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Rated: X-mas: Twice Blessed

Page 2

by Rachel Bo

  “Me, too, Mom.” Jenny hugged her tight.

  “Well.” Meredith pulled back after a moment. “Come in! Don’t stand out there in the cold.”

  Jenny stepped into the foyer, greeting the man standing in the archway into the living room. “Hi, Dad.”

  Scott Dalton nodded stiffly. “Jenny.”

  They stood, staring at each other awkwardly.

  “Scott.” Meredith’s tone was an admonishment. “Don’t you have something to say?”

  Jenny’s father frowned. “I can’t help it, Meredith. I guess I’m still a little angry.”

  “Scott, you promised not to ‑‑”

  “It’s okay, Mom,” Jenny interrupted. “We might as well go ahead and get everything out in the open and get it dealt with, so we can enjoy the rest of the visit.” Her mother pushed the front door shut as Jenny stepped forward and faced her father squarely.

  “I’m sorry you feel like you wasted your money, Dad. But I tried to tell you what I really wanted, and you wouldn’t listen.” Jenny reached out and rested a hand on his arm. “And it wasn’t really a waste. Nursing supported me very well while I continued to study, and I’m grateful for that. But I love what I’m doing now, and I don’t regret making the decision to change careers. I hope you can understand.”

  Her father’s expression softened. “It’s just ‑‑ did it have to be the entertainment business, Jen? You know how those people are.”

  She couldn’t contain the deep, rich laugh that seemed to startle her father. “Dad, I think you have the wrong idea about how involved I am in the industry. I design and make period costumes for theatrical productions, S.C.A. enthusiasts, a few businesses that are themed to a particular time period. As a matter of fact, up until last week, we’d never landed a contract for a major Hollywood film.” She put her arm around him. “I’m thirty-five years old, Dad. I’m not out partying and being propositioned ‑‑ I’m in my office or the sewing room, working my butt off to dress people I never even see.”

  Scott grinned sheepishly. “I guess I never really thought about it.” He put his arm around her. “But am I allowed to hate the fact that you have to live on the other side of the continent in order to do this?”

  “Mmmm ... yeah, as long as you don’t hate me.”

  Her father tightened his grip on her shoulders, holding her close. “Never, sweetie.” He sighed. “What can I say? Your old man’s a control freak, and it took me a while to absorb the fact that you weren’t going to just up and move back and do what I wanted you to do.”

  Meredith stepped forward, tears in her eyes. “Oh, Scott.” She reached up and cupped his face with her hand.

  Jenny’s father cleared his throat. “Okay, now. None of this weepy-weep stuff. Let’s get Jenny situated, and then I’m taking you both out to dinner.”


  “Jenny? What do you think?”

  Jenny stared at herself in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. The silver gown shimmered as she moved, accentuating the soft mounds of her breasts, glinting from the curve of her hips. She couldn’t believe she could wear something like this and pull it off, but she had to admit, it suited her perfectly. Her mother had done an excellent job.

  “I hope I wasn’t too presumptuous.” Meredith fluttered her hands nervously, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles in her own gown. “I just thought, from your letters, that you didn’t really go to functions like this any more, and I was afraid you might not have anything to wear, and ... oh, you’re not angry, are you? Scott thought you might feel like we were treating you like a charity case, but parents should be able to buy gifts for their children, shouldn’t they? And we’ve got seven years of gift-giving to catch up on, and ‑‑”

  “Mom.” Jenny met her mother’s eyes in the mirror. “It’s beautiful. And it doesn’t feel like charity.” She laughed. “I’m relieved, actually. I knew before I headed out here that we had all those parties to go to, and it never even occurred to me to shop for anything appropriate. I guess I was more preoccupied with how things were going to go between us. I’m just glad I don’t have to wear a sack to Uncle Frank’s tonight.”

  Meredith clapped her hands together. “So you like it?”

  Jenny turned back to the mirror. “I love it.”

  “Good. And ... well, I have to confess, there are a couple more dresses for you hidden away in my closet.” Jenny raised her eyebrows. “Well, there’s the dinner at the chairman’s house next week, and Junie’s annual Christmas party, and ‑‑”

  She looked so worried that Jenny had to laugh again. “It’s all right, Mom. I appreciate it; I really do. But don’t buy any more, okay? If I don’t have what I need, we can go shopping together, and I’ll pay for it.”

