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Page 5

by Michelle Hoppe

  “You said your plan was to sleep. I see no reason to sit around here exposed and cold while you snore.”

  “There is no need for you to be cold; simply return to the bed and I will warm you. Now take off the shirt, Milady.”

  “I will not. I am not your slave and I do as I please.”

  His voice was low and controlled, which surprised her. “If I thought you jakara, you'd still be chained to the table in the dungeon. I would have applied smelling salts to revive you, then continued with the whipping, the beating you so richly deserved, until you begged for mercy.”

  “How do I know you didn't already do so? I have no memory of what happened when you returned to your torture chamber. The pain in my back makes me believe you beat me for days.”

  “If I had beaten you for days, Milady, you would not now be standing there arguing with me. If I had beaten you for even an hour, you would know what real pain is and would never dare question my authority again. Perhaps we should return to the dungeon and put this discussion to rest.”

  “I will pass on that pleasure, Milord. As you have stated you wish to sleep, and as I assume the door is locked, I will simply sit by the window and watch the sunrise.”

  “Very nice thought, Milady. However, I believe you will take off the shirt and return to this bed now. I have no further desire to sleep after this conversation.”

  “Don't allow my presence to sway you from slumber, Thomas; I will be fine sitting here.”

  His laughter startled her. “You have spent weeks tempting me with your body. You have defied me at every turn for days now. This is what you wanted, Elizabeth. I'm giving in to your desire. I have no craving to dominate you at the moment; I want only to slake my need for release.”

  “Perhaps you'd best call for your slave girl then. Unlike you, I have no desire for sex after events of recent days.” Elizabeth pulled the shirt tighter around her body and walked to the window seat. Dropping onto the softly padded bench she gazed out over the landscape. She heard Thomas throw back the bed covering and his feet hit the floor. He was coming for her and fear gripped her body. Oh God, you idiot! Why did you push him again? She steeled her nerves to be swept back to the depths of the castle.

  Elizabeth was lifted easily off the bench and carried toward the bed. Surprise registered at the fact no silent beam had transported her back to the dungeon. His arms were strong as he held her close to his chest. She could feel the warmth of his skin on hers. His scent filled her nostrils as she breathed deeply in anticipation of his arrival at the bed.

  As they reached the edge of the bed, Thomas set her on her feet, grabbed the front of the shirt and ripped it from her frame. Quickly capturing her again, he lifted her high in the air and dumped her onto the soft folds of the bedding. Towering over her, he smiled, his tongue licking his lips in expectation.

  Trying hard to avoid his eyes, Elizabeth boldly attempted to forestall his next move. “Sir, I know I have tempted you, I know it was likely my fault you felt compelled to whip me, and I apologize for both. 'Twas a mistake on my part and while I feel somewhat contrite at the moment, I truly have lost all desire to be bedded by you.”

  The roar of laughter shook the room. “Sweet Elizabeth, do you honestly believe you can turn me off like a switch? You have done all in your power to put yourself in my bed and now you claim to have lost your yearning for my cock inside you. I hesitate to call you a liar, Milady. However, if the shoe fits…”

  Pushing herself to a sitting position, she stared into his eyes. “You drove all desire from my body with your toys and torture, Milord. It is too late for us.”

  Moving quickly, Thomas' hands slapped down on the bed next to her as his knee hit the mattress. He climbed into the bed, crawling close over her swiftly retreating body. She was unable to do more than lay back as he moved on top of her. “Thomas, please. This is no longer what I want.”

  He didn't seem to hear her as his lips locking over hers made it impossible to continue her protest. She felt his tongue sliding deeply into her mouth as he tried to take control of her mouth. All thoughts of struggle left her mind as she gave in to the warmth of his kiss. She felt his hand go under her head as he lifted her in his arms and shifted her body under him.

  Desire exploded within Elizabeth as his tongue ravaged her mouth. Unable to stop, Elizabeth returned his kiss, her arms sliding over his neck; she pulled him onto her body. Allowing the warm skin of his chest to press on her breasts, as his cock bore down on her thigh, he continued to raze her mouth.

