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Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem Romance

Page 4

by Janie Marie

  “I liked ‘fast-bringer’.” He grinned as her face warmed. “I can’t believe he didn’t fuck Angelina Jolie.”

  “Angelina Jolie wasn’t alive back then, but I get horny boys like you would be disappointed there was no sex with a hot woman.” Jane smiled, flipping through his notes. He was smart, and she was in love with his handwriting. Like David’s, they made her feel like a four-year-old spelling her name with a crayon.

  “What happened with your boy this morning?” Ryder suddenly asked.

  “Huh?” Jane tried to look relaxed, but inside she was panicking.

  Ryder turned his head. “Your dumb fucking stepbrother. He was almost late to practice, and he said you had an accident that he had to fix. So, was he blaming you for him sleeping in, or did you fuck something up?”

  Jane ground her teeth together. How could David call it her accident? She had only woken him up so he wouldn’t get in trouble.

  “Fucking fag,” Ryder said, shaking his head.

  “Shut up!” Jane always heard the guys tease David loads of times, calling him gay because he didn’t have a girlfriend. There was Diane, obviously, but they still picked at him.

  Ryder smirked, tossing the ball. “Unless he’s fucking you, he hasn’t been fucking any girls. Therefore, he must be gay.”

  “That doesn’t make someone gay, moron.” Her heart hoped some of Ryders’ words were true. Had David not been with Diane? She shut her stupid heart up and focused on Ryder’s gay comments. “It’s not like it’s a problem anyway if he was. There are like two guys who are openly gay on the team.” She slammed his notebook shut.

  “I didn’t say it was bad.” He watched her carefully. She’d seen Ryder with the gay players. He accepted them, even scared others who might pick on them. It suddenly made sense; this was a tactic for him to make her angry about David.

  It wasn’t gonna work. She could knock him down a peg, too. “Maybe he’s focused on keeping his grades up so he can play the sport he loves.”

  “Low blow, babe.” He put the ball down and sat up, swinging his legs over so he was able to fully stare down at her. “And I didn’t say he hadn’t ever fucked a girl—just that I don’t think he has lately.” Her heart sank. “Tell me what happened, or I’m telling everyone I saw him in your room late last night. Naked.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?”

  A dangerous smile appeared on his face. “You didn’t shut your curtains all the way. He was in there, maybe not naked, but he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Tell me how long you’ve been fucking your stepbrother, and I’ll keep it between us.”

  “I am not fucking him.” She felt those damn tears building—angry tears— and she hated that she cried so easily.

  “So, you suck his dick?”

  Jane launched his notebook at him.

  He caught it, tilting his head as he watched her breathe faster. “Is he forcing you?”

  “No,” she screamed. “We are not fucking. If he’s fucking anyone, it’s probably Diane.”

  Ryder tossed the notebook aside, and got up, walking over to her. He gripped her chin and stared into her eyes like he could read her mind. “Easy. I just wanted to make sure he wasn’t forcing you into anything because he was in your room.”

  She shoved his hand away and started to gather her things. “I wrote the answers for you. Put them into your own words.”

  Ryder didn’t move away. He watched her throw her stuff into her backpack, dropping more than she managed to pack away. “You haven’t told David you’re in love with him?”

  Jane stopped, her hands shaking. “What?”

  “You love him, babe.” He picked up her pencil, sliding it into her hand. “Tell him. See what happens.”

  “Why are you such an asshole?” She sniffed, looking up at him.

  “I just want you to see he’s not the better man,” he said, brushing away a tear sliding down her cheek. “You won’t until you see the truth.”

  “Which is?” Her lips trembled, and he stared at them the same way David used to.

  “You gotta find that out on your own, Sweet Jane.” He brushed his thumb over her lips. “You saw it—I know you did. But you’ve only focused on him, and now you’re unable to see anyone else. He’s trying to, though.”

  “I should go,” she said, but she remained still, entranced by the way he was looking at her—like she was all he saw.

