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Page 121

by Michelle Love

  “This pussy is mine. Do you hear that?” He asked me, before drawing my clit between his lips.

  “Yes, it’s yours.” I agreed, gripping the sheets as he ravaged me. I came hard when he had spent enough time on my clit, crying out his name as I rocked against him.

  “I haven’t thought about another woman since we met. I’ve been obsessed with you.” He told me, as he rose and settled between my thighs. “I want you, Elisa.”

  “I want you,” I replied, as he lifted his hips and positioned himself before driving himself inside of me. I moaned as he filled me, sliding against my walls. I pulled him closer as he kissed my neck, sucking the skin between his teeth, as he moved just a little harder and faster.

  We came together, and I arched my back, feeling him bite down on my nipple. “Oh, oh, oh.” I gave in to my feelings for him, holding them in until sometime this weekend when it felt right to say.

  I stayed the night, waking up early so that Mark could take me home to change. I threw on a dress after a quick shower, making myself look decent. I didn’t have time to pack, because Damon had distracted me all night in bed, but I’d figure it out tonight. It was only two nights.

  I drifted through the day with a smile, a little dazed as I tried to focus on my work. I was picking it up fine, but I had a lot on my mind and stole several looks across the street. Damon had been perfect last night, making me feel like the only woman in the world from the moment that I saw him. We met for lunch, enjoying a sandwich together as we discussed the trip and held hands. I kissed him on the street, not caring who saw. I had my life falling right into place before my eyes.

  I hurried home to pack, taking just a few minutes before I called Damon to tell him that I was ready. He promised me that he’d see me in a few minutes, and I zipped up my bag and glanced around the tiny room.

  “Have fun.” Melody smiled at me from her bed. She’d started seeing someone from school, and it seemed to be getting serious. They were going to a concert the following day and getting a hotel.

  “You too. Check out Jared for me!” I winked as I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the apartment to meet Damon. The drive was great, and we laughed the entire way, stopping for a quick dinner at one of the diners near the inn, before we checked in for the night.

  The room was better than last time. It was bigger, with a spa in the bathroom instead of the ,and a generous balcony overlooking the ocean. However, it was also colder. “We’ll come back when we can actually wear shorts one time,” Damon promised me, as I smiled at the view.

  “It’s fine. This is lovely,” I assured him, as I looked into his eyes. We went back into the room and got into the spa for a bit before finding a movie in bed. I snuggled against him and looked around with a happy sigh. “Thank you. I needed this, and I needed you with it.”


  I watched her sleep after we made love, with a beautiful, peaceful look on her face. She was wild tonight, initiating everything as she rolled me over to my back. I was going to pop the surprise on her after that, but we were both tired. We had two days here, with nowhere to be but a couple of restaurants. It was going to be perfect.

  I woke up to see the sky dimly lit through the balcony doors, and shook Elisa gently awake, so we could watch the sunrise. She photographed every step of it with her camera, trying different angles as I watched her. “We’ll be sure to watch it go down from a beach as well.” I told her, as she nodded.

  When the sun was up, and we were cold, Elisa dragged me back to bed and kissed me as she pressed her body against me, knowing that her hard nipples would be hard for me to resist.

  We made love carelessly before dozing off again in the beautiful room, waking up hungry, and in need of coffee. We both showered quickly and headed down to the in-house bistro, ordering their special with coffee as we stared over the expansive ocean. It was warm enough to walk around, and we took advantage of that, finding new beaches and more shops. I could tell the Elisa was in love with the town, making me fall more in love with her.

  We went to a nice place for dinner and watched the sunset before going back to our room. She wanted to use the spa again, resting her body against me as she sighed. “Thank you. Today was perfect.”

  “I wanted to ask you something, Elisa.” I said, as she tensed before me. “I did a lot of thinking in this crazy time since we’ve been seeing each other. I’ve changed, and it was confusing, but a learning experience.”

  “Agreed,” she giggled, as her hands slid up my legs.

  “I knew something in the beginning, but I had to mull it over. I think I needed space to say this, but … I love you.” I felt her freeze as her nails dug into my skin.


  “Yes. I love you completely, and I want to make things right with us. There’s something else.”

  “Oh, God.” Her voice was almost a whisper, and I kissed her hair.

  “Not that fast,” I promised her as I took a deep breath. “I am going to be buying an apartment complex as an investment very soon to spread some money around. It’s nice, close to work, and safer than that POS you live in now.” Elisa opened her mouth to speak, and I covered her mouth gently. “I can offer you something in there, as well as your mom, but I’d like you to move in with me.”

  I heard her start to cry. “I love you, too. I hated being without you.” She wiped at her eyes, and I pulled her close. “I want to live with you, because we’ve spent too much time apart.”

  “Give notice when we get back, and get your ass in my place, then.” I teased her, as I kissed her neck. “Let’s do this, Elisa.”

  We stayed in the hot water as long as we could stand it, before drying off and going to bed. I left only one light on by the bed as I kissed her, happier than I’ve ever been. “There’s one more thing. I want you and your mother to have Thanksgiving with my family. Will you?”

