Queen Bitch: Part 4 (Bitch Series)

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Queen Bitch: Part 4 (Bitch Series) Page 13

by Deja King

  As Nico began the process of nursing me back to health, I sat back to tell him the drama of how I went from LA to now saying "Hello, Brooklyn."

  "Cheers!" Devon and I said in unison as we clicked our champagne glasses in a hotel suite at the Peninsula Beverly Hills. When we left the burning house I knew I needed to shower and change clothes, and what better place to do so than a five star hotel, especially with my newfound riches. I hit the jackpot three times in one day.

  "I can't believe I'm finally rid of Precious fuckin' Cummings. This has to be the best day of my life."

  "Dang, ma, that chick really got under your skin. I ain't like her neither, but you hate her ass."

  "Ha W She's past tense now. The bitch is dead, remember."

  "I was there. I can't forget about her or Mike."

  "Mike," I repeated out loud as if it was now hitting me that my brother was dead. He wasn't only dead but that I had killed him. "It's a shame what happened to Mike but he left me no choice."

  "Right," Devon said, nodding his head and sipping on his champagne from the thousand-dollar bottle I purchased. "So what's next?"

  "Next?" I asked, not knowing what next he meant.

  "We got rid of Precious and Mike. Is the detective next? What are we doing?"

  "We're not doing nothing. I don't think the detective will be a problem."

  "Don't you think it will be best to get rid of all the loose ends"'

  "Devon, let me do the thinking."

  "I'm only considering your best interest. They will find the bodies in the house and eventually identify them as Mike and Precious. You know when that happens, Detective Moore will come sniffing around you."

  "He can sniff all he wants, but making a case against me is something entirely different."

  "It's on you, but hey, I'm more than willing to put the nail in his coffin."

  "I'll keep that in mind," I said, standing up. "Enjoy the suite and I'll be in touch."

  "Where are you going? You not staying to enjoy the suite with me?"

  "Not tonight. I have to go."

  "But I thought this was our celebratory evening together," Devon said, grabbing my wrist.

  "And we did celebrate," I shot back, pulling my wrist from his grasp. "And now I'm leaving."

  "That wasn't our agreement. You told me I would be fully compensated for my services."

  I reached in my purse and pulled out one of the thick roll of bills I had got from the briefcase. "This should be more than enough compensation," I said, tossing the cash in his lap.

  Devon flipped his thumb through the hundred dollar bills. "Where did you get all this cash from? I'm sure you got some good pussy but not good enough for Supreme to hit you off with this kind of cash."

  "Watch your mouth, Devon. And don't worry about where I got the cash, you've been compensated and that should be your only concern."

  "The money is good, but I want a taste of that right there." Devon stuck out his thick pink tongue, pointing his finger towards my coochie. "I want what I was promised."

  "So you rather get some pussy than all that cash?"

  "Oh no, I'm keeping my money," he said, gripping the loot tightly. "But I'm getting both."

  "You sound real confident in that."

  "I am. We share a lot of secrets. I know you'll do the right thing. Come on, it won't be so bad. When I lay this pipe on you, trust you won't never want a piece of Supreme again."

  "Is that right?"

  "I promise you. Come over here and get a feel." Devon rubbed his hands over his crotch area as if I was going to come crawling over begging for the dick.

  "I tell you what. Hold that thought. Supreme is expecting me and I don't want to raise any suspicions with all the shit that has gone down. But how about we meet back here tomorrow around the same time? You can show me what you holding down there." I walked right up on him and brushed my ass against him.

  This fool had the audacity to grab my hand and press it against his dick. "Feel how hard you got my shit. You getting all this tomorrow night," Devon boasted.

  I wanted to scream, "All what, you little dick nigga", but I needed him, so I kept my mouth shut. "That's right, baby, I can't wait. I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Okay, and don't give Supreme none of my pussy until after I tap that ass. I want that shit nice and tight. Oh, and so you know, first thing tomorrow morning I'll be giving my boss a call to tell him I quit!" Devon hollered as I was walking out of the room. That comment stopped me dead in my tracks.