  “I’d tell you not to worry about Diane, but I honestly don’t know what David does—we don’t talk much anymore.”

  There wasn’t a time Jane could remember David and Ryder ever talking beyond football plays.

  “Or you could stay and go for a swim with me.” He smirked. “We can skinny-dip. I’m sure I can make up for anything if I’m naked for you.”

  She choked out a laugh, smiling more when he did. “I’ll pass.”

  “So, you get to tease me with the towel-show, but I bless you with this?” He gestured to himself. “You know I don’t have a small dick. You know you’re curious to see if it’s just as big as it looked from your window. I promise, it’s bigger.”

  Where was a hole to Hell when she needed one?

  “Brother,” came a male voice, making Jane yelp, “do show some manners.” Luc Godson strolled around the corner, placing his keys on the table. “Jane, it’s good to see you.”

  “What the fuck are you doing home?” Ryder moved, blocking her view of his older brother.

  “Clearly you were too high to remember the arrangements last night. Gabriel left for London,” Luc said far too elegantly for a twenty year old. “I was asked to babysit.”

  Ryder scoffed, still blocking the way out and her view of Luc. Who didn’t want to look at the guy?

  “Are you staying for dinner, Jane?” Luc asked.

  “Oh.” She shouldered her backpack and squeezed around Ryder. “No. I’ll get out of your hair.” She noticed he’d dyed it from pale-blond to a dark, gunmetal color. “I like the gray, by the way.”

  His expression was empty, but there was a spark in his eyes that made her think he might be amused by her. “Thank you. You are more beautiful than I last saw you.”

  She knew she was blushing. No one had called her beautiful before. Then she remembered the last time he saw her was last night—in her towel. Perv. “Thanks.”

  Luc glanced at Ryder. “Walk her home and return. You and I are going to have a chat.”

  “Do you always talk like this?” Jane blurted.

  Ryder chuckled at her as Luc simply watched his brother laugh.

  “Sorry,” she muttered, walking past Luc. “Thanks for the invite. Maybe next time.”

  “You’re always welcome to join us,” Luc said, giving Ryder a fierce look.

  Ryder gripped her bicep, gently and led her out of the house. “You are the most dangerous creature,” he growled. “You really shouldn’t talk to him.”

  “He’s pleasant, for a Godson.” She picked at him. She thought Luc was sexy as hell, and his more sophisticated way of doing things was attractive compared to his brothers who just destroyed, though Ryder wasn’t as bad as she’d always thought.

  “It’s a trick,” he said quietly. “Don’t believe the shit he tells you. There’s always something more to what he does.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” Jane shrugged free from his hold, her heart beating fast because he was following her. It wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling. It was nice. It felt like he wanted to make sure she got home safe.

  “Are you always home alone for long?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe and watching her get her key out.

  “It depends.” She found her key and inserted it. “Why?”

  “I’m just at practice after school, so I don’t get to notice these things. David is at practice with me, so you’re alone.”

  “I hang out with Wendy when she’s not working.” She didn’t know if he was waiting to be invited in or what.

  He motioned to the door. “Let me check things out, then I’ll lea
ve you alone.”

  Tingly warmth spread over her as he opened the door himself, entering first like there was really a threat.

  “Kinda spooky,” he said, walking in and opening a few doors to check each room.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” She was starting to like this banter with him.

  He sent her a little glare, but it wasn’t mean. “You probably would try. I can imagine you holding up the remote like it was a sword, hollering at a burglar.”

  She shoved his back. “I don’t have muscles to scare anyone with.”

  He snickered, now making his way upstairs. “Do I scare you with my muscles? ‘Cause you must be broken for how long you stare at me. Or is that you’re thing? You like the dangerous shit?”

  Jane sighed, but she was smiling. “I worry about your shits. Maybe you should see a doctor.”

  A light laugh escaped him. “Thanks for the concern. I’m touched.” He stopped at her parents’ door.

