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Apis, the Baboon God: Three Histories of the Dark Empire (The High Strangeness Erotica series Book 14)

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by Jerome Brooke


  The Baboon God

  Three Histories

  of the

  Dark Empire


  Jerome Brooke

  Kitti Katzz Press

  Chonburi, Thailand

  Apis, the Baboon God

  copyright 2014 Jerome Brooke

  The High Strangeness Erotica series

  astarteimmortal @ yahoo . com

  http : // gspress2 . 4mg .com

  Maiden of the Moon

  The Divine Astarte ruled many worlds of the multiverse, of space, time and planes of reality. She was one of the last of her ancient race, a race of beings who had gained power like unto that of the gods. Her rivals were always at war with her and her consort.

  Now Astarte took mortal men as lovers, and did give birth to demigods. Two such were Theonas and Isis. They were destined to rule provinces and realms as viceroys of Astarte.

  Imperial Annals, XXI, p. 688.

  “You will be honored this day, Maiden of the Moon! Rejoice!” said the High Priestess, as the sun set upon the horizon.

  “I am not worthy, I am not!” the girl gasped in surprise. “Last night you said I was most pleasing, and lovely, and fair!” The girl pulled her cloak tight around her. She was slender, with dark hair and eyes like all the women of the Desert Province. In the distance a night bird called from the trees near the Temple of the Moon. The sky was lit by flashes of lightning.

  “This protest is unseemly,” I said to Theodora, the High Priestess.

  “Forgive me, Prince Theonas. She is a fool,” replied Theodora. “She will be silenced.” She slapped the young woman. “This day you will be the bride of Heaven. You will be envied by all the other acolytes!” The eyes of the girl grew wide in fear.

  “Please! No!”

  One of the Acolytes entered the plaza of the temple. She held the leash of one of the temple baboons, a servant of Apis the Baboon God. The face of the vile creature was colored red and blue.

  “Theodora! The procession is ready. May we enter?” asked the young woman. The High Priestess nodded. The maiden went to the gong and struck it with a mallet. From the temple anteroom, we heard the chanting of the Maidens of the Moon. In a moment, the first of the women appeared in the entrance way. Followed by the others, she paced to the columns on the side of the courtyard. They were all skyclad, each with a graceful form and bearing. They were chilled in the cool of the desert night.

  The chant continued:

  “Lady of the Moon, hear us! Hear your handmaids!

  “Banish the sun,

  “Chase the garish chariot of Helios from the sky!

  “Come, Lady…”

  The Favored One had begun to sob, and to edge backward. The High Priestess moved to her side, and grabbed her arm tightly.

  “Silence!” Theodora told the foolish girl. “You shame me.” The young woman moaned. “Lord of the Horizon! Grant victory to the King of the Two Lands!” Theodora called out.

  Her Imperial Majesty had commanded me to lead her legions into the interior, to seek new conquests. She also commanded me to seek the favor of the gods in a mystic rite before we marched out.

  “Drive all before us. Show the gods of the wrenched hill tribes your power!” I called out. Theodora went to the side of the Favored One and took her arm. One of the other acolytes gave her a golden dagger used in the rite. She drew the sobbing girl forward to the alabaster altar. Theodora and two of the Maidens dragged the girl onto the top of the slab.

  “Lady of the stars, we bring you gifts!

  “Accept this child into your service,

  “Grant her leave to serve you…”

  The High Priestess continued with the prayer. As she spoke, she ripped open the robes of the Favored One. With the help of one of the acolytes she did spread open the legs of the sobbing woman. They pulled up her knees to reveal her secret parts to the Moon Goddess.

  Theodora used her dagger to trace a shallow gash from the neck of the screaming acolyte down to her dark triangle. Blood flowed forth onto the altar. The High Priestess pulled upon the leash of the temple baboon. The servant of the god leaped upon the altar with a hooting cry. The Maiden screamed.

