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WindSwept Narrows: #23 Molly & Natasha

Page 15

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Jonathon vanished into the bathroom for a few minutes. He returned to see her folding things and placing them into the large case.

  “It doesn’t bother you to railroad me like this?” She was still frowning when he zipped the case closed and lifted it to the wheels on the floor.

  “Not at all. It’s all part of my executive training,” he told her with a wink, his hand reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket. He tapped his thumb over the surface and listened to the familiar voice. “Do you have someone watching Molly?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. Thanks, Cassidy.” He dropped the phone back in his pocket. He’d been watching her the whole time, the surprise on her face forcing him to pull in a long, slow breath.

  “Someone…you think someone’s watching my apartment,” she said without taking her gaze from his.

  “We’re pretty sure they’re watching you. Until we figure out why and how to stop it, Cassidy has someone watching you. Do you believe they’d kidnap you, Molly?”

  “I don’t know. I honestly don’t know what to think or believe. I…my reaction was…it put me right back there again and I was twelve, I think, when I realized what was going on with all the sections and kids. I honestly don’t know what they want from me,” she said for the tenth time since first seeing them.

  “I want you to go out just like normal. Take the employee underground and go to my room,” he handed her the room key. “I have the second one,” he said to her unasked question. “I want them to think you’re just making a visit to my room.”

  Molly nodded, her fingers wrapped around the key card. She found her jacket and lifted her pack from the table near the front door.

  Jonathon wasn’t sure what to expect. It was taking every ounce of his self-control to keep from wrapping himself close and going out with her. But he didn’t want them to see her case going with her and Cassidy was now watching the area around the parking lot. She was fairly certain they weren’t inside the gates, but not positive.

  That bothered him. It meant she wasn’t really safe from them anywhere on the grounds of the sections considered for employees only. But not safe from what? They couldn’t possibly believe they could just take a woman, a doctor, from her life and no one would notice. He waited, feeling every nerve ending in his body on edge until the phone rang.

  “They took the bait,” Cassidy said simply. “And we have his photo on the camera. She’s alright, Jon.”

  “Thanks,” he said, closing the phone and leaving the apartment for the resort. He had the code and entered the underground, following the well laid out signs. Until he saw her with his own eyes, he wasn’t taking chances. His knuckles were white against the black handle of the large suitcase and didn’t relax until the door to the suite closed firmly behind him and he saw Molly standing by the patio doors.

  Part of him had worried she’d run. Vanish on all of them this time. He didn’t doubt she had the ability and skills.

  Molly couldn’t remember the last time she felt so good just knowing someone was entering a room. Not just someone. Jonathon.

  She wasn’t sure who she expected to see come through the door. Her imagination was getting the best of her and it wasn’t all that grand a thing to happen right now. It took a few deep breaths before she could pull a smile to her lips. She was glad her hands were in the pockets of her jeans to keep them from showing the slight shaking.

  “Molly? Are you alright?” He wheeled the suitcase to the entrance to the bedroom before crossing to tug gently on her wrists. He slid his hands against hers, their fingers twining when she finally nodded. “You’re not a good liar. At least, not with me. It’s alright to not be okay. Maybe fall and let me catch you,” he suggested softly.

  “No…no, I’m pretty sure that’s a really bad idea.”

  “Is it my cologne? I can switch,” he prompted, tilting his head to capture the hesitant gaze and the tiny smile peeking through the other emotions. “I know how to make you smile.”

  “You seem very confident that…” she shook her head. “Just confident. Very confident.”

  “I’m sure you’re confident when you need to be, Molly. Or you wouldn’t be good with your patients,” Jonathon shrugged out of his jacket, draped it over one of the breakfast stools and pulled the tie free next. “How about that swim? We never got around to it the other day and I could use a good workout.”

  He realized how uneasy he was when she nodded quickly and pulled her jacket off, leaving it to rest on the sofa.

  “I’ll go grab my trunks. You said you had things in a locker?” Jonathon didn’t offer his help when she took the handle of the suitcase and wheeled it into the bedroom. “Molly, I can take the sofa if that’s what’s worrying you. This isn’t about holding you hostage for sex. I believe we have a good foundation for more than that, and it’s important to me.”

  Molly missed a step, recovered and licked her lips as she watched him go to the large bureau. “You really intend on talking a lot, don’t you?”

  “My first attempts at long term relationships were messed up because we thought keeping things from one another would make things smoother. It didn’t. It made things a mess because I spent too much time second guessing. I don’t want that with you. I don’t want misunderstandings or pretending either of us can mind read,” he toed off his shoes and tossed his socks into the basket. “I don’t know what you think I should be. I’m just a regular guy. I do laundry, I shop in grocery stores and I ride a bike. I’m not fighting the craziness of what I feel when I’m near you and I don’t want anything but open, honesty in our relationship. I don’t think you pick up guys every other day and I’m glad I was the one to get smacked with your wing.”

  “I’m never going to live that down,” Molly mumbled, taking a hasty step back as he approached. Problem was, the wall was in the way and she’d missed the doorway and was now trapped. And squirming.

