by Deja King
"Here you go, baby. The waiter already poured it for us," Devon said, handing me my glass.
"Thank you, but go and check on the bath and make sure the water temperature is just right for you."
"Let me do that. Can't take any chances of that water burning my pretty skin," he said, rubbing his ashy arm. "Hold this for me." Devon handed me his glass.
"Of course. I'll be right here waiting for you." The second Devon was out of view, I opened my purse and poured the strong sedative in his glass of champagne. I added extra since Devon was a big motherfucker. I used my finger to stir it in quickly. "How's that bath coming?" I yelled, making sure Devon didn't pop out of the bathroom surprising me.
"I'm good. Come on in and bring the champagne." When I got in the bathroom, Devon had already stripped out of his clothes and squeezed his big ass in the Jacuzzi.
"You looking mighty comfortable," I commented in a flirty tone.
"I am. But, umm, I don't think there is enough room for you to get in too."
"Don't worry, this is simply for your enjoyment. I'll get my pleasure by making you feel good."
"Maya, you my kind of woman. You pay for everything, wanna nigga to feel good, and you sexy as shit. I see our relationship lasting for a very long time."
"Me too. Now here, drink up." I handed Devon his glass. "But first a toast to the beginning of both of our futures."
"That's right." Devon gulped down his drink in one gulp. "Pour me some more, baby."
"Would love to, but before I do that, let me turn on some music."
"You making this real romantic."
"Oh fuck, I forgot the bottle in the bedroom. I'll be right back."
"Hurry up. I don't want your fine ass out of my sight."
I grabbed Devon's glass and happily refilled it and added some more of the sedative. I needed for him to be as relaxed as possible. Halfway asleep would be the easiest for me. "Here you go, baby. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."
"I'm good, but I want you to stand over there and strip for me. Grind to this music, get a nigga extra hard."
I damn sure didn't want Devon to have the pleasure of seeing me in the flesh, but I did need to stall so the sedatives could kick in. "You got it, you sexy black motherfucker." I stood a few feet from Devon and slowly began taking off one article of clothing at a time.
"Move them hips like Beyonce be doing when she grinding on stage," he directed, as if he was paying me Beyonce type money when this nigga wasn't kicking out loot for nada.
It had taken me over fifteen minutes to unbutton my silk blouse and the sedatives hadn't made a dent in Devon. I moved on to my crisp white pants, unzipping them just as slowly. Soon I found myself standing in my white lace bra and panties, slithering my body. Right when I was about to unclip my bra, I finally got some much needed indication that the shit was hitting home.
"What's wrong, Devon?" He was rubbing his eyes and bubbles were sliding down his face.
"I'm okay," he said, trying to shake off the drowsiness."
"Let me rub your shoulders, give you a little massage so you can feel real good."
"No need, I'm straight."
"Stop it. I want to make my man feel good." I went behind Devon and cemented my hands on his shoulders before he could protest any further. I felt his muscles getting weaker and his body wanting to collapse. "How does that feel?"
"That feels good," he mumbled, barely able to use his mouth to speak.
That's when I went in for the kill. I pulled out my syringe and filled it to the very top from the bottle of Potassium Chloride I had gotten earlier in the day. "Baby, it will all be over soon," I giggled as I plunged the needle in Devon's upper left shoulder. His body flinched but his muscles were too relaxed to react.
"What the fuck..." he stuttered.
I sat on the ledge of the Jacuzzi watching the anguish in Devon's eyes. "Devon, sweetie, you're having a heart attack. I know it's painful but soon you'll be in a more peaceful place. Better than that, after your dead and the coroner performs an autopsy they'll think your big ass died of natural causes."
Devon tried to lift up his arm and reach for my neck but it was a no go. He was entirely too weak at this point.
"Gotta go, and I won't be missing you or that little dick of yours." With the swiftness I gathered all my shit but made sure not to leave a clue that would lead to me.
"You brought this on yourself," I revealed, giving Devon a kiss goodbye on the forehead, leaving him for dead. "You thought this was your show to run. You left me no choice but to prove you wrong."
All Eyes On Me
"You're starting to look like your old self again," Nico said, standing in the doorway.
"Maybe on the outside but not on the inside." I stood in front of the mirror over the dresser able to truly see all my features and recognize my face for the first time in weeks. "Who knew that it took so long for bruises to heal after getting your ass beat?"
"But they're healed, that's the important thing. How is your rib?"
"Much better. Still some slight pain when I move, but at least I can walk without feeling as if I'm about to pass out. Thank you for nursing me back to health."
"Remember that, in case I ever need for you to do the same for me."
"Nico, I can promise you that if you ever need me, I'll be there no matter what."
"I believe you."
"It's the truth. I put that on everything."
"Precious, you don't have to convince me, I know your heart. Most people are fooled by that tough exterior but I know you."
"Then you also know I want to go home. I was too weak before but I need to be with my family."
"Are you sure you're ready?"
"Yes. I have to take care of a few things here, but after that I have to go straighten shit out with Supreme and see my daughter."
"Do you want to call him?"
"I thought about it so many times, but I have to handle this face to face. Then that letter Maya had me write..."
"What letter?"