  “Your servant finds the sacrifice worthy, Lady of the Moon!” I cried. The baboon grasped the arms of the girl and climbed atop her. The girl screamed once more. The acolytes drew back, as the baboon raised his hooting cry. He began to foam at the mouth as he clawed at the woman.

  The wind of the storm swept into the plaza. The torches carried by the Maidens flickered and were extinguished as the rain began. The altar and the woman were obscured by shadows and darkness.

  “Victory! Grant our legions victory!” I called out. A bolt of lightning struck a tree near the temple. Theodora and the temple acolytes wailed and gathered behind me.

  The altar was illuminated by a bolt of lightning that struck very close to the altar. The Honored One was now leaning against the altar. At her feet was the baboon, unmoving and covered in blood. I ran to the stone slab and took the woman into my arms.

  "I shall be honored by Apis. I shall carry his demon child," she whispered to me. "You will drive all before you, Lord."

  The End

  **** **** ****

  The Baboon God

  The Demon Born was the fruit of a sinister rite, the union of a temple maiden and Apis the Baboon God. Apis, did invest his offspring with the power of his sire, and his thirst for blood. This spawn of evil terrorized the subjects of the Queen, and was thus useful to her.

  Myth of the Demigod, II, p.77.

  “Here, use this dagger, Demon Born. They will pass this way at sunset,” I gave the blade to the youth. The dagger bore the coat of arms of the Queen on the pommel, a warning to the cabal. The young man smiled, showing the canine fangs of his father. He took the dagger, and drew it from its sheath.

  “Lovely, Theonas!”

  The boy was dressed in the dark vestments of the assassin. He seemed eager to take his prey. He oft times fed upon his victims, like unto a beast.

  “I shall leave a shield maiden of the patrol at the tavern with a spare mount, Apion. I shall ride to the City tonight. Do not tarry after he dies,” I ordered.

  “Yes, My Prince. I shall follow, with the report to the Queen.” The demon lord bowed.

  From the rocks above in the gully, I heard the call of the white owl, the familiar of the Witch Queen. I left Apion, the monstrous one, and mounted my steed as the sun descended behind the western hills. I rode to the oasis where the rest of the troop waited. We would ride to the Mountains of the Moon to await the return of Apion, the Hell Born killer.

  “The Demon Born awaits his prey,” I told the three shield maidens. They nodded. One of the warriors watered my horse, while I drank from my wineskin.

  “Do you desire to rest here for a few hours, Lord?’ asked the Captain in command. “We shall serve you, if you desire.”

  “No. At the Palace, Captain.”

  We mounted our steeds, and rode out into the Empty Quarter. Apion would soon follow.

  * * * *

  “My Queen!” I gave a salute with my sword.

  The Queen my Mother, Astarte, was a woman of mature years, with dark eyes and hair. Her face was marked by lines. I had the red hair and green eyes of my sire. My father had crossed the Styx when I was yet a child.

  At my side was my sister, Isis. We had been summoned that morn to the privy chambers of the Queen Mother, Astarte. I reached the
city after a ride of two days through the Empty Quarter. I reported my actions to the Commander of the Royal Guard. Then, I slept in my chamber till the sun rose.

  “Good news, fair son. The Demon has returned. He slew the rebel as reported by my winged observer. He did well.”

  The death of the rebel had been observed by one of the familiars of the Queen, a large white owl. The bird had made a report to the Queen who had invested it with the power of speech. The Queen could readily understand the musical calls of the owl.

  The Immortal Lady then did gesture. One of her court ladies grasped a mallet bound in leather, and rang a gong, located in an alcove to the side of the council table. The assassin entered the chamber through the door, and prostrated himself before the Great Queen.

  “Rise! What do you report?” commanded the Lady. The youth rose to his feet, effortlessly. His clothes were still covered with dust. There were blood stains on his sleeves. He smiled, displaying his fangs.