  “Have I read your feelings wrong, Molly? Tell me…I don’t want you where you don’t want to be, even if it wouldn’t be pleasant for me to hear,” he admitted, his empty hand up to cup her chin seconds before his mouth lowered to cover hers. “I like being with you. I like talking and debating with you.” That was the word they agreed upon for their disagreements. “I like knowing you’ll spend time with me after a long day at work. I like the idea of sending you suggestive texts just to make you smile.”

  She gave him his answer when her palms pressed over his chest and wrapped around his neck. Her mouth opened and she stroked her tongue over his, tasting and seeking; taking his flavor into her senses when she deepened the kiss. No matter what, she wanted him imprinted so deeply she’d never forget their passion.

  Jonathon dropped the trunks to the floor. One hand slid to the long, slender neck; the other began by stroking over the small, firm breast, his thumb flicking at the hard pebble of a nipple pushing against her blouse. His hand released her breast only to find the small buttons and just how awkward he was with them.

  “Open them, Molly,” he ground out, his mouth pulled from hers and biting lightly along her jaw to her throat. “I’m a klutz and will rip your shirt if you don’t do it…”

  The sound of her little giggle seemed to only make his cock harder. And these slacks weren’t overly tight. Until he was around her. Then his temperature seemed to spike and so did his cock. As if reading his mind, she thrust her hips hard against him at the same time she parted the sides of her shirt.

  He took both sides and pushed it hastily over the edges of her shoulders and down, trapping her arms between her shirt and the wall and him. His hands moved to her jeans. The snap parted and zipper slid lower when he thrust one hand down the front of her panties. His palm felt rough compared to the softness of her stomach and mons.

  His groan echoed through the suite. She’d maneuvered her hands free and opened his shirt. Between her palms and nails raking down his chest and her lips following, control was fast becoming unknown to him. Gone was the suave, in-c
ontrol CEO. Here it was just him and Molly. And their needs. And right now he wanted her right here against the wall. Hard and fast.

  He scrambled for his pocket as she shoved his slacks down his legs. He wasn’t even sure when she’d managed to open the leather belt or the zipper. But suddenly, his cock was in her hand and a low, hungry groan was ripped from inside his chest. He was positive it began in the heavy balls she was caressing, delicately stroking them and his cock with both her hands.

  The foil packet was in his palm when he reached to haul her back from a position that had her tongue licking its way along his cock. He pushed her against the wall before he had the condom on.

  Next his hands worked the jeans she wore down, lifting one leg and freeing her foot from her shoe and then the pant leg. He stood up, one hand wrapped around one ankle and hitching it on his hip seconds before his mouth hungrily took hers again.

  But the hunger was mutual. She matched him, kiss for kiss, her groan low and vibrating through her throat when his hands cupped her behind and lifted her against the wall. Molly wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging while he positioned his cock and thrust. Both bodies seemed to go into a momentary shock, freezing and gulping for air at the same time.

  Why wasn’t he prepared for this sensation? Why was it so hot and sexy and more? More than he had words for in his very extensive vocabulary. Then she tilted her hips just a little, just enough to take more of him; to invite him deeper with a little sexy twist that scraped her bare mons against his pelvis. Hard and demanding. Tilting and rubbing over and over until he moved, thrusting just a bit at first.

  “Touch me, Jon…please…I need you…I want you…just you and me…no world messing with me…” she whispered against his mouth. A tiny, hungry little plea matched by the clenching pussy gripping his cock with pulses that rippled along the length of his cock buried inside her.

  He arched his back, raised her just a little and suckled one nipple through the skimpy lace and nylon. He pulled on it hard, biting down at the same time he felt her body reacting to all the sensations at once. Bracing her against the wall with one hand beneath her ass, the other fingers slipped between them to stroke over her clit at the same time his mouth worried her nipple.

  It was more than enough to pull a sharp cry from her before she screamed and bit down on his shoulder. Every muscle inside her pussy gripped him in a tight, unyielding fist; stroking and rippling repeatedly. He thrust into her a few more times before he surrendered and pushed into her hard and didn’t move. His cock exploded deep inside Molly, both his hands gripping her ass. If not for the wall, he was positive they’d both be on the floor.

  He felt her arms along his shoulders; her breath soft and warm against his throat in little, gasping pants. Evidently they’d both needed this more than they wanted to admit. He somehow made sure his feet were planted a little more solidly before raising his head and peering down into the partially open dark lashes.

  “Molly Fielding…how do you manage to kill my self-control so effectively?”

  “Hmm…I’ve never had sex against a wall before…what other firsts have you in mind for me, Jonathon?” She let her head loll to the side, the smile she offered warm and sated.

  “You make me feel like I’m seventeen and can’t wait for a bed…” he carefully withdrew and lowered her to the floor.

  “Is that a bad thing?” Molly asked, really glad the wall was behind her. The floor around them looked like a laundry basket gone mad.

  “I’m still trying to figure that one out,” he admitted, hands quickly fastening his slacks and striding to the bathroom.

  Molly looked down at herself and laughed. One shoe on, one off; one leg of her jeans off, one on and her panties dangling halfway down her thigh. She had everything but the shoe back in place when he walked in wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Memory of the mind numbing orgasm faded when she looked at him and thought about starting all over again.

