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Page 4

by Lucy Kevin

  Krista hopped up with a defiant look stamped across her features. Leaning over the rail just enough to give everyone below a clear view of her ample cleavage, she said, “James, what were you planning on doing?”

  “The double kayak,” he replied in a bored tone.

  “That sounds perfect,” she said, pretending not to hear Angelina’s snort of disapproval as she climbed back down to the lower deck and disappeared to help untie the kayak.

  Angelina followed down the ladder after her and joined Will and Derek by the dinghy. Derek offered, “Why don’t the two of you take the dinghy to the island? I’ll just hang out on the boat and get some sun.”

  “I’ve got a better idea,” replied Angelina. “Let’s all three of us hike the Island loop trail.”

  Within a few minutes they had rowed the small boat to shore and were on the trail laughing and talking. Derek was a great companion, just as Angelina had suspected. He was funny, smart, and athletic. It was too bad Krista was going to miss out on a great guy just because she was too stubborn to open her eyes.

  And if the thought crept into her mind that she herself was being a tad stubborn about a certain client of hers, she steadfastly ignored it.

  * * *

  As Angelina led the way on the trail, Will couldn’t help but notice, yet again, what a beautiful figure she had. He checked to make sure that his friend Derek wasn’t also admiring it—not that he would blame him if he was—but frankly, he was feeling increasingly proprietary about Angelina.

  “Krista is focused on getting attention. Trust me, if you don’t give her any, she’ll be begging for it.”

  Will had just tuned back into the conversation Angelina and his friend were having. “What are you two talking about?”

  She turned towards Will with a devilish gleam in her eyes. “We’re working out a plan so that Derek can make Krista crazy for him.”

  Derek looked momentarily uncomfortable before he shrugged and said, “Seems like a good idea to me.”

  Will laughed. “Okay, let’s hear the rest of the plan. First you ignore her until she’s, how did you put it Angelina? Begging for it?”

  Angelina chuckled. “Exactly. Now don’t get me wrong. I love Krista dearly, but this time, she has definitely gotten in the kayak with the wrong man.”

  “They looked pretty perfect together to me,” muttered Derek.

  Angelina patted his arm. “Appearances can be deceiving. Trust me, they’re all wrong for each other. So like I was saying, all you need to do is make it clear that you're not interested in her.”

  Derek stopped dead in his tracks and Will slammed into him, which almost knocked the three of them over like dominoes.

  “But I am interested.”

  “Look, if you just want to sleep with her once and never see her again, then do things your way.” Angelina started hitting the trail with renewed vigor. “But my bets are on her falling madly in love with you if you take my advice. From that point forward it will be up to you to keep her on her toes.”

  “How’s he supposed to do that?” Will asked.

  “Easy. Make her play by your rules. And then only give in to her in little ways. Women like Krista who get everything they want all the time, can only fall in love with a man who is difficult to conquer.”

  Derek was nodding his head with new understanding. “How do you know so much about this?”

  Angelina looked wistful. “Human Nature 101. We all want what we can’t have.”

  When they rounded the corner, she was surprised to see the dinghy. Evidently Krista had been waiting for them to come back for some time because she practically threw herself at them.

  “What are you doing here?” Angelina asked. “I thought you’d still be out on the kayak with James?”

  Krista snorted. “Not a chance. He got an important call right after you guys left.” She nodded back towards James who was sitting back in the boat, cell phone pressed up to his ear. “I’ve been sitting here all by myself.”

  Angelina felt no sympathy for her friend. She simply gave her a look that said, “Maybe you should consider my advice next time.”

  Derek, Angelina noted, was playing his role to the hilt, seemingly more interested in the rocks on the beach than anything Krista had to say. In fact, after getting only monosyllabic grunts from Derek for several minutes, Krista started to pout.

  Will was pulling the row-boat back out towards the water when a soccer ball knocked against his legs and two little boys came running up to get it.

