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Page 68

by Michelle Love

The way my body is milking him makes him follow right behind me and he tenses and heat rushes into me. “Baby, oh, baby,” he moans against my neck.

  Slowly the pulses die down until there are no more. Only I don’t want to let him go. I keep my legs wrapped around him and hold him tight to me. I never want to let him go, not ever.

  I whisper to him, “Blake, don’t let me leave you ever again. Please. I’m a mess and I know I am, but if you do love me, you will help me. Please, help me, Blake.”

  His words sound funny as they whisper against my ear, “I’ll help you, Rachelle. I promise.”

  Blake raises his head and I see tears glimmering in his eyes. “I love you, Blake.”

  “I love you, Rachelle. I promise I’ll help you. I’ll always be there for you, no matter what.” His hand runs over my forehead and he pushes back my hair.

  In most cases I’d be crying right now, but something inside me tells me I don’t need to. Something inside tells me I can give it all up, the crazy ideas that I might go crazy one day. I can lay my issues aside and love this man and let him love me.

  “We are going to take this thing slow,” he says. “We’ll spend the next couple of days together then I will go back to Lubbock and take care of my business and you will go back to L.A. to go to school and do your intern work.”

  “No pressure,” I say with a giggle.

  “Well, there will be some, but it won’t be like before. I do want you to tell whoever the hell that was you went out on a date with that you have a very serious boyfriend who doesn’t mind coming out there to kick his ass if he keeps on asking you out.”

  “How did you know about that?” I ask as I furrow my eyebrows.

  “Our friends talk, baby. Don’t ever think they don’t. So let that English dude know I mean business. We may be taking this thing slow, but you are definitely mine. Okay?” He runs his finger along my jawline as he looks at me.

  “Then you do the same. Let all those Lubbock hussies know that you belong to me.” I run my hand over his stubbly cheek.

  “Will do,” he says then kisses me lightly. “Now just one more time then we need to get up and get ourselves cleaned up. I can’t wait to go to Peyton’s and ride some horses.”

  I smile at him and have to wonder if I can really do this. Right now with him all up on me like this I feel as if I could do anything. But when he goes back to Lubbock and I go back to Los Angeles. I can’t be sure.

  Blake gives me a strength I don’t have when I’m all alone. All I know is that for right now, I want this. I want this man and all that comes with him.

  But do I have it in me to keep this up?

  Part 8 Lucky Words


  Darkness settled in a long time ago as I finished up my shift at the restaurant. Getting home, taking a long, hot bath and climbing into my bed is foremost on my mind.

  Blake and I have settled into something nice. We talk on the phone and text some, but he’s giving me the space I need. He’s really taking things slow.

  I have to say I didn’t think he could do it, but it’s been nearly a month since we got back together. We stayed three days together then I came home. Have I missed him?

  Hell yes I have!

  But finals are coming up soon and I’ve had to come up with new recipes for many of my classes and that’s kept me and my mind pretty busy. Kip and Peyton are my Guinea pigs and they’re loving every bite of it.

  They nearly have what they want. Which is me cooking for them all the time. But I’ve managed to get Peyton to learn some things in the kitchen and even Kip has learned to cook a thing or two.

  He wants a permanent chef before their second child gets here though. I’m helping them do interviews later this week to get that accomplished for them. It’s the least I can do since I won’t take them up on their offer.

  My phone has been off since I was at work and having your phone on while there can get you fired. As I pull up in front of my apartment I tap the button and turn it back on.

  Once inside and on my way to take these clothes off I see Blake has texted me. I turn on the water and pour a tiny amount of Pax’s bubble bath in the steamy water.

  I like to save Blake’s nightly texts to read while I soak the day’s work and worries away. All settled in, I take my phone and read what he’s sent me.

  -Hi baby. Hope your day was good. Mine was full of things like taking my pilots test and passing it! Yeah, that’s right, your man is officially a helicopter pilot! Max taught me well, and I passed with flying colors. My elbow is getting a little tired as I’ve patted myself on the back all day.