  “The rebel was in a party of three. He held back while I dispatched his comrades. He tried to flee when he saw the certain fate of his friends. I overtook him, however. He squealed like a woman as I sank my fangs into his neck!”

  The demon gave a high laugh, ending in a hooting sound, like unto the noise made by a baboon. Isis joined the merriment, her eyes full of madness. “I left your dagger in his belly,” Apion added with a look of malice.

  “You have done well. You will be rewarded. You may all go now. The cabal has been sent a warning. They will rethink their treason!” The High Queen gestured.

  We left the chamber, followed by one of the women of the court. Her transparent robe of fine silk revealed her ample charms. Her dark eyes were painted with kohl. She would carry my orders concerning the demon to her sisters.

  “We shall send you a slave woman tonight,” I said to Apion the demon. “Do her no harm. She is yours only for one night.”

  “Yes, My Lord. She will be fine,” said the demon. “Women seek me out as their lover.” The Evil One giggled, and then slinked off. The whore would be well paid for her services, but the victims of Apion always shuddered when asked about their sometimes bedmate. They would say little of his perverse use of them.

  “He may be useful, spreading fear among the restive mobs. Yet, I detest seeing him in the palace,” I said to my sister.

  “But he is amusing, this spawn of a baboon. Even his dam fears him, in her shame,” said Isis. “Enough of him. I am bored, come to my chamber. I shall call for a palace courtesan. She will dance for us, and you may tell me of your adventure,” the young woman said.

  She drew close and bit my neck. As was the tradition of our dynasty, Isis my sister was my consort designate. Thus, in our new world we carried on many of the traditions of the Land of the Nile.

  “Very well, Tigress - as you desire.”

  The End

  **** **** ****

  Ruler of Time

  Thus, Divine Lady. Ruler of Time, I have written the report of my mission as you did command. If all is seen by you as right and fitting, it will all be written down in the Annals. Long life and victory! So Ordered, Prince Theonas.

  “We shall water our steeds ahead. There is hidden the hamlet of Diogenes,” I yelled to Isis, as I neared her chariot.

  We wheeled our chariots and headed towards the foothills. The charioteer lay on with her whip, as our horned beasts sped onwards. Isis took the lead, racing past me. She gave a gay laugh as she drove forward.

  We wheeled round a hillock and followed the stream in the valley to our goal. As we approached I noted black scavenger birds circling above. All was silent save for the calls of the kites.

  We drove into the center of the hamlet and pulled to a halt.

  “Look, Theonas!” Isis pointed at a body of a man near the central well. One of the birds was atop the man, rending his face. I looked about and saw the body of a young woman, bound to a stake. Her vitals were strewn about her, falling from a gash in her abdomen.

  I called out. There was no response.

  “We must return to the palace,” said my sister.

  We rode back to the stream and allowed our beasts to drink. We then rode back through the plain to the City of Astarte. We passed through the massive bronze gates of the Imperial City as they swung open. We returned the salute of the shield maidens of the garrison.

  We drove through the main way towards the pyramids of the citadel. As we neared the stronghold, we could see the dark pyramid, glowing like obsidian in the sun. At the gate of the courtyard we made our report to the commander of the guard. We then entered the place through a side door, and entered the Hall of Fountains. Two of the slave women helped us to bathe. They then joined us in the pool of one of the fountains.

  From the garden outside we could hear the cries of the beasts of the palace menagerie. They had been gathered from the many realms of the multiverse to amuse us.

  “The Hell Born, this was their work,” I said.

  “They must be destroyed!” Isis cried.

  As we were donning new tunics, one of the Nile Maidens came to us with a summons from Astarte, the Queen Mother.

  * * * *

  “That was a warning to us and to our people,” explained the Queen. We were seated at the large table of war, in the privy chamber of the Queen.

  “We shall marshal the regiments. We shall destroy them,” Isis replied.

  “Take the Imperial guard, the Thebes Regiment, and the Delta Regiment,” ordered the Immortal Astarte. She rose, in her sheer robes of blue silk, wearing her gold circlet with the serpent emblem.

