his eyes, but she knew he was still looking at her., his dark glare drilling into the side of her face.

  “Is my face so repulsive that you can’t bare to look at me?”

  Katherine quickly turned towards him then. Her eyes trying to read his face. There was still rage, but at the same time, there was touch of pain. It was the pain that bothered her the most. She never wanted to be the cause of his pain. Like she’d told Faith, she wanted to make Daniel happy. Pain, never. Pain was something he could find elsewhere, but not with her. Daniel was her husband. She was bound to him for life. In sickness and health. For richer or for poor. In times of happiness and in times of sorrow. But Katherine would try hard to not be the cause of his sorrow.

  She reached up and lightly touched the scar that ran down the left side of his face. Her fingers brushed over its edges. As she touched it, Katherine almost got a sense of what it must have been like to receive such a scar. The pain. The agony. The itch as it healed. The feeling was almost enough to make Katherine reach up to touch her own face, just to make sure she hadn’t received one of her own.

  But Daniel’s head turned then. He kissed her palm. Then, he closed his eyes and leaned his head into her hand to touch. He opened his eyes. “You have no idea.”

  Katherine’s words came out just above a whisper. “No idea about what?”

  His eyes narrowed. “How could you not know how beautiful you are?”

  Katherine stared down at him, truly searching his face. Her voice came back. There was pain underneath. “Maybe it’s because everyone has always told me differently.”

  “Then they were all blind.”

  Katherine smiled against her will, still rather upset. “You’re only saying that because I’m your wife.”

  Daniel’s hand came up and took hold of hers, but kept it against his cheek. “I vow to only tell you truths, Katherine.” His dark eyes were sincere and held raw emotion. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I don’t deserve you.”

  The tears that Katherine had been holding began a slow slide down her cheeks. She used her free hand to wipe the tears away. “You’re a liar.”

  “I only speak the truth,” Daniel didn’t move, but a smile began to spread across his lips. Katherine’s hand covered most of his scar. She was getting her first real glimpse of the man underneath it. Who would he be without it? Probably not with her. He was handsome. Too good looking.

  For purely selfish reasons, she was glad for the scar. Now Katherine felt little fear to love and keep him all to herself. She didn’t love him yet, but she knew she would. Daniel was starting to seem so easy to love. He was kind, gentle, and said the sweetest things Katherine had ever heard. How had he gone so long without a wife? She didn’t have answers, but she said a silent thanks to God for it. “Your chili is getting cold.”

  Daniel didn’t move for a moment. He was far too content where he was. He could stare up at Katherine this way for the rest of his life. Her hand in his. Her blue eyes sparkling, so pale that they could battle the moon. Her heavy dimples pointing at him. He didn’t deserve her. He didn’t deserve any of it. But he would take it. He wasn’t sure what he’d done to deserve such favor, but Daniel would count his blessings. The best one so far was Katherine’s smile.

  Daniel stood then. He walked over to his side of the table and resumed his meal, but his eyes never left Katherine.

  Katherine glanced up then. “You’re going to get your eyes locked that way if you keep staring at me.”

  “Yes ma’am,” he said with a smile. They both knew there was no such thing, but Daniel was happy to do whatever she told him to. Things were looking up.

  * * *


  “Won’t You Protect Me?”

br />   -






  “ She was going out west.

  The decision was made. ”


  “You’re not relaxed.” Daniel said with irritation.

  Katherine pointed the shotgun towards the earth. “I don’t understand why this lesson is necessary.” They’d been up since dawn. Daniel was determined to teach Katherine how to shoot before they moved to the wooded parts on the outskirts of town the next year. Daniel had brought her to the plot of land that was theirs. There was a clearing that had tall grass that was spotted in wildflowers. Behind it laid a wooded area that hid a portion of a long and cool creek. Katherine loved it the moment she saw it. She could immediately imagine raising her family here.

  They were currently standing under a pair of trees. The sun overhead broke through just enough to highlight their faces. A few yards away, sitting on a tall stump, sat a can Daniel had placed there for shooting practice. This was the fourth day she and Daniel had been out here and she had yet to try her hand at hitting a target. “This would be considered highly unladylike in the east.”

  “Were there coyotes in Pennsylvania?” Daniel came to stand in front of her and picked the gun up, pushing it back into an upright position in her hands.


  “Bobcats?” A dark brow lifted on his face.

  Katherine looked away. “I lived in the city. Of course, not.” She suspected Daniel was just trying to frighten her.

  “How about black bears?”


  Daniel’s eyes widened. “Really?”


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