  His body settled atop hers. As she opened her mouth wider, allowing his tongue deeper access, she tasted his sweetness. Her hands moved to his shoulders, stroking his skin, before raking her fingernails down his spine.

  She felt his body shudder as her nails drew circles over his skin. He moved to reposition his cock between her legs, his body lifted slightly to allow his rod to lay flat on her leg as he slid up and down, caressing her inner thigh with his shaft. The kiss deepened as she sucked his tongue into her mouth, her breasts pushed tightly against his chest. Their bodies moved in rhythm, growing hotter with each passing second.

  Without hesitation, Elizabeth allowed herself to surrender to the heat he created inside. Her protests died when his fingers trailed down her body to guide his cock into her folds. As his rod slammed deep into her being, Lady Elizabeth Cowen gave herself up to his need.

  Chapter 19

  The servant quietly left the room, having delivered breakfast to Lord Anthony's suite; there was nothing else to be done at the moment. Chantelle moved from the bed to sit at the table. Although now allowed to wear clothes, she was more comfortable being naked, so she chose to remain nude while they dined.

  Anthony exited the dressing room and walked toward her. “You are a beautiful woman, my pet.”

  “And you are too kind, Milord.”

  She felt his hand come to rest on her shoulder and turned her face up to meet his descending lips. He tasted so sweet; she wanted to linger with his tongue in her mouth. Anthony, however, released her lips and moved to sit across the table from her.

  Lifting a napkin and shaking it once, he dropped it into his lap. Taking the spoon from the serving dish, he scooped large amounts of eggs onto his plate. “I am starving, Milady. I think you successfully sucked all the jizzum from my balls last eve and I need to rebuild my strength before we return to the exploration of each other's sweet spots.”

  A soft laugh escaped her lips. “I find that hard to believe, Milord. You seem to be voracious, an exceptional lover, and don't even get me started on the way you control your cock.”

  “You enjoyed yourself then?”

  “If all men could do as you did last night, women would spend every waking moment naked, in bed, and panting for them.”

  Loud, long laughter followed this statement. “You are too kind my dear, now eat.”

  “Yes, Milord.” Chantelle lifted the lid from the bacon server and placed several pieces on his plate before adding some to her own. Once they each had food on their plates, she picked up a fork and took her first bite. After hours of intercourse, the nourishment was needed, so she ate in silence, while Anthony did the same.

  The meal finished, Hart pushed his chair back and stood. “I believe a stroll in the garden this morning would be good. Fresh air and a crisp breeze to rejuvenate our bodies. What say you, Milady?”

  A pout settled on her lips. “I will need to don clothes then, Milord.”

  “So, we will send a servant to Wolfe's quarters to gather your things.”

  “Anthony, I have no clothing for a servant to fetch.”

  Surprise registered on his face. “None at all?”


  “By God, then you will follow me to Elizabeth's chamber. That lady has more clothing than three women need. You will pick a few items for now, and when we return from our walk the seamstress will be waiting to begin a wardrobe for you.”

  Like a child anticipating a new toy, Chantelle ju
mped at the chance to raid Lady Elizabeth's closet. “Are you sure the lady will not mind, Milord?”

  “As if it matters to me, Milady. I paid for every item she wears. Therefore it is mine to use or give as I see fit. Do you not agree?”

  Unwilling to argue the point with him for fear she would change his mind, Chantelle gave in to her desire for clothes. “I agree.”

  “Good, then follow me and we will find you something to cover your nakedness.” Smiling, he added, “Temporarily at least.”

  Laughing, Chantelle followed Lord Hart out the door and down the hall to Lady Elizabeth's chambers, where they proceeded to spend a great deal of time going through the hundreds of dresses hanging in her closet.

  Having decided on several outfits, a servant was dispatched to Anthony's quarters with all but one of the dresses. This final dress now graced the sensual curves of Chantelle as she spun in circles for Lord Hart's approval.

  “You look good enough to eat, my pet. Shall we see what delights the garden holds?”

