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Jane's Team: A High School Reverse Harem Romance

Page 51

by Janie Marie

  “You normally tell me to stop being lazy.”

  There was a different sort of spark in his eyes as he said, “And from now on I’m telling you to get some sleep. Now promise.”

  “I promise,” she whispered, wondering what he was up to, but it was then she realized he’d carried her to the room down the hall, and the shower was running in the attached bath. She giggled, giddy for what was to come.

  Her bad boy spanked her ass and pushed the bathroom door open. Steam billowed around them, and he gave her a pointed look. “He probably came to rub one out after hearing us.”

  Jane turned, holding her breath as Ryder entered the shower.

  Tercero peered over his shoulder before turning and accepting her from Ryder. “I do not ‘rub one out’, brother.” He wasted no time wrapping her around him and covering her mouth with his. He was starving, and he consumed her, pressing her against the shower wall.

  “Be gentle,” Ryder chided, quickly washing. “Let her sleep before she goes to work, too.”

  “I’ll give her what she needs,” Tercero said, smirking when he felt how wet and hot she was.

  “He let David come in me,” she told him.

  His gaze swiftly met Ryder’s, though he stayed silent.

  Ryder smirked, finished rinsing, and as he passed, he kissed her shoulder. “Ask her permission.” He gave her one more kiss. “Good morning, my moon.”

  “Good morning,” she whispered back, sighing as his presence faded. But it was always temporary when Tercero was there.

  Whispering sweet Italian words in her ear, Tercero held her under the spray of water, cleaning away his brother’s come.

  This was their somewhat normal routine after a full year together. With David’s and Ryder’s college football training and their class schedules, they left early and came home late. Still, no matter how tired they were, they worshipped her together when they finally made it home.

  Only a few nights were spent with only one of them, but she always got mornings alone with Tercero. He worked overnight, but he never told her where it was, only that he was faithful to her and not to worry. Every morning, as he washed his night away, Ryder or David carried her to him, trusting Tercero would keep her safe and happy.

  She’d lost a lot of sleep since embracing her role as girlfriend to more than one guy. They made it work with the four of them in the apartment they shared. People judged, but she shrugged off whatever was dished at her. Kingston and her mom were the only people she worried about, but they both stood behind her and David. Kingston had even gotten into a fight about it with a coworker, which her boys found hilarious. It even strengthened David’s relationship with him, and they went out once a month for father-son time. Sometimes Kingston even invited Ryder and all his brothers. Usually, Ryder refused, but he did go on a bros’ night out with Kingston and even Luc and Gabriel, but he left Damon and Sin at the apartment with her and Wendy —as well as Jessica and Anica, two cousins Jane had reconnected with.

  That had been a fun night for her, and she’d been begging Damon and Sin to have another slumber party with them. Ryder wasn’t thrilled, but she knew he’d give in. If only Damon would leave Than’s sister long enough.

  Justine Messor had Facetimed Damon five times to make sure he was dressed. She had been convinced Jane wanted a fifth boyfriend, and that it was Damon she was eying.

  It all changed when Justine Facetimed Damon and saw tiny ponytails all over his head. She’d stared in shock as Jane and Wendy lowered the makeup brushes they’d been using on his face. Even more disbelief filled her expression when she caught Sin in the background. He was with Jane’s cousins, and her Aunt Jackie, and they were trying to fit him into a dress they’d bought during their earlier shopping trip.

  Now, Jane had shopping trips on the weekends with the girls, and they all trained together with the Hell Boys when Ryder went to his underground fighting practices.

  “Permission, cara?” He teased her lips with a kiss, his dark eyes staring into her soul. “Your mind is wandering. Stay with me for a while.”

  Wrapping an arm around his neck and pushing his hair away from his face, she smiled. “I will. And, yes.”

  The smile he’d always worn for her in secret formed, and he turned, pushing her against the wall and entering her with ease. He moved powerfully in and out of her, and she cried out, hanging on to him as he whispered more Italian in her ear.

  “Oh,” she gasped, “what’s that mean?”

