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Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem Romance

Page 34

by Janie Marie

  Luc sighed, and she grinned returning her focus to him even though she still let her adoration for Tercero’s confession show.

  Her elder Godson boy—man-boy—cast her a look of annoyance as he said, “Archer explained you stumbled from time to time.” He watched her face flush without any change in his expression as her embarrassment grew. “He told me you dance beautifully, but you still needed instruction. I thought you must be uncomfortable around traditional instructors. So, I am providing you with the one you will not refuse.”

  “Thank you, Luc.” She smiled for him again, pleased when he shook his head at her. He didn’t like sharing, but he was. “So, who plays?”

  Tercero motioned to Luc. “Big brother, of course.”

  Jane wasn’t expecting that, but she should’ve known when the piano was white. “I don’t normally play music in the dark—so no one knows I’m outside. I dance to the melodies in my head.”

  Luc tugged his sleeve as his gaze skirted toward the piano. “You have a Bluetooth speaker at your disposal. Play whatever you like. When I am present, however, I’d like to watch you dance to the music I create for you.”

  Oh jeez.

  Kingston cleared his throat, drawing her attention to him. “Ryder is not to be informed of this, Jane. Nor is David, as I’m certain Ryder has let you call him without my permission. Don’t forget you are still in trouble for your behavior.”

  She sobered up, her guard rising instantly. “I don’t want to keep things from Ryder. And, yes, I’ve talked to David. I don’t see how letting me see them is part of my punishment. So, what is this?”

  His blue eyes seared her skin. “Jane, I’m still trying to understand everything. I want you to see all your options.”

  “He wants you to know you can choose one of us and still be happy,” Tercero said, amused.

  Her jaw dropped. “You’re pitting them against Ryder and David?”

  Kingston exhaled loudly. “Do you have to view it that way? I am allowing Ryder his chance with you, but you so easily agreed to his proposal of you being shared. It’s not natural, Jane. You pick a boy. A, as in singular, and you fall in love, he asks for my blessing in marriage, eventually, and you get married and live a long happy life together. All I want you to see is that it’s possible to choose one and be happy. Ryder, though he tests me, is surprisingly a good man for you, but I’d rather you know the others individually to know if you wish to be with one of them.”

  “Ryder is not making me choose all of them,” she cut in.

  He shook his head. “I think Ryder is afraid you will realize he can be replaced, so he is ensuring he doesn’t lose you.” Kingston put a hand on her shoulder. “I’m not saying he can; he’ll give you the world, even if all you need is him. Perhaps you just need to know it can be only him or one of the others. Even David, Jane.” He took a deep breath. “It disturbs me greatly that you’re in love with him; he is your stepbrother, but if I forbid you like I have tried, I fear you will run off and do something foolish with him. So, I will give my son the chance I stole from him.” He smiled at her, giving her hope that he did understand at least some of her conflict, that he wasn’t holding it against her, just being a dad. “Don’t worry about your mother—I’m the one who should deal with her. It was never your fault.”

  She couldn’t speak. If he really thought this, she was so grateful. It was so awful to stomach how her mom had done everything, and it was worse that Kingston, though he hadn’t said it, was separated from her for the time being.

  Heat, tingles, ice, and desire brushed across her fingertips until Tercero held her hand. “Kingston is aware you will still make your own choices, Jane. He just feels Ryder’s openness to your relationships with us is pushing you to do something you don’t want or understand.”

  “That’s not true, though,” she said.

  “I know,” Tercero replied. “I agreed to come here because I want you to find yourself, and I learned that I could be of help after all. Luc, well, I suppose my brother has other plans.”

  “But I don’t want to lie to them,” she said.

  He smiled softly and caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. “Consider it a surprise for them. When you’re ready, show them what you’ve gone after all on your own—what you achieved without them. Because I know you will be at your most lovely when you dance for them.”

  Jane searched his face, trying to understand everything. It seemed Kingston had his plans, but Tercero was there for her benefit alone. Not for his own, not to win her.