  “I am at your command, Milord.”

  “As you should be, sweet girl. For now, however, it's walking and talking I have in mind.”

  Holding the sides of her new dress, Chantelle curtsied. “Your pleasure is my desire, Milord.” Laughing as Hart took her by the hand, they ran down the hall, and burst out the front door. With bodies close and heads together, they headed to the garden and were not seen again for several hours.

  Chapter 20

  Thomas felt her surrender, as she dragged her long nails down his back and sucked his tongue into her mouth. He allowed her to take control of the moment, his desire for release overpowering his dominant nature.

  His cock slid easily into her pussy, wet and warm with nectar. Starting slow, he pumped deep, letting her muscles grab tight, as she moved her hips to help him slide into her depth. He gave up all thought to the feel of his rod encased in her honey.

  Their movements became rhythmic, his body sliding up as her hips lifted to meet him. Steadily increasing the dance, he continued to pump his cock in and out. As sweat coated his skin, her moans grew louder.

  “Oh yes, harder!” she cried as the heat rose to encase them. “Close, so close.”

  Slowly he pushed himself up on his hands, his body at an angle, hovering over her. Looking into her eyes, he watched the soft lines of her face as the orgasm started to take control, the hazy look in her eyes, as her head pulled backwards, lips opened wide, the scream of pleasure rumbling up from deep in her chest, her breath coming in short shallow gasps.

  “Cum for me.”

  Her muscles grabbed tightly and his cock was held in a vice grip, as she arched her back, slamming her hips up into his driving rod. Pulsing against him tightly, her honey flowed, hot over his shaft. Wave after wave of cum, poured over him, her pussy pulsating as he slowed his movements to a stop. Lowering his mouth to take her lips, he nibbled lightly as she continued to tremble.

  She lay beneath him, her body settling into a relaxed dream state. Thomas took the opportunity to study her features: the soft pink of her cheeks, the ruby red of her lips and the soft curls of damp hair lying on her forehead. She was a beautiful woman. Her body was more than tempting; it was made to be fucked.

  As he studied her in silence, she opened her eyes to look into his. “More, please.”

  “Still issuing commands, my dear?”

  “Always. It's in my nature, Thomas. I cannot be submissive. Take me as I am and I will show you the heights of ecstasy. 'Tis all I can offer.”

  He moved his hips once again. “Show me, Milady.”

  Thomas was surprised by the speed with which she took control. Her body moved quickly as she attempted to roll sideways without losing his cock. Helping to make the transition, he held her as they changed positions. Thomas was now resting on his back, with her body lying on top of his, all accomplished without his shaft leaving her pussy.

  “Now Milord, I will show you what it means to have a partner in bed.”

  “I am your willing pupil, Elizabeth.”

  Pulling her knees up against his sides, she lifted her body straight up off his cock. Allowing only the very tip to remain inside, she held that position for a moment before letting her body slam back down hard. His cock was driven deep into her vagina, still wet from her recent orgasm. He felt it hit hard against her walls, and her muscles, like teeth, seized his rod tightly. He'd heard the expression Her pussy has teeth; he'd just never met a woman who had such control of her muscles.

  Her body moved in easy strokes. On each descent, his cock was sucked hard against her walls, held there tightly as she pulled up again. The blood started to pound in his cock and he felt himself slipping into a deep void of pleasure. Hot cum moved from his balls, up his shaft, waiting for the moment of release. He was unable to control the mounting need for climax. “What exquisite torture, Milady.” He caught his breath, as she slammed down hard to silence him. “Unless you wish to end this quickly, I suggest you stop for a moment. I am losing control.”

  “Shhh, Milord. It's your cum I want. It's your surrender I need. Cum Thomas, give me everything you have.”

  “God, woman!” Her voice was hypnotic. Her pussy became tighter; it felt like she was devouring him.

  “Now, Thomas, cum for me!”