  He pressed in deep but turned his face toward hers. “I said I’m crazy about you.” Easing out, he kissed her cheek and murmured, “You are the love of my life.”

  Her heartbeat sped up—he’d never said that before, and she breathed, “I love you, too.”

  And, grinning, he loved her under the water, then on his bed, then he kissed her with another whisper of love before falling asleep.

  Yawning, Jane sat up, momentarily disoriented to find she wasn’t in bed with Tercero. In fact, she wasn’t in his bed at all. “That jerk.” She rolled her eyes and got up, tying the belt of her robe before leaving the room . . . office.

  “She wakes.”

  Jane rubbed her face as she made her way toward Luc where he sat at his desk. Well, she mostly limped because taking three guys in one morning wasn’t easy. No matter how many times they’d made love to her, it hurt—the good hurt—for a few hours. Well, usually, days. But that’s where Luc handled things. He had his own magic, and he knew how to soothe her and still blow her mind.

  His secretary had clearly been taking notes, and she gave Jane the stink eye as she took in Jane’s hobbling. “Miss Mortaime, shall I help you with Luc’s schedule, seeing that you think you’re still at home?”

  Luc locked eyes with Jane, but he didn’t say anything. He always made sure she fought her own battles, and she had to fight a lot because she was his girlfriend, and on his payroll.

  “Afternoon, Hela,” Jane said, coming to a stop by Luc. She gave him a look that told him to pull his chair back, and with a smirk, he complied so she could crawl onto his lap. Only when she was situated, an arm around Luc’s neck as he rested his on her leg did she continue. “You can focus on your duties to Luc. Mine are no concern of yours.” Jane peeked at Luc before kissing the corner of his mouth. “You have a prep-meeting with me, Mr. Godson. I’m ready when you are.”

  Luc rubbed her leg before waving Hela away. “Leave us and do not speak to her like you are her superior ever again. She has seniority over you, and she’s my girlfriend. Both titles demand respect. She’s also the only one in my employment who is allowed to address me by my first name. Now go and lock the door. I’m having lunch with my girlfriend.”

  Giggling, Jane kissed along his jaw. “I thought we had a meeting.”

  He waited for Hela to shut the door to lift her onto his desk. “I’m hungry.” He opened her robe and tugged her to the edge as he flipped his tie over his shoulder. “Spread your legs before I take you to the room and tie you down. You should be punished for letting them make you so sore.”

  She laughed, opening her legs because she knew he really would. Her fantasy last year about him having a secret sex room came true when he hired her as his personal assistant. He made her work, but he also said he was her boss and decided when they took breaks. “You really need to stop abducting me from Tercero’s bed.”

  “You really need to wake your ass up so we can spend time together.” He skimmed his fingers over her tummy. “Did he figure it out?”

  Her soul and heart glowed, and she shook her head. “No, but he let David and Tercero come in me.”

  Luc caressed her stomach then stood, kissing her the way a king kissed his queen. “Then he knows.”

  She teared up, wrapping her arms around him. “Are you still going to love me?”

  “Of course, my queen.” Lying her back, he created a path of icy kisses down her body. “Mind your screams; we have clients on our floor today.”

  There was no time to resp
ond with words, he was stealing her soul, and she writhed, grasping his perfectly combed hair as he worshiped her. She knew he’d scold her for ruining his hair, but he reveled in her touch the same way she did his. He’d never love anyone but her. Just like he knew no one would love him the way she did, every arrogant, controlling, and overprotective bit of him.

  “I forgot to ask him if you could come in me too,” she breathed, her body tightening as her orgasm crashed down on her.

  Luc stood, pulling his tie free and unbuttoning his shirt. He was so breathtaking, and she could only stare in silence at his beauty; he was living art. “He gave me permission to ask you.” He handed her his phone and undid his belt.

  Jane reluctantly looked away, only to smile as her whole being glowed at the text on Luc’s phone.

  Ryder: I know she told you.

  Ryder: Bastard

  Ryder: Love her today.

  Ryder: Fully, if she wishes.