  Once that paper was in my hand all I could think about was taking you on trips all over the place. I know, I know, we’re taking it slow!

  I’m going to take a chopper on a test drive tomorrow. Wish you could be here to help me pick one out. I’ll send you pictures and you can tell me which one you like. By the way, I saw an article about this car I think would be perfect for you and I’d like to buy one for you for your birthday or Christmas, or any day, really.

  Don’t answer me about that yet. I know you need time for it to sink into your brain that I love you and want to give you things. It makes me happy and I seem to think nearly constantly about you and what you might like.

  So, as you requested me to do each night, here is one thing about my life: I flunked third grade and had to go to summer school to catch back up to my grade level. There, now you have one of my deep, dark secrets. Your turn to tell me one.

  I love you and look forward to your nightly text. P.S. I know you’re reading this while you soak in the bath so promise me you’ll picture me when you clean your nether regions. And remember more than three passes over that area is considered playing with yourself. I love you, XOXO-

  I giggle and lean back to think about what I want to say to him. After putting the phone on the counter I lie back and pour a little body wash on a puff and run it over my neck, then down my arm and finally over my breasts.

  My eyes close as I think about how gently Blake can run his large hands over my body. So muscled yet he can be the most tender man in the world. He and I took a shower the last night we were together at Peyton’s parents’ house and he ran his hands all over me.

  I run the soapy puff over my arms, remembering how he made long strokes over both my arms with his firm hands. His hands slipped off them and over my breasts as I held my palms against the wall and he stood behind me. His cock pressed against my back.

  Just the thought sends heat through me, just like it did then. His lips touched my shoulder and I recall shivering as chills ran through me, fighting the heat that resided in my body. It was an odd yet exhilarating sensation.

  One hand left one breast, and he slid it all the way down until he found my little bud that was more than ready for his touch. I moaned as he found it and had to lean my forehead against the warm tiled wall of the shower.

  He leaned with me, never letting the front of his body lose contact with the back of mine. Blake’s fingers seemed to know exactly where I wanted to be touched and he gently squeezed and rubbed at my little pearl until I was panting.

  His lips ran up the side of my neck and he whispered only one word to me, “Come.”

  My body fell apart with his voice, velvet soft in my ear, making my insides quake as he told me to. He stopped his attention to my bud and placed his hands over mine and moved them down the wall until I was bent at the waist.

  His hands trailed up my arms, over my back to my butt. He ran his hands over my ass and moaned. “So round and gorgeous.”

  My ass tingled as he ran his strong hands over it. It made me ache for him and he didn’t make me wait long. His thick cock filled me, making me groan with the sweet relief.

  Slow strokes he made, filling me then leaving me empty. I moved my hands lower down the wall and felt him go deeper inside me. “Oh, baby,” he moaned and squeezed my ass cheeks.

  I pressed back to him a bit, and he moved faster and
drove into me harder. A sudden need for him to roughen it up came over me and I said, “Give my ass a nice smack.”

  A hard slap rang out and my ass stung a little. It made my vagina clench, and he did it again. “Yes!” came out of my mouth without me knowing it.

  He did it again, and I said it again. Each slap making me clench him harder. He began to really pound into me as he got more excited and one of his hands wrapped up in my hair and he pulled it hard.

  I gritted my teeth as it made my stomach tighten and the river inside me began to rise. His dick was moving in and out so fast and banging me so hard, I had to use all my strength to hold myself away from the wall.

  A scream left my mouth as the river crashed into a waterfall and I found Blake right behind me with his release. His heat filling me and leaving me whole.

  My body relaxes as I realize the memory and a little self-stimulation has left me spent and somewhat satisfied.

  It would’ve been better if it was real and not just a memory!