  "Why in the hell are you quitting your job?"

  "I'm tired of kissing that nigga's ass and talking all proper and shit around him like a corporate professional."

  "Devon, you need your job."

  "Not anymore. Shit, why I need to be on that nigga's payroll when I can be on yours?" he said, holding up the wad of cash I dropped in his hands. "Plus your benefits package is much better suited for my needs."

  "That's a mistake," I warned.

  "It's a mistake I'm willing to make."

  "What are you going to tell Supreme?"

  "The truth; that I got a better job offer and I'm moving on. I'm sure he won't have a problem replacing me. I mean he is Supreme."

  "Have it your way."

  "I plan to. We can work out my payroll schedule after I get done twisting your back out tomorrow."

  All I did was smile at the dumb fuck before closing the door. If I had to stay in the room with Devon's nasty ass for one more minute, my head was going to explode. Getting thousands of dollars wasn't enough for the greedy fuck. He had to get between my legs too and quit his job. Now he looking at me to be his full source of income like I'm an ATM. It seemed that after I got rid of one problem there would always be another lurking around the corner, and the shit had me stressed.

  When I got to my car I popped open the trunk and pulled out the briefcase. When I opened it up and saw the stacks of endless amounts of hundred dollar bills it was the only thing that brought me solace. "I'm a rich bitch!" I beamed.

  I shut the briefcase back up and closed the trunk. And to think, if I hadn't been the curious chick I am, all that money would've burned up in flames with Mike and his beloved Precious. There were so many things I wanted to do with the money; for one, I wanted a fresh ride. I was tired of driving around in this same of Jaguar. I wanted some new hot shit. But before I went out splurging like a fool, I had to be extra careful. I didn't need anymore unnecessary heat.

  After pulling up to the estate, I was disappointed because I didn't spot Supreme's car or his driver out front, and I was looking forward to seeing him. Ever since we had sex the other night, he was distant, as if he was purposely trying to avoid me. I knew it was out of guilt, but Supreme had to get over that shit.

  The house was ghostly quiet and empty. When I turned on the lights the first thing that slapped me in the face was the life-size painted portrait of Precious and Supreme from their wedding day. It was as if Precious was haunting me in death. I wanted to take a knife and slash that shit in shreds. "I killed you! Would you die already and go away for good?" I screamed at the portrait as if Precious could hear me. As I was about to continue my hysterics I heard the door open. I quickly turned my head and saw Supreme coming in.

  "Is everything alright? I heard yelling. Who were you screaming at?"

  "That picture of Precious."

  "Huh?" Supreme gave me a quizzical look like I was wilding out.

  "I'm frustrated and hurt that Precious is gone. I want to yell at her, but since I can't I yelled at her picture. I know it sounds crazy, but all this anger has built up and I exploded. I feel betrayed that my best friend left and hasn't even reached out to me."

  "I know what you mean," Supreme said, tossing his keys down on the table. "I can barely stand being in this house anymore. Everywhere I turn there is a reminder of her. So I know what you mean about exploding. Every second of each day I'm one second away from doing just that. I can't even stand being around people at this point."

nbsp; "Is that why you've being avoiding me?" I asked, Supreme as he poured himself a drink.

  "No, I've been avoiding you for a slew of other reasons."


  "Like, I had no business having sex with you in the first place."


  "Why? Do you really need to ask that question?"

  "Because of Precious. At this point, what do we owe her? She left us both. How long are we supposed to mourn over her?"

  "You mourn over people who are dead. My wife is very much alive which makes this shit that much more difficult to deal with."

  "Do you want to deal with the fact that Precious left you, or do you want to hang on hoping she'll come back?"

  "I don't know what the fuck I want." Supreme's face was riddled with emotions, from agitation, pain and confusion.

  "You need to man up and figure it out."

  "Excuse me?"