  Ryder: You can let it slip I know I’m going to be a daddy. I’ll spank her pretty ass later.

  Ryder: She’s mine tonight. But get her cabin ready for all of us tomorrow.

  Luc had responded then: She wanted it to be a surprise, brother.

  Ryder: I knew before she did.

  Ryder: She’s glowing even in the middle of the day.

  Jane sniffed, laughing. Her bad boy saw everything with her.

  Luc smiled at her. “Like the moon when the sky's still blue.”

  She swooned at his words but read the next text.

  Ryder: Will I be enough? For both of them?

  Luc had responded: You have always been enough, little brother. Go to practice. I’m picking her up now.

  Ryder: I need a job to take care of my wifey and baby. Give me some money.

  Jane laughed, her tummy fluttering as tingles bloomed in Ryder’s spot and went down to surround her womb. “He’s the sweetest bad boy ever.”

  Luc took the phone, reading over the texts again before tossing the phone onto his chair. “The sweetest boy ever willingly handed you over to me. Not very sweet, if you ask most.”

  “Ah, the mean king,” she said giggling as she sat up, wrapping her legs around Luc’s bare waist. “I’ve rather liked your kingdom, and your rule. You’re not as hard on me as you threatened to be.”

  “Because all my enemies forget they’re under my rule when you enter the room, and I enjoy being soft with you.” Luc raised her hand, kissing the inside of her wrist, the same spot he sometimes wrote his name. “The baby will want for nothing, Jane.”

  And Jane realized what Ryder was doing by letting them be with her this way. “He’s asking you to be a part of this, isn’t he? All of you. He’s not taking me away.” She’d wanted to have babies with Ryder since they graduated, but she had stayed on birth control because she feared having his baby would mean losing the others. But it turned out Ryder really was good at everything because he made a baby even though she was on birth control, and she was seven weeks pregnant.

  “I’m sure he’ll hide you often, my queen.” Luc kissed her wrist again. “But, yes, he’s allowing us to become one with him and you, to be more than uncles to his child. I’m answering with an eternity. There is no other woman for me, Jane. I will give this child all, as though it is mine.”

  “Sounds like you love me,” she said, utterly dazed by his words.

  He gave her a bored look. “You know my feelings for you.”

  She sulked. “You could say the words.”

  Of course he didn’t respond to her pouting.

  Her phone vibrated once, then twice. Then several times.

  Luc smirked, pulling it from her robe pocket. “You know I have rules about texting when you’re with me.”

  She bit her lip, nodding as he normally tied her hands behind her back and spanked her—not painfully—until he decided she’d learned her lesson. Or he’d torture her by keeping her on the edge of release all day.

  He gave her a sexy smile and handed her the phone. “New rule while you’re pregnant: answer your calls and texts from them immediately. Come for me immediately afterward.”


  “Well, give me time to sink my cock inside you, my queen. Now, respond to them. I’d like to have my turn.”

  “I’ll be fast,” she said, kissing him then unlocking her phone.

  My David: We’re having a baby?

  She gasped, texting him right back: It was a surprise.

  My David: I’m surprised.

  My David: Are you okay? Happy?

  Very good and happy. I’m sorry.

  My David: Baby, you don’t have to be sorry.

  Tears stung her eyes, and she wrote: But it’s his.

  My David: It’s yours.

  My David: I love you so much, Jane. I’ll love this baby like it’s mine.

  My David: I will consider it mine like he would if it was mine.


  My David: Yes, baby.

  My David: I gotta run.

  Jane sniffed but smiled as she replied: I love you, too, baby.

  My David: Beyond forever.

  As soon as she read his last text, she jumped to Tercero’s.

  My Tercero: My tesoro has doubled?

  Jane awed at his words and replied: It’s still very small.

  My Tercero: No, cara. He or she is already everything you are. I love you both.

  She whined, her panic rising as she feared the truth of Ryder’s actions. Her bad boy was amazing, but she didn’t know if he’d truly be okay with letting her keep David, Tercero, and Luc.

  Her heart sprinted at the next text.