  Lying awake in my bed, I wait for Rachelle to send me her nightly text. Things are progression well for us. Since I’ve taken a step back and taken things slower, she seems to be okay with us having a relationship, albeit a distant one, but hey I’ll take what I can get.

  My phone lights up and I pick it up eagerly. Like a kid that’s just been handed a candy bar. I’m nearly salivating I want to read her words so damn bad.

  Is that pathetic? I hope not!

  -Babe, I’m so proud of you!!!! My man is a helicopter pilot. I cannot wait to tell everyone! Hope your elbow gets better soon. But you deserve to pat yourself on the back, it’s a great accomplishment after all.

  As I soaked in my bubble bath after reading your nightly text, I recalled our little session in the shower at Peyton’s family’s pool house. I sure am glad it was so far from the rest of the people or they would’ve gotten an earful with all the grunting and groaning we did. I think I even screamed once or twice.

  Your touch is remarkable and I’m one lucky girl to get to feel that. I’m lucky to have you in my life, period!

  Here’s where I’m going to get mushy so grab one of the tissues you have next to your bed. Blake, you’ve taken me to places I never knew existed. With the mere touch of your hand or the sound of your voice to my ear, I feel things deeper than I thought possible. To be yours is a dream come true.

  Your heart is strong and the fact you allowed me back into it is a thing I treasure. I’ll try my very best never to hurt you again. Your heart and mine beat in a way that’s more than special and doesn’t happen for everyone. I vow to never take that for granted again.

  You have my heart, my soul, and my body always and forever, Blake. This I swear to you.

  Okay enough sappy stuff. A fact about me is that I sucked my thumb until I was ten. Gross I know!

  Think of me as you fall asleep and I’ll think of you, maybe we’ll meet in each other’s dreams. I love you and always will. You are my knight in shining armor, Mr. Chandler. Sweet Dreams-

  A sniffle escapes me as I blink back tears. She has a way of getting me all verklempt as Mike Myers would say. I lay my phone back down and lie back on my pillow.

  Her reminder of what we did when we spent the day and night with Peyton and her family has me smiling. The bed in their pool house was a king, and the mattress was kind of old and the springs were bouncy as fuck.

  It made for a wild ride that night. After a little love in the shower, I carried Rachelle to the bed and tossed her onto it. She bounced and all her junk jiggled. It was beautiful.

  Her pert breasts finally came to rest as she stopped her giggles. She looked fresh and soft and her flesh was a little pink from the hot shower. That shower was hot in more ways than one.

  She wiggled her little finger at me and I growled at what she wanted.

  “More?” I asked her.

  She merely nodded, making her long, damp, dark tresses bounce around her porcelain face and deep blue eyes. Her red lips pursed as she laid back and beckoned me to her.

  My heart pounded hard as I looked over her body spread out on that bed and she wanted me. She was perfect from head to toe and that beautiful body wanted mine all over it.

  Her perfect breast I took in my hand as I climbed on the bed next to her. The springs groaned under my weight and gave a bit. She rolled towards me, landing on her side.

  We both laughed a little, and I moved her to her back and laid next to her. Her breast still in my hand, I kneaded it and massaged it as she ran her hand through my hair.

  “I love the way your hair looks when it’s wet,” she told me.

  “I love the way your hair looks all the time,” I told her.

  Her hand slid out of my hair and over my shoulder. “I love the way your muscles feel under my hand,” she said.

  My mouth quirked into a crooked smile. “I love the way your breasts feel under my hand.”

  Her hand left my shoulder and traveled to my tight abs. “I love the way you're tight as hell stomach tightens even more when I touch it.”

  I slid my hand off her mountainous breast over her stomach and onto her warm, soft sex. “I love the way this tightens when I touch it.”

  She slid her hand lower and took my cock into it. She moved her hand up and down the long length of it. “I love the way this thing gets even bigger when I touch it.”

  “We’re just about out of places to touch each other,” I said as I palmed her, slipping one finger inside her.

