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Saving the Beast (Interracial Shifter Romance) (Awakening Pride, Book Four) by Lacey Thorn

Page 10

by Lacey Thorn

  “Kenzie,” she said and he knew she was doing as he had, trying to remind them both why he needed to go.

  He moved his mouth over to the other hard point and offered it similar tribute before straightening again to his feet.

  “Get some rest,” he ordered her. “I have plans to keep you busy for hours when I get back.”

  She gasped and caught her bottom lip with her teeth. Her gaze was dark with need. He would think of her waiting for him like this. Shirt lifted over her full breasts, both nipples swollen, red and wet from his mouth. His dick jerked behind his zipper, and he wanted nothing more than to release it and take her again. But one more time would never be enough. He would only want her again and again.

  He took a deep breath, fighting for control. He stepped away from her and fisted his hands at his sides.

  “Lock the door then rest,” he commanded her again, as she slowly pulled down her shirt and eased away from the door. “When I get back, I’m going to fuck you again.”

  “Yes,” she squeaked out, making him grin.

  “And, Diane,” he said after he stepped on the porch. “We won’t leave that bed for days.”

  Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed as desire seemed to ride her hard. He forced himself to turn and leave, trusting her to follow his instructions on locking herself in. He was already counting the minutes until he came back to her.

  Chapter Eight

  Diane paced the cabin after Zane left. He’d told her to go to sleep, but her body was strung too tightly right now to allow for that. She ached between her thighs, but it wasn’t because of all the sex they’d had. It was with the need to feel Zane there again. God, it made no sense. He’d turned her into a sex addict in less than twenty-four hours.

  Now, he was gone again, and though it wasn’t the same as when he’d left before, she couldn’t ease her worry. How long would it take for the fever to rise to the point where his animal fought to seize control again? How long would it take for the fever to leave Zane now that he had his mate? Or would it? Why hadn’t she thought to ask Orsai or Clara these questions before she’d set off after Zane?

  She took another glance around the cabin. Maybe she should try to clean it up a bit. There was a water pump over the sink, and she’d seen a broom and dustpan in the corner. He’d said they wouldn’t leave the bed for days. She eyed the mattress warily. His advice was to throw the sleeping bag over it, but she preferred to at least try to get the dust out of it. She gripped the edge and tried to lift. Shit! Zane had made it look as light as a feather the way he’d raised it and glanced underneath. It was heavy—maybe too heavy for her to prop against the wall.

  She struggled but finally got the mattress off the frame and flipped on its side against the wall. Grabbing the broom from the corner, she crossed over and hit the mattress with all her might. Dust filled the air, choking her and making her cough and wheeze. Maybe Zane had had the right idea after all. Still, the mattress was already up at this point. She beat the hell out of it with the broom, venting her sexual frustration.

  Where was Zane at now? Was he okay? Had he shifted back into his panther? Would he? What if something happened to him? She’d thought she was losing it before when he’d been gone, but that would be like a picnic compared to how she’d feel now that she’d tasted him, mated with him. She dropped the broom and heaved the mattress until it fell back on the bed. With a bit of tugging she had the mattress in place again. It wasn’t clean by any means, but it was definitely better than it had been. Now she could see following Zane’s order to rest.

  She walked across to where he’d put the gear and took the sleeping bag, releasing it and laying it out on top of the bed. She curled up inside and let her eyes droop closed. She was sure she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep, but her body had other ideas. Within moments, her racing thoughts settled, and she drifted off with visions of Zane pleasuring her again filling her mind.

  She wasn’t sure what woke her, but she bolted awake with her heart in her throat. She sat eerily still, waiting, listening for something she wasn’t sure she’d recognize even if she did hear it. Maybe it was the fact she was straining so hard to listen, or maybe it wouldn’t have mattered, but when the hard knock came at the door, she screamed with real fear.

  “Whoa, whoa,” a deep male voice called from the other side of it. “Didn’t mean to scare you. You okay in there?”