  “I’m meeting your parents?” Elisa squealed, as I kissed her again.

  We made love, her on her stomach, her ass in the air as I took her hard. I’d given her one orgasm with my mouth already, and she was tight and wet for me. We woke up to do that several times before watching the sunrise again, wrapped in robes. Elisa suggested an early morning walk on the beach to look for shells, and I agreed.

  She found a lot of shells and rocks, dropping them into a bag that she’d brought along. Everything was quiet, and it felt like we were the only people on Earth. “This is great, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. It’s such a change from the city, which I love too…but I’ll miss this.”

  “Maybe we’ll get a house here, down the line. Come up every weekend and just chill. It can be big enough for family.” She pressed against me for long kiss. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” We held hands as we wandered back to the car, looking over the scenery as we glanced down for more shells.

  We headed home that afternoon, and Elisa moved in with her few things by the middle of the week. She paid the roommates a month ahead of rent, so they wouldn’t get in a bind, and I took her to dinner the first night that she was officially living with me.

  Someone heard about us at work, but I assured them that we had held off on dating until she left the company. Once a couple of weeks passed, it seemed to die down and many people liked me being settled down. They said I was less grumpy and a nicer boss, particularly Brent and the other managers.



  I waited until the following spring to propose to Elisa, and we got married at the inn in the very beginning of the fall. It was small and intimate, with just family and close friends—perfect in my eyes. Elisa looked beautiful, with her hair in a low bun on her neck and flowers by her ears. Her dress was flowing and cream colored, but not too fancy, since the wedding was on the beach.

  The reception was in the large room at the inn, where dinner was served, and we offered an open bar. I had a friend come up to play music for the guests, and perform the traditional dances. It was a beautiful ni
ght, and we headed to our room after it was over, where I had some surprises for Elisa. She had become an animal since living with me, learning all about her favorite room in the house. I wanted our wedding night to be special, because we were going to try for a baby very soon.

  That was when I would calm down, but, first, the wedding night would be epic,.


  It took ten hours to deliver our daughter, a year after we were married. I sobbed as I felt her coming into the world, since my epidural had worn off by then. I didn’t care, because we were meeting our baby after nine long and somewhat uncomfortable months. She was beautiful, with a sprinkling of dark hair, and the sweetest heart-shaped mouth. I hoped that she’d have Damon’s eyes. I cried, and he kissed my damp hair.

  I knew going home from the hospital that my life was complete. I had the job, the husband, and now the baby. My mom lived close by and watched the baby while I pursued my career, often coming to the beach house, as well, in the Cod. Damon’s family joined us too, as well as Melody and her husband.

  That was an anniversary present.

  Damon never seemed to miss his former ways, or even think twice about them. He doted on me and Avery, as well as Declan, when he came along when his big sister was two.

  I told him that I loved him every night before we went to sleep, and we spent a lot of time just being us. We still used our room, locking it when we were both away. I wasn’t ready to explain that to the kids yet, if ever.

  I would never regret giving Damon a second chance.

  The End


  A Bad Boy Billionaire Contemporary Romance Series

  Ryker Crawford is a new billionaire who’s taken over the CEO position of his dearly departed grandfather’s company, Apollo Engineering.

  Gia Flynn is a young woman who’s a talented engineer. She’s been lying dormant for three years as she’s become the girlfriend of space engineering magnate, Damian Markov.

  When Ryker lays eyes on her at a fundraiser, he finds her boyfriend ignoring her as he pays attention to his cell phone instead of the young, dark haired beauty.

  Can Ryker lure the brilliant woman away from the Russian Billionaire?

  Part 1 - The Spotlight


  Flames explode out of the bottom of the new rocket boosters that Ian has developed. Applause spontaneously begins as we all watch the large screen at the front of the meeting room. We’re one step closer to making getting to Mars a reality.

  Apollo Engineering was started by my grandfather ten years ago. He passed away a little over a year ago, cancer took him from us, before he could see his dream of becoming one of the first settlers of Mars, come true. He’s turned that dream over to me.

  “Ryker, tell me what you think,” Ian says as we all sit back down after watching the video he recorded when he tested the rocket booster in Cape Canaveral.

  “I think you’re a genius. But what else is new?” I ask, drawing chuckles from the other board members. “My one question is, when can you get this into production? With fifty ships to build, we need to get at least one of them done within the next three years, so we can test before sending people off to outer space in the things.”

  “Here’s where you’re going to decide to give me a monster bonus, Ryker,” he says with a smile. “I’ve got the approval to produce these things in Russia. The government is willing to let us use their facilities in exchange for the technology. It’s a fair trade, I think. But what matters is what you think, Ryker.”

  “The Russian government, huh? I’ll have to consider that. There’s a fundraiser tonight. I might be able to pick the brains of some of the privately owned Russian space exploration companies’ top guns, to see how much they would trust their government with their own technologies. So, I can get back to you on that soon, Ian.” I look around the board table. “Does anyone have anything they’d like to add to Ian’s presentation?”

