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Page 21

by Debra Kayn

  Johanna rocked on her knees, hitting back hard. He bent his knees, pulling her toward him. The slap of skin on skin constricted his balls. Her hips shook, and she erratically plunged back onto him. He let her ride his cock, staring at her ass.

  The force of her orgasm ripped her hair out of his hand, and he grabbed her hips and let her go wild on him. Her pussy sucked him hard, and he came up on his toes and unloaded in her. Holding her close, he rubbed her lower back trying to catch his breath and closed his eyes.


  He opened his eyes. "Yeah?"

  "Look." She pointed ahead of them.

  An orange glow lit the top of the maple trees in the yard. He pulled out of her and lifted her out of the hot tub. It was the start of another day, and he had shit to take care of.

  He climbed out of the water, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around Johanna. He kissed her forehead, making her half-closed eyelids completely shut.

  "You need to go crawl into bed." He swatted her ass to get her moving.

  "I need to wash. Your come is running down the inside of my leg." She blinked. "It's quite...nice."

  He tilted his head in amusement.

  She gave her head a little shake. "I mean, it was quite nice to have you inside me without a condom."

  "Right. Quite nice," he mumbled, making her laugh softly. "Get to bed, bug. You're getting silly from lack of sleep."

  She turned and dragged her feet back into the house. He shut off the hot tub, grabbed his pistol, and went inside.

  The shower ran off the master bedroom, and he went to the utility room and found a pair of clean boxers in the dryer. Grabbing his phone on the way to the bedroom, he put the gun on the nightstand and sprawled out on the bed.

  Johanna walked into the room, every inch of her a rosy pink. He reached over and threw off the covers, and she fell into bed, rolling toward him.

  She put her wet head on his chest. He hissed, sucking in his breath, at the shock.

  "Sorry," she mumbled on a yawn. "I can't keep my eyes open."


  "Okay." Several seconds passed. "I love you, Chief."

  "You better." He pulled her closer

  As soon as her breathing evened out and her body went limp against his side, he dialed Keeffe on the phone.

  As soon as his vice president answered, Chief said, "Where is he?"

  "Skidd knew the guys were following him and lost them in traffic. He never came back to the clubhouse."

  "Tell the riders to stay out there looking for him. Pay attention to Nene, she was with him the other day. If he shows up, I want him in holding until I get there," he said.

  "Got it, Chief."

  He disconnected the call and placed his phone on the nightstand. Stretching his arm out without moving Johanna from his other side, he shut off the lamp. Darkness never came. The beam of morning sun hit the window lighting the room.

  "Fuck," he mumbled, closing his eyes.

  Johanna squirmed beside him and threw her arm across his stomach. "Okay...just let me rest for a second."

  His chest warmed. That's his girl, ready and willing even in sleep.

  He kissed the top of her head and inhaled deeply, letting himself relax. In a few hours, he'd make sure he rid the garbage from Brikken.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Deana walked over to the bar at the clubhouse carrying a square box. Johanna moved her purse from the stool next to her.

  "What do you have there?" Johanna set her bag on the floor. "Sit and visit with me."

  "That's the plan." Deana put the box on the counter. "Keeffe mentioned Chief wanted you at the clubhouse while he rode out, so I stopped at the bakery, bought us cupcakes, and decided to come see how everything was going."

  "Seriously?' She smiled, pointing at the box. "Can I peek?"

  "Do more than that. Hand me one. I'm starving." Deana sat down on the stool. "I had a manicure scheduled for this morning, woke up late, and haven't eaten."

  "Which one do you want?" She tilted the box.

  Deana laughed. "The least fattening one."

  "Right." She removed two cupcakes and handed one to Deana. "This is so sweet of you. Thank you."

  "So, tell me how everything is going." Deana licked the frosting off her finger. "I'm surprised you're not home catching up on your sleep. I remember those early days. Keeffe seemed determined to make sure his dick hadn't stopped working."

  Johanna covered her mouth laughing and tried to swallow the piece of cupcake. "That's exactly how Chief is acting."

  "And, you don't mind, one bit, girl." Deana laughed harder. "You don't have to say a thing."

