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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

Page 4

by West, Cary

  “You’re kidding,” she laughed in disbelief.

  “We never kid where Mr. McBride is concerned,” Mark stated flatly.

  Kate wandered back into the bedroom and ran her fingers through her hair. She glanced around the room then back at Mark. “Is it too soon to give my two week notice?” she said wryly, but inside she wondered if she wasn’t joking. “Your Mr. McBride is a bit of a control freak!”

  “He has his idiosyncrasies,” he semi-chuckled. “But he is a fair man and he treats his employees well. He works hard and he expects us to do the same. His standards are higher than most, but we are all loyal to him on account of it.”

  “All except the cook,” Kate stated flatly.

  This time Mark let out a full whoop and patted her on the back. “I think you’ll get along just fine here.” He walked to the door. “After you.”

  Kate strolled past and entered the hallway. Once more Mark took the lead and escorted her downstairs. She followed him along another corridor and stopped in front of a closed door.

  “And this is where I leave you,” he motioned toward the door. “This is Mr. McBride’s office. He’s expecting you.”

  Kate looked at the large wooden door and then at Mark. She nodded and watched him walk away, leaving her alone in the hall. She stared at the closed door and hesitated briefly before rapping lightly then proceeded to enter.

  Jack McBride was seated behind the elaborate mahogany desk. He didn’t look up from his paperwork, though he knew her presence the minute she walked through the door. Her sweet scent permeated his senses and his stomach clenched into a tight knot.

  Kate moved forward and stood by the desk. His demeanor was just as intimidating as the night before with his strong jaw set tight and wide shoulders carrying an air of arrogance. Kate shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Sit,” he commanded, eyes never deviating from his paperwork.

  Kate complied taking a seat on the high-back chair. Its leather seemed to swallow her whole and she waited in awkward silence not certain if she should speak before he addressed her.

  After several minutes, Jack placed his pen down, sat back in his chair, and finally looked at her. Once more he felt a quickening in his stomach as he stared flatly at the tanned blonde seated before him. She was prettier than he remembered. His eyes danced across the light line of freckles on her nose and cheeks then down to her breasts. “Good morning,” he said as his lips moved slightly upward and produced a semblance of a smile. “I am to assume Mark informed you of your duties?”

  “Yes he did, but-” He cut her off.

  “First day on the job and you are already moving up the ranks.” His tone was smug. “Naturally, you will be adequately compensated for your time.”

  Kate was momentarily stunned. She didn’t know what to say. He just mowed right over her, intimidating her with his presence and his indifference.

  “Now if there is nothing further, you’re dismissed.” He didn’t wait for her to respond. He picked up his pen and resumed his work. Kate blinked several times in stunned disbelief. Did he really just say, you’re dismissed, as if he were brushing her off?

  Jack McBride lifted his head and frowned. “I am a busy man, Miss Harris,” he stated like she was bothering him. “Is there something else you wish to discuss with me?”

  “Uh, no-” Kate shook her head. Jack returned his attention to his paperwork. She stood from the chair with a bewildered look on her face and headed for the door. She placed her hand on the door knob and just like that her senses returned. What was she doing? This was not what she had expected. Her spine prickled and her temper rose at this man’s arrogance. He had intimidated her into doing the exact opposite of what she wanted.

  “Yes,” she stated firmly. “You’re damn right I have something to say.” She spun on her heels and marched back and planted her hands squarely on his desk. “I was hired to clean five bunkhouses, not your house.”

  A slow grin formed on his face. He looked up from his paperwork and saw the steam practically escaping from her nostrils. “You’re duties have changed,” he said calmly though he felt a twinge of excitement rush through his veins. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

  “I quit!” she shouted.

  “You can’t quit.” He laughed at her silly attempt to vex him.

  His laughter angered her further. “What do you mean I can’t quit?” God, he was infuriating. “I can, and I will.”

  “Fine, suit yourself,” he condescended. “You have until this evening to vacate the carriage house.”