  “Don’t go in there,” she told him.

  “Why? I know it can’t be your room.”

  “It’s my mom’s.”

  Ryder swung his head around. “They don’t sleep together?”


  He fully turned to her. “Do your parents not sleep in the same room?”

  “They do.” She didn’t know why he was acting weird.

  “You don’t consider him your dad?”

  Oh. “Kingston’s my stepdad. He’s good to me.”

  “You used to call him Dad when we were younger.” He searched her face. “You don’t like having to associate David as your brother.”

  She pressed her lips together tightly. Why did he have to ruin everything?

  Ryder, again, got way too touchy, and he grabbed her face, running his thumb over her lips. “Don’t abuse these. I like them the way they are.”

  Okay, not what she expected. Nor was she expecting the tingly, fuzzy feeling his touch left behind.

  He smirked. “You like these being my lips?”

  “You’re stupid,” came her lame response. Even stupider, she didn’t deny they were his, and she wondered how his would feel against hers.

  “Nah, just unconcerned about certain things.” He caressed her lips again. “These lips I can be very concerned with.”

  “That’s sweet in a weird way.” She pushed his hand down. “Hurry up so I can be alone.”

  “Using and tossing me now.” He shook his head as he opened the door. He quickly scanned the room, then checked both doors. “They don’t have whips or sex rooms?”

  “Why would that be something you’d check for?” She was mortified at the thought of her mom having a sex room with David’s dad.

  He shrugged, walking past her to the next room. David’s.

  “I’m sure I can be alone,” she said, not ready to go into his room after that morning.

  “I know you can, but it’ll make me feel better to know there’s no one here.” He opened the door, scanning again before checking the closet. “He’s like a little soldier. All his shit is organized.”

  Jane rolled her eyes, pushing him out of David’s space. He’d be so mad if he found out Ryder snooped through his stuff.

  He chuckled, then checked under the bed. “Making sure he doesn’t have a body under here.”

  “Why would he have a body?” Jane had to admit, she liked this playful side of Ryder Godson. “You look ridiculous.”

  The cutest grin from him greeted her. “Ridiculously sexy?”

  No way was she confirming or denying that. “Get up.”

  “So eager to have me in your room,” he teased. He tried to open the adjoining bathroom door, though. “Why is this locked?”

  “It’s our bathroom.”

  He frowned while jerking the knob. “You share?”

  “No. He uses the guest bath. Didn’t you see all his stuff in it?” She huffed when he kept staring at the door, so she sighed, grabbed his hand and pulled him out after her.

  He interlaced their fingers. “If you wanted to hold my hand, you just had to ask.”

  Jane struggled not to look affected by him holding her hand, but it was hard.

  “So fucking cute.” He laughed, squeezing her hand when she tried to pull away. “Want me to carry you over the threshold?”

  “We are not married,” she said, but her tummy fluttered with butterflies.

  “You don’t think about marrying me?” He pouted his lips. “What kind of monster are you?”

  She covered her face to hide the blush she knew was there. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  He sighed loudly. “I know this is just so you can spy on me swimming.”

  Jane shoved him, pushing him into her room. “Hurry.”

  “Damn, babe, give me a minute to woo you. I’m a romantic.” He dodged her swat, laughing. “All right, I’ll be serious.” He released her hand and strolled around her room, checking her closet and bathroom. He even checked to make sure David couldn’t enter.

  “There, no bad guys.” She leaned against the frame, sort of sad that he was going to leave now. Somehow, even with bringing up David and Diane, giving her hope and then crushing it, Ryder Godson had made her shitty day better.

  He nodded, exiting the bathroom, but he moved to her window instead of leaving. “You have a good view of me.”

  Jane pointed at the mountains beyond his fence line. “That was the view my dad was going for.”

  He went quiet, staring at it, then he said, “Your dad must be thrilled he got his daughter God’s two greatest creations in one try.”

  “You’re killing me, Ryder.” She couldn’t hide her smile.