  She warmed. Chief's attention was great, but he was preoccupied with Skidd and dealing with Brikken business. He dealt with too much, too soon, and she worried about him wearing himself thin.

  "It's weird because there was so much I was used to doing myself like riding the lawn tractor to cut the grass and taking the garbage out to the end of the driveway. He acts like I shouldn't be doing any of that, but I've done it for the last four years. I don't say anything because I'm sure we'll work it all out on who does what around the house. I just feel bad because I don't want him to think he's required to do all these menial tasks for me when he's got so many other things he has to do with the club." Johanna shrugged and took another bite of cupcake. "I'm almost glad the weather is changing. I'm hoping the days where the weather keeps him off his bike means he'll stay home more. We can have a do-nothing day."

  "Well, Chief has never been one to sit back. He likes to stay busy. Rollo was the same way. I don’t think the man slept." Deana folded the paper cupcake holder and brushed her hands together.

  "I've heard that about him." She stared at the half-eaten cupcake in her hand. "He was already gone when I started living with Nene."

  "I forgot you lived with her for a while before moving in with Karla." Deana sighed. "I don't envy you there. I've never met a more bitter woman."

  Remembering Nene's question asking if Chief told her where to find her mom still bothered her. Johanna ate the rest of her cupcake and swallowed. "It seems so long ago."

  "Girl, you are still young. Try hitting fifty." Deana groaned. "The things I've seen and done. Horrifying."

  She laughed. "A week's worth of gossip and drama around here is enough to age me."

  "At least they're not saying you slept with half the club while Chief was away," said Deana.

  "What?" Johanna looked over her shoulder at the few members in the room. "Some people actually said that about you and Keeffe?"

  "That and a lot more. The women back then were real bitches. The ones we have now aren't too bad. They mind their own business." Deana grabbed the box. "Now I want another cupcake. Eat my bitterness away."

  "That sucks," she whispered. "I don't know how I would handle cheating gossip, simply because there's no way to prove it. Chief wasn't here, so he'd have to take me at my word. I'd like to believe he would, but once you hear something, the results are so damaging, and puts a lot of doubt in a person's head."

  "In the end, Keeffe trusted me. We got through it, but it was rough. I won't lie that I wasn't sure we'd survive." Deana leaned closer. "Considering ninety-nine percent of the women here don’t stay faithful, it makes it harder for the women who don't fuck around."

  She nodded, understanding. It was hard to be part of the club by herself when Chief was gone.

  There had been nights when Chief was in prison when she wanted someone to hold her and tell her everything would be okay. It would've been easier to find a guy to give her the companionship she craved, but her love for Chief never had her thinking past the point of missing him. She never gave up on him, and she'd gone home alone every single time because Chief was not a man who would deal with a woman cheating on him.

  "Riders are back," yelled Freddy.

  She swiveled on the stool, anxiety filled her. Chief had gone after Skidd and planned to bring him back to the clubhouse to deal with him for tak
ing her necklace, threatening her, and vandalizing the glass display in the meeting room.

  Chano ran into the room. "Someone call Doc, we've got a man down."

  She reached for Deana. The other woman gripped Johanna's arms. "You call. I'll get the First Aid kit and towels in case they're needed.

  "Is it Chief?" She needed to know who was hurt.

  She couldn't lose him. He'd left planning to deal with Skidd, and she'd seen the other side of the Brikken member —he was insane-crazy.

  "Don't borrow trouble. Chief's probably fine. Call for help." Deana hurried away from her.

  Johanna slid off the stool and took out her phone, scrolling through her contacts. She couldn't find Doc's name. She didn't even know if his number was on her phone. Chief had loaded her cell years ago with contacts for the club, but she rarely called any of the members.

  Freddy rushed toward her. She grabbed his arm, stopping him. "I don't have Doc's number."

  "Thorn's calling Doc. The stab wound was deep." Freddy removed her hand from him and hurried across the room. Over his shoulder, he yelled, "They've got him tied on the back of Chief."