  “Return with the head of their Beast Lord,” the Queen did command. “You may go with your brother, Isis,” directed the Queen. She raised her orb bearing the glowing rubies. The room was filled with a glaring red light, rays from the stones, fired by the power therein.

  * * * *

  “Theonas, you may help us with our bath,” said the Queen to me. I helped the Divine Lady to disrobe. She was eternally a woman of mature years, with short dark hair and olive skin. She affected the sagging breasts of a matron. I entered the pool with her.

  “The years pass, my son. You must soon get your sister with child. This is the tradition of our dynasty, as in the Kingdom of the Nile,” spake the Lady.

  “Verily, Holy Mother.”

  The Queen rose from the water and set upon the edge of the pool. “Come to my arms, and seek my breasts as when you were but a babe.”

  * * * *

  We rode forth in two days, at the head of the legions. As we rode down the way to the Mountains of the Moon, a dark cloud welled up before us. The cloud was rent by flashes of blue lightning.

  A myst rose from the ground, obscuring our sight. The stone roadway followed the curve of a tall hill. It then carried us into a plain. As we rode the myst began to clear. Before us we could see the dark, uneven walls of the strange city.

  I noted in the sky the form of large birds, wheeling overhead. We had passed through the gate of power, leading to the realm of the Beast Folk. All was as planned by Astarte. Ahead in the distance we saw their citadel. As we drove nearer, the defenders of their king began to espy us well.

  As we bore down upon them, the foe rode from their gate. They were mounted upon large creatures, like unto lizards. I gave the signal. Our chariots began to deploy in an arc. Our mounted dragoons formed up in the rear.

  We did not delay to parley, but closed with the foe. The shield maidens let fly with arrows, darts and javelins. Gaps opened in the ranks of the foe. Our chariots drove through them. We wheeled round and raced pass their line. Our darts struck home, and the lizards began to scatter, driven mad by wounds.

  Some of the beasts headed back to their hive. We gave chase, and were able to reach the gates before they were barred. One of the defenders rushed at me. I slew him with a war axe. The creature fell. It was covered in fur and had long fangs.

  Our chariots drove down the main way of the city towards the city stronghold. A company of
our dragoons secured the towers of the city gate.

  We sped through the street, scattering any defenders we found. We entered the large square leading to the walls of the stronghold. There the beasts had formed up. The ranks of the foe filled the courtyard. Their howls were like unto those of the beasts of the royal menagerie. At the center of the defenders was a very tall figure, its mouth dripping foam.

  We did not halt. Isis fitted an arrow of gold to her bow and let fly. The arrow sped forth at a great rate of great speed. Their king raised his shield. The dart struck the target, cutting through with ease.

  The ranks of the foe saw the fall of the leader of their pack, and began to fall back. Our chariots deployed once more into an arc, letting fly our darts into the ranks of the foe. My chariot swerved and halted in their midst. I laid about me with my axe.

  Soon, a wave of our dragoons hit the massed foe. The shield maidens had dismounted and were using their pikes to deadly effect. The beasts did not ask for quarter. That was not their way. Our warriors surrounded the last masses of the foe and cut them down.

  We entered the great hall of the stronghold. Along the wall were hung the heads of our own people, covered in tar. We advanced to the great throne of the Beast King. It was made from huge bones and tusks, bound with bands of gold.

  All the folk of the enemy had been slain, or slipped away into the streets of the city. As we looked about, a voice called out.

  “We are yours. Help us, we beg you,” the voice was that of a girl.

  As we watched, a mass of women entered the hall. They were without cloths. They were all covered in grime and filth, but were still young and well favored. One of the women approached us.

  “Spare us, My Lord. We were forced by the beasts. We shall do penance and will gladly serve you in the fields,” said the girl. “Please spare our children as well.” I could see that many of the women carried young ones, or led them by their hands. The small ones were without garments and were covered by patches of fur.


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