  Meredith nodded. “Oh, hurry up. I can’t wait to show you off!”

  Jenny shook her head as she picked up the little silver handbag that went with the dress. “I swear, you’re making me feel like a little kid again!” Her tone was chiding, but as they made their way downstairs, she was forced to admit to herself that she was actually enjoying being her parents’ little girl again.

  * * * * *

  Three hours later, standing in a corner of her uncle’s crowded living room, choking on smoke and perfume, she was having second thoughts. She had remembered hating these things, but over the years, her mind had glossed over exactly how out of place she felt among her family’s friends and relatives. Despite her upbringing, she considered herself a simple girl, with simple tastes. She’d never been into the party rounds, the plastic surgery, the smoking. After the initial introductions, she’d found herself without anything to say to these people, hiding out in a secluded corner, as she had when she was young.

  And it didn’t help that she kept sensing that she was being watched. Several times, she’d had such an intense feeling of being observed that she’d almost felt ... stalked. But when she scanned the room, there were no sudden turns of the head, no whispered conversations. It was probably just nerves. Maybe a little fresh air would help ‑‑ the room was stifling.

  Jenny edged her way through the crowd to the French doors that let out onto the garden. They were partially opened, to help alleviate the heat created by the crush of people, so she slipped out onto the flagstone patio.

  It was a clear, cold night. Moonlight bathed the garden with opal radiance, and Jenny found herself drawn to the fountain. She picked her way carefully down the steps, then walked over and stared at her reflection in the shimmering waters.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?”

  Jenny whirled as the voice spoke behind her. “What?”

  “I said you’re beautiful.”

  She stared into the piercing blue eyes of a man who appeared to be close to her own age. His hair was a little long ‑‑ sandy brown, tousled curls framing a deeply tanned face and a killer smile. He looked vaguely familiar. Jenny frowned. “Do I know you?”

  His grin widened. “Yes.” His eyes flickered toward something behind her. “You once promised to marry me.”

  Jenny laughed. “Oh, that’s a good one. But I know that’s not true, because I’ve never been proposed to.”

  “Oh, but you have.” Another voice spoke from behind her, and she whirled again, losing her balance in the process. A strong, brown hand reached out to steady her, and then she was looking into an identical pair of bright blue eyes.

  “But ... you’re ...” Jenny turned, staring from one man to the other, virtual mirror images of each other. A forgotten memory began to stir, but a distracting heat invaded her arm where their flesh met, making it hard for her to concentrate. Where had she seen twins like this before?

  The man holding her arm leaned toward her. “Run,” he whispered.

  Jenny pulled her arm from his grasp and backed away. What on earth were they doing? Somehow, they were between her and the house now. “W-What did you say?”

  They both looked at her with eyes that were no longer bright and laughing, but dark and full of desire. �
�He said run.”

  Some primal instinct made her move just as they reached for her. Her heart raced as she stumbled past the fountain. She looked back, and they were coming. Slowly, but moving with a sleek power and animal grace that sent her heart leaping into her throat. Jenny kicked off her heels and raced down the path.

  Why was this happening? She racked her brain, trying to bring back the faint memory that had stirred a moment ago. Where had she seen those beautiful eyes before?

  Then it came back to her, and she was so startled that she stopped dead. Surely, they couldn’t be the guys from the truck. As she stood there, that hot August afternoon replayed itself in her mind. Those compelling blue eyes, the smiles, the hair.

  Shit. Jenny couldn’t imagine that they would still remember her, yet alone recognize her. This had to be some kind of joke. Her heart began to race again, but this time it wasn’t fear that pulsed in her veins, but desire. Jenny chided herself. She knew nothing about these two, except that they were obviously obsessive, to remember her this long. So why was she standing here, waiting for them?

  Jenny made herself step off the path, behind the trunk of one of the large oaks that graced her uncle’s property. Shivering, she closed her eyes, waiting for the sound of their footsteps. After they passed, she’d high-tail it back to the house and call the police.