  Again, he smiled and caressed her cheek. “I am not as insecure about you as my cocky big brother, and I don’t have the obstacles David must conquer just to be with you. So, don’t worry about me. I merely wish your company, especially when your greatest loves must be away from you. That is who they are, Jane. There is no shame in that. I am blessed to be considered among them, and I am very aware you try to choose just me at times. I see it in the way your eyes glow when they look at me. I am a lucky man.”

  She held his hand to her cheek as Kingston groaned.

  “I had no idea this one was a smooth talker with no urge to win you for just himself.” He ran a hand down his face. “You were meant to give your brother competition, boy.”

  She grinned up at Tercero. “He doesn’t compete. He just likes to see me fed.”

  Her quiet boy chuckled as Kingston made a choking sound and started to leave.

  “I have access to his cameras,” he said over his shoulder. “No funny business, slick. That goes double for you, Luc. And behave, Jane.” He stopped with his hand on the door and glanced at her. “I’m sure Eric will love to look down and see you dance. Make that your focus, okay? Worry about the boys when your heart is full.” Then he glared at Luc and Tercero. “Have her home at the hour we discussed. Unsullied.”

  Jane darted her gaze to Luc. He was watching her as she kept Tercero’s arm clenched tightly between her hands.

  “Has he forgotten Ryder and David have already robbed us of that pleasure?” A delicious but short kiss was pressed to her lips. “More later, tesoro.”

  When the heavy door slammed shut, she released Tercero and walked over to Luc.

  As always, he was unreadable. That was, until she smiled up at him.

  He sighed, shaking his head before gripping the back of her neck and pulling her closer. “One day it won’t work.”

  “Not today,” she whispered, pulling him down for the kiss she saw waiting for her.


  Tercero could fucking dance. Jane sighed as she silently watched one of the videos from yesterday.

  “Commit, cara,” he said, sliding his hands along her waist as he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You always hold back. Let go, just like you have with me.” He breathed her in as he continued his caress, but let her go too soon, never letting them get carried away. He wanted her to make the most of her practice.

  They’d spent two hours alone together, and he was a fabulous instructor. He corrected her in a professional manner most times, then he asked her to try pointe. It was so much harder than she ever expected, but he was patient, encouraging. Sweet. Sexy.

  He didn’t hide his caresses when Luc returned to watch the last ten minutes before taking her home. The boy was such a secret alpha male, if there was ever such a thing.

  “What are you watching?” a deep voice rumbled beside her.

  Jane gasped, dropping the phone, which was snatched up before she could retrieve it. “Damon, give it back.”

  He stared at the video still playing. Tercero had let her set up her phone to record most of their session, and she knew it had reached the part where she’d rolled her ankle, only to be soothed with a very distracting kiss. It was one of those kisses where he cradled her face between both hands and melted her into a puddle of dreamy-eyed girl.

  “Well,” Damon said, handing her the phone. “And here I was hoping to see a ridiculous set of selfies from Ryder.”

��You can’t tell him,” she whispered, clutching his arm.

  His dark eyebrow lifted. “I thought he knew about this.”

  “He knows about Tercero and Luc, and David, but he doesn’t know that I’m seeing them.” She winced, realizing how bad it all sounded. “It’s not my idea. My stepdad doesn’t want Ryder to know.”

  A knowing grin graced his face. “Your stepdad is trying to ruin Ryder with his brothers? And they’re doing it? Savage.”

  She slumped against the chair. “Tercero isn’t doing that. He said it’s part of me finding myself.”

  “With him,” Damon chimed. “How convenient for him.”

  “He’s helping me dance,” she said as her face grew hot because she knew he was thinking about the sexy kiss he’d just seen. “I fell. That kiss was just one time.”

  Damon chuckled, holding out a hand for her as he got to his feet. “We’re going out for lunch today.”

  As she took his hand, she pouted her lips. “Please don’t tell the others. They’ll blab to Ryder.”

  “As they should,” he said, leading her through the cafeteria. Again, he spotted the female teacher she’d seen him goad before. It looked bad with him holding her hand, so Jane tried to free herself, but Damon tightened his grip. “Stop dragging your feet, babe,” he said clearly for the woman to hear. “We don’t have a long break to take our time.”

