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Page 42

by Lisanne Norman

  Her artfulness was almost having the desired effect, probably would have had it not been for Carrie. None too gently he pushed her away, annoyed with himself even though he knew full well that his present vulnerability was not something he could control.

  “You’ve seen me. Now it’s time for you to leave. Where’s your escort? You didn’t come alone, I hope.”

  “I don’t want to leave, Kusac,” she said, reaching out for him again. “Surely we can spend a little time together? After all, it has been a year since I last saw you.”

  He brushed her aside. “Leave me alone, Rala. It’s time for you to go.”

  She turned with a flounce, her long split-paneled skirt flaring around her. “How dare you treat me like this!” Her voice had risen in pitch with her anger. “I’m your future wife: I have rights, you know! One of them is the right to see you when I desire it!”

  “You have no rights over me yet,” he said coldly. “And you certainly would never have the right to walk into my guild and demand my presence when I’m with my Leska!”

  Rala made a spitting sound of contempt, a look of fury creasing her face. Her ears lay flat and flicked backward. “Your alien! She’s nothing, not a real Leska,” she said contemptuously. “I won’t be second to her, I warn you!”

  Despite his shield Kusac could feel her anger and hatred of Carrie.

  “My Leska is none of your concern,” he snapped, his own temper rising.

  “When you prefer her company to mine, she is! How dare you be seen around Valsgarth with her when your first duty is to contact me!” Her tail began to move from side to side in small, angry jerks.

  “What I do with my time is my affair.” His voice was a snarl now. “How dare you come here, where you have no right to be, and purposely use your tantrums to manipulate people! Even though you aren’t a telepath, it doesn’t excuse you from exercising self-control when mixing with us!”

  Her eyes narrowed and with an obvious effort, she stilled her tail and relaxed her ears.

  “I’m sorry, Kusac,” she said, keeping her eyes lowered. “I just wanted to see you so much. I needed to know that nothing had changed between us.” Her hands plucked nervously at the edge of one of the panels of her robe, and she returned hesitantly to his side, her eyes looking up at him through long lashes.

  He stared at her for a moment, hardly crediting her duplicity.

  “You planned this down to the minute, didn’t you?” he said, his voice barely audible as his anger mounted. “You must have buzzed the office earlier in the day to find out.”

  Real fear crossed her face briefly. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, looking him squarely in the eyes as she tried to brazen it out.

  Kusac reached for her with one hand and wrenched the door open behind him. “You’re leaving now,” he said, his voice cold with rage as he pulled her toward him. “Your little plan failed, Rala. Did you really think you could compete with my Leska? That you could seduce me that easily? You’ll not force me into this marriage by claiming I mated with you and made you pregnant! I don’t want this marriage at all!”

  He pushed her through the door ahead of him, ignoring her loud protestations of innocence as he hauled her back up the corridor.

  Outside the office, Meral and Sevrin waited, the signs of a hurried summons evident in their dress which they were still adjusting.

  Kusac pushed Rala toward them. “Get her out of my sight,” he said. “If she hasn’t an aircar and a companion outside, get one of the females from the office to accompany you both and escort her home. The Gods help us, she’s the daughter of a Clan Leader and technically betrothed to me; she must be properly escorted.”

  Sevrin caught her as she stumbled against him.

  “I won’t forget this, Kusac. You’ll pay for this!” Her voice was a hiss of venom.

  Kusac turned his back on her and opened the office door as his two bodyguards escorted her outside. He shut the door quietly behind him.

  The night staff stood in a huddle next to the desk. They looked toward him as he entered.

  “Liegen, our apologies for this incident,” said the Guild Mother, stepping forward. “The fault is mine. I should have sent her home as soon as she arrived.”

  Kusac shook his head. “You could no more have controlled her than I could,” he said tiredly. “She may not be Talented, but she does know how to project her moods so she can get what she wants.”