  Jenny almost screamed when hands closed around each of her arms.

  “And now, we’ve finally caught you.” The voice had a teasing quality to it, and Jenny opened her eyes. Her captors pressed close, the heat from their bodies chasing away her chill. “You aren’t frightened, are you?”

  Jenny swallowed. “Yes.”

  One of them reached up and traced the edge of her low neckline with a calloused finger. “But?”

  Had there been a “but” in her tone? Jenny took a deep breath, intending to scream, but let it out as a sigh. Hell, yes. “But ...” She searched for words that wouldn’t make her sound like an idiot.

  “But you do remember us.” The finger outlining her dress slipped just beneath the edge of the fabric. The other man reached up and ran his hand through her loose hair, and the shiver that ran through her body had nothing to do with the cold.

  “Yes.” Jenny sighed.

  “And?” The man caressing her hair was pressed up against her, his erection prodding her hip.

  “I ‑‑” His mouth claimed hers, and Jenny moaned, meeting his thrusting tongue with her own.

  The hand at her chest slid beneath the fabric, covering one breast. “Mmmm,” a voice whispered in her ear. “I’ve been wanting to do this for seven years.”

  She couldn’t believe she was allowing this to happen, but suddenly, dreams she had relegated to the darkest corners of her mind came to the surface. As much as she wanted to deny it, she remembered these two much better than she had initially let on. She’d dreamed about them, over and over just after her trip to California, then less frequently as the outrageous things she did in those dreams forced her to push them out of her mind.

  Jenny leaned into the hand at her breast, deepening the kiss as hot fingers milked her nipple, bringing it to a taut, aching peak. “What’s your name?” whispered the mouth against her lips.


  Two hands glided down her back. She was vaguely aware of a quiet rasping sound, and a sudden gust of cold air against her buttocks made her realize they had unzipped her dress. She knew she should protest, but the hands caressing her cheeks now were so warm, so gentle. She sighed and pushed the two men away from her. “Wait.”

  Jenny felt disembodied as she pushed the straps down her shoulders and let the dress fall to the ground. She was naked underneath ‑‑ it wasn’t the kind of dress you could wear a bra with, and she hadn’t wanted panty lines and never wore hose. “I-It’s cold,” she stuttered, suddenly shocked at her own actions.

  They both stepped forward. “Let us keep you warm.”

  “W-Wait. What are your names?”

  She could see slight differences between them now. One was leaner and seemed less serious, his hair just a tad lighter in the dappled moonlight. He moved, embracing her from behind, his hands caressing her abdomen just above the dark brown curls at her groin. “I’m Devlin.” He nibbled at her ear, his hot breath sending spirals of pleasure down to the damp cavern between her legs. “But most people call me Dev.”

  The other one stepped forward, sliding one arm around her back, between her and the other, as he gazed down at her. “I’m Damien.” He studied her seriously for a moment. “Are you sure about this?” he murmured.

  Jenny shook her head. “No.” The pleasant touch at her abdomen faltered, and she leaned into the man behind her, meeting Damien’s eyes boldly at the same time. “But don’t stop.”

  He smiled then, and it lit up his face. He held her gaze as he reached for her, his hand joining his brother’s, both of them gliding down to tickle her bush. Jenny arched and sighed, allowing herself to forget everything but their touch.

  Their fingers circled her clit, and she shifted one leg, wrapping it around Damien’s thigh. He cocked an eyebrow, and she nodded. “Please.”

  “Who?” he whispered.

  “Both of you.”

  Dev groaned and nipped her earlobe as their forefingers slid inside her. “God, Jenny. You’re everything we imagined.”

  “And more,” Damien insisted.

  Jenny turned her head and kissed Devlin eagerly, hungrily, gasping as she felt the warmth that was Damien’s mouth closing upon her breast. “Oh, God.”

  Dev backed up, drawing them with him until his back was supported by the huge oak. He let go of her briefly, and Damien’s mouth claimed hers as she listened to the quiet sounds of Dev’s pants being unzipped and pushed down past his burgeoning erection. Jenny moaned in disappointment as Damien broke away. “Turn around,” he said.