  His muscular arm went around her shoulder, and he hugged her to his side. “Never, babe.” He winked. “Seduce you, amaze you, maybe fight with you because I’m me—blow your mind as you scream in ecstasy, definitely. But never kill you. Trust me, I’m toning down my hotness just to save your pretty mortal eyes.”


  “I know.” He laughed, squeezing her. “So, can we fuck now?”

  “Bye, Ryder.” She started shoving him out, and he let her. It was nice to feel his muscles under his shirt. His body heat wasn’t burning like David’s, but she had the urge to cuddle against him anyway.

  “Do you need a ride tomorrow?” he asked when they reached the door.

  Jane stared up at him, surprised she liked having him looking down at her. “You mean after school?”

  “And in the morning if you need it. I overheard something was up with David’s car.” He gently pushed a lock of hair behind her ear like he didn’t even notice he was doing it.

  “The brakes were bad. He dropped it off at lunchtime, I think.” Despite the urge to get closer to him, she stayed in place.

  “Coach told me I could skip morning practice once a week. I’ll skip if you need a ride. Or I can see if Tercero will pick you up.” He looked a little uneasy about that. “He’ll give you a ride, but I’d rather it be me.”

  “How do you go from being an asshole to a considerate human being?” She almost touched his chest but didn’t.

  “Easy to do when you smile at me.” He smirked, and she couldn’t stop her smile from forming. “I’ll pick you up.”

  “I can just walk over.”

  He opened the door. “Nah, I’m digging this chivalry shit with you. I like seeing you all surprised.”

  “Whatever.” She held onto the doorknob as he walked out. “Bye, Ryder.”

  He gave her a little salute as he jogged down the steps, but he glanced over his shoulder. “Good night, Sweet Jane.”


  Jane was beyond hot when she tried to fall asleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about Ryder, and it confused her. Of course, he was the hottest guy she’d ever seen, David being such a close second that it didn’t really matter. Because David was perfect, and Ryder was an asshole.

  Except, Ryder wasn’t an asshole. Well, he could be, and maybe he even liked to be, but s
he was convinced she got to see a side few ever saw of him.

  She hugged her pillow, sighing. If only he’d chosen to sprawl out on her bed when he was here. She would have the luxury of smelling him because the whiffs she’d gotten were to die for.

  A light knock sounded on her bedroom door, interrupting her new fantasy.

  “Yeah?” Jane squinted when the door cracked open and the light from the hall hit her face.

  “Hey.” It was David.

  “Hey.” She stayed still, watching him shut the door. The room darkened, allowing only his silhouette to remain visible as he walked toward her.

  “Can we talk?” He stopped right beside her. “About this morning?”

  All her hurt came back. “I thought we were pretending nothing—whatever the fuck it was—happened.”

  He sighed, and she imagined him running his hand through his hair. “I was freaking out, Jane. I’m sorry. You know I wouldn’t hurt you or really mean it if I do say something harsh.”

  “I really don’t know that anymore.” She shifted, moving to sit up. It was too unsettling to have him here after she’d been thinking about Ryder instead of him.

  “You don’t?” His form became easier to make out. “Can I sit?”

  Jane glanced at the time. 11:20 p.m. “Are you just getting home?”

  “Yeah. I showered. I’m not sweaty.”

  The yummy image of him being sweaty chose to pop into her head, and she hugged her legs as though that would help control her hormones. “Okay.”

  The bed dipped, and she saw him even better now. He smelled like soap, skin, and David-y. God; she was going to lose her mind around him. All that held her in place was that he’d been distant since their parents married, making her think she imagined everything, and his dating. If she focused on that, she might keep her sanity because he’d totally felt her up that morning and had been dreaming about her.

  But she missed him so much. He hadn’t come into her room at night since before their parents married. Now that she thought about it, the last time was probably the very weekend his dad proposed, because both their parents had gone on ‘business trips’. And that had been just two weeks before the big wedding bomb dropped.


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