  The doorknob rattled as he obviously tried it, and Diane bit her nip nervously. What was she supposed to do now? Zane had been adamant that she keep the door locked. He’d known there was someone else out there, and that definitely wasn’t his voice. Who was it? And why the hell had she given herself away with a damn scream?

  The wood shook with his next knock. “Are you okay in there?” he demanded again.

  Fuck! He knew she was there. What did she do?

  “Yes,” she finally managed, easing off the bed and back onto her feet. She looked around for something to use as a weapon just in case he managed to get inside. The cabin was one room, no windows. Surely she would be okay.

  “Good. Good,” the man said, and she could almost picture him leaning against the door while he talked to her. “I’m Gabriel, but most people call me Angel.”

  She snorted a laugh at that. Who was this guy?

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. Really funny,” he grunted. “What’s your name?”

  She didn’t answer. She had the broom in her hands again. Not much of a weapon, but the only one she could find. She had no idea where the phone was that she’d brought with her. Hell, she hadn’t even thought of it while she was with Zane. She wondered if Kenzie had called Tah. She prayed so as she didn’t relish the idea of him coming after them or sending someone. She didn’t want anyone’s blood on her hands.

  “I’m not a bad guy,” the voice spoke again. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just saw the cabin and thought I heard someone inside.”

  Had she been talking in her sleep? Moaning? Good grief with the dreams she’d been having of Zane, anything was possible.

  “I get it. You’re not going to open the door for me. Smart. I would have told you the same thing. But I need you to listen to me, Diane, because I don’t have a lot of time here. Shit’s about to get real fucking serious, and I need you with me when it does. No, scratch that. Your mate’s going to need you. I’ll just be the guy keeping you safe until we get to him.”

  He knew her name. Shit! Who was this guy? Gabriel? Angel? She didn’t know him, didn’t recognize the name or the voice. How the hell did he know her name?

  “Who are you?” she asked, coming over to stand by the door.

  “I’m usually referred to as Angel. Sometimes they put a ‘the’ in front of it.” He sighed, and she could hear a bit of frustration in the sound. “I’m not going to hurt you, Diane. I swear. Zane’s walking into some really serious shit—a group of hunters out this way doing some recon. He’s not going to be completely focused, and that could cost him. We need to get to him.”

  Zane was confronting hunters? She had to help. Zane had already informed her his focus was centered on her, which would be great if he were still with her. Shit! What should she do?

  “You’re in heat,” Angel stated matter-of-factly. “I can smell it. Any shifter could. That would be bad enough. But I caught his scent. I know he has feral cat fever. That will fuck any shifter up. No matter how strong and sane he seems to you, I promise you he is extremely vulnerable right now. For a seasoned hunter? He’s easy prey.”

  Oh, God! What did she do? She had to think logically. “How do you know any of this?”

  “I’m ‘the Angel’,” he replied. “It’s my job to know everything.” He paused for a moment. “You can trust me, Diane. Tah would want you to.”

  Tah? He knew Tah? Why hadn’t he said so from the start? She jerked back the bolts and opened the door. The guy on the porch was huge. Not just in height or build, but his very presence. His hair was a shade of blond that made her think of burnished gold
at first, until the sun caught it. Then she could see the streaks of reddish orange and a pale shade that almost looked white. It hung to his shoulders in soft waves. A lion’s mane. That’s what it made her think of. Yet, it was more than that.

  He pushed open the door and shut it behind him, shaking his head at her. “That was very foolish. All I had to do to get you to open the door was tell you Tah wanted you to?”

  She backed away from him. His eyes glowed a deep shade of aqua as if they couldn’t decide if they were blue or green. It made her think of Caribbean waters.

  “You said—”

  “A seasoned hunter would say anything to get to you,” he scolded. He reached out and jerked the broom from her nerveless fingers as if it were nothing. “Do you have any idea how important you are? You could have just placed yourself in a situation sure to get not only yourself killed, but everyone in that pride you belong to killed, as well. I expected better from you. I expected logic.”

  She flicked her glance nervously around, searching for something else, anything else she might be able to use to protect herself.

