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A Discarded Pearl (A Marsden Romance Book 5)

Page 11

by Dawn Brower

  Chapter Thirteen

  Pearla sat across from Gemma and Lily in the carriage as they headed to the Huntly townhouse. She’d stopped by, and her friends had talked her into a visit with Rubina. The last time she’d called upon the duchess—if it could be called that—was when she’d renewed her wedding vows with Noah. She still didn’t know why she had attended the ceremony. Gemma thought it would be a good idea. What had she called it? Oh yeah, closure. It had been good for her to see how much in love the couple was. Though it made her ache for something similar.

  “What is going on inside that head of yours?” Gemma asked.

  “Hmmm,” Pearla said absently.

  “Pearla,” Lily exclaimed.

  She turned toward them and stared, baffled. What had they been saying? She’d been lost in her own world. There was too much on her mind and she had no idea how to deal with it all. When she’d seen Damian with Camellia the night before, her heart had hurt even more than before. It shouldn’t matter that he had a mistress. They were nothing to each other. As much as she pushed him away, she couldn’t help how much she desired him. Pushing him away was the only way she could continue to protect herself.

  “Yes?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “What?”

  Lily and Gemma exchanged a look. What did that mean?

  “I told you,” Gemma said.

  Lily chuckled. “You did.”

  Pearla rolled her eyes. “All right, I’ll ask. What did you tell her?”

  She didn’t have the patience to play guessing games with her two friends. In fact, she lacked any tolerance what-so-ever. Her temper was at an all-time high, and she’d been snapping for no reason at all. The staff tiptoed around her.

  Lily smiled. “You have something, or should I say someone, on your mind. Do you care to share?”

  “I have nothing on my mind.” Only one handsomely wicked conte that wouldn’t leave her thoughts no matter how much she tried. “Nothing of import. I was thinking perhaps it would be lovely to have a dinner party. Would you two be willing to come?”

  The last thing she wanted was a dinner party, but she needed to distract them in some way. She could get through an entire evening of their company if it halted the current conversation.

  Gemma shook her head. “You’re not getting off that easy.”

  Lily nodded. “We know something is bothering you, and you’re going to tell us. If you want to discuss dinner plans, we will do so afterward.”

  “Why are you two being so difficult?” Pearla sighed. “I don’t wish to discuss it.”

  “Don’t you think it’s time?” Gemma asked, softly.

  Pearla resisted the urge to stomp her foot and throw a tantrum that would put a two-year-old to shame. How many times must she tell them? She only had one wish—to forget Damian Leone existed. All he’d done was destroy any chance she’d love another man. She’d thought she loved Noah. She hadn’t realized how bland her emotions were for the duke until she met the conte. Now when she closed her eyes all she saw was his silver eyes alight with passion.

  “I rather not.” She turned her head away so they couldn’t see the fear in her eyes.

  “Tell us what happened with Damian,” Lily insisted. “We know there is a story there. He claimed you were his wife when he interrupted the wedding.”

  The carriage came to a screeching halt, giving her a reprieve. Pearla took the opportunity to exit the carriage and head to the front door. Surely they wouldn’t discuss the duchess’s brother in her presence. She could pretend the conversation hadn’t turned around and cornered her.

  “Don’t think this is over with,” Gemma said from behind her. “It’s only paused for a few moments.”

  Drat. So much for thinking they’d drop it around Rubina. Pearla sighed. “Why won’t you leave it be?”

  “Because we can see your heart in your eyes whenever he’s around. It’s time to face your problems head-on. If you want him, and we think you do, we are going to do whatever we can to make sure you get him.” Lily patted her on the hand. “I have experience here. So does Gemma. Let us do this for you.”

  They walked into the townhouse and into Rubina’s sitting room. She was already waiting for them. “Good, you’re here. Did you ask her?”

  “Yes, we did,” Gemma answered her. “And no, we don’t have answers yet.”