  "You heard what the fuck I said. Your wife left you, accept it. You ain't the first man that had their wife leave them. Besides, you knew what type of woman Precious was before you married her."

  "Now you saying I brought this bullshit on myself." Supreme stood up pounding on his chest.

  "What I'm saying is there is truth to that adage, When you play with fire you might get burned'. Precious burned you, so get over it."

  "Yo, fuck you, Maya!" I had Supreme raging and I was loving it.

  "Fuck you too!" I said, pointing my finger in his face. I felt I needed to change up my approach and go hard core with Supreme. That sweet shit wasn't getting quick enough results with him.

  "Get your fuckin' finger out my face."

  "I'll do more than that. I'll get out your face for good. I don't need some confused nigga crying over a bitch that don't even want him and left for the next man. You can sit here and whine by yourself. Fuck you!" I stormed away and I felt Supreme grab my arm.

  "Where the fuck you think you going?"

  "Away from you and this dark cloud you got hanging over your head."

  "No the fuck you ain't. You staying right here." Supreme clutched my face and stuck his tongue down my throat. He then lifted me up and sat me down on the white grand piano and ripped my panties off.

  "You sure you want this pussy?" I murmured in his ear softly but clearly.

  "You know I do," Supreme growled as he tore off my blouse and ravaged my neck. I smiled behind his back as he hands dug into my scalp, pulling on my hair. There was nothing more passionate than an angry fuck.

  "Who the fuck is blowing my phone up?" I moaned, still half asleep. I put the pillow over my head hoping it would silence the noise but the ringing continued. "Supreme, turn my phone off, please." Within thirty seconds my cell was right back to the same shit and I got no response from Supreme. I tossed the pillow off the bed and sat up looking around. Supreme was nowhere in sight and my phone was steady going off.

  "I knew I shoulda left this shit downstairs last night," I said, getting out of bed to see who the stalker was on my line. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I answered.

  "What took you so long to answer the damn phone? You bet not be laid up with Supreme."

  I took the phone away from my ear and stared at it, and then made sure the digits were correct across my screen before I responded. The nigga was still popping off at the mouth, and I walked over to the door to make sure Supreme wasn't lurking around anywhere. "Devon, why in the hell would you be blowing up my phone? You know Supreme could've easily looked at this shit and saw your number."

  "Fuck that nigga! I don't work for him no more. Why would I care."

  "You need to care. If he finds out we got dealings, our whole cover will be blown, you fuckin' idiot."

  "Chill with the name calling. What time are you meeting me at the hotel?" Devon questioned, jumping to the next subject. "I already told my baby moms that I was working the all night shift and wouldn't be home, so we can spend the whole night together."

  "Is that why you're blowing up my phone, not for no emergency shit but to see what time I'll be at the hotel?"

  "Running up in some new, prime pussy is an emergency in my book. So what time should I be expecting you?"

  "Listen Devon..."

  "Un un, I don't want to hear none of that shit. Save the excuses. We have an understanding, one that I warned you not to back out of."

  "Ain't nobody giving you excuses or backing out of shit."

  "Then what were you about to say?"

  "I was going to ask if you can get a room at another hotel."

  "What's wrong with the place we have?"

  "Supreme made a comment, and to be on the safe side, I think we should get a room somewhere else."

  "What type of comment?"

  "Devon, can you stop drilling me? Do you want to hook up tonight or not?"

  "Of course. So what, I'll get the room and you'll reimburse me when I see you?"

  "Yeah, I'll reimburse you." I couldn't believe this cheap motherfucker wanted some ass and wanted me to pay for him to get it.

  "Cool. I'll call you later on with the hotel and room number."

  "Can't wait." I shut my cell and tossed it on the bed. The thought of fuckin' that nigga had me ready to puke. How could I go from getting twisted out by super sexy Supreme to getting squashed by Devon?

  "What has you in such deep thought?" Supreme asked, walking into the bedroom catching me off guard.

  "Waking up seeing you were gone and wondering where you went."

  "I got up early and went in my office to catch up on some work."