  "Who?" she yelled back, relieved that it wasn't Chief but whoever it was must be hurt bad for them to tie him up on a motorcycle to get him back to the clubhouse.

  Freddy never answered.

  She put her phone on the bar and hurried outside. The sun hit her in the eyes, and she raised her hand blocking the sun, seeing a group of men kneeling and standing in a cluster around someone lying on the ground. Walking closer, not wanting to get in the way, she tried to peer between the men to see who was hurt.

  Chief stood, and she gained a second of relief until she spotted the blood coating the front of his shirt and vest. She covered her mouth, searching the men. Which Brikken member was missing? Who was on the ground?

  "Don't move him. He's lost too much blood." Chief stepped back. "Who the fuck called Doc?"

  "I did. He's on his way." Thorn backed away from the group, running his hand through his hair.

  "God damnit. It'll take Doc five minutes before he gets here. Someone go out and make sure Shore and Cash keep the gate open." Chief spotted Deana hurry toward the group and grabbed a stack of towels out of her arms. "Keeffe, keep feeding towels to Jett. Son, do not fucking let go of that pressure."



  Where was Olin?

  Her pulse raced. She wanted to go to Chief and ask about Olin. Had he gone on the ride? Was he at home?

  Deana stepped away from the crowd of men circling the injured member, wringing her hands. Staying on the outside, Johanna worked her way to Deana's side and whispered, "Who is it?"

  "I couldn't see." Deana put her arm around Johanna and flicked her eyes to the men. "There's too much blood."

  Johanna covered her mouth, her stomach rolling. "I feel like we should be doing more. Why don't they call an ambulance?"

  "They probably can't. The hospital would have to report any injuries caused by a weapon, and I heard someone say it's a stabbing," whispered Deana. "Chief will make the decision. All we can do is wait."

  Chief swept his hair back from his face. "Thorn!"

  "Here." Thorn hurried to his side.

  She stared at Chief as he talked too low to Thorn for her to hear. His head came up, searched the crowd, and found her. Before she could even think to raise her shoulders in question, he ducked his head and continued his conversation with his son.

  Immediately after talking with Thorn, who stepped away with his phone to his ear, Chief disappeared in the middle of the crowd. Johanna rubbed the front of her neck. It was impossible to tell what was going on.

  "Doc's here," shouted one of the men.

  Johanna exhaled and grabbed Deana. "He's here. Doc's here."

  "I hope it's not too late," whispered Deana, bowing her head.

  Doc parked his car. Chano ran over to the vehicle and took Doc's arm and guided him across the yard. A retired medical doctor, Doc walked slow and bent over, carrying a black leather satchel.

  Johanna wanted to yell to hurry up. Knowing nothing she said would change anything, she turned from the scene in front of her and wiped the tears that'd fallen.

  "Oh, God," said Deana.

  She turned back around and found Chief stalking toward her. Fresh blood coated his beard and his upper cheek. She rushed to him, and he caught her before she could touch him.

  Rage burned in his eyes. "Call Karla. Tell her to get to the clubhouse as fast as she can."

  "Okay." She sidestepped to stay with Chief as he headed away from her. "Who is it?"

  Chief kept walking. "Olin."

  She stumbled and rushed her steps to catch up with him. "Is he going—"

  "Just fucking call his mother." Chief stopped at his bike and threw his leg over the seat.

  She patted her pocket, remembering she left her phone in the clubhouse. "Where are you going?"

  "To finally kill the son of a bitch for hurting my son and threatening my woman." The motorcycle roared to life, and Chief accelerated out of the yard in a cloud of dust.

  She gasped and ran for the clubhouse. Inside, she called Karla. Panic rolled through her. Pulled in different directions, she paced as she connected the call to Karla. The need to help and the desire to make sure someone rode after Chief and kept him from killing anyone made it impossible to catch her breath.

  The call connected after the second ring. She said, "Karla, it's me. Chief wants you to come to the clubhouse immediately."

  She cradled her forehead with her hand not wanting to scare Olin's mom. All her sons needed her.


  "You need to come." She swallowed, struggling to hold it together. The worst way to learn your son was fighting for his life was over the phone. She couldn't do that to Karla. She loved her sons. They were her world. "Please."