  Jane wanted to slap him, but she held her tongue when the teacher threw her a glare. Damn, bitch, I’m a kid, Jane thought, chuckling to herself.

  Damon seemed pleased with her giggle as he grinned at her and lightly bumped the teacher. “Excuse us, Miss Messor.”

  Her aqua eyes slanted as she spat, “Damon.”

  He chuckled, a dark sound, and kept walking, not releasing Jane when they were outside. “You’re surprisingly twisted.”

  “Me?” She laughed. “I was only laughing at the fact that a grown woman is ready to fight a little girl like me.”

  “Little girl my ass,” he said loudly. “A little girl can’t handle Ryder, David, Luc, and Tercero.”

  “I’m flexible,” she said, giggling when they got closer to the whole crew.

  Damon’s laugh sounded like a thunderous growl. “This is why you’re queen.”

  The title was silly, but she actually didn’t mind being called queen. Whether Ryder’s or Luc’s, she had no problem with it. “Wait!” She tugged him to a stop. “Messor . . . Is she related to Than?”

  His amber eyes flashed at her. “Older sister. I’ve known her for as long as I can remember. She used to babysit us.”

  “Aw,” she cooed. “You had a crush on your sitter. And she’s your friend’s sister! All kinds of forbidden.”

  He rolled his eyes and kept tugging her toward the big SUV. “Stay quiet about her and I’ll stay quiet about Tercero and Luc.”

  It hit her that he was the only one she could talk to about this. No way would Wendy approve, especially about keeping it all from Ryder. She hadn’t even contacted her after the last time they argued, and Jane didn’t want to consider she’d lost her friend. “If I get emotional, can I talk to you about it all? My only girl friend isn’t talking to me, and I kinda can’t handle the judgment. She thinks I should pick only Ryder.”

  His gaze cast down at her, searching her face for a few seconds. “You can talk to me.” As she beamed up at him, he added, “And I’ll tell you all about me fucking Than’s sister in the janitor’s closet last week.”

  On the small screen of her phone, David’s blue eyes held hers as he wore a sweet yet disappointed smile. He was sweaty, his ruddy cheeks accenting his perfectly sculpted cheekbones. “I’m happy you got my letter,” he said. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” Jane smiled, laughing when Lance Grimm leaned into view.

  He wore a mischievous grin as he wrestled with David to keep the phone on him. “Jane, tell me you’ve forgiven my boy. None of us can stand his pouting—he’s even being an asshole to every girl trying to talk to him. It’s scaring them from the rest of us.”

  David shoved him, growling as she clearly saw a naked player strut past them. “I’m on the fucking phone,” he yelled, making the guy turn. Archer.

  He beamed and waved when he spotted her. “Hey, Jane.”

  “Hi, Archer,” she greeted, her face red as he covered his crotch with a hand.

  “We miss your pretty eyes watching us,” he said as Savaş appeared, shoving his brother.

  The giant Godson grinned at her as he kept Archer from returning to view. “Howdy, Tex.”

  “Hi, Savaş.”

  David shook his head as they disappeared out of view and immediately changed the subject. “Ryder said my dad wants to see me.”

  “Really?” She didn’t know if she was happy or worried. “He told me he was gonna let you see me.”

  “He did?” His eyes lit up, and his smile turned genuine. “I’ll see him, then.”

  Her heart ached for him. “David, I’m not completely happy with Kingston, and I’m still furious that he hit you, threw you out, and moved me here, but now that I’m calm, I get it. He really didn’t see it because he viewed me as a daughter for so long; it’s disturbing for him. If you can, try to work things out. You love your dad, and I can’t bear thinking I’ve ruined your relationship with him.”

  Ice flashed in his eyes, and he didn’t look like the boy who honored his father. “You didn’t ruin anything. It was between me and him. I understand the hit, but I can’t really forgive him for taking you away like he did. And even though I’m glad you get to see Ryder, it guts me that my own father would give another guy a chance with you.”