"I was so busy telling you about the torture Maya put me through that I forgot to mention that bullshit letter the heifer had me pen."
"What did the letter say?"
"Basically she had me tell Supreme that I left him and I didn't want to be with him anymore."
"Word? I know he's fucked up behind that."
"Yeah, I'm sure Maya has taken full advantage, filling his head with all sorts of ridiculous shit."
"You mean shit about us?"
"You don't have to `huh' me, Precious. I know it was Supreme that put that hit out on me. You know, the one you came to New York to warn me about."
I let out a deep sigh and walked over to the bed to sit down. I was torn, but felt Nico deserved for me to be honest with him about a few things. "I guess I shouldn't ask how you found out."
"The same way I found Mike. I can find out pretty much anything if I ask the right questions to the right people."
"How long have you known?"
"It's been awhile now. When you gave me the warning, I put my sources on it and a few weeks later I got the info."
"You have to understand why I couldn't tell you who it was."
"He's your husband, I get that, which is the only reason I didn't try to retaliate against him. That, and I learned he pressed the pause button on the hit. But my question to you is, why did he want me killed?"
"Originally, I figured he harbored a lot of animosity for you trying to take my life which caused me to lose our baby. But I learned the real answer a few weeks ago."
"But you were on lock down a few weeks ago."
"Yeah, Maya was more than thrilled to inform me what Supreme had confided to her."
"Which was?"
"That he found out we had sex during the time I thought he was dead. I assumed it was our secret. Never did I think he would ever find out, but he did. That's what happens when the feds start recording your phone conversations."
; "Leave it up to them motherfuckers to expose some bullshit that has nothing to do with them. Now I see where the Maya thing fits in. You figure she's telling him you ran off with me."
"Exactly. And with me being MIA and our history, I can't blame him. I have to look him in his eyes so he knows I'm telling the truth. I also don't want him to give Maya any type of warning so she can plot and scheme her way out this bullshit she created."
"You think Supreme would get caught up in her lies?"
"One thing I've learned the hard way is to never underestimate that bitch."
"I feel you. So when are we breaking out?"
"Yeah, we. I know you don't think I'm letting you go back to Cali by yourself."
"Nico, I can't bring you back to Cali with me. That would only further feed into the paranoia Supreme has about our relationship."
"Look, it ain't safe there for you. I ain't gonna let you walk into a danger zone by yourself."
"I won't be walking into a danger zone. Maya thinks I'm dead. She's probably dancing on top of a makeshift grave she created in my honor. When I make my presence known she will be caught totally off guard."
"Sony, baby girl, I'm not willing to take that chance. Either we go together or you'll have to call Supreme and have him come meet you here. You need protection by someone you can trust, and that's me."
"I get it. But if you're going back to Cali with me, we have to do it my way."
"Don't we always have to do it your way?" Nico grinned.
"Whatever! But before we break out, I have to pay an old friend a visit, then we outta here."
"Who is that?"
"Nobody you know."
"Hi, welcome to Atomic Records. May I help you?" the middle aged, attractive receptionist asked.
"Yes, I'm here to see Jamal Crawford."
"Is he expecting you? Because he's in a meeting right now."
"No, he's not expecting me, but let him know that Precious Mills is here... now!" I gave the lady a half-ass smile and sat down on the typical black leather couch that all record companies seemed to have.
When I sat down, I noticed the receptionist staring at me but not picking up the phone. I was confused and annoyed by her hold up. "Excuse me, but is there a reason why you're not getting Jamal on the phone?"
"Well, Miss..."
"It's Mrs.," I interrupted.
"Mrs.," the lady sighed. "As I said, Mr. Crawford is in a meeting and I've been directed not to interrupt."
"I'm directing you to interrupt, and quite honestly it's not negotiable. Now call Jamal."
"I simply can't do that. I work for Atomic Records and Mr. Crawford. I have to follow his rules, not yours."
I chuckled out loud not in the mood to deal with the bullshit. Although my face had pretty much healed and with makeup on you couldn't see a flaw, my mind, spirit and body were still fucked up. This chick sitting behind the desk was blocking on some `this is my multimillion dollar company', when in all actuality she was just another employee. I had no time for this shit and was done playing with her.
"Listen," I began as I walked up on her. "This right here," I motioned my hands with the back and forth movement. "It's stopping right now. I don't have time to be playing paddy-cake with you. Get Jamal on the phone now, before I bust it over your head!"
The lady's mouth dropped, stunned by my threat, but I wasn't sure if she understood it was more than that. It was about to become her reality if she didn't speed up the tempo with her actions. I stood with my arms folded, staring the chick down, not flinching once. I counted to three in my head, and when she continued to act as if she was deaf, dumb and blind I bent over and seized her phone. "Now, are you going to call Jamal or are you going to be carried out this motherfucker in a stretcher?"
"I'm calling security right now!"
"You do that, but by the time they get here I would've busted your ass, spoke to Jamal and broke the fuck out. So like I said, what we doing?"
The lady picked up the phone slowly, and I wasn't sure what option she chose until she said, "Mr. Crawford, a Precious Mills is here to see you." She waited a few seconds and then hung up the phone. "Mr. Crawford said he would be right out."