  She continued to run her hand up and down my dick, making it grow and grow. “I love the way your tongue feels in my mouth.”

  With a smile I leaned over her and said, “Me too.” I kissed her and her lips parted, inviting me right in, so in I went.

  I kissed her deep as I palmed her and fingered her and she ran her hand over my dick, squeezing at the most appropriate of times. The thought ran through my head that I could stay like that forever. Just stroking her tongue with mine and moving my finger in and out of her while my palm pumped against her swelling clit.

  But her hand stroking my dick was making me want just a touch more. Before I realized it, I was panting and my dick was nearly ready to take off on its own. I couldn’t have that, so I moved my hand off her and moved my body over hers.

  Missionary position it had to be as I was afraid anything else might bounce us right off the bed. Even as I tried to press my throbbing dick into her, her body moved deeper into the bed, moving away from me.

  “You’re going to need to arch up to me, baby,” I pulled my lips off hers to tell her.

  Her hips left the bed and finally my dick went into her hot, slick love canal.

  Yes, I called it a love canal! Deal with it!

  Every time I pulled away from her, she would let her hips drop back to the bed and arch up to meet me with the next stroke. We were working in unison and it was fantastic.

  But it was just too slow going and being the impatient woman Rachelle is, she stopped and said, “Get off the bed.”

  “What?” I asked, confused. Had I done something wrong?

  “Just do it. This isn’t enough for me.”

  I climbed off her and waited to see what the hell she wanted to do as my rock hard dick began to grow a little cold.

  “Might want to hurry before little Blake gets too cold and we have to start from the very beginning,” I told her.

  She scooted her body to the side of the bed until her legs dangled off and her ass was at the very edge. I looked down at her and had to wonder how she knew the bed was at exactly the right height for me to stand up and take her like that.

  With a smile she wiggled her finger at me and I moved into position. Her legs wrapped around my ass and she was ready to go. The first thrust sent her flying backwards as the old mattress moved with my weight.

  I shook my head. “Not gonna work, sweet pea.”

  “Hold me by my hips.” She bit her bottom lip and winked at me.

  I did wha
t she said and in no time I had a great rhythm going and she was moaning like crazy. My name coming out of her mouth with every third or fourth moan.

  Her eyes were closed, and I watched her face as she made little fuck me faces without even realizing she was doing it. I nearly lost it when her hands went to her breasts and she ran them all over them as I pounded into her.

  I got a crazy idea and released one of her hips for a second and took one of her hands as I leaned over and placed her middle finger in my mouth. She opened her eyes and looked at me a bit puzzled.

  Without saying a word, I placed her wet finger to her clit and grabbed her hip again and got back to what I was doing. Fucking the ever loving shit out of her as she played with herself.

  It was fucking awesome!

  Watching her stroke herself, I had to look back and forth to see her playing with her breast too. Her face soft with all the stimulation suddenly began to tighten. Her lips pressed hard against each other and the way her love canal was beginning to tighten around my cock told me it was about to happen.

  Her hands flew to either side of her as she grabbed handfuls of the bedspread and bunched them up. The scream she made started out low and guttural, then it went high and loud.

  My body could take no more and I let it all out, filling her up with my love juice.

  That’s right, I called it love juice!

  Our breath was all over the place and the sound filled the little room. We were gasping like we’d just run a marathon or something. It was utterly fantastic and when I collapsed on top of her, she ran her arms around me and whispered in a husky voice, “I love you, Blake.”

  My heart nearly burst and I told her that I loved her too.

  Somewhat satiated, I settle back to get some sleep.

  It would’ve been better if it was real and not just a memory!


  “What do you mean by that?” I ask Blake over the phone.

  “I just mean that I’ll be out of touch for a while. I’ll let you know when I’m back in reach. I just didn’t want you to freak out if you called or texted and I didn’t answer back right away.”


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