  "I thought maybe we were back to square one and you were avoiding me again."

  "No, I understand your position on the situation. Precious left me, not the other way around. It's time for me to stop stressing over shit I have no control over."

  "What does that mean for us?"

  `2 do have feelings for you, but I can't make you any promises."

  "Can you at least promise to give us a chance?"

  "A chance to what, be in a serious relationship?"

  "What, is that so hard to imagine happening?"

  "I don't want to take advantage of you, Maya. You're young and vulnerable. You went through all that bullshit with Clip, then you and Precious were close and I know her leaving has fucked you up, not to mention having someone like Mike for a brother. I don't want you to depend on me emotionally and I let you down too."

  "I'm not worried about that."

  "You should be. With Precious leaving, besides my love for Aaliyah, I don't think I have anything left to give."

  "You say that now, but time heals all wounds. After Clip broke my heart I thought I was done with love until I fell for you, so it is possible."

  "With youth brings optimism, but unlike you, I'm not a teenager anymore. It seems the more time passes the more enraged I become. You have too much ahead of you to become seriously wrapped up with me."

  "Supreme, stop speaking for what I want and need. All I ask is that you give us a chance, nothing more nothing less. I'm not putting any guidelines or stipulations on our relationship. I just want to give us a try. Will you do than"

  "Yeah, we can do that."

  "I'm going to make you so happy, you'll forget about all the pain in the past. I promise you," I said, wrapping my arms around Supreme's neck and embracing his lips with a wet kiss. Months ago I made up my mind that Supreme would be mine and there was no denying me. Only obstacle left was to take care of one last bump in the road, and its name was Devon.

  After sealing the deal with Supreme I left out the house to get all the materials I needed for my evening with Devon. I spent all afternoon meticulously planning my shit out to go off without a hitch. As I was going over the operation in my head I heard my cell phone ringing. I eyed the caller ID and it was my nemesis.

  "Hey, Devon, what's going on?"

  "I was calling to give you the hotel information. I got us an official bungalow at The Beverly Hills Hotel."

  "I bet that cost a pretty penny." />
  "Yeah, but since you footing the bill and money don't seem to be nothing but a thang to you, I went all out."

  "How considerate, but I have to admit I'm getting very excited about being with you tonight."

  `I bet. After you got a feel on how my dick hanging down there, you dying to throw that pussy on me. That shit better be tight too. You better not have given Supreme none. I'll be able to tell if you did."

  "I got you, baby. This will be one night you'll never forget."

  "Cool. I'll see you soon."

  I parked my car across the street, clutching my purse tightly as I sprinted towards the hotel. I spotted Devon's car in the parking lot and knew he was probably in the room rubbing his thumb-sized penis, imagining all the different positions he would fuck me in. When I knocked on the door Devon answered so quickly you would've thought he had been posted right beside the doorknob.

  "What took you so long? I was about to start blowing up your cell."

  "No need, I'm here now," I said, scooting past the wannabe cock blocker.

  "What's all that you got in your hands?" Devon questioned at the Sephora bag I was carrying.

  "Bath and body products. I wanted to spoil you with a hot bath, washing you from head to toe before we did the nasty."

  "That sounds sexy."

  "It is. I even have scented candles so you can be completely relaxed." I began taking out the candles and placing them on the table. "Did you order some champagne?" I asked not seeing any.

  "It should be here any minute," Devon stated right as someone knocked at the door.

  'You get the door, Devon, and I'll be in the bathroom setting up the candles." Devon didn't move and I wondered what he was waiting for. "What's the problem?"

  "I need some money," he said, putting his hand out.

  "Oh, stupid me. Here, this should cover it." I whipped out several hundred dollar bills and slapped them in his sweaty palms. While Devon was grinning, I hurried my ass in the bathroom not wanting to be seen by the waiter.

  After I set up the candles I turned on the faucet in the Jacuzzi tub and poured in some L'Occitane foaming bath and oil. I heard the door shut and came out to the room and saw Devon holding two glasses.


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