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The Taming (The Black Thunder Series)

Page 24

by West, Cary

  “To hell with dinner,” he said as he reached out and took her hand. “Let me tie one hand and tell me what you feel.”

  “Fine, just hurry up and do it,” said Kate as she saw his eyes flash bright green.

  Jack rolled the rope over her wrist and tied it tight. He lifted it high over her head and held it there.

  “How does that make you feel?” he said as he pressed her into the doorway. “It’s kind of nice giving me some of that control.”

  Kate’s stomach did a little flip as he pulled on the rope and brought her hand higher. He lingered his mouth by hers before he gently pressed his lips against hers. Kate felt instant heat inside. Jack slid his hand up her thigh and ran his palm between her legs.

  “Oh, baby, you do like this.” He nipped at her bottom lip.

  Kate’s eyes fluttered shut as a sweet surge erupted where he was rubbing.

  “Turn around, Kate and lean on the counter,” Jack instructed her as he moved her toward the marble top.

  He pressed her belly into the counter and pulled her free hand behind her tying it securely to the other.

  “How does it feel?” he asked as he lifted her from the counter.

  “Like I’m tied up,” she said growing nervous again.

  “No, I mean it’s not too tight is it?” He chuckled.

  “No, I’m good.” How good can you be when your man just tied your hands behind your back? It was the most unnerving and exhilarating feeling she ever experienced. Jack devoured her body with his eyes, roaming over every inch of her.

  “Did you dress all sexy on account of me?” he toyed with her tracing the outline of her bodice with the tip of his finger.

  Kate bit the bottom of her lip as he slowly untied the black ribbon holding it in place. He pulled the ribbon like it was a cord and tossed it on the floor. The bodice parted exposing her black laced bra. Jack smiled with satisfaction seeing her heaving breasts rise and fall with each breath. He tugged it down until her fullness was exposed. Jack lowered his head to her nipple and gently placed it in his mouth, twirling his tongue against it until it peaked. A sweet purr escaped her lips.

  “God, I want you,” he growled through the slit in his teeth.

  “I thought it was my turn tonight,” Kate stammered.

  “Oh, you have no idea,” he grinned. “I’m just getting you worked up that’s all.” But in the process of getting her worked up Jack was getting himself all worked up too. “Come on, let’s go upstairs,” he said needing a release of his own.

  Kate stepped away from the counter, but instead of walking, Jack had other ideas. Before Kate could stop him, he flung her over his shoulder. She released a quick squeal as he carried her out the kitchen, up the stairs and down the hall into his bedroom. He set her on her feet by the bed. Jack quickly removed his boots, kicking them across the floor. He pulled off his shirt then proceeded to remove his jeans and boxer briefs. Kate’s breath caught in her chest once more seeing this gorgeous sculptured male before her.

  “It’s time for you to render your magic on me,” exclaimed Jack as he strode toward her.

  “How am I going to seduce you if I can’t use my hands,” she said.

  “The possibilities are endless,” he grinned from ear to ear. “I suggest you use your mouth.”

  Kate turned a bright shade of red and stepped back. “I’m not doing that,” she shook her head back and forth.

  “You want to start now, baby,” he toyed with her as he took another step toward her.

  “No,” spouted Kate as she matched his step like a dance moving back.

  “I want you to start right here.” He pointed to his mouth.

  “Untie me first, then I’ll kiss you,” she said thinking this was not the way she rehearsed it in her head this afternoon.

  “Are we back to making deals?” he asked as he kind of liked the idea.


  “Kiss me first and then I’ll untie you,” Jack placed his own offer on the table.

  “You promise?”

  “Remember baby, I’m not a man who makes promises,” said Jack with a sly grin.

  “Then I am not kissing you.”

  “I don’t think you’re in a position to negotiate,” he stated rather arrogantly. “If you want me to untie you, you will kiss me.”

  “Fine, I’ll kiss you, but since I can’t touch you then you can’t touch me,” she counter-offered.

  “Deal,” smiled Jack triumphantly.