  The older female hesitated before continuing. “I’m afraid we couldn’t help but be aware of some of your discussion,” she said apologetically, ears and tail flicking in embarrassment. “This incident has made us realize that Rala has developed her ability to project her thoughts despite the fact that when she was tested as a child, we could find no Talent worth training. The shielding in the interview rooms was just not adequate to contain her. If you wish, we can all vouch for the fact that you were only alone for a few minutes.”

  “I hope it won’t be necessary, but thank you,” he said, distinctly aware that if they had followed the discussion, then there was a strong likelihood that it had disturbed Carrie too. He reached for her through their Link but could sense nothing beyond her presence. “I’ve sent Rala home with my guards. Once again, I apologize for the fact that everyone has been disturbed by her because of me.”

  “Liegen, she is entirely responsible for her own actions,” said the Guild Mother. “May I suggest that we lodge a strong complaint with Clan Leader Vailkoi on both our and your behalf? Coming from me before her arrival home, it should do much to discredit any false claims his daughter may try to make.”

  Despite his worry at not being able to sense Carrie, Kusac grinned. “I think it’s a marvelous idea. I hope that the whole guild hasn’t been aware of what happened tonight.”

  “No, Liegen,” she reassured him. “Master Esken is, and myself, but her anger was only felt by the few students who hadn’t gone out for the evening and were still in the common lounge. The cubs had long since gone to bed and their quarters are even better shielded than yours. Master Esken is going to want to talk to her father about her mood projections. She must learn to control them. Why her family has let her get away with it this long is beyond me.”

  “I’m glad the cubs are all right. As for Rala, I’m afraid she knows exactly how to control her moods and thoughts,” he said, turning to leave. “I must go. Good night.”

  Once away from the office, the need to suppress his anger with Rala was lessened, and it began to build again. He had to get out of the guild. Too many people were able to pick him up; he needed to talk to someone, someone he could trust and who could help him.

  There had only really been one friend when he’d been here before. Ghyan. He couldn’t face Carrie now. Hopefully, she was still asleep and totally unaware of what had happened. It was a faint hope, though.

  He stopped at the public comm unit and buzzed their apartment. Kaid answered.

  “Is she awake?” he asked.

  “I made sure she didn’t, Liegen,” said Kaid. “I had made it my business to find out about Rala Vailkoi some time ago, so I took the precaution of sedating your Leska as soon as I arrived.” He looked Kusac straight in the eyes.

  Kusac frowned. “You did what?” he asked slowly, hardly able to believe what Kaid was saying.

  “I gave her a mild sedative,” said Kaid. “I had some basic medical training through the Brotherhood, and I’ve updated it to include a knowledge of Terrans. I knew exactly how much she needed.”

  “You took a lot for granted,” he said, relief countering the anger he knew he ought to have felt.

  “It would have served no useful purpose to have had a confrontation between her and Rala,” said Kaid.

  “I know. My concern now is that Rala may try to harm her. She wouldn’t dare do anything to me, but Carrie is another matter. In future I want you to protect her, not me. I’ll have Meral and Sevrin, but she’s more vulnerable. If you protect her, we’ve bo
th got a better chance.”

  “If that’s what you wish,” said Kaid.

  Kusac nodded.

  “Rala won’t get anyone from the Brotherhood to help her,” murmured Kaid. “There’s a ban on taking a negative contract that involves any Terran or the Leska of a Terran.”

  Kusac pulled a wry face. “I’m relieved to hear it,” he said. “What occasioned such a decision?”

  Kaid hesitated. “You won’t want to hear it,” he said. “Last time I spoke of the God you told me to be silent.”

  Kusac broke eye contact, suddenly feeling the coldness up and down his spine again. “Let it lie then, Kaid. It’s enough that the Brotherhood has made the decision. How long will Carrie be asleep?”

  “Only for an hour or two,” said Kaid. “I’d like to remain here on guard for tonight. I’m not expecting trouble, but it pays to be safe.”

  “If you consider it necessary. I’ll be back shortly,” Kusac said before cutting the connection. He needed to find Ghyan— now.