  The duchess stared at them for a brief moment, and then shook her head. Pearla didn’t want to know what was going through her thoughts. She was very much afraid she wouldn’t like it one bit.

  Rubina waved them in. “Come sit, refreshments will be here shortly.”

  “Did you plan this?” Pearla asked as she looked back and forth between the three women. How could they do this to her? She thought they were her friends.

  “We had planned on confronting you…” Gemma began.

  “But we were not going to ask you yet. You happened to make it easier for us by stopping by to see Gemma today. All we did was take advantage of the situation,” Lily finished.

  “They’re right. I wasn’t expecting you. Lily and Gemma, yes, but it is a surprise.” Rubina smiled. “A welcome one, but I apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable.”

  Pearla gulped down a lump that formed in her throat. She wanted to run away from them. Perhaps they were right and it was time to face her fears. What if she could have Damian? If they were aware of something that she wasn’t… Perhaps he’d shared something with his sister. Did she dare ask?

  She paced the room as anxiety filled her. Where should she start? “After the wedding…” She paused and took a deep breath and turned toward them. “I left.”

  “We know that.” Lily waved her hand. “Tell us how you ended up with Damian.”

  Pearla glanced at each of their faces. They appeared a little too eager to hear the details. Why were they so interested in what happened? Rubina must not know much if they were all interrogating Pearla.

  “I’m getting to that.” Such impatience. “I booked passage on a ship. It seemed like fate, and I could get out of England and away from the embarrassment.”

  Rubina blushed. “I’m sorry about that—if I could have returned sooner, I would have.”

  Pearla waved her hand. She no longer blamed the woman. How could she? It wasn’t as if she planned to hurt her. An evil man had held her captive in his home for years. She had suffered more than Pearla ever had. “I know, and there is nothing to forgive. Damian explained what happened to you. I’m sorry you had to go through so much pain. You and Noah shouldn’t have been put through that because a mad man had been obsessed with you. It’s clear to see how much you two love each other. I’m happy for you.”

  “Thank you,” Rubina said quietly. Her tone was soft, yet demanding. “This would be a good place to tell us about your relationship with my brother.”

  “Don’t skip the good parts,” Lily interjected. Gemma smacked her on the shoulder. “What? Don’t tell me you’re not curious. I’ll call you a liar.”

  Pearla smiled. This was a good thing. They were her friends, and she could trust them. “The Duca d’Sordillo kidnapped Damian and arranged for him to be on the ship I booked passage on.”

  “He implied as much, but we couldn’t find the evidence we needed to confirm it. Paolo is an evil man.” Rubina sighed. “We feared Damian died at his hands.”

  “Did you help rescue him?” Lily prodded. Gemma glared at her. “Quit giving me that look, Gemma Marsden. We’ve been waiting long enough to hear this story, and I don’t want her to get distracted.”

  Gemma sighed and shook her head. “Please continue, Pearla.”

  Pearla laughed. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Rubina asked.

  Warmth spread through her. She didn’t know how much she’d needed this…time with these three women to help her put it into perspective.

  “For forcing me to talk about it.”

  She told them everything. Explained how she’d been locked in a cabin with Damian for weeks. The we
dding Captain Blythe had forced on them, and then the finale when Damian had left. When she found out the wedding had been nothing but a sham, and then the captain’s claims Damian had orchestrated it.

  Rubina shook her head. “I don’t know what happened to my brother. He hasn’t bothered to explain any of it to me yet. That tells me it isn’t good, or he’d have spilled all of the details already. He’s always been protective of me.” She frowned. “I do know this: he cares for you, and he wouldn’t have left you willingly. I bet my life Captain Blythe lied to you. Talk to him and let him explain what happened.”

  Pearla bit her lip and considered her words. Rubina would know Damian better than anyone. Could she trust him again? She wanted to. Her heart belonged to him in a way it never had to anyone else. If he loved her—she could have everything. But what if she did as Rubina suggested and he broke her all over again. Could she take a chance and lose everything?