"Now, was that so hard?" I grinned, flashing all thirty-two's.
I didn't even bother to sit back down. I began to walk back and forth waiting for Jamal, and by the time I got to my second turn back, Jamal had appeared. I instantly recognized the tall, reddish-skinned handsome man in the tailored coal gray suit. But no matter how distinguished Jamal grew up to be, in my mind he was still the bona fide hood genius from the projects I grew up in who popped my cherry.
"Precious, I'm surprised to see you," Jamal said, dryly. For some reason I was expecting a different greeting. There didn't have to be firecrackers and explosions, but at least a warm smile.
"Surprised or disappointed? I mean by the look on your face it definitely ain't happiness."
"Follow me. Let's go somewhere in private where we can talk."
I turned my head around and noticed the receptionist damn near falling out her chair trying to hear the words being exchanged between us. I rolled my eyes and picked up my pace so I could get down to it with Jamal. He led me to a conference room and we sat down across from each other at a table that could seat at least forty people.
"How have you been doing?" I asked, with a pleasant smile. I cared, but then I didn't care about the answer to that question. I had so much shit on my plate, but truth was I needed Jamal's help. And though I was itching to get right to it, I tried to play nice first.
"I doubt you care," he said, not trying to hide his true feelings. But this is how you play your game right?"
Okay, clearly Jamal was putting me on Front Street, airing my tactics out on the table. I was relieved, because again I was in no mood to dance around the topic. "You're right, Jamal, I don't care. From the looks of you, you're doing just fine. Maybe if my life wasn't so fucked up I would care, but that's not my circumstances."
"Yeah, last I heard you were missing. No one had spoken to you, not even your husband, Supreme."
"Jamal, I know who my husband is. You don't have to tell me his name," I said, becoming defensive. For the first time I looked down at Jamal's hand and saw that he was wearing a wedding ring. "Congratulations. I see you took the plunge."
He eyed down at the platinum band. "Yep, I'm a married man, and this time my fiancee didn't leave me at the altar, but then my first one technically didn't either. She was being murdered."
"Is that what the chip on your shoulder is about, Nina?"
"Of course! I know that you murdered her, Precious, and when the cops make their case, you're going to jail."
"Oh really? You're so sure about that?"
"Damn straight! I spoke to Detective Moore."
"Jamal, I'm not gonna even lie to you. I've done a lot of fucked up things in my life and I'm sure I'll do a lot more. But on everything I love, I didn't kill Nina. But let's be clear, she did deserve to die."
"Why should I believe you?"
"Because I know who did kill her. At the time, I thought she saved my life and I wanted to protect her. Now I know that she's just a manipulator."
"Kinda like yourself?"
"When I came to your house that morning after learning Nina was dead, you looked me in my eyes and lied to me with a straight face. I believed you and you were lying to me."
"I told you I didn't kill Nina and that was the truth. I meant every word I said that morning. Nina was a loser. She didn't love you. What the fuck! You're married now. You're still hung up on that trick?"
"That's not the point. I trusted you as a friend and you deceived me."
"Oh please, Jamal, save the theatrics. We're talking about my life. You think I was willing to go to jail for a loser like Nina, who I didn't even have the pleasure of killing? Your so-called fiancee set me up. She wanted to kill me, and for what so she could live out some fantasy, made up l
ife with Nico. She was delusional and crazy. Those are two very dangerous components."
"How do you justify the way you live your life?"
"The same way you justify yours. Don't judge me, Jamal. That's not your right. You're a sinner just like me, and don't forget it."
The room went quiet, as if Jamal was soaking in all the words that we battled with. I knew I had blood on my hands, but I never killed anybody that I didn't feel deserved it. Was that my right to do? Well that was something I would have to settle with God.
"What do you need from me, Precious?" Jamal finally asked, breaking the silence. "I know you didn't come to see me because you missed me," he said sarcastically.
"You're right. I know it doesn't matter to you, but you are one of the very few people I respect, believe that." Jamal put his head down and didn't say a word. "Back to what I need from you: Have you ever been to an apartment that Nina had in Queens?"
"Queens? Nina didn't have an apartment in Queens."
"Yes, she did. Obviously you didn't know about it, like you didn't know about the apartment she kept on the West Side."
"You mean the one she kept your ex-fugitive boyfriend, Nico stashed in."
"Yeah, that one. Let's pause and backtrack for a moment because the petty hostility isn't giving me what I need."
"Why should I help you get what you need anyway?"
"Don't you want the person who is responsible for killing Nina to be brought to justice?"
"I find it hard to believe that you're doing all this to get justice for Nina, especially since you've made it very clear you're happy she's dead."
"You're right, it's not about Nina. Having her killer rot behind bars is an added bonus for you and the ultimate payback for me."
"I would like to see that happen, but again, I don't know about any apartment in Queens that Nina lived at. Did you run a search on her to check all previous addresses?"
"Yep, but no listings came up in Queens. Maybe the apartment wasn't actually in her name. I don't know, but I need that address," I said, tapping my fingernails on the mahogany conference table.
"Precious, where have you been? Are you back with Nico?"