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The Love Series Complete Box Set

Page 23

by Melissa Collins

  He crinkles his brow in confusion. “That’s good, though, right?”

  “Yeah, of course it’s good. It’s just that she told me something else, too.”

  He doesn’t say anything. He just looks at me, his eyes willing me to continue saying whatever it is that I have to tell him. I just can’t spit the words out.

  “And that would be? What did she tell you, Maddy?”

  I know that when I say these next two words, my world will change irrevocably.

  “I’m . . . I’m pregnant.” The last word comes out on a sob. I hear him gasp in shock, as I figured he would. The bed shifts as he leaps from it, as if he can’t get away from me fast enough.

  He’s wildly pacing the floor next to me. “How? I mean, I thought you said you were on the pill.” He’s trying to hide it, but I hear the accusation in his voice.

  “Of course I was on the pill. You saw me take them every morning, Reid. The doctor mentioned something about needing a backup form of birth control for the first month.”

  “Why didn’t we, then? Why didn’t you tell me about that? Shit!” He runs both hands through his hair and pulls on the ends in frustration.

  “Don’t you think I would have told you, if I would have known? The doctor at the clinic forgot to mention that little gem, so now here we are.”

  I’m hurt, and I won’t hide it. Does he think I lied to him? He doesn’t want this; I knew he wouldn’t. I know it’s stupid, but all of the crap with his mother and my current feelings of anger aside, there’s a huge part of me that was hoping he would smile and kiss me and be elated.

  Being happy after hearing that your girlfriend of less than three months is pregnant is not an equation that adds up for a twenty-one-year-old college graduate. He slumps down into the chair, and he looks utterly defeated—shoulders sagging, head held in his hands.

  Shaking his head as it’s cradled in his hands, he says, “What the fuck are we going to do? I fucking start my internship in a few weeks, and it already took an act of God to get them to postpone it because of the accident.”

  He might as well have slapped me.

  Actually, I might have enjoyed a smack about the face more than I did his words.

  “So this is my fault, then? I got knocked up because I didn’t follow instructions that I was never given, and then I went ahead and got myself into a car accident with the sole purpose of screwing up your plans.” I roll my eyes skyward, and seething anger takes over. “And you had absolutely nothing to do with any of this? Did it ever occur to you that I wouldn’t even be in this freaking hospital if it wasn’t for you? You want to blame someone—blame yourself and your stubborn ass.”

  I no longer care about the pain radiating through my body as I storm out of the bed and start packing my things up. Shoving things into my little suitcase with one hand is difficult, but I refuse to let him help. I refuse to soften to him.

  Reid steps between me and my suitcase. He’s towering over me, glaring me in the eyes. “And tell me how on earth this is all my fault?”

  I’ve never been afraid of his physical size, and, even though he’s threateningly crowding my space, I won’t start now. He may be pissed, but I know he’s not going to hurt me—physically, anyway. His words, however, are certainly going to rip my heart to shreds.

  “I said, tell me how this is my fucking fault.” His voice snarls in anger, and I flinch.

  I look up into his eyes, which are no longer a peaceful and calming blue. There is a storm raging there, and I am about to unleash its fury.

  “How? Well, it’s simple, really.” My tone is like that of an adult trying to calmly and patiently explain a simple task to a child; that is what I’m doing, after all.

  “I did not have sex with myself. If you recall, I’ve only ever had sex with you. So while I’m not completely free of blame, I did not do this,” I point to my flat stomach for emphasis, “all by myself.”

  He may have half a foot of height and nearly one hundred pounds of weight more than me, but I refuse to back down, so I move in to his physical space for this next part.

  “And I’m in this place and screwing up your precious internship because you refuse to do the right thing and call your fucking dying mother!” I don’t scream; I don’t yell. My quiet, calm, even tone conveys my fury well enough.

  I turn away from him and go into the small bathroom to collect a few things. When I come back out into the room, he is practically vibrating in anger.

  “So we’re going to come back to this again? When are you going to stop throwing my fucking past in my face? She hasn’t meant anything to me for the last five years. That’s it—it’s over. So get off your fucking high horse and deal with it. Why is it such a big deal to you, anyway?”

  “Why is it important to me? Are you really that thick-skulled that you don’t see it?”

  “Maybe I am just that dumb, Maddy. So please do me the favor and enlighten me, please.” His voice is dripping in sarcasm, and in this moment I recall every reason I ever had to stay away from Reid in the first place.

  “Because my mom is dead, and I’ll never get to tell her I love her again. I never had a chance to make my peace with her, to say goodbye. You do, and you’re being an asshole for not taking advantage of it.” I choke down my tears but somehow find the strength to continue. “And because I’m going to be a mom. There’s a person growing inside me who, yeah, okay, I definitely didn’t plan, but I can’t change that. I can’t change the fact that I will love this child with everything that I am, and I don’t think I can be with someone who doesn’t share those same feelings. What happens when you have enough of me and our baby? Will you just walk away like you’re doing to your mom?”