  "I'm getting the keys to the car. I'll be there in ten minutes."

  "Okay. Hurry but be careful."

  "I'm going out to the car." Karla paused. "Johanna?"


  "Which one of my boys?" Karla's voice trembled with a mother's intuition but remained strong, pushing through the question, because she'd raised solid boys.

  "Olin," said Johanna.

  "Oh, sweet Jesus," whispered Karla. "I'm coming now."

  She disconnected the call and couldn't stop the tears and heartbreak. Burying her face in her hands, she sniffed, willing herself to stop and be strong. Olin fought for his life, and Chief had gone off by himself, planning to kill Skidd.

  Deana gathered her in her arms. "I'm sorry, sweetie. I just heard."

  "What is going on?" She swiped her cheeks, the tears still running. "What happened out there?"

  Deana walked her farther away from the others and faced her. "They all rode after Skidd. Olin found him first running out the back of Nene's house. They got into a fight and Skidd stabbed Olin. Chief and his group of riders arrived five minutes later. Apparently, Nene's not home. Greggy and Buck are out looking for her while Chief deals with Skidd."

  "Someone needs to go after Chief and stop him." Johanna grabbed Deana's arms. "He can't go back to prison."

  Deana shook her. "He needs to do what needs to be done."

  "No." She shook her head. "He needs to be here. Olin needs him." She pounded her chest. "I need him."

  "Trust me, Johanna. I've been around Brikken for thirty years." Deana's mouth hardened. "Worry about Chief afterward. Right now, get ready for when Karla arrives. Her son is lying in the dirt, fighting for every breath, and she'll need us. Understand?"

  She squeezed her eyes shut, knowing Deana was right. "Okay."

  "Okay, then." Deana inhaled deeply. "Let's go help where we can."

  Johanna walked back to the circle of men, catching Thorn's gaze. Her throat closed and she lifted her chin in the air and hoped he understood that everyone would do whatever possible to save Olin's life.

  "Everyone pack him in, easy like." Keeffe moved
out of the men's way and held on to Doc's arm. "Put him on the pool table so Doc can work on him."

  Deana squeezed Johanna's hand. "He's still alive."

  She swallowed the emotional lump growing in her throat. Olin had to make it. He had his whole life ahead of him.

  "Come on, let's go in with them." Deana tugged her arm.

  She let go of Deana's hand. "Go ahead. Karla will be arriving any minute, and I want to be here for her. She's going to need someone to support her and hold her up when she goes inside."

  It took several minutes for the men to carry Olin inside. Johanna hugged her middle, seeing a glimpse of Olin as he was hauled into the clubhouse. The vision of him unconscious sank all her hope.

  "Oh, God, he needs to make it," she whispered. Children were not supposed to die before their parents. Chief loved his boys and Karla needed all her sons in her life.

  The prospects rolled the gate open, and Karla's dark, green SUV drove through. Johanna wiped her cheeks and inhaled deeply, prepared to be there for Karla.

  The car stopped, and she hurried over to the vehicle. Karla opened the door. Her pale complexion and worrying were understandable. Wanting to give her courage, Johanna said, "They took Olin inside. Doc is with him."

  Karla's eyes went wild, looking past her. Johanna reached for her, and Karla whispered, "Run."

  "What?" She rubbed Karla's arm.

  "She said run," said Nene behind her.

  Johanna turned. Nene held a pistol in her hand. She looked back at Karla for an explanation and received none.

  "What are you doing?" Johanna stepped in front of Karla, not knowing why Nene would be pointing a weapon at them. "Put the pistol away. That's not funny."

  "Both of you are going to walk through the back door, and we're going to go in the meeting room." Nene motioned her head. "Start walking. If you yell, I'll kill at least one of you before the prospects even look over to see what is happening."

  Johanna put her arm around Karla and led her toward the side of the building. Halfway there, she whispered, "What is she doing?"

  "I don't know," Karla whispered back. "When I got in the car at home, she drove up in her car, got out and pulled a gun on me, and then told me to drive here. She's lost her mind."


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