  “I’ll kick it back to you,” he said and quickly got roped into an impromptu soccer match on the beach with a whole hoard of little boys.

  A few minutes later, slightly out of breath, Will rejoined them. “Sorry about that,” he said with a grin. “Soccer’s always been a weakness.”

  Angelina grinned back, amazed by this new side of him. “You’re great with kids.”

  Abruptly, Will turned back to the dinghy and pushed it. “Not really.”

  Angelina was confused by his behavior. “Those kids loved playing with you.”

  But it was clear that the conversation was over, because when they got back to the boat, Will started the engine and headed straight back for the marina.

  “Looks like the wind is picking up and I don’t want too rough a ride back.”

  Angelina looked at the sailboats on either side of them. The sails were barely fluttering and the water looked remarkably like glass. He must really want to get this consultation over and done with, she thought to herself. But, she decided, she wasn’t going to let her feelings be hurt.

  Instead, she was going to milk every last ounce of enjoyment out of floating across the water and sitting under blue skies. She was completely fine maintaining a purely professional relationship with Will.

  No matter what her heart said to the contrary.

  * * *

  Angelina attempted to get involved in a conversation with someone else on board, but between the five of them, they were a mess. Krista was alternately pouting and then trying to get Derek’s attention. Derek was working so hard on ignoring Krista’s advances that he wasn’t much of a conversationalist. And James’ phone kept ringing with hot stock tips.

  By the time Will maneuvered his yacht back into the marina, Angelina was hugely relieved the outing was over. She was going to do a quick Feng Shui consultation and then she and Krista would get the heck out of there.

  But Will seemed to have other plans. “Derek, would you mind taking Krista home?”

  Panic crept up Angelina’s spine at the thought of being alone on the boat with Will. “Krista doesn’t mind waiting for me to finish the consultation, do you Krista?”

  Krista looked thrilled by the turn of events. “I’d love to go home with you Derek,” she said, her invitation clear to everyone on the boat.

  Angelina tried to catch Krista’s eye to let her know she was needed as backup, but Krista had already kissed Will on the cheek and said, “Thank you for a great day and for introducing me to Derek.”

  Derek and Krista left with James not far behind them, shaking hands with Will before walking down the dock, cell-phone pressed to his ears.

  “I'm really glad you came today.”

  All of the earlier awkwardness disappeared as he closed the distance between them and every cell in her body went on high alert.

  He was going to kiss her.

  And she was going to let him

  In the end, she wasn't sure who made the first move. All she knew was that his mouth was on hers and hers was on his.

  And it was the best kiss of her life.

  She didn't know how long they stood on his boat kissing, was barely aware of anything other than how good he was making her feel, until she suddenly felt him pulling back.

  Finally, she realized his cell phone was ringing. It was a strange ring tone.

  Muttering a soft curse, he said, “I need to take this.”

  “Sure. Of course. Go ahead.”

gelina, please, just wait a second. I'll hang up as soon as I can.”

  But she could see that his focus was already on his important phone call.

  She waited for a few minutes for him, but then she finally realized he'd forgotten all about her.

  Oh god, she was such an idiot.

  She was the hired help, conveniently there for whatever he wanted. Just like she'd been with Bryce when she was twenty-one.

  She grabbed her bag, already calling a cab as she jumped off his boat and hurried up the dock.

  ** *

  Will cut his call short with his corporate lawyer and walked out to the back deck to find Angelina...and pick up where they'd left off.

  But she was gone.

  He'd blown it again.

  Susan had always been on him about his knee-jerk tendency to put business first, but he'd ignored her, because business had always come first.

  His ex-wife’s words were coming back to haunt him.


  “So you were kissing and then when his phone rang he forgot all about you?”

  Angelina squeezed her eyes shut and considered hanging up on Krista. She had spent the entire night trying to forget the kiss.

  Trying to forget about being forgotten.