  “You should never go anywhere without a gun,” he said and reached behind him. He pulled out a deadly looking black handgun. “This is Beretta nine-millimeter. Great handgun. Each magazine holds fifteen rounds.” He met her gaze. “You should learn to protect yourself. Not only do you live with the pride, you’re their doctor and now the full mate of one of their shifters.”

  “What do you plan to do?” Diane asked, lifting her chin and feigning bravado she didn’t have.

  “Exactly what I said. We’re going to head to your mate. It may not seem like it right now, but I am one of the good guys.” He tucked away his gun. “I’ve been tracking this group of hunters since they left Montana. Your mate’s walking into a full party. I know of your man. Normally, I wouldn’t worry. But right now, he’s off his game.”

  “He went looking for someone else,” Diane said.

  “There’s someone else out there?” Angel demanded, then inhaled deeply again. “I’m not picking up a fresh scent here other than yours and Zane’s.”

  “She didn’t come here with us.”

  “She? Fuck! Shifter or human?” he asked gruffly.

  “Shifter.” Sort of, but Diane wasn’t going into details on Kenzie with him. “Zane thought she must have smelled the scents he did and took off.”

  Angel gave her a shrewd look. “I’m guessing she was your escort to find your mate.”

  “What makes you think I came to find my mate?”

  He grinned. “Feral cat fever sends shifters into a primal state. Your man wouldn’t have been able to leave your side if you’d already been mated. You’d still be holed up in a bedroom, fucking like animals.” He took great amusement in that comment, but Diane said nothing.

  “I’m guessing you weren’t mated. He left to protect you from what the fever was doing to him. You came after him. Good for you, by the way. He’s lucky to have a mate like you. Some women would be terrified to go after their mate knowing he was locked inside the beast.”

  “I’m not afraid of him. He’s mine,” she said simply.

  “He is,” Angel agreed. “Smart choice on Tah’s part to send a female shifter in. Males aren’t as aggressive toward them. Most are inclined to feel protective. As your escort, she wouldn’t have bailed on you. So I’m guessing she stayed separate, giving you space to bring your mate to you. Did she warn you about the hunting party?”

  Diane shook her head.

  “She would have. She would have taken the time to get to you and warn you, especially with the condition you’re both in right now. He’s right to go after her. He probably told you otherwise so you wouldn’t worry. Is she a friend?”

  Diane’s eyes widened as she nodded. Oh, God! She prayed Kenzie was okay.

  “We need to go. If she didn’t warn you, chances are she couldn’t. I don’t have time to read you the riot act like I should. If your mate’s any kind of man, he’ll turn you over his knee and paddle your ass for opening that door to me.”

  Diane gasped, stepping back again and glaring at Angel. Zane? Spanking her?

  “Oh, yeah. And you deserve it. That was stupid, very stupid. I’m betting you were told implicitly to not open the door for anyone but him.”

  She flushed, and he nodded.

  “He’s going to be very angry with you.”

  “You’re a very frustrating man, Angel. I don’t think I like you very much.”

  He grinned then, and it was devastating. If she weren’t already mated, that look would make her knees weak.

  “Nah, I’m a teddy bear. You’re going to love me before this day’s over. Might even make that man of yours jealous.” He winked at her, grinning like a kid full of mischief, and she felt her lips twitching to join him.

  “How do you know what you know?” she asked.

  “About your pride? Tah?” He shrugged. “News travels fast among shifters.”

  “We’ve heard nothing,” she said.

  “That’s because you’re the news,” he offered. “I plan to meet your Tah before I leave again. They’ve waited a long time for him to show up.”


  He shrugged again. It was becoming annoying. “I’m a loner. I wait for no one.” He glanced around, his gaze settling on her gear in the corner. “Gather what you need. You won’t be heading back here.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’ll take you back to the pride, now. Not only are there hunters, but you’re still in heat, he’s still got fever, and you, my dear girl, failed to follow orders.” He grinned again. “Oh, yeah. We’re going to find one pissed off panther.”