  Sandy looks at me as she says, “I’d like to know why he wants to use a Russian facility to build the boosters when we have facilities here in the U.S. that could be used.”

  I turn to Ian to allow him to answer that. “Ian?”

  “They’d make us pay. I know the company has plenty of money but why pay when we can get them made for free?” he asks, raising a good point.

  “The money goes into our economy, though,” Sandy retorts.

  I raise my hand to stop any further arguing. “Let me talk to some people first, before we go into this. It may not be a thing we need to argue over at all. If that’s all, we can adjourn this meeting.”

  With everyone nodding, I get up and take my briefcase with me to my office. Ted comes to my side as we all leave the boardroom. “Mr. Crawford, I think you should know there will be some very big names in our industry at this fundraiser. Damien Markov, the CEO of Markov Global, is in town. He’s sure to be there. You should pick his brain. His family has been in space exploration since the Russians sent Laika on Sputnik 2. He’s a natural born leader in our field.”

  “I’ll make sure to introduce myself to the man. Thanks, Ted.” I leave the young man to go into my office to find Bridget leaning over my desk.

  “Is the meeting over already, Mr. Crawford?” she asks me, as she straightens up and smooths out her knee length, pencil skirt.

  I close the door behind me, locking it. My tie is constricting me, so I take it off after I place my briefcase of the chair next to the door. Her smile is sexy and smooth. That cherry red lipstick is about to leave glossy marks all over my desktop.

  “Please remove those documents from the desk, Bridget. I have an urgent need that you, as my personal assistant, need to help me with.” I pop the button on my pants and watch her push the papers into a drawer then lean over my desk.

  Her thigh is silky as I run my hand up one of them to push her skirt up. Pressing my cock to her ass, I lean over her and tie my tie around her eyes. My cock is pulsing as I push the other side of her skirt up. Moving her panties to one side, I hesitate for only a moment as I look at how creamy her ass is.

  The sound of the buzzer of my intercom has me jerking my head up. “Mr. Crawford, a Mr. Markov is here and requests a meeting with you. He says it won’t take long,” the receptionist, interrupts my plans.

  With a sigh, I step back, put myself away and pull my tie off Bridget’s eyes. “I guess I’ll be seeking your services another time. How about you take off for lunch now? I was going to let you go afterward, anyway. Take the rest of the day off. I have to get out of here early to get ready for the fundraiser.”

  “I could go with you, Mr. Crawford,” she says as she smooths out her skirt. “If you’d like me to.”

  “My dear, Bridget,” I say as I put my tie back on. “That would have pictures of us taken together. People would think we were on a date. You know I don’t date members of my staff.” I tap the button to reply to the receptionist. “I’ll send Bridget out to escort him to my office, shortly, Veronica.”

  With a nod, she makes her way to the door. “I’ll bring him to you, sir.”

  “Thank you,” I say then take a seat in my chair and think about stock prices, the tyranny in Afghanistan, and orphaned children, in an effort to get my cock to go back down. It’s never a good idea to meet someone for the first time with a hard-on, after all.

  The things my mind conjures up help ease my situation and I find the door opening and Bridget gesturing for a tall, muscular man to enter my office. “Mr. Markov, Mr. Crawford.”

  “Thank you, Bridget,” I say as I get up to shake the man’s hand. “You may go now.”

  The blonde man with piercing blue eyes, the color of ice, is a large man. Only slightly smaller than myself. Our hands meet in a firm shake as we size one another up. “You must work out,” he says.

  “I do and it seems you do to,” I say as I release his hand. “Have a seat, Mr. Markov.”

  “Call me, Damien,” he says as he takes a seat.

  I go around my desk to take m
ine and say, “Then you must call me, Ryker.”

  “Good, I abhor formalities, Ryker. I am here because I saw a little thing on the internet about new boosters your company was testing in Cape Canaveral.”

  “Wow!” I say, stunned. “That’s top secret. Did you say you saw it on the internet?” I pull out my laptop out of one of the drawers and open it. “Where might I find this?”

  He pulls the computer to him and taps in something then turns it back to me and I see the same damn video that we just watched in the boardroom. “This is where I found it.”

  I see the video has been up for one day and that lets me know Ian’s either leaked it or he’s been hacked. One can never tell with these things and it’s not worth the time to interrogate Ian about it. It’s out, that’s a fact.

  “So, why are you here, Damien?” I ask as I put the laptop away.

  “I’d like to offer my production company’s services, of course. I can offer you a great deal for us to produce them. It will only cost you information.” He taps the desk with long fingers as he eyes me.

  “Russia certainly wants every tidbit of information it can get its hands on, doesn’t it?” I ask him as he sits back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I am not Russia, Ryker. I am one man with one company and I want to get to Mars just as badly as you do. It’s been my dream for a while now. I want to start a new life on a new world and your rocket boosters can help me get closer to that reality.”

  Drumming my fingers on the desk, I ask, “What’s your deal, Damien?”


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