  “Don’t make such a big deal out of it. I’m already over it,” she lied.

  “Good riddance. He probably wasn’t any good. Rich guys never are.”

  Irrationally, Angelina felt compelled to jump to Will’s defense. “His kisses were amazing.”

  “Look,” Krista said, stubbornly, “all I’m saying is once I saw that boat I knew something was up.”

  “You did?”

  “Oh yeah,” replied Krista. “I’d definitely be suspicious of someone as rich as he is. Besides, it doesn’t matter who he is ‘cause he has lousy taste in friends. The good looking one never turned off his phone and the other one,” Krista said as though referring to a rotted piece of fish, “seemed to think he was too good for me. The bastard doesn’t know what he’s missing!”

  “I’ll say,” muttered Angelina under her breath.

  “Anyway, I’ve decided to take pity on the nerd and go out with him next month.”

  “He asked you out?”

  Krista humphed on her end of the phone and ‘fessed up. “I sort of bullied him into taking me to his company dinner with me. But we were talking about Will, weren’t we?”

  “Could we just forget it, Kris?”

  Krista snorted. “Too bad they have to be so cute, with such big yachts. But there’s nothing that a little shopping can’t fix. I’ll be right over.”

  Krista hung up the phone before Angelina could refuse the invitation. Which was just as well, she thought sourly.

  Suddenly, she had an urge to buy something blue.

  * * *

  Will had planned on calling Angelina all day Sunday. It wasn’t that he was a wuss, he reasoned, it was simply that he never went into any kind of negotiations without a sure-fire plan of action, a backup plan, and a last ditch plan.

  The problem was, he couldn’t seem to think straight when it came to Angelina. He kept getting sidetracked by how soft her skin was. How shiny her silky hair was.

  And how luscious her mouth was.

  He grabbed a beer, turned on the football game, tried to settle into his usual routine. But thirty minutes later, he had absolutely no idea who was winning the game.

  He couldn't take his mind off of Angelina.

  The doorbell rang. Will jumped up and spilled beer all over the carpet on his way to the door.

  His ex-wife Susan opened her arms to him. “Surprise!” She hugged him then stepped past him and inside the house. “I was just visiting a friend who lives nearby. I’m dying to see the changes you’ve made since Angelina came by to work with you.”

  She surveyed the living room and the kitchen hopefully and then turned to him with her hands on her hips. “You haven’t changed anything. Did you scare her off again?”

  The irony of the moment was not lost on Will. “Yes. No. I don’t know. Do you want a beer?”

  Susan made a face.

  “Sorry, forgot you hate beer. I’ll get you a glass of wine.” He stepped into the kitchen and uncorked an open bottle of Merlot. Handing Susan the glass of wine, he said, “I did make one big change.” He led her down the hall to his office, opened the door, and moved out of the way so that she could step inside the room.

  “How did she get you to do this?” She turned to him with an amazed look on her flawless face.

  “I could never get you to clean up your office. I was afraid to even go into it most of the time.”

  He shrugged.

  She put her hand on his arm. “You have to tell me what she said.”

  He moved out of touching range and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Something about stagnant energy.”

  Susan threw her head back and laughed. Will knew he should have kept the changes to himself and headed back into the kitchen. He had a spilled beer to clean up.

  “I never thought I’d live to hear you talking about energy.”

  “Forget it, will you?” He kneeled on the carpet to sop up the spilled beer with a wad of paper towels.

  Susan was clearly on a roll, though, he noted with increasing dismay. Sitting on the edge of his coffee table in what he assumed was supposed to be a sexy way, she asked, “Have you worked on your love corner yet?”

  Will kept mopping up the carpet and tried to pretend this wasn’t happening. He said, “No,” and got up to throw away the paper towels.

  Susan stood up. “You really should, you know, because she’s famous for being a Feng Shui Cupid”

  “A Feng Shui what?”

  “A Feng Shui Cupid. She can get anyone to fall in love.”