  “I don’t know if I can…” She looked away from them. “I thought I loved Noah. I know now I didn’t have a clue what love is. If I go to Damian and lay my heart before him, I don’t know if I’d survive it if he tossed it aside.”

  “Why do you have reservations?” Gemma asked. “Has he done something to make you believe he’d hurt you?”

  “Other than the lies that Captain Blythe told you,” Lily said. “Because it’s clear he had his own agenda.”

  Pearla glanced at Rubina. “Do you know a Camellia?”

  Rubina’s face lost all color. Her voice was high-pitched as she demanded, “How do you know her?”

  Pearla sighed. She knew that woman was trouble. “I saw her last night at the Silverton ball. She was awfully friendly with Damian. Her words implied that they were—involved.”

  Please let me be wrong. She didn’t like to think of Damian with another woman.

  Rubina took a deep breath. “Camellia is Paolo’s younger sister.” She waved her hand. “Which isn’t important… Damian and Camellia were—courting I guess is the word. I know now that it was much deeper than that.”

  Pearla’s heart broke. It was as she feared. He did have a past with the stunning woman. “I see.” She fought tears. This was not the time to give into the pain.

  “No, you don’t,” Rubina said softly. “Damian never loved her. She was a tool. He knew if he got close to her, he’d be able to find out more about Paolo’s organization.” She frowned. “I hate to admit this, but he used her. He knew she wanted him, and he saw it as a way to end Paolo’s criminal activity.”

  Camellia was the mistake he’d referred to when they were being held captive together. He’d said he regretted it. Pearla tilted her head and considered the information Rubina imparted. “He doesn’t love her?”

  “He never did.” She smiled. “I do believe he loves you. I know my brother, and he’s never looked at a woman the way he does you. He may have not said it out loud, but I believe you own his heart.”

  How was she to use this new information? It could change everything for her—she needed to talk to Damian and figure out what future they had.

  “Sometimes the biggest leap you make can give you the best rewards,” Gemma explained. “If I’d given up on Liam, we wouldn’t be where we are now. Trust yourself and actually listen to what he has to say.”

  Lily smiled at Gemma. “My brother is an arse. He never should have run from you to begin with. It’s the Marsden stubbornness.”

  Pearla knew a little about the urge to runaway. She’d been doing it for months. Her friends were right. It was time to face her fears and talk to Damian. Making assumptions was not getting her anywhere. If he loved her… Gemma was right; the rewards would be enormous. She could finally fall into his arms and feel all that pleasure he kept promising her.

  “I believe it’s time I acted on your advice.” Pearla smiled. “I have a lot to think about, some preparation to do.”

  “Maybe now is the time to organize that dinner party you mentioned earlier,” Lily reminded her.

  “Dinner party?” Rubina’s eyebrow rose. “Did I miss something.”

  Gemma tapped her chin. “Perhaps it would be better if Rubina planned one instead.”

  They all looked at Gemma. She explained her idea and they all agreed. As Damian’s sister, she could invite him and give Pearla the perfect opportunity to find some quiet time with him. It would be both proper and private. Pearla couldn’t wait now that she’d decided to give him a chance. She smiled at the thought of seeing him again. A weight lifted off her shoulders she hadn’t realized she’d been carrying around. For the first time in as long as she could remember the future looked bright. All she had to do was let go of all her doubts and she could have everything she wanted.

  Soon, Damian. Soon.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Damian knocked on the door to his sister’s home. She’d effectively demanded he attend a dinner party she planned in the invitation she’d sent to his room. He didn’t doubt it was an excuse to interrogate him. Subtlety wasn’t one of Rubina’s strong suits. When she wanted something she asked plainly, and it appeared as if she was done waiting for him to come to her. He didn’t even know why he avoided the conversation.

  She wouldn’t look badly upon him. If anyone knew what an evil man Paolo was it was her. There was no reason he shouldn’t have explained everything to her. He had a lot on his mind, and honestly didn’t have the time. His conversation with Captain Blythe had given him a lot to think about. Now he could tie up loose ends and begin to pursue Pearla in truth. He knew what she believed, and now it was up to him to alleviate every one of her misgivings.