  Carrie’s vision still haunted him. Perhaps the God had been trying to tell him there was a way through their problems. Ghyan, if he was still at the temple, might hold the solution.

  He left the guild through one of the rear exits and headed out across the grassland for the trees. The night air was fresh with the scent of damp grass. It smelled comfortingly familiar. Dropping down onto all fours he loped off into the darkness, beginning to run as he felt the anger surge within him.

  His vision began to fade at the edges till all he saw was the ground immediately in front of him; all he heard was the blood pounding in his ears as he ran faster, dodging between the bushes and skidding past trees, trying to outrun his rage while still containing it.

  Small nocturnal animals scattered in fright as, unmindful of the noise he made, he continued his headlong flight through the woodland. Abruptly the wall loomed ahead of him. He slithered to a stop, ending up with his flank against the rough bricks as he halted just in time.

  At a slower pace, he followed the wall round to his right, coming at length to a small iron gate. Bunching his leg muscles, he sprang forward, clearing it with a foot or more to spare and landing in the paved area outside, sides heaving as he began to gasp for breath.

  He smelled incense and someone coming. The scent was familiar, yet it had to be an enemy. His vision narrowed even further, the scene in front of him becoming tinged with red. Concentrating on the robed figure, with a snarl he attempted to stand upright. As he did, the world tipped crazily about him and he felt the gestalt flare into being.

  Carrie was too far away to touch, yet he felt her presence as acutely as if he had been touching her; he could feel her stirring in her drugged sleep. The energy, unable to reach her, began to build in him, swirling round and round like a cyclone. Unable to escape his shield it exploded, sending him reeling to his knees with the backlash. He fell forward, his forearms barely managing to take the impact as he became hypersensitively aware of every atom of his body. The pain in his knees and arms and the chill air of the night in his lungs, were all equally unbearable. Through their Link he felt her cry out in her sleep.

  “I wondered when you’d come. It’s been too long since we last saw each other, Kusac.”

  The quiet voice and the featherlight touch of a mind he knew well gave him something other than himself to focus on; its familiarity reassured him. Gradually the sensitivity eased and breathing became less painful.

  “Ghyan,” he said, lifting his head and forcing his vision to clear. His friend stood patiently waiting for him to recover. Kusac knew that he had sensed nothing.

  “I felt your anger from the Temple and knew that the God would guide your steps here,” said Ghyan.

  Kusac growled softly as he pushed himself up off the damp stones to sit on his haunches. “Don’t talk to me of Gods, Ghyan, I’ve no faith in them. They twist your life out of shape by giving with one hand and destroying with the other.”

  “Has the God destroyed something of yours, Kusac?” his friend asked. “I rather thought He had given you a wondrous gift.”

  Again he growled warningly. “Ghyan, I came to you for help, not a sermon.”

  “Then you’re doubly welcome. Come in and tell me what’s angered you so badly.” He leaned forward and held out his hand.

  Kusac hesitated, then took it, letting his friend help him to his feet. Together they walked down the path to the temple.

  “I heard you’d disappeared,” Ghyan said. “I wasn’t surprised. It didn’t take much Talent to know how trapped you felt by the life that your father had mapped out for you.”

  They’d come to a side door and Ghyan pushed it open for him. “It doesn’t lead into the main temple,” said Ghyan, forestalling him. “This leads to my own quarters.”

  Still keeping a tight rein on his emotions, Kusac followed him down the narrow corridor till his friend stopped to open the door to his room. As they entered, Kusac looked around and stopped dead.

  “This isn’t an acolyte’s room,” he said accusingly, indicating the expensive but simple furniture.

  “No, it isn’t,” agreed Ghyan with a smile. “I’m no longer an acolyte. You wouldn’t be aware of our hierarchy unless you were attending the Temple regularly. There is only one resident priest, and he must be a telepath.”

  “You, a priest? When you left the guild to come here, you intended only to serve a year or two as an acolyte. What happened?”