  “You can’t be serious.” She laughed in disbelief.

  “I am quite serious. You signed a contract, and it states that you can reside at the carriage house as long as you are employed with me for the summer.”

  “But that was when I was supposed to clean the bunkhouses!” she refuted.

  “There is nothing in the contract that stipulates your employment duties.”

  “I don’t believe you,” she said seeing he was enjoying this way too much for her liking but she was not going to back down.

  “Here, read it for yourself.” Jack reached in a drawer, pulled out the contract, and laid it on the desk.

  Kate snatched up the contract and flopped back into the leather chair, this time, reading it more carefully. To her dismay there was no mention of her duties, only that she needed to be an employee at the ranch for three months in order to maintain her residence.

  She set the contract on her lap and looked up to see him grinning from ear to ear. She hated to be bested by him a second time. He had the upper hand, and he was playing her like a fiddle, manipulating her to do what he wanted her to do.

  So she tried another approach. “But I was hired part-time,” Kate pouted and stuck out her lip. She blinked in an attempt to make them water. “Cleaning this place and cooking for you is a full-time job. Can’t we negotiate this, Jack?”

  “There’s nothing to negotiate. My mind’s made up.”

  “But I was hoping to have my afternoons free.” She flashed a set of doe eyes at him.

  “Good try, Kate, but no,” he grinned again at her lame attempt to appeal to his conscience. “Besides, what else do you have to do? It’s not like you have a family waiting for you. It would probably do you a world of good to keep busy and learn what hard work is all about.”

  “Why, you arrogant son of a -” She growled as she crunched up the side of the contract with clenched fingers.

  “Maybe it’s the cooking part that’s got you so riled up, Barbie doll,” he said as he sat back in his chair and crossed his legs. “You can cook, can’t you?”

  “Yes, I can cook,” she ground her teeth at him. “But aren’t you afraid I could poison you?”

  He laughed at her feeble attempt to scare him. “I’ll have to remember that.” He chuckled. “Maybe I should have you eat with me just in case you’re tempted to do me in.”

  “I detest you!” Kate fumed and jumped to her feet. She slammed the contract on his desk and marched for the door.

  “I expect lunch to be served at noon and dinner at six,” he called out to her watching her stomp away like a child having a temper tantrum.

  Kate’s only response was a screech as she stormed out of his office slamming the door behind her.

  Kate was angry. More than angry, she was furious. She made a pact with the devil and now she regretted it. He knew very well that she couldn’t pack up and leave on a dime. He had planned it and she played right into his hands.

  Kate marched into the kitchen. She went to the closet and pulled out random cleaning supplies then slammed them down on the counter sputtering obscenities she herself was shocked to hear. She grabbed several dust rags and polish then marched back into the living area.

  Of all the arrogant nerve, she mumbled under her breath as she sprayed the polish then wiped it with the rag. Her movements were sharp to match her rage. She dusted the entire downstairs then proceeded to clean the wooden flo
ors and rugs.

  In spite of her bad mood, the morning went rather quickly. Before she knew it, it was almost noon. Kate returned to the kitchen and finished cleaning then started on lunch. It killed her to be so compliant with his demands. I expect lunch to be served at noon, she mimicked him to an arrogant tee as she opened the refrigerator and scanned the shelves. To her surprise, it was fully stocked.

  Kate made a salad with the assorted greens and a poppy seed dressing from scratch. She prepared a turkey sandwich, topped with tomato then browned the French bread in a skillet.

  She set the salad and sandwich on the kitchen table just as Jack McBride emerged out of nowhere, sneaking up behind her.

  “Good afternoon, Barbie doll.” He exclaimed.

  Kate nearly jumped clear out of her tanned California skin and he chuckled, seeing the rapid movement of two startled breasts.

  She ignored him of course and Jack took that as a sign to plant himself at the table before she recovered. His focus, now on the inspection of his meal, he lifted the bread from his sandwich, staring at its contents. It looked decent enough and Jack was almost impressed except for one very obvious thing missing. “There’s only a meal for one,” he said looking up at Kate. “You’re not joining me?”