  “That’s low, Maddy. You know what she did to me, to Shane. You know everything about me, and you’re going to throw it in my face like this. You know I love you and that I could never turn my back on you.”

  While I can see the truth in what he’s just said, he left out the most important piece of information.

  Our baby.

  He’s walking toward me with his arms outstretched. I put my arms up in front of me, to protect, to defend, because I know that if he wraps his strong arms around me I’ll give in; I’ll surrender to his love for me, but I can’t act with only my needs in mind.

  “No, Reid. Do not touch me. Please just get out. I want to finish getting packed up so I can leave.”

  His face sinks, and he looks as if I’ve physically attacked him.

  “Are you leaving me? Is this it? Are you saying that we’re over?” There’s disbelief and pain in his words. Anguish settles in over his beautiful face, and I want to make it go away. I want to curl up in his arms and let the world fade away so that it’s just the two of us in our own little bubble, but I can’t. It’s not just the two of us any longer. I can’t be with him and trust him to be with me until I know he is fully capable of loving me and our child the way we deserve to be loved.

  Tears are burning in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I will be strong for me and for our baby. This baby deserves a family that loves him unconditionally, and I can now see that Reid is not capable of unconditional love. He needs time to work out his past, because no matter how much he thinks he’s over it, he’s not.

  The thought of going on without Reid is just unbearable, but I have to. I have to do this for me, for my baby—to protect us.

  With walls firmly in place, I ready myself for the inevitable broken heart.

  “Yes, Reid. I . . . I can’t stay with you. This baby deserves love—” he opens his mouth to say something, to tell me he does love the baby and that he loves me, but I know he’ll say anything at this point to keep me from saying the rest, “—I deserve love, and until you realize that you deserve love, that you are not to blame for Shane dying, and that your mother deserves love, too, I know I can’t be with you.”

  Eyes wide and sincere, his heart bleeds open in front of me. He looks like a lost little boy—and that’s essenti
ally what he is.

  “But I can’t be without you. You can push me away all you want, but I will fight for us. I will fight until my last breath to show you just how much I love you, how much I will always love you.”

  Our eyes are locked, and he’s furiously searching mine for some clue that I’m balking here, that I don’t mean what I’m saying. He’s pleading with me to take back my words, but the Reid I know is fully aware of their truth.

  The knock on the door startles us from our hell. Momma peeks around the corner.

  “Guess who’s all cleared to go home?” Her cheery sing-song voice is a stark contrast to the icy atmosphere. Lost in the happiness that’s consuming her with me being well enough to finally leave, she doesn’t even notice what’s going on.

  She stands next to me and pulls me to her side. I rest my head on her shoulder and try to refrain from crying and sobbing in pain at my broken heart.

  “I just saw Dr. McNamara in the hall, and she gave me these.” She waves a few papers in front of me, indicating that I’m all set to leave.

  I turn away from Reid because I just can’t bear to see what I imagine is my pain reflected in his eyes. I reach down for the handle on my suitcase and, with my good hand, click the button to extend the handle.

  Momma wraps her arm around my shoulder and starts walking toward the door. She’s starting to figure out that something’s not right. “Smile, Maddy. You’re going home. You’ve got me, Mel, and Reid to take care of you. Everything is going to be just fine. Well, just fine as soon as we make this five-hour car trip.”

  I only wish that last part were true. I would give anything at this point to know in my heart that Reid will be there to take care of me and our baby.

  As Momma and I walk toward the door, Reid lingers behind us in the room. Momma stares at him blankly. “Aren’t you coming home with us, Reid?”

  He regains his composure and swallows his pain. “Yeah, of course, Momma. I just need to head back to the hotel and get Cammie and Jack. I’ve got his car. Actually, why don’t I drive back with them, and that’ll give Maddy enough room to stretch out in the back seat for the long drive. I’ll meet up with you guys later.”

  He walks toward me slowly, and I’m savoring every last second I have with him. I want to memorize the rough stubble that’s grown on his hard, chiseled jaw, his deep ocean-blue eyes that are swirling in anguish at the moment, his soft, full lips, his rich brown hair that feels like silk between my fingertips.

  He stops directly in front of me and cradles my cheeks in his large palms. He gently strokes the pads of his thumbs under my eyes, where tears are streaming down. Leaning into my ear, he whispers, “Goodbye for now, sweet Maddy. I love you. I’ll always love you, no matter what, and I will prove it to you.” His lips softly graze my cheek, and then he’s gone. He’s walking past me—out of the door and out of my life.

  As Momma and I enter the hallway, I can see Reid all the way at the end. His dark silhouette is illuminated by the bright sun shining through the sliding glass doors.

  I can’t help but think how fitting an image it is.

  Reid, the love of my life, has always been the darkness in search of the light.

  I hope for his sake, for my sake, and for the sake of our baby that he can finally find it.

  The End


  When I started writing Let Love In, I did so mainly because I had a story to tell. I realized somewhat quickly that it was a story worth sharing. So I sent it out to a few of my friends and family who enjoy reading. Encouraged by their overwhelming response, I knew I had to self-publish the novel and get it out there for more people to read. It has been a crazy journey to get to this point, but I have really loved every minute of it.