  “Good evening, Conte Leone,” the butler greeted him after he opened the door. “Everyone is meeting in the sitting room until dinner is served.”

  “Thank you, Simmons.” Damian nodded. “How many people did my sister invite to this little party of hers?”

  “It’s an intimate affair,” he replied. “Only close friends and family.”

  That could mean any number of people his sister viewed as a friend—perhaps he’d get lucky and Pearla was among her guests. She had been at their renewal ceremony. It was possible. Damian nodded at Simmons and headed to the sitting room. He found his sister engrossed in a quiet conversation with the object of his desire. No one else was in the room.

  “Am I early?” he asked.

  He usually was one of the last to arrive. By all appearances, he wasn’t though. Who were they waiting for? A small part of him hoped no one else would be in attendance. He could easily squire Pearla away for a little heart-to-heart and finally convince her she belonged with him.

  Rubina smiled brightly. “You’re right on time. Come in and join us.” She patted the settee. “We’ve much to discuss.”

  Dread began to pool inside of him. What had his sister planned? He raised an eyebrow. “We do?”

  They’d had their heads together whispering when he’d entered. He had an uneasy feeling they were up to something. The demand for him to attend should have been a warning. His sister had no problems hatching a scheme to get what she wanted. He dreaded finding out what she was up to.

  Rubina nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Pearla had yet to acknowledge his presence. She did great at pretending he didn’t exist. Why did he think that would have changed? When he spoke to her directly, she lit up from the inside out. He forced her to admit what was between them. If he let her, she’d go on ignoring the fire burning deep inside them both.

  Damian sat down next to his sister and glanced between Pearla and Rubina. Their wide grins were not very comforting; they only made him more uneasy. “Where is everyone?”

  Pearla remained quiet. It was enough to give a man a complex. How could she find it so easy to ignore him? He was exceptionally aware of her whenever she was in his presence. What would it take to stir her emotions to the surface?

  “Never mind about the guest list.” Rubina waved her hand. “I’ve been talking to Pearla, and I think you have a few things to explain.”
  Damian glanced at Pearla again. She met his gaze with determination. He looked at his sister and encountered the same expression from her. They’d effectively lured him to a dressing down as if he was an errant school boy. He wanted to laugh, but he knew they were serious. He would play their game, and then he’d have his own private time with Pearla. He was done with the chase, and he wanted to claim her as his.

  “What is it you think I need to enlighten you both with?” He leaned back into the settee and watched them both carefully.

  “I have been waiting patiently for you to tell me what happened to you.” Rubina glared at him. “I’ve been forced to ask Pearla to fill in some of the blanks. You interrupted my wedding and claimed she was your wife. Then nothing…” She waved her hand.

  He could almost feel Pearla’s stare burning through him. He turned and gazed into twin blue flames. She wanted to cut in but held back. This was Rubina’s show, and Pearla was waiting for her turn to pounce. He wanted her to. It was about bloody time she sought him out. It was a nice turn of events.

  He tapped his fingers together. “At the time, I believed that to be true. I’ve since realized I was duped by someone in the employ of Paolo.”

  Rubina tilted her head. “There is more to it than that. What happened to you after you left Pearla on that ship with Captain Blythe?”

  Ah…so Pearla had filled her in on the details she was aware of. That made things a little simpler. He still didn’t want to get into the fine details of his horror as an indentured slave. No one needed to know how bad it had been. He still had nightmares about it. In time, he’d be able to let it go, but he wasn’t going to subject the two most important women in his life to the atrocities he suffered. He didn’t need to share his ordeal and add to their pain.

  “Paolo arranged for me to spend some time on a secluded island near Australia.”

  Pearla’s head snapped toward him. “Don’t do that.”

  Finally, she spoke. It took her long enough. “Do what?”

  “Make it seem like you were on holiday when we both know it was far more than that.”


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