  “No,” she said shortly.

  “How do I know you didn’t poison it?” he asked with a hint of sarcasm.

  She snorted and marched over to the table. She reached for his sandwich, brought it to her mouth and took a bite. She slammed it down on the plate then proceeded to retrieve portions of lettuce from his salad with her fingers and popped them into her mouth. Jack just sat back and stared at the bite mark on his sandwich.

  “I didn’t poison it,” said Kate with a mouthful of food. She swallowed. “But there’s always tonight.” She didn’t wait for a response and left him alone in the kitchen, stomping across the linoleum floor, but in spite of her effort she still heard his laughter echoing behind her.

  She grabbed the dust rag and cleaner and headed upstairs. To her relief, most of the rooms only needed a light dusting and the vacuuming took no time at all. She made her way down the hall and entered the last room to clean. She curled up her lip and growled upon entering the master bedroom. It grated her to clean for him in here, the most personal, intimate portion of the house.

  Kate had thoughts of putting shaving cream in his boots and it brought an immediate smile to her face. Maybe she would spray dust cleaner on the inside of his hats. That would teach him. The priceless image of his head smelling like lemon cheered her up.

  After that she didn’t seem to mind doing the meaningless chores. She picked up his dirty laundry from the hamper and placed it in the basket. Next she polished the furniture then cleaned the bathroom. It didn’t take long before she was almost done cleaning.

  Kate had only the vacuuming left. She plugged in the cleaner and turned it on, pushing it across the carpet. She did circles in the rug like she was making holes for him to fall through while walking across the floor. Kate made a big circle guiding the sweeper like an airplane with her free hand stretched out as the wing. She giggled and went around for the final swing. The vacuum took a nose dive and shut off. She hit the switch, flipping it up and down a few times but nothing happened. Kate bent over, with her bottom high in the air, and flipped the vacuum to check the rollers.

  “It might help if it was still plugged in.” A voice came from behind her.

  Kate cringed recognizing the voice. She looked in between her legs and saw an upside down Jack holding the cord’s plug.

  “What are you doing Barbie doll?” he chuckled as his eyes roamed over her sweet derriere.

  She looked quite the picture with her long legs disappearing into her cut-off jeans and her nice little ass perked up in the air. It took every ounce of strength not to come up behind her and give her a little poke. But God, he wanted to.

  Kate scowled and stood up tall. Why did he have to ruin it by showing up? She was having such a good time, too. “I will be out of your way in a minute,” she said nervously seeing the way he was looking at her. “I was just finishing up.”

  She walked over to him and he handed her the plug. Their hands touched and Kate quickly pulled away feeling the same tingle as before. She plugged the vacuum back into the outlet, but it didn’t go on.

  “You have to turn it on again baby if you want to see any action.” There was innuendo in his tone. Kate ignored him, diverting her eyes so he wouldn’t see her flush. “Besides, didn’t anyone ever show you how to clean? You vacuum first, then dust.”

  “Don’t be absurd,” Kate spouted and rolled her eyes. “What difference does it make?”

  “Vacuuming stirs up the dust and it settles onto the furniture.” He ran his fingers along the dresser and held it up for her to see. She was grateful for his condescendence because it made that nervous feeling go away. “You’ll learn Barbie doll,” he laughed at her in his usual arrogant way. “I suggest you dust the whole house again.”

  “I most certainly am not going to dust everything again.” Kate was adamant. “Why, it will take me into evening before I finish.”

  “Then I suggest you get a move on it.” Jack walked over to his bed and removed his shirt. He threw it on the floor by her feet.

  Kate stared at his bare chest and felt a quickening in her belly. He might be an ass, but he was definitely a fine specimen of a man. Even she could not help but appreciate his muscular chest, the strong abdominal frame, and the patch of brown hair that disappeared at his jeans.