  He heard the scream of her demand and was powerless to do other then as she ordered. Hot jizzum flowed from his cock, coating her pussy and making it harder for her muscles to grab tightly. She continued to ride his cock, eliciting groans of pleasure-pain from him. The pulsing increased as she refused to halt.

  “Elizabeth, you're killing me, stop!”

  Her movements slowed, rocking back and forth, his rod no longer slid in and out of her hot folds. His cock pumped dry of cum, grew limp inside her.

  Chapter 21

  Elizabeth rolled off his chest, allowing his now flaccid cock to slide from between her legs. Hot, sticky cum coated her inner thighs and her pussy still pulsed from the orgasm she achieved at the same time as his. She doubted he was even aware she had cum.

  “That was wonderful.”

  She turned on her side to face him. Resting her head in her upturned hand, she looked at his closed eyes. “I'm glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Pussy with teeth!”


  “It's something I heard years ago. There are men who claim some women have pussies with teeth. The way their muscles grab hold of a cock and suck it against their insides. I never knew it was true until now.”

  Elizabeth felt the laughter start. She tried to stifle it, only to find that its need for release was almost as strong as when her body wanted an orgasm. “I've never heard it described in quite that fashion, Milord. I will have to remember that.”

  “Laugh if you like, lady, for the moment I recover it is I who will once again be in control.”

  “Perhaps that is the case, Thomas. For now though you will admit you are at my mercy.” She leaned into his body and took his nipple between her teeth. Clamping softly, she started to apply pressure.


  More pressure.

  “Damn it, woman! That is starting to hurt.”

  She moved quickly as she took his cock in her hand and pulled, her teeth continued to apply increasing pressure on his nipple. Between clenched teeth, she issued her command, “I suggest you lie very still Lord Wolfe.

  “What is this?” His voice held no humor.

  Elizabeth ignored his question as she started to suck his nipple with force. She could feel his body tense, yet knew he would take care as long as she held his rod in her hand. Any sudden movement on his part might cause a great deal of pain. Relishing the control she now had, she released his reddened nipple and looked into his eyes. “Your dominant personality is a ploy, Milord.”

  “Release my cock, lady, and we shall see who is dominant.”

  “You're such a fool, Thomas. With one hand and applied pressure, I can keep you still. Do you not agree?”
br />   “Oh I agree that as long as you hold my cock in your hand I will remain motionless. What you need ask yourself, dear lady, is what happens when you let go?”

  “I'm sure you will try to punish me for my boldness. Truly though, do you mind such boldness?”

  “Truly, do you enjoy taking such risk?” he countered.

  Elizabeth relinquished her hold at the same time pushing herself to a sitting position. “If taking a risk achieves my goal, then, yes Sir, I will risk much.”

  Following her lead, Wolfe also sat, legs crossed and facing her. “What is your goal, Milady, and why am I part of it?”

  “Perhaps you cannot conceive of my desire to remain a free woman, someone who shares her life with a partner she loves with all her heart. I want that, Thomas.”

  “A partner?”

  “Yes, damn it. I am no jakara, to sit meekly at the foot of a man and serve without question, to give over control of my body to a man, even one I may love deeply. I want more.”

  “And you have chosen me as the man you want more with?”

  “No, I have chosen you as the man I want to explore such a life with. I have no knowledge of whether we are compatible outside the bedroom. I do know that unless you are willing to try on terms of equality, then we have no future at all. If, however, you are willing to take a risk, I think we can achieve new heights of ecstasy in a lasting love.”

  “So you would have me give up knighthood and join you as a free man?”

  Laughing, Elizabeth felt him starting to yield. “No, Milord, I would have you fight Lord Hart for the right to be both.”

  “And you believe Anthony will simply rewrite the laws of the land to please you and me?”

  “What I believe, Sir, is that if you never venture to find out, you will never know. I for one think 'tis worth a try.”

  She watched as Thomas played with the idea. His face revealed little of his thoughts. However, she remained silent to let him consider her words.

  “You win, lady. I will approach Lord Hart on the morrow to discover if there be a way to overcome the rules that govern our lives. If I am successful, we will see where this journey leads us.”


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