  Sweet Ryder: I found out your secret over a week ago, babe.

  Sweet Ryder: Your tits are huge.

  She laughed but hurried to read on.

  Sweet Ryder: I was going to let you tell us, but David caught me reading pregnancy stuff.

  Sweet Ryder: He was going to move out, but I told him our baby gets us both. All of us.

  With trembling hands, she texted: I love you.

  Sweet Ryder: And I love you.

  Sweet Ryder: I’m already married to you in my dreams so there’s no need to say goodbye to your loves.

  Sweet Ryder: Enjoy the day with your king. Tonight, we’re just Jane and Ryder. A goddess and the bad boy she used to say sassy things to but secretly stripped him naked in her dreams.

  Sweet Ryder: Tomorrow we celebrate with the others. We’re all daddy for this little pumpkin. I’ll be King Daddy.

  She texted him: Really?

  Sweet Ryder: Really.

  Sweet Ryder: I’m still yours, baby girl. And you’re mine.

  She cried, texting him back: Always.

  Sweet Ryder: Longer.

  Epilogue 2

  Gods & Monsters – When the Little Moon Dreams

  A voice that sent tingles across her skin to kiss her soul suddenly spoke, rousing Jane from her sleep, “No, Mama can’t play right now.”

  “Are you mad, Daddy?” asked the cutest little voice.

  “I’m not mad,” he said, his voice drifting as he must’ve walked away.

  Another voice—one closer—one that never failed to cause her skin to flush with desire and adoration, spoke after a fiery kiss was pressed onto her shoulder. “Mommy will be out soon. Let us wake her up, okay?”

  “Okay, Daddy,” said the cute voice, followed by a door shutting.

  “All right, my little queen of monsters,” said the first man. He was annoyed, but she felt his amusement in the air as tingles encircled her ankle, and he tugged her to the edge of the bed. “Wake your cute ass up and explain what the fuck just happened.”

  Jane opened her eyes, blinking as several flashes of unnatural but familiar light filled her bedroom. David sat beside her; the lines of his handsome face fierce as he watched the others in the room. His room. Her room. Their room.

  She darted her eyes to a fiery yet pleased as hell pair of emerald eyes. He was the first man who’d spoken.
He was taller than the man-boy she’d just left in her dreams—deadlier, too. Obviously. But there was no doubt about it, he was her bad boy through any existence they found one another in.

  He didn’t say anything, so she glanced at the other two, surprised as hell—literally—to see her king. Always in his white suit and now his ash-colored hair, his silver eyes cold, more magical than the gray pair that she’d stared into moments ago. Lucifer.

  Then the black pair of eyes on her.

  She swallowed, her throat tightening with thirst as he watched her. He’d been a surprise tonight, and she was going to have a hard time looking at him as just a friend now. Famine.

  “Sweet Jane.” The Angel of Death tilted his head, his smirk deepening as tingles slid over her lips. “You realize that little dream of yours was more than a dream, don’t you?”

  “What?” She had been ready for jokes, for a very pissed off husband by the chance she talked in her sleep, but she didn’t understand why all four of them were there. Only Death could read her mind, but they all had looks that roared desire, anger, and confusion.

  “Was she glowing?”

  Jane swung her gaze to Luc’s—her king and eternity. “Glowing? I haven’t glowed—”

  “Like a Christmas tree,” David cut her off. “I fully understand Death, my love, and maybe even Lucifer, but why the fuck is Famine staring at you like you’re his favorite snack?”

  “Maybe ask him,” Death retorted, though he glared at his brother. “No, you’re not fucking her. Or eating her . . . out.”

  Famine’s thoughtful gaze met his brother’s. “And what of you, brother? Are we to believe your role as number one was entirely her subconscious taking over? That her soul is kinkier than you?”

  Death grinned, sending Jane a wink. “I can’t help it if my girl knows I’m King Boyfriend in all existences. I simply enjoyed the show.”

  David grunted, but he didn’t direct any wrath or annoyance at her. “So, she pushed that dream to us? Or what are you saying, that it was more than a dream?”


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