  Will tried to mask his horror. She can make anyone fall in love?

  He forcefully took control of his thoughts, telling himself that the idea of a Feng Shui Cupid was just as ridiculous as the idea that moving his stuff could change his life.

  Then again, hadn't he felt better after cleaning up his office?

  Deftly changing the subject, his ex said, “Let’s go get something to eat at that cute French bistro on the corner.”

  Will couldn’t think of anything he’d like to do less, but he'd always hated to hurt Susan's feelings. Resigned to his fate he agreed. “Sure.”

  He liked Susan. She had always been a good friend. But why had he married her? Had he really been so obsessed with finding the perfect corporate wife accessory?

  The only thing he knew for sure was that he much preferred long dark hair, olive skin and hazel eyes over anything else.

  * * *

  After an exhausting trek through every store in the mall, Krista insisted on taking Angelina to dinner before dropping her off at home. Having learned early on that it was usually easier to give in to Krista than to fight her, Angelina agreed. The bistro Krista picked was a little too close to Will’s house for Angelina’s peace of mind, but odds were a million to one that she would run into Will there.

  Besides, she couldn't go through the rest of her life trying to avoid him.

  Their server had just delivered them their wine when a breathtaking blonde walked through the door. Angelina tried not to stare, but the woman was so perfect—perfectly dressed, coiffed, made up, even her shoes were perfect—Angelina felt a senseless urge to pull out her sunglasses and put them on even though the sun was long gone.

  Krista turned to see what had caught Angelina’s attention. “Now there’s a piece of work. Think any of that’s real?”

  But before Angelina could reply, Will walked into the restaurant behind the goddess.

  At least, she noted grimly, he had the grace to look chagrined when he saw her. Her prayer that he would ignore her so she could sneak out was not granted as he headed over to her table.

  Angelina whispered to Krista in a shaky voice, “My worst nightmare has just come true.”

  Krista cal
led out to a nearby waiter. “My friend and I need another couple of glasses of wine here, pronto. Unless you’re thinking of switching to something a little more potent Ang?”

  Heck yeah, I’m ready for something a whole lot more potent, like this gorgeous man standing in front of me, she thought hysterically. And then she remembered who he was with - Ms. I’m-too-perfect-to-be-real – and the fact that he had clearly found her completely forgettable.

  Angelina tried to convince herself that it didn’t hurt, but it did. There was no way she could ever compete with a woman like that.

  In lieu of any better ideas, she fortified herself with a big gulp of white wine. Unfortunately when she looked back up, not only was Will still standing there, but the perfect woman had joined him.

  Will cleared his throat and made the introductions. “Angelina, Krista, this is my ex-wife, Susan.”

  Angelina’s heart sank even further as she looked at the woman who had hired her. This perfect vision was the woman who hoped Angelina’s Feng Shui Cupid powers would win back the affections of her ex-husband? Couldn’t she have just flicked her glossy hair over her shoulder and given him a come hither glance to do the job?

  Worse still, Angelina was hit between the eyes with a sick dose of guilt for betraying the woman who had hired her in good faith by kissing Will.

  She wanted nothing more than to run out of the restaurant. At this point, fleeing the country wasn’t out of the question.

  “You’re the Feng Shui consultant, aren’t you?”

  Angelina mustered up all of her “I-am-a-seasoned-professional” reserves. She stood up to shake Susan’s hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  The stunning woman caught her totally unaware with a hug. “It is so incredibly fabulous to meet you in person. I just cannot believe what you’ve done with Will’s office. Believe me, I tried for years to get him to clean it up, but nothing worked. You’re a miracle worker. May we join you for dinner?”

  Angelina noted Susan didn’t wait for an answer as she gracefully lowered herself into a nearby chair.

  Susan seemed totally oblivious to any tension as she made herself comfortable. She ordered a salad and glass of wine from the hovering waiter, who practically fainted when she spoke to him.


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