  “I know,” she told him, her eyes catching movement from where she was waiting for Ryder. It was her bad boy, and he lowered his sunglasses, playfully scowling at her as he got closer. “I gotta go,” she told David. “He’s here.”

  Ryder wrapped his arms around her before she could end the call, kissing her head over and over. “Babe, you are supposed to run to me like they do in the movies.”

  “This isn’t a movie,” David said bitterly.

  Ryder grinned at David as he lowered his face to get on the call too. “I dunno—I’ve been making movies with Jane.”

  David glared at him. “You couldn’t give me time to tell her bye?”

  He scoffed. “Bitch, grow up. It’s my time when I show up. She needs lovin’. Don’t make her feel bad for it being me who’s giving it to her.”

  Jane sighed, tilting the phone toward her. “Let me know how things go, okay?”

  “I will.” David smiled, though it looked like it hurt him to do it. “I’m sorry. Have fun with him today. Give the kitten a kiss for me.”

  Ryder snickered, but he shut up when she elbowed him. “I will,” she told David.

  “You need to name him,” he reminded her.

  “I know.” Jane felt so bad that she couldn’t think of something. She wanted something that reminded her of all her boys, not just Ryder.

  David nodded. “Love you, baby. I’ll send you a text tonight.”

  “Okay,” she whispered as she told him those three words with her eyes. He took it in quietly before nodding and ending the call.

  Ryder hugged her from behind. “Sorry, babe. I missed you yesterday, and I am moody until I have you.”

  “Have me?” She turned her face up to see him. So gorgeous.

  “By my side, little pervert.” He kissed her when she pouted at him. “Let’s get going. You’ll need to do your homework and change before we leave. And you need to take care of that little fluff ball. I don’t want David’s gran throwing it out because you’re not doing cat chores.”

  “Fluffy,” she threw out as a possible name for the kitten.

  “Fuck no.” He started walking them toward his car. “Babe, you’re not going to have permission to name our kids.”

  She laughed, hugging his waist. “Ryder Jr.”

  He cast her an amused look. “For the cat or are you trying to
name our firstborn? That’s how bad you are at this.”

  “Jane,” someone hollered behind them.

  She turned with Ryder, but he pulled her closer as two guys quickly approached. The first one Jane knew, and she grinned, rushing forward. “Adam!”

  He smiled, lifting her up and squeezing the life out of her. “Hey, girl. Why do I only hear about you befriending a bunch of Hellhounds, but I never see you?”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” She hugged him tightly as she took in that his gaze was fixed on Ryder. “Oh, do you know my boyfriend? Ryder?”

  Ryder nodded to Adam. “We’ve met.”

  Adam lowered her to the ground. “Boyfriend?”

  Her bad boy smiled. “Yeah . . . Her boyfriend.” He slid a finger under her waistband and pulled her back to him as his gaze shifted to the guy behind Adam. “The fuck you looking at?”

  Jane felt her face burn because the guy had been looking at her, but she knew Ryder wasn’t playing around. There was that dead look in his eyes, and his whole body seemed larger than normal. She touched his chest, making sure she was between him and the unknown guy.

  Adam moved between them, too. “This is Stephen, a friend of mine.”

  No one said, ‘nice to meet you’, not that she ever expected Ryder to say that to someone, but she didn’t feel good about the cold look on his face as he continued sizing up the guy. He wasn’t as tall or as muscular as Ryder, but he was fit. His brown eyes stayed on Ryder now, and it was awkward as hell.

  “Well,” Jane said, hugging Ryder now as she peered over her shoulder at Adam. “We gotta get home. Come see me sometime.”

  He nodded, walking back and nudging his friend as he told her, “If you ever need me, I’m here.”

  She beamed at him. “Thanks, Adam.”

  Ryder kept his eyes on the pair until they were out of sight. “This is when I wish you were back home, and I had to deal with seeing everyone else with you.”

  “Because of Adam?” She pushed on his stomach to make him move.

  He shook his head and turned to open the passenger door for her. “You know why.”


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