  Ghyan shrugged, and indicated that they should move over to the chairs. “I found this was where I belonged,” he said simply, sitting in one of the two easy chairs. He watched Kusac prowl restlessly round the room then stop beside the window, leaning on the sill.

  “You won’t see much in the dark,” Ghyan said. “Why don’t you tell me how I can help you?”

  “Rala Vailkoi,” Kusac said succinctly, continuing to look out into the night.

  “Ah. Your forthcoming marriage.”

  “I won’t have her, Ghyan. I can’t stand the female! She’s a spoiled, manipulative brat!” he said angrily, his tail beginning to lash from side to side.

  “I wouldn’t disagree with you, but you’ve known this for a long time now. You never seemed concerned about her before.”

  “I was younger then. There was plenty of time to worry about marriage later.”

  “Now time has run out,” said Ghyan quietly.

  “Yes.” Kusac turned and began pacing round the small room again. The fire had gone out of his anger, leaving only a feeling of desolation. “I can’t marry her, Ghyan.” He returned to the window, keeping his back to his friend as he stared out into the night again. “I’ve met someone else,” he said quietly.

  “Your Leska.” It was a statement.

  “Yes,” said Kusac. “There must be some way to dissolve the contract.”

  “Only if your father and Vailkoi agree it should be dissolved, and I don’t think they will. Having a Leska that you’d rather was your mate doesn’t constitute a good reason, I’m afraid.”

  Kusac turned round to look at him. “I won’t lifebond with Rala, Ghyan.”

  “You can’t bond to your Terran, Kusac. The Council of Clans wouldn’t condone it.”

  “Then I’ll not bond at all, no matter what the council says,” he said angrily.

  “Would it be so bad? It’s only a dynastic bonding, you wouldn’t have to live with her.”

  “I can’t stand her near me, let alone touching me,” he said.

  “It would only be occasionally. You have a duty to provide your Clan with heirs.”

  “Dammit, Ghyan, I know all about my duty!” he said angrily, pushing himself away from the window. “You don’t know what I feel for Carrie-what she means to me! I’ll have her or no one!”

  Ghyan looked him steadily in the eye. “I do know, Kusac. I can feel it, despite your shield,” he said with sympathy. “But have you really thought this through? Where would you go? If you flout the law, then your mother will have no choice
but to expel you from your clan. The guild couldn’t support you. It can’t afford to get involved in political or civil matters.”

  “I’ve thought it through every way I could imagine,” he said, taking a kick at the small waste bin standing by Ghyan’s chair. It bounced noisily across the room, shedding its contents before rolling to a stop. “I’ve got to find a way out of this contract.”

  Turning, he perched on the arm of the chair opposite his friend. “You don’t understand, Ghyan. Our link is far stronger than normal Leska Links, we’re more dependent on each other, and I’m all that Carrie has on Shola. If I marry Rala, it could wreck the love we share.”

  “Surely she understands,” said Ghyan.

  “I haven’t told her yet,” he admitted, his ears flicking backward and remaining there. “We’ve both had to work hard for the relationship we have. I won’t risk ruining that. Like I said, the Gods screw your life up for their own amusement. First they give us each other, then they make it impossible for us to be together as mates.”

  “It has always been impossible, Kusac,” Ghyan reminded him softly. “At least Vartra has given you Carrie and your love for each other, perhaps to compensate for the marriage you must make.”

  At the mention of Vartra, the dream of the night before came forcefully to Kusac’s mind and he looked down at the floor.

  Ghyan rose, moving past him to where a container of c’shar sat on a heated unit. “Would you like a drink?” he asked, taking a couple of mugs from the shelf behind.


  “Why don’t you tell me about your vision?” he said, pouring the c’shar into the mugs.

  Kusac looked up, tail and ears flicking. “Is my shield that bad?”

  “It is now,” said Ghyan, returning with the mugs. He handed one to Kusac then resumed his seat. “I sensed nothing when you arrived, but you’ve relaxed a little since then. Now, tell me about your vision.”

  “It wasn’t a vision,” said Kusac defensively, “and Carrie saw more than me.”


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