  She hurried over and grabbed her pack. She was trying to decide if she should take the tent and sleeping bag when Angel interrupted her.

  “Leave the rest. You don’t need it.”

  But that was just it. They probably couldn’t afford to lose any gear right now. Money was tight and would remain so until Abby went to sign those papers in Denver.

  “Trust me,” Angel said and there was something in his gaze that made her want to. “You don’t need it. Not anymore.”

  She slowly nodded and walked toward him. What was it about him that made her feel safe yet unsure at the same time? She wasn’t afraid he would hurt her, which was strange enough. She felt safe but leery. Did that even make sense?

  “Who are you, Angel?” she asked again.

  “Whoever I need to be,” he said softly, and she swore she saw just a bit of sadness in his eyes before he blinked and it was gone.

  “Now listen up, and I mean listen because you’ve already shown how well you follow orders. When we leave here, we might be heading right into a battle you’re ill-prepared for. I blame your mate and your leader. Tah’s failed in this, and I’ll let him know it. I need you to follow my instructions to the letter. No room for interpretation. To the letter, Diane. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “Good. Now, you’re to stay right behind me. I want no more than a foot between us at all times. No matter what you hear, what you see. If I move, you’re right on me. Got it?”

  She nodded.

  “If I tell you to walk away from me for some reason, you do it immediately. If I tell you to stay some place, there will be no questions. Only obedience. Are we clear?”

  She glared but nodded again.

  “This is a full party of hunters. I counted thirteen men, all armed for war. I don’t know what you’ve seen, but I guarantee you it wasn’t a party like this. These are lethal men, killers who will see you and use you as a means to an end.”

  “Can I have your gun?”

  “Do you know how to shoot?”

  She chewed her bottom lip nervously, before shaking her head.

  “Then no,” he answered matter-of-factly. “Are you ready?”

  Her mind raced. Was this the right course of action? Should she go with him or wait until he stepped out the door and
try to shut and lock it behind him? Why the hell didn’t she leave the door shut to begin with?

  “I would have broken it down,” Angel said as if he could read her mind. “If you’d given me no other choice, I would have. You’re not safe here on your own. If Zane weren’t feeling so overwhelmed by you and out of control, he’d have known that. Remember as long as that fever runs through his veins, he’s not thinking as clearly as he should. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression thinking with the wrong head?”

  Diane flushed. “If that were true, he wouldn’t have left me.”

  “It would seem that way, but actually, he would have. The sooner he deals with this, the sooner he can get back to you for uninterrupted time. The problem is while that seemed logical here, the longer he’s away from you, the more scattered his thoughts will become. His animal is riding him hard, anyway. With feral fever, they’re no longer in sync unless they’re with you. Before you arrived, the animal was in control. Zane was more than likely still in there, but his panther was the one in charge. Now Zane’s back, but the fever keeps his animal on the surface, close enough to take over if needed. He’s feral, and at the moment like a loaded gun in a novice’s hand.”

  “What does that mean?” Diane asked, almost afraid to know.

  “That he’s just as likely to get himself killed as he is to take out anyone else.”

  “I can’t lose him,” Diane whimpered, shaking her head frantically.

  “I’ll do my best not to let that happen. I just need you to trust me,” Angel said. “Will you do that?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  For Zane, she’d do anything she needed to. Hadn’t she already proven that by coming out here to search for him to begin with? She glanced at the huge man next to her on the porch. At least, she had Angel this time. Nothing against Kenzie, but Angel made her feel a hell of a lot safer than the five-foot-two brunette.

  Zane crouched in the tree line, taking it all in and trying to think. They had Kenzie. That was the one thing he was certain of. He wasn’t sure how many of them were gathered, his senses were a little fucked up for some reason. He was hot, burning hot and had a feeling the fever was coming on with a vengeance, and it was so much worse now that he’d tasted the remedy. His mate. He needed her, wanted her so desperately. It fucked with his head, pulling him in differing directions when he needed to focus on where he was and who he needed to help. Kenzie.


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