  Kate moved closer to him. She gently brushed her lips on his and parted them as she rendered a sensual dream-like kiss. It was slow and long, tweaking his senses, making him want more. Kate pulled back ever so slightly nipping his bottom lip then skimming her tongue around the inside of his mouth. It took all of Jack’s strength not to slam his tongue down her throat and claim her. Kate pulled away and stepped back. He lingered for a second eyes still closed relishing in that moment of bliss. He opened his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “You’re torturing me, Kate,” he said in a low husky tone.

  “Untie me, Jack.”

  “Now, wait a minute,” he said as a thought sprung to his head. “I have another deal.”

  “What’s your deal?” she asked, as she saw an emerald sparkle in his eyes.

  “Let’s explore this a little further. I’ll keep you tied, but I can’t touch you. You on the other hand can only use your mouth to entice me. If I touch you, I’ll untie you.”

  Kate bit the bottom of her lip and considered his offer. She knew he would not last five minutes. “Deal,” said Kate feeling victory coursing through her veins, or was it desire?

  She took a step toward him again. “Oh Jack, the things I’m going to do to you.” Her voice was sultry and Jack felt the tightening of his groin.

  Kate kissed him again really slowly. Jack closed his eyes and felt his stomach muscles clenching. She parted from him, her breath heavy with desire. She teased him, kissing and parting until his head leaned forward like a magnet drawn to her lips. She lingered by his mouth, tempting him with her tongue. Then she slammed her mouth hard against his and kissed him with as much passion and pleasure she could muster.

  Jack’s hands flew up in the air and he was about to wrap them through her hair. He stopped short and scrunched his hands into fists. He steadied his passions and returned them to his side.

  Kate released his lips and moved lower over his chest. She ran her tongue tantalizingly slow over his nipple. She felt his body shudder and his rippling muscles twitching as if sharp electrical current was pricking at his skin. She repeated the process on the other and heard Jack release a growl in his throat.

  Kate tortured him at the same place, taking him into her mouth and dancing her tongue with wild abandon. Jack’s fists got tighter, his breathing increased. Kate moved upward again trailing kisses mixed with tongue to his neck and ear. She nibbled his lobe with her teeth, then trailed it with her tongue and exhaled hot breath against his skin.

  “Damn you, Kate,” he moaned. “You’re going to make me come before I experience the best part.”

  “No baby, don’t you dare come,” she whispered her heat in his ear. “I’m not done with you yet.” Kate felt a sense of empowerment knowing she held the power and control over his body. It was wild and erotic. She had never experienced anything like this before. The mere touch of her mouth was rendering him out of control. It was at that moment she understood what he meant to give up control. He was teaching her, and Kate was a fast learner.

  “Are you ready for the best part,” continued Kate as she moved her tongue over his chest and down to his abdomen.

  “Oh yeah, baby,” he laughed though he was clenching his teeth. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  “Oh, I think I do.”

  She knelt on one knee and steadied herself. It was a little tricky with her hands tied behind her back, but she mastered it placing her other knee on the ground and kneeling before him.

��Spread your legs a little, baby,” she bellowed her command and Jack complied. Kate kissed him on the inside of his thigh and trailed her tongue up to the point of his need. She repeated it on his other leg.

  “Christ Kate, just do it already!” Jack growled and ran both of his hands through his hair.

  Kate was slow and deliberate. She ran the tip of her tongue over him and stopped then repeated it again. Jack’s legs began to quiver. His mind went instantly blank and all he felt was the need to be inside her mouth. The anticipation was driving him insane. Kate wet her lips and sucked him deep in her mouth. Jack released a groan. But as quickly as the pleasure came it left when she drew back.

  “You’re mine, Jack,” she groaned on his tip. “Say it. Say your mine!”

  “Oh Kate, when I get my hands on you I am going to f-”

  Jack groaned again as Kate filled her mouth with his need. She moved with sharp deliberate strokes, darting in and out then taking him deep drawing on him lower in her throat. Once more she pulled out in a slow pulling movement.