  I have to say thank you to all of those people who read my work before it was released. Your encouragement, suggestions and support were all a huge help in keeping me motivated. Lori L., Lisa L., Mollie M., Nicole L., and Kristy B., thank you so much for being there for me in the early release stages. You are all awesome and I can’t possibly begin to express how your reviews kept me going.

  Being an independent author / self-publisher is very lonely at times. There’s so much information to wade through so I owe a great deal of gratitude to my editor, Joy at Indie Author Services, and all of the amazing bloggers out there who helped me along the way.

  For months, the house went un-cleaned, rugs un-vacuumed, dishes un-washed. Needless to say, my family never complained. Boys, I love you more than the sky and I hope that one day you can find your true passion and embrace it. I know I might have been in front of the computer more than you would have liked, and that it will be years before you can ever read this, but I just want to say thank you for being the best kids I could ever ask for.

  To my husband—I don’t even know where to begin. You’ve always been my biggest cheer leader, often times having more faith in my abilities than I had in myself. There’s no way for me to sum up in a few lines how I feel about you. Just know that I love you and that you will always be ‘my lobster.’

  Last, but certainly not least, I owe so much to you—the reader. Thank you for reading Maddy and Reid’s story and for your continued support. I hope you enjoyed Let Love In and that you’re looking forward to Let Love Stay—the second book in The Love Series.


  For those who believe in the power and beauty of love, even when the world tells them they shouldn’t.

  Let Love Stay Table of Contents

  Master Table of Contents

  Let Love In

  Let Love Stay

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20



  Let Love Heal

  Let Love Shine

  Let Love Be

  Let Love Live

  Other Works

  Social Media Links

  Chapter 1

  Monday December 10, 2012

  As the sliding glass doors of the hospital power open, the afternoon sun blinds me. While my eyes adjust to the glaring light, I can’t help but notice the irony of the scene before me. A husband is gingerly assisting his wife out of her wheelchair. The back door of their car is still open and I can see a tiny bundle of blankets. Inside, I’m sure there’s a tiny newborn, carefully secured in a brand new car seat. Maddy’s words replay in my head—I’m pregnant.

  A baby. My baby. Our baby.

  At that last thought, my gut clenches and, if possible, my heart breaks even more. I’ve been apart from Maddy for less than ten minutes, and already I miss her so much that I feel like I can’t breathe without her.

  Okay, even I’ll admit that I’m being a bit melodramatic, but she means everything to me and when she needs me the most, I’m a fucking coward and I let her push me away. And I walked away. I didn’t fight for her, for us, for our future as a family.

  I didn’t have the courage to say everything I needed to say. Instead, I just let my shock get the best of me. When she said she was pregnant, it was as if everything just stopped. My world faded to black and I shut down. I couldn’t process anything; I’m sure I looked like an asshole. The love of my life just told me that she’s going to have my baby and I started talking about how it was going to affect my life.

  But now, as I walk towards Jack’s pickup truck and unlock the doors, I can’t help but think about how this is all affecting Maddy’s life. She’s just starting college and I’ve gone and fucked that up for her.

  I fuck up everythi

  I slide into the driver’s seat, turn the ignition and just sit there completely paralyzed by the pain I feel at losing Maddy. Doesn’t she realize that she’s mine—that she makes me want to be a better man?

  Some ‘better man’ you are walking out on your pregnant girlfriend.

  I’m a shit and I know it, but I can’t go back in there right now. No matter how much I just want to wrap my arms around her and swear to God that I’ll do anything she wants me to so that she’ll take me back, I know that won’t fly with her. Yeah, she wants me to forgive my mother, and to make peace with my past, but she wants me to do it because I want to do it—not because she wants me to do it. And no matter how much I love Maddy, I’m just not sure that I want to do those things; I’m not sure that I can.

  My misery over missing her soon turns into anger and frustration at her. It’s not her place to tell me what the fuck to do in my life. Sure, I love her and I want to be with her, more than I’ve ever wanted anything actually, but I’m not going to just back down on this. My frustration and anger get the best of me and I can’t help but pound my fists against the steering wheel. How on earth can I choose between losing Maddy and facing my past? Right now both choices seem like hell—my hell.

  These are the times that I wish Shane was around. He was always my sounding board. God, I miss him so fucking much. It’s not lost on me that if he was here, I wouldn’t even be in this situation. I wouldn’t have to choose anything; my past wouldn’t be haunting me.

  Stuck in this internal battle over what I want to do and what Maddy wants me to do, I can’t help but wonder would I have even met Maddy if my past wasn’t causing me so much pain? The thought of possibly loving someone else instead of Maddy causes bile to rise in my throat.

  I’ve gotten myself so wrapped up in loving her that I never, not even for a second, thought about what I want. I’ve devoted pretty much every single moment of the last few months to making her happy and I haven’t once thought about what would make me happy. Holy shit! I became that guy. You know the pussy-whipped boyfriend who bends over backwards for his girl.


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