  “It’s not so bad being seventeen,” she murmured, toeing off the last shoe and tossing the pair toward the bedroom door. She saw the look on his face and shrugged. “Ready to swim?”

  “No shoes?”

  “No point. It’s all inside from here. I didn’t bring my flip-flops. I might have a pair in my locker,” she looked down as he retrieved the trunks that had been dropped when the moment took them. Molly let her gaze ride over the firm behind and long legs as he bent over.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m going to test the seventeen thing, Molly,” Jonathon slipped the key card into the front pocket on his jeans and gripped her palm with his free hand. “Water, lady. Lots of water and swimming. I might hit the gym while you swim.”

  Molly sighed. “Okay. That’ll be nice. I’m in need of a long workout. You’ve thrown my schedule off. This whole thing was not part of my plan for the rest of the year.”

  “Do tell,” Jonathon grinned down at her, realizing how much smaller she was without boots on. He caught sight of a set of brilliant lime green toe nails as she walked at his side and the grin broadened.

  “I don’t think you’re taking this seriously. Whatever they’re after, it’s enough for them to have someone watch me. Doesn’t that tell you that it’s more than a little on the crazy side?” Molly crossed her arms beneath her breasts, bare toes tapping as the elevator opened for them. “And the thing is, I’m not going to be able to figure out what they want with all you people swarming around me.”

  “Excuse me?” Jonathon’s hand whipped out just as she stepped into the elevator, his hand coming up empty. “Molly, do not even think about putting yourself out there to pick their brains.”

  “I know I didn’t react quite in an adult fashion when they first confronted me,” she said carefully, thinking her way through what she wanted to say. “I should have been cool and calm. I should have lured them in and…eeep!”

  The large hand that suddenly circled her neck from behind had closed and lifted slightly. Her focus came off the floor to meet a pair of intensely silver eyes less than an inch from hers.

  “You…should allow professionals to handle this, whatever it is,” Jonathon said very softly, his words whispering across her cheek. “Do I have your attention, Molly?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was hushed.

  “And am I hurting you?”

  “Umm…no…no…just…I prefer to be on the floor…”

  “Then you’re going to forget the idea of drawing these people anywhere, do you understand me? You will not put yourself in their hands just to pull out information,” he slowly opened his fingers, his palm stroking along her shoulder and down her arm to twine their hands together. “Let’s go.”

  “I don’t think that was a very democratic method for handling a situation, Jonathon,” Molly glared at the look he leveled upon her. “Frown at me all you want. I can’t fix this without information.”

  “You want me to have high blood pressure, don’t you?” He stepped onto the moving walkway beneath the resort and wedged her against the rail.

  “Of course not. That’s silly. You’re much more sturdy than that,” she told him, her mind wandering to being held against the wall for mind-blowing sex. “Much more sturdy than that,” she repeated with a little sigh. “Someone is watching me, aren’t they?”

  Jonathon considered lying to her. “Cassidy has extra patrols in the vicinity where you happen to be at the time,” he answered carefully.

  “You didn’t want to tell me.”

  “I don’t want you thinking about it and that sounds dumb, because it’s too big a part of your past to forget,” his fingers tightened as they walked toward the double glass doors of the workout area. “I don’t know about other guys, Molly, but I want to protect you from it. I want to see you laughing and happy. You’re cute and damn sexy, but the circles beneath your eyes don’t go with your hair,” he teased, laughing when he managed to coax a smile. After she stuck her tongue out at him. He leaned in close enough for only her to hear. “I’ll let you u
se that tongue later.”

  Molly couldn’t stop the bubble of laughter, her head shaking as she went into the ladies locker room. She took a quick peek over her shoulder at the taut jeans striding into the room with the workout machines. And he was hers, she mused, catching a glimpse of women working out who were checking him over before she went into the locker room and changed into her swimsuit.

  She was on her fifth lap when she caught a quick glimpse of people entering. They moved to the area with tables and small pools for children, the laughter and giggles making her smile as she swam. Her gaze fell on the myriad of lights that illuminated the area, giving it the illusion of sunshine and her brain began to perk.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning, Catherine Jenkins had signed off on the travel paperwork that would send Tasha Banks off to Utah when the odd alarm began echoing through the large, open office space that was security. All heads were up, faces turned toward the far corner when they pinpointed the direction.

  “What the hell is that?” Cassidy came from her office, long silver ponytail swinging behind her.

  Shelly moved one of the padded cups from one ear and cocked her head to the side. “That’s Perry’s alarm. Means someone’s planted some electronics in one of the housing units.”

  Cat exchanged looks with Cassidy before both headed toward Perry’s desk. They watched his hands going over the keyboard, images of the housing area flying past on the four large monitors in his space.

  “Where is it, Perry?” Cassidy asked calmly, even though she had an idea what the answer would be.

  “Working on that part,” the young man murmured, thin lips pulled into a frown. “Got it almost…Dr. Fielding’s unit,” he answered with a nod, gesturing to another screen where he had a layout of the apartment and the exact locations of the devices.


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