  “Say your mine,” she beckoned in a feminine growl.

  “I’m all yours, baby.” He was out of his mind.

  Kate performed it again sliding back and forth bringing him close to the edge. She stopped and breathed her hot air sending his body into a rippling quiver.

  “You belong to me, Jack,” she growled again. “Only me. Remember that.”

  “Yes, I belong to you.” He growled back as his hands clenched tighter into fists as every ounce of his being wanted to touch her. “Only you Kate, always you.”

  She swallowed him whole in her mouth, plunging him deeper and deeper inside her. Jack thrust his hips forward wanting more. Kate was relentless in her delightful torture urging him on. Her sounds and his groans added to his urgency until Jack could no longer hold back.

  “I’m ready,” he moaned. “Pull out now if you want me to finish.”

  Kate ignored him and this time sucked him all the way inside her mouth. Jack grabbed her by the back of her hair and pressed her deep to him as he exploded.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” he growled in a deep voice. Jack released her and Kate sat back on her heels. He dropped to the floor beside her.

  “Turn around,” he whispered as he tried to untie her but his hands were shaking so badly he couldn’t undo the knot.

  Jack skimmed the floor and retrieved his jeans. He pulled out his pocket knife and cut the rope free. Kate felt a sense of triumph flood through her as she rubbed her wrists. Jack fell back on the floor, his spine pressing against the carpet and a satiated grin planted on his face. He lifted his head and stared at her.

  “You are a fucking goddess, you know that, Kate?” He laughed, then threw his head back on the carpet and closed his eyes. His body was tingling everywhere like sharp sparks of electricity. His breathing was rapid and he tried to slow it down in order to gain control of his body.

  “You want to do it again?” She asked as she ran her hand along his chest.

  He shuttered and took her hand to prevent further torment until he could settle down.

  “Give me a minute,” he exclaimed.

  Kate laughed and slid on her belly beside him, dangling her legs up in the air.

  “Did you like it?” she asked as she leaned on her elbow and gave him a sheepish grin.

  “Like it?” he laughed again. “Baby, I think I’m in love with you!”

  His declaration startled her as Kate’s eyes popped wide. Her heart started racing in her chest and she felt all melty and gooey inside. Only one other person ever told her that and it ended in betrayal. Now here was this man, this overbearing and arrogant man humbling himself before her and declaring his heart.

  Jack saw the look of shock on her face. He hadn’t meant to tell her what was stirring inside.

  “Relax, Kate,” he said. “It was a figure of speech, so don’t read more into it than it is.”

  “Oh-” she choked. “I knew that.” And she looked away. Her moment of triumph was over. It was a figure of speech, and Jack didn’t love her. It shouldn’t have bothered her but it did. Kate laid her head down on the carpet away from him.

  “Boy, am I starved,” said Jack. “You have worked me up into a healthy appetite, baby.”

  “Whatever you want, Jack,” she said fighting back the lump forming in her throat.

  He rolled on his side and began to rub her back. He felt her flinch beneath his palms. “Kate, did I do something wrong?”

  “No.” She lied and tightened to his insincere touch.

  “I did. I can tell because you won’t look at me.”

  “It’s nothing.” She climbed on her knees and stood. “Why don’t you take a shower while I reheat dinner?” She avoided his gaze not wanting him too see the tears she was so desperately fighting to hide.

  Jack jumped to his feet and reached for her hand. “Take a shower with me?”

  “I don’t feel like it.” She pulled away and headed for the door. He stepped in front of her and Kate turned her face away. “Come on,” he said as he took her by the hand and led her into the bathroom. He turned on the shower then proceeded to undress her.

  Kate kept her eyes lowered to the floor, too ashamed and embarrassed for him to see her upset. Jack stepped into the shower then Kate. She was grateful for the water washing over her face as it concealed the tears that began to spill down her cheeks. In spite of her efforts to hide her distress, Jack knew. He lifted her chin and searched her eyes.

  “I’ve hurt you Kate, but I don’t know how,” he said in a soothing voice.

  “It’s nothing.” She lowered her head. “I’m overreacting.”

  “What are you overreacting to?”

  “It was a figure of speech.” She pretended to laugh but inside her heart was aching. “Of course you don’t love me. You barely know me, right?” She turned away and faced the wall, silent sobs escaped her lips.

  “I know you better than you think.” Jack leaned over her shoulder and whispered in her ear. He laid his hand on her belly and pressed her against him. “How do you know I didn’t mean it? Maybe when I said it I meant it.”

  “I think you said it out of the heat of the moment.” She laughed in spite of her tears.

  “You did a really good job, baby.” He nuzzled her neck and laid light kisses. “Do you want to hear me say it again, because I will if you want?”

  “I don’t know,” she said truthfully. “It scares me to hear you say it and it scares me not to hear you say it.”

  “I know.” He felt her vulnerability. “I promise I won’t hurt you the way he did.”

  “I thought you didn’t make promises,” said Kate as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I only make promises that I know I can keep.” He turned her to face him. “And I promise you I will guard your heart like it’s my own.”

  Jack lifted her chin and kissed her like he had never kissed her before. He made love to her in the shower then carried her to bed. He was tender and gentle, caring for her like she was a rare treasure. He buried her beside him, spooning their bodies into a one line curve. He cupped her breast with his hand as he nestled kisses to the back of her shoulder, lulling her to sleep. He listened to the change of her breathing as she drifted in and out of slumber.

  “I love you, Kate.” He whispered in her ear as his words echoed in her mind playing like a sweet melody until she fell into the place of her dreams.


  History Remains in the Past

  Kate stood before the bathroom mirror curling her hair. Jack leaned in the doorway and watched her. Never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined he would be sharing his bathroom with this glorious creature who was now preventing him from shaving. He liked the feeling of all of this, and the change was good for him.

  Kate felt his presence and glanced in the mirror at the handsome man watching her with appreciative eyes. “I’ll be done in a minute.”

  “Take your time. I’m in no hurry.”

/>   “It’s dangerous to tell a woman to take her time,” she laughed. “You may never get your bathroom back.”

  “I can think of a few ways to get you away from the mirror.” He grinned.

  “I’m sure you can.” She returned her attention back to curling her hair.

  “I don’t know why you’re fussing with your hair today. It’s only going to get wet later.”

  “Why, where are we going?”

  Jack entered the bathroom and walked up behind her. He pulled the curling iron plug from its socket, took it out of her hands, and set it on top of the shelf.

  “Barbie doll, I think it’s time for you and me to do a little sun worshipping at the lake.”

  “You’re taking me to Lake Tahoe?” She spun on her heels and showered her excitement.

  “Oh, hell no! That water is too cold. It’ll make my nuts shrivel up. I’m taking you to Lake Lahanton.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “It’s in the valley past Silver Springs.”

  “Oh,” said Kate like she knew where it was, but in truth she had no clue.

  “You did bring your bathing suit with you my little California girl?”

  “Of course I did.” She smiled.

  “Is it a bikini?” His eyes glittered with mischief.

  “Which one?”

  “You have more than one?” He lifted his brow.

  “Follow me.” She led him back to the bedroom and opened one of her drawers. Jack saw an array of tiny bikini tops with matching bottoms.

  “You have at least a dozen,” he exclaimed and shook his head. He held one up and saw how tiny it was.

  “I was born and raised on the beach.” She released a smile. “I practically lived in bathing suits.”

  “Wow,” said Jack as he felt himself go hard just picturing her parading around the beach in one of these.

  “Pick one,” said Kate as she returned to the bathroom. She rolled up the cord on her curling iron and placed it back in its drawer then sauntered back to the bedroom.

  “I chose this one.” Jack held up a matching set with more string than material and handed it to Kate. She placed it on the bed then went to the closet to retrieve her beach bag. She pulled out her e-reader and plugged it in to charge.


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