  Kate’s eyes moved to his arms. They were thick and strong most likely from a hard day’s work rather than a gym. A girl could get lost in those arms, muscles encircling like a cocoon. She was staring and he knew it.

  Kate picked up his shirt and the smell of musk and earth permeated her senses. Like a wave rolling across her, she bathed in the heady feeling of raw sensual male.

  “I’ll just give you some privacy,” she mumbled as she took several steps back almost tripping over the vacuum. She eased herself to the door, looking every which way except at Jack. She couldn’t look at Jack. Not like this, not with this strange need stirring inside her. She reached the door, but found the wall beside the open frame instead. She glanced up and their eyes met. Green eyes smoldering into her blue, branding her with his heat and choking her breath.

  It took Jack all of three strides and he was in front of her; hands pressed against the wall, locking her in between his thick arms that she had moments before craved to feel.

  “What’s you hurry Kate?” His tone was husky and his voice low. “Am I making you nervous?”

  “No,” she lied, breathing in his masculine-scented skin.

  “You have seen a man without his shirt before?” He leaned closer. “After all, you were married once.”

  “Of course I’ve seen a man without his shirt before,” she breathed but her head was screaming, not like you, oh boy not like you...

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you kind of like what you see. Perhaps even getting a little hot and bothered by it, too,” he whispered bringing his mouth closer to hers. He could practically taste her lips, and God, he wanted to taste that sweet mouth of hers. “What do you say? You game?”

  She shook her head, unable to speak.

  “I think you’re lying to me Kate,” he whispered fanning his breath making her mouth tingle. “I have half a mind to spank that sweet mouth of yours with my tongue.” He traced the outline of her lips with his finger feeling the softness of her skin against his flesh. He was too close for her to think.

  “Stop Jack,” she whispered and closed her eyes so he wouldn’t see what he was doing to her.

  “Come on baby, you know you want me to.” He was toying with her, but at the same time he was torturing himself. He wanted her more than he cared to admit, needed her, like the nectar of the gods, he wanted to taste her until he was good and drunk.

  He pulled her to him, wrapping her hair in his hand. He
bent her head back ready to claim those rosy lips. Kate gasped, her breathing increased and her eyes darted open all in one act. She could practically feel his lips as they lingered a droplet away.

  Her eyes grew dreamy locked into the smoldering heat of his dark green eyes and they fluttered closed again.

  He was ready, more than ready. He was obsessed with her mouth, wanting in sheer desperation to take what she was now willing to give. A smile of satisfaction rose on his face. She was willing, and that’s all he wanted to know.

  “Oh no baby, you want me to kiss that mouth of yours way too much.” He grinned and released her.

  Kate’s eyes flew open when she heard him laughing. It was a game to him and nothing more. He had no intention of kissing her. He wanted to embarrass her, and a wave of humiliation washed across her cheeks.

  “Are you blushing?” he laughed harder. “Were you waiting for me to kiss you?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” she snarled. “I wouldn’t let you kiss me if you were the last man on Earth.”

  “I don’t know about being the last man on Earth considering I have about twenty-five working for me. But I know when a woman wants to be kissed, and you wanted me to kiss you, Barbie doll.”

  “Quit calling me that!” She felt tears of rage. “The name is Kate. Kate, you got that?”

  “Whatever you say, Kate.” He grinned. “Wouldn’t want to get your panties all tied up in knots, or maybe even a little wet.”

  “Go to hell!” she shouted and ran from the room.

  Jack released a hearty laugh as he poked his head out the door and watched Kate tear down the hall. Suddenly, he stopped laughing when he realized what he’d just done. There was no denying that he was attracted to her, and whether Kate realized it or not, she was attracted to him, too. Why did he feel the need to toy with her and make her mad? He couldn’t help it when he was around her.

  “Dammit Kate, what am I going to do about you?” He heard the front door slam. He smashed his hand against the frame then stormed back into his room banging the door closed behind him.


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