  She turned, and froze at the sight of Devlin’s cock. She’d had her share of sexual encounters over the years, but Dev’s shaft easily dwarfed every other man she’d ever experienced. The electric thrill that ran down her spine was part lust, part fear. Could she take him?

  He must have sensed her anxiety, because he said, “Don’t worry.” His hands closed on her waist, and then he and Damien were raising her up. She lifted her knees and parted her legs, trembling as they lowered her toward his waiting staff.

  Cold air wafted over the wetness between her thighs. Slowly, Devlin eased the tip of his cock into her. Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck. God, his cock was so thick. Carefully, they let her weight bear her down. She whimpered with need. Her lips stretched painfully around him, but the discomfort only seemed to heighten her desire.

  “Are you okay?” he whispered.

  She nodded her head wordlessly, tightening her pussy around him. Dev groaned. “Let go,” Jenny whispered. He hesitated for a moment, then nodded, loosening his hold. Damien let go and stepped back. She worked her legs around Devlin’s waist, crossing her ankles just below his buttocks as he finally buried the last of his length inside her. “God, yes.”

  His hands were at her waist again, holding her steady while he began to pump his hips. “Yes, Devlin,” Jenny sobbed. “Oh, yes!”

  She felt Damien’s hands on her cheeks, parting them, and then something warm and wet glided over her anus. She gasped, her pussy convulsing involuntarily. Dev chuckled. “I think she likes that, Damien.”

  “Do you, Jenny?” Damien purred. “Do you like me licking your ass?”

  In the past, Jenny had always been too embarrassed to admit that she enjoyed anal play, but what they were doing to her felt too damn good. “Yes,” she whispered urgently. “Oh, yes.”

  Damien’s tongue flicked quickly back and forth over the now-throbbing pucker, the muscles in Jenny’s pussy dancing with each stroke. Devlin groaned. “Oh, hell, yeah!” His rhythm increased, his powerful hips pumping rapidly, his huge cock plunging so deep that it almost hurt, and yet satisfying Jenny in a way she had never been satisfied
before, so that she bit her lip to keep from crying out, afraid they would stop. It was torture, but it was exquisite torture.

  “Oh, God.” She trembled as her world narrowed to the hot core between her legs and the pulsing throb between her buttocks. When Damien’s tongue disappeared, and the tip of a broad finger insinuated itself inside her, it was more than she could take. Wave after wave of pleasure slammed through her, and she arched, mouth open in a soundless scream of glee as Devlin’s hot seed erupted inside her.

  Damien stood and helped support her as she and Devlin trembled with their release. When they had both regained a modicum of control, Dev lifted her gently and set her on the ground. “Thank you,” he said, his hands still holding her waist, looking her in the eye.

  She looked away, not wanting him to see her desperation ‑‑ this sudden, rampant hunger that she had never felt before.

  “Hey.” His hand gently cupped her chin, turning her to face him. “You don’t have anything to be ashamed of. This was beautiful.”

  “And it doesn’t have to end.” Damien’s breath in her ear sent a surge of lust through Jenny’s body that took her breath away.

  “You don’t understand,” she said, meeting Dev’s gaze. “I’m not ashamed.”

  He drew in a shaky breath at the look in her eye. “Oh, hell, Jenny. Don’t look at me like that.”

  She didn’t understand the sudden fear in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  His gaze flickered to Damien, and Jenny turned. “What is it?” Please, God, don’t let this be some kind of terrible joke.

  Damien’s gaze seemed to drink in the sight of her, driving Jenny’s anxiety away. Whatever else might be going on, this man definitely wanted her. And she wanted him. She stepped forward, trailing her fingers over the prominent bulge at his crotch. “You said it doesn’t have to end.”

  Damien caught her fingers with his hand. “Not forever, but for tonight. They’ll be missing you soon. And we need to get to know each other a little better, before ‑‑” He glanced at his brother ‑‑ they still hadn’t said they were brothers, but only a fool would think they were anything but twins ‑‑ and didn’t finish the sentence. He bent down and picked up Jenny’s dress from the ground, brushing away the